The operating system QMEG+OS 4.0 As angek?ndigt, I developed a new version of the QMEG-OS, the version QMEG+OS 4.0. Here now some details in addition: With the QMEG+OS 4,0 it concerns a 16K-Betriebssystem (OS), which can be used more?ber a switch in place of standard the ATARI XL OS. After the installation (does not go unfortunately without L?ten, it is, in the computer is already a gesockeltes OS-ROM or OS-EPROM) the following things stand for you zus?tzlich to the Verf?gung: 1.Floppy-Speeder-Unterst?tzung The following drive assemblies are unterst?tzt: - Speedy (Ultra speed) - Happy (Ultra speed) - XF551 (High speed) - 1050 turbo (turbo-DRIVE) - hyper+ XF (Ultra speed) The recognition of the drive assembly extension takes place fully automatic. Each drive assembly can be zur?ckgestellt also on normal speed. With Happy and Speedy drive assemblies also the " Slow" mode can be switched on and off or durchgef?hrt a floppy RESET. With Speedern, which work with sector Skewing instead of a TRACK Buffers (XF551, hyper+ XF and turbo), at formatting with activated Speeder the sector Skewing automatically ber?cksichtigt. 2.Ramdisk-Verwaltung with inserted disk copier With at least 192KB auxiliary memory places the QMEG+OS a RAM disk to the Verf?gung, which verh?lt itself exactly like a normal double Density f?higes drive assembly. The following 130XE-kompatiblen memory expansions is recognized: - Buchholz/ABBUC (Bl?cke $$A0 $$C0 $$E0) - Atari magazine (Bl?cke $80 $$A0 $$C0 $$E0) - Erw. from Poland (Bl?cke $80 $$C0 $$E0) - Compy Shop/Megaram 1-3 (Bl?cke $20,$60 $$A0 $$E0) - Newell 1MB (Bl?cke $00,$20,$40,$60,$80 $$A0 $$C0 $$E0 as well as $02,$22,$42 etc..) The QMEG Ramdisk can be addressed under any drive number and with each DOS, which the SIO routines of the OS are formatted beutzt in the three densities single, medium and double. Au?erdem k?nnen with an inserted disk copier whole disks into this RAM disk to be read in and also again written out. That serves on the one hand for copying disks, on the other hand one one can read in e.g. a boat disk into the RAM disk and then the RAM disk than drive assembly 1 specify and thus boats. Zus?tzlich can be used with computers with at least 64KB auxiliary memory also the standard DOS 2,5 RAM disk. Example: The Adventure ZORK I l?dt very h?ufig from disk after, which nervt after one while rather. Therefore we insert the 2.Seite (data side) into a drive assembly and to read the complete disk into the RAM disk. Now boats we quite normally the 1.Seite. If the program requests us to insert the 2.Seite we - to turn instead of the disk - dr?cken a combination of keys, with which the QMEG+OS reroutes now all accesses to drive assembly 1 to the RAM disk, which goes nat?rlich very many more quickly. 3. Drive assembly control F?r each drive assembly 1-8 can be in or switched off the floppy Speeder, or be rerouted accesses to the RAM disk. Also is it m?glich to exchange each drive assembly 2-8 with the drive assembly 1 so there? one of arbitrary drive assemblies boats can. 4. Directory would list and files load Hereby the directory of a DOS 2.x-kompatiblen disk (DOS 2.x, MYDOS or Bibo+Turbo DOS Quad Density) can be indicated to a disk (or the RAM disk). ATARI basic, COM and BIN programs as well as cartridge program k?nnen directly - with or without L? main storage - from the directory to be loaded and started. With MYDOS disks it is also m?glich to branch out to Subdirectories. With the help of this function mu? one no more GAME DOS versions on file disk writes. XF551-Laufwerke are recognized and adjusted before indicating the Directories to the correct density (the XF551 cannot switch selbst?ndig from single or medium to double Density automatically). 5. AS SIMULATOR The AS SIMULATOR in the QMEG+OS serves for the loading of diskette file, which?bertragen direct from cartridge on disk (DOS 2.x or MYDOS) is. Storing from cartridge program is not m?glich however. 6. Machine language monitor (MLM 2,3) In the QMEG+OS also a complete small machine language monitor is contained, which unterst?tzt the following functions: Memory Anzeige/?nderung in/along: - hexadecimal values - decimal values - ATASII indications - screen code character - Disassemblieren (hex or decimally) Scan the memory after: - hexadecimal values - decimal values - ATASII indications - screen code character Also the RAM B?nke of a memory expansion k?nnen to be indicated, ge?ndert or scanned. Storage areas shift (move) or compare (Verify) or f?llen. Counting and converting Hex and decimal numbers. 6502-Register anzeigen/?ndern and coded programs start. Disk sector reads directly and writes With all obligations to display also an expression is m?glich on the printer. 