3. The inserted DOS who does not know the following Malheur: the last three hours one edited and wants a program it straight to store. But, as terrible, instead of the hoped for completion notice a ' Tile comes locked -- or " disk full " error. There good advice is expensive, because a DUP call usually leads to the loss of the program (MEM.SAV is much too time-consuming and therefore often only at all one does not activate). If one can interrupt a program by means of the Freezers at will, is offered naturally on to insert equal a DOS with that the most important instructions for the order. It is then no more problem such critical situations. to settle, in order to continue afterwards the frozen program easily. The DOS built in the TURBO- FREEZER XL contains all necessary services, which are necessary for this purpose. It is fully single. Enhanced and double Density suited as well as DOS 2,0 and DOS 2,5 compatibly. Will fully supported in addition, the functions 1050 TURBO of the Floppyspeeders, it can or standard floppy one any getunte be used. 3.1. Input of instructions the instruction input in the Komandozeile down at the screen within the Komandozeile is possible effected always editing in the usual way. The cursor cannot leave the Komandozeile however. A diskette instruction consists either of three indications is enough for command alone, or of the command, DETAILS one blank and a file name. Some commands permit the indication to an option, which can be separated, attached directly at the end of the instruction, with a diagonal stroke. The command must be entered immediately after the prompt symbol. Except, the compellingly prescribed blank mentioned above no blanks are permitted. File names may do the Wildcards " * " for any character sequence as well as "? " contain for any indication. Incorrect instructions are easily ignored and to cause not an error message. Such can occur only if during the execution itself an error arises. 3.2. Most user anyway only a floppy one in each case drive assembly 1 will possess basic rules for the execution there responded. The RAM disk is not supported, since the implementation is dependent on the assigned in each case DOS or RAM disk driver always. Wildcards may be indicated also in target file name. Easily the first agreeing file is then addressed. The only exception forms the Rename command REN, which is further below described.