7. Module/basic and cold weather starting control The inserted basic or a put in SWITCH module (Action!, MAC/65, basic XL) can be switched on and off at any time. It can be durchgef?hrt (with SHIFT RESET) at any time a cold weather starting. 8. QMEG Men? The QMEG Men? with SELECT/RESET one calls. From here become all attitudes specified above (drive assemblies, RAM disk etc..) durchgef?hrt and all actions ausgel?st (read disk in, write, file load, MLM call, RAM disk out boats etc.). All functions in the QMEG Men } leave main storage untouched, i.e. it is m?glich, with a RESET-FIRM program the Men? to call occasionally to regard around e.g. a directory or copy a disk and the QMEG Men? to leave again, without zerst?ren the straight geladende program. (exception is nat?rlich boats and loading of files.) 9. Function keys The following 1200XL-Funktionstasten stands to the Verf?gung: - cursors above/down/left/right position - screen in/out - keyboard-click in/out - key repeating rate slowly Some the Einstellm?glichkeiten in the QMEG Men? can be ausf?hren also?ber combinations of keys directly in a current program: - switching between High speed and normal speed f?r drive assembly 1 - replacing the drive assembly 1 by the RAM disk 10. RESET key combination SELECT - QMEG Men? call SHIFT - cold weather starting ausf?hren (boats) OPTION - BASIC ein(!)schalten START - all QMEG special functions switch off OPTION and START are queried only with the cold weather starting. All functions of the RESET key combination k?nnen also more?ber the QMEG Men? are ausgel?st. Switching all QMEG functions off is durchgef?hrt automatically by the QMEG+OS, as soon as a program the configuration table of the QMEG+OS (lies from $3ed-$3f7 in the RAM)?berschreibt. In this case function only the RESET key combination, freezing into the auxiliary memory and the QMEG Freezer (see below). 11. Programs in auxiliary memories or on disk freeze Hierf?r are at least 64KB auxiliary memory necessarily. By means of the combination of keys CTRL HELP CTRL a program can be frozen into the auxiliary memory, in order to thaw it out more sp?ter again (with CTRL HELP CTRL-L). however can it with complex plays when thawing problems out give (the leidigen not readable hardware register is to it debt). Also an exchange of a frozen program with that straight current program is m?glich. It is m?glich to store two current programs simultaneous the memory. With the disk read and write function in the QMEG Men? k?nnen the frozen programs also on disk to be stored and again loaded. 12. Mini Freezer f?r Freezer POKEs Hereby one (nearly) can freeze each current program (play), one or more Freezer POKEs type, and the program out then again thaw. Freezing is to be taken here w?rtlich, which is blindly typed current program (picture and sound) will simply continued and the Freezer Pokes m?ssen. This happens therefore this way, so that there are no problems when thawing out (because of the not readable hardware register). The QMEG Freezer functions with all programs, which do not switch the operating system ROM off completely. Can the program which can be frozen is resetfest, one nat?rlich also with SELECT/RESET in the QMEG Men? goes and the Freezer Pokes in the machine language monitor typing. 13. Place f?r own SIO drivers In the QMEG+OS still something place (124 byte) is f?r drivers, which are eingeh?ngt into the SIO routine of the OS k?nnen (e.g. f?r a ROM DISK or a printer driver). At present there is a driver f?r the ARGS ROMDISK, the Centronics interface of the QMEG-OS 3.x as well as f?r a self-developed Flash ROM module. In order to accommodate these functions all in the 16K-Betriebssystem of the ATARI XL/XE, from the original XL/XE operating system the following was removed: - SELF TEST - cartridge Handler (replaces by AS SIMULATOR) - international character set Programs, those the POKE 756.204 for switching on on internat.. Character set use (e.g. the turbo-basic compiler), k?nnen however also under QMEG+OS to be re-used, since the QMEG+OS ensures daf?r, there? in this case the normal character set is activated, so there? the umlauts are not only readable. Schlie?lich were removed still some other routines, which were intended by ATARI f?r hardware never developed and also only with such hardware can be used (Relozierer and linear list administration f?r loadable IO HANDLER). The routines f?r Ger?te at the parallel bus are contained however - in contrast to the QMEG 3,2 - in the QMEG+OS 4,0. Erh?ltlich is the QMEG+OS 4,0 Stefan thorn village Ringstr. 22 30966 Hemmingen Price: Collection with above address: 30 DM Order by v-cheque: 35 DM Order by cash on delivery: 35 DM + NN Geb?hren (at present 6.50 DM) New version? Possibly I still another update of the QMEG+OS will give change. I make that however only, even if Verbesserungsvorschl?ge arrive with me. So far it there quite lean out (only one suggestion) sees. The following is e.g. conceivable: - M?glichkeit of the re-establishment of the Player/Missile registers when thawing a program (thawing out many plays out of disk fails only because of it) - improvement of the Ultra speed routine, thereby one with kopiergesch?tzten disks the Speedy always do not switch off mu? - Kompatiblit?t to the ATARI OS improve F?r the last point m?chte I you asks to communicate to me each program which does not l?uft under the QMEG+OS. Ask in writing to above address or by E-Mail to " har@atari ". So far me the following programs are well-known: - Inside (yet does not examine) - drop it (jumps in the middle into the boat routine of the OS) - Spy vs Spy I (it remains h?ngen however perfectly, l?uft also not under SPOS) to the shop, after Dr?cken of BREAK l?uft Stefan thorn village The hyper+ XF ROM - a new development f?r the XF551 In time to the ABBUC JHV I finished a new operating system f?r the XF551, mentioned hyper+ XF. There are two variants, one f?r to 5,25"-Floppys and one, which are intended f?r converted XFs with a 3,5"-Laufwerk. The installation of the hyper+ XF ROM is very easy, one mu? only the XF?ffnen, which lever old ROM chip from its base and which new use. Also the change in a 3,5"-Laufwerk is m?glich without L?ten. It l??t itself however only single -, medium or double Density uses (max. 720KB), High Density (1,4MB) is not m?glich, since the floppy CONTROLLER does not control WD1772 into the XF this format. Here the extensions built in the hyper+ XF ROM in the comparison with the XF551-ROM: 1. Ultra speed and hyperspeed All OS and many DOS version f?r the XL/XE unterst?tzen the Ultra speed of the Speedy and Happy (e.g. SPOS, QMEG-OS, US+OS, Bibo DOS, Sparta DOS). Now also the XF551 understands Ultra speed, what continues to accelerate diskette operation, here a comparison: XF551 normally: 100% XF551 High speed: 160% XF551 Ultra speed: 200% Should have you still no Ultra speed f?higes OS in your computer, hyperspeed is used: Hyperspeed is just as quick, has gegen?ber Ultra speed however the advantage, there? daf?r the n?tige routine is very small (only 128 byte) and into the ATARI XL/XE operating system latch themselves l??t. This routine is already contained of the 1050-TURBO-Erweiterung in the hyper+ XF ROM and can be already loaded?hnlich as with before that boats of a disk into the ATARI (through boats without disk in the drive assembly). Au?erdem l??t itself software f?r the XF551 easily in such a way patchen, there? Hyperspeed is unterst?tzt. In order to use the high speed also with a DOS, as with the normal XF551 the disks m?ssen being particularly formatted (Ultra speed second gate Skew). That happens?brigens automatically, if the formatting command is sent by the DOS in Ultra ultra-oder hyperspeed to the XF. For copying disks I will develop still another special disk copier (hypercopy), which reads and writes the sectors also with normally formatted disks quickly. 2. Formats, partitions and operatings mode Disks k?nnen in single, medium or double to be formatted alternatively on one side (with 3,5"-Laufwerken only 40 TRACKS) or bilaterally (whole disk). E.G. 2880 sectors with 256 byte stand to the Verf?gung, make together 720KB. one need a suitable DOS (MYDOS, SpartaDOS, BeweDOS) to only use with the bilateral double Density format on 3,5"-Disketten. With the hyper+ XF can one in addition, a 3,5"-Diskette in four partitions divide, with 5,25"-Disketten stand for only two partitions to the Verf?gung. On each partition contents of a 5,25"-Diskseite (single/medium or double) l??t themselves accommodate and nat?rlich also with each DOS work on. Au?erdem can be gebootet each partition. F?r the administration of the partitions gives itself it the following eight operatings mode, more?ber the Bootmen built in the hyper+ XF ROM? to adjust leave: Mode A,B,C,D: Access to one of the four partitions of a 3,5"-Disk. With these four modes one knows the appropriate partition boats. Mode M,F: (multi, multi-format) The four partitions can be accessed with ascending drive numbers (abh?ngig of that Switch attitude in the back on the drive assembly). If the XF is adjusted e.g. as drive assembly #1, then become with D1: to D4: the partitions A to D addressed. One has quasi four drive assemblies to the Verf?gung, which is zusammengefa?t on a disk. Thus one can access with each DOS the entire disk or copy together also e.g. the four data disk side of " Alternate Reality - The Dungeon " on a 3,5"-Disk, which makes diskette change?berfl?ssig when playing. In the f-mode zus?tzlich with each partition change an inquiry of the Density is durchgef?hrt, so there? one also without special software between differently formatted partitions to change can. Mode S: (ST/IBM/HDI/Standard mode) Serves for the access to double-sided disks in the old standard format, as it is used e.g. by the HDI. Also ST/IBM-720KB-Disks do not k?nnen in this mode to be read, letters go however. Mode X: (XF mode) This mode is active when switching on of the XF on, it corresponds to the normal XF551-Betrieb. The mode X differs from the mode S only by the format on the R?ckseite the disk (the XF551 stores the sectors on the R?ckseite " wrongly around ", e.g. the logical sector 1441 in the s-format on TRACKS 0, sector 1, in the x-format against it on TRACK 79, is sector 18 with a 3,5"-Double-Density-Disk). 3. Bootmen? Bootet one the hyper+ XF without a disk, becomes a Men? indicated, with which one knows the operating mode?ndern or which can load hyperspeed routine into the computer. When leaving the Men?s an inserted disk is then gebootet. 4. TRACK analysis and formatting instruction Hereby many kopiergesch?tzte disks (single or medium) can be copied, a fast sector map function use (?hnlich Speedy Diskmapper, in 10 seconds to become 40 TRACKS scanned) and own arbitrary formats to produce. The TRACK analysis is at least as well as the MS copy f?r the Speedy, to be copied k?nnen disks also - ver?ndertem sector Skew - ver?nderten sector Abst?nden - DATA CRC error - header CRC error - record type error - record emergency found errors (zerst?rte sectors) - doubled sectors (phantom sector) - are enough for sectors (draw DATA error) - short sectors (up to 44 on a TRACK) 5. Improved Density inquiry The hyper+ XF can change without special software (like DOS with XF Unterst}tzung) of single or medium on doubles. However as with the XF551 only after the first access to a disk the density is correctly adjusted. If one calls the directory thus e.g. with a DOS without XF Unterst?tzung after a disk change, then folds only with the second time (only if one from single/medium on doubles or changes in reverse). With DOS version, which reads with a?ffnen file the sector 1 (Sparta DOS, MYDOS), gives it against it no problems. The hyper+ XF offers however the M?glichkeit to insert with something L?ten a contact at the drive assembly flap then the Density inquiry functions?hnlich as fully automatic with the 1050. That can be done however only with 5,25"-Laufwerken, with 3,5 " because of the lack of space in the drive assembly will probably fail. The disk utility (sector copier, TRACK copier for copying gesch?tzter disks, disk map by, partition Auswahlmen?, ST/IBM disk readers) are not finished yet. I become it therefore gradually on the ABBUC disks ver?ffentlichen. Price of the hyper+ XF ROM (zun?chst without disk utility): Collection: 25 DM Order with v-cheque: 30 DM Order by cash on delivery: 30 DM + NN Geb?hren (at present 6.50 DM) Order: Stefan thorn village Ringstr.22 30966 Hemmingen Please with an order indicate whether the 5,25"-Version or the 3,5"-Version want to have you. Stefan thorn village The Flash ROM module Since 1995 we (the H.A.R.) plan to develop, a ROMDISK module for the module pit. However a problem stood in the way: At the module pit stupid-proves the absolutely necessary RESET signal is missing, so that the module activates itself automatically when pressing a certain RESET key combination. After we finally succeeded to produce the RESET signal with a monoflop we assembled a prototype from a Ballblazer module with a usual 64KB-EPROM, and on the JHV 97 demonstrated. Opposite the ARGS ROMDISK has ours the advantage that no special OS or software is necessary, in order to access the ROM DISK. One must only the module put in and can as used with the ATARI to be worked. For the activation of the module one presses the combination of keys START HELP RESET or SHIFT CTRL ACRE SET. Then the menu of the ROM DISK on the screen and one appear can any program from the ROM DISK load. So far - so well. After the JHV 97 we made a plate draft, even still fit the plate (1 64KB-EPROM and 3 TTL ICs) into an original ATARI X Modulgehaeuse. The only problem of a ROM DISK is that describing of the EPROMs is very pedantic in the ROMDISK module. An EPROM (erasable programmable ROM) is not primarily a ROM i.e. during (with 5 V) can an EPROM be only read, letters goes. One can change contents of an EPROM only in two steps: 1) EPROM delete: In addition one needs delete equipment, which consists only in principle of a UV lamp. With that UV light is removed the charge held in the EPROM by the round transparent window on the EPROM chip. That takes altogether about 7 minutes. After the deletion all bits are set in the EPROM to 1, i.e. all bytes have the value $$FF=255. 2) EPROM burn: With an EPROM burner attached at the ATARI (Peter Burner, Bibo Burner) one can again burn afterwards the EPROM, i.e. some bits are converted of 1 to 0, as by means of a high programming tension (12-13 V) electrons are pumped by an isolation layer to a bit cell. All too quickly does not go however, my Bibo Burner nevertheless needs to burning 64KB 3 minutes. Importantly: With the burner only bits can be converted of 1 to 0. If one would like to convert a bit of 0 to 1, one must unfortunately reset the whole EPROM, set thus all bits to 1. In addition one can delete and again burn an EPROM only some 100 times, afterwards the EPROM says good-bye... As one sees, the reprogramming of a EPROMs is quite complex: - EPROM from base of the ROMDISK module lever - delete EPROM in the UV delete equipment (lasts 7 minutes) - program EPROM with suitable EPROM burner again (lasts 3 minutes for 64KB) - EPROM again into bases put BUT: To these disadvantages one does not have to resign oneself nowadays any longer. Since a few years is there so-called Flash EPROMs, which has the following enormous advantages opposite normal EPROMs: 1) Flash EPROMs can be deleted WITHOUT employment of delete equipment and a burner directly in the ATARI and described again, even the 12V-Programmierspannung in the Flash EPROM are internally produced. This is reached by an additional write line (/ WE) at the Flash EPROM. The wiring of the write line in the ATARI is quite simple: / WE = NOT(BPHI2 AND EMERGENCY R/W) In order to burn or the EPROM delete a byte, is not sufficient it by the way to work on the EPROM easily with POKEs. Rather determined addresses with certain bytes must be described in an exactly specified order, before a byte is actually burned or the Flash EPROM is deleted . Thus the Flash EPROM is protected against an inadvertent change. 2) Modern Flash EPROMs can be deleted guaranteed at least 100000 times and described again again. 3) Flash EPROMs can be described very quickly, for 64KB need the ATARI only 4 seconds (a PC even only 1 second would need). The deletion of 64KB takes 2 seconds. The letter goes so quickly that one can abuse even 180 KB Flash EPROM as buffers for a disk copier, in order to copy also without RAM DISK in the ATARI a disk in a slide. For our ROMDISK module we selected ourselves the 512KB-Flash-EPROM 29F040 of AMD (jawoll, correctly read: 512 Kilo byte). This chip, which is to be had for only 15 DM with Conrad, has still another further advantage: The 512KB is divided into 8 blocks to 64KB, which can be deleted independently. So all the 512 KB do not have to be deleted equal, if one wants to change contents of the Flash EPROMs. After René Schlichting had fished the associated data sheet of the 29F040 from the Internet, was clearly that the circuit of our ROM DISK only by a write signal be extended must, in order also Flash EPROMs to delete and to describe be able. Our new circuit draft is able to use up to 1MB Flash EPROM as ROM DISK and fits still in a ATARI Modulgehaeuse. However we will use first times (only) 512KB. The ROM DISK functions by the way quite similarly as a RAM DISK: With a POKE into the address range $$D580-D5FF a 8KB-Bereichen from the Flash EPROM, from 64 the available, is faded in into $$A000-$BFFF the storage area. The only hook thereby is that starting from $$BC40 normally the Graphics lies 0 screen. That would mean that when switching on of a 8KB-ROM-Bank on the screen begins moved to play. But if one waits for a vertical blank interrupt before the access to a 256-Byte-Sektor of the ROM DISK, that is no more problem. In the meantime Christoph Kirzanowski soldered the ROMDISK module together and tested I it. Result: Folds perfectly. It makes fun correct to describe the Flash EPROM evenly briefly again times and to have all important utilities in the ROM the Verfuegug. For a demo on the JHV 98 I wrote still another ROMDISK driver for the QMEG-OS and a burning and a delete program, with which into the Flash EPROM will transfer any DD disk can. Since on the JHV 98 active interest in the Flash ROM module prevailed (already over 30 reservations) we a small series (50 pieces) of the module will probably present. However I must still write some software for the module, therefore it will probably last the completion of the modules at least up to the ABBUC JHV 1999. The price of the module (512KB Flash ROM) will move for instance with 50-60DM, more exact information takes place later on this side. Stefan thorn village