1. Connect the 1050 drive to the ATARI Computer and use the 2nd port of the drive to connect the SIO2PC to the PC computer. 2. Install and run the Ape for Windows 98, after the registration delay select "Start APE'98 Now" 3. Select: "File" => "New" => " Atr disk image" and choose the size of .ATR disk image you would like to create. 4. enter name for the .ATR file and where it will located on your PC drive. (then push save) if you do not want to create more .ATR files.. push exit. 5. from the "drag to load image" window.. drag the filename to drive 2 6. load a disk copy utility on the atari.. (i recommand to use my copyer) it will automaticaly detect the send drive.. 7. insert the SLINGSHOT to disk 1 and copy it to disk 2. (basicly you can use mydos to copy disk 1 to disk 2).. when the copy is done.. disk 2 is the image you created and it contains the slingshot game.. you can test the new .atr image file with the atari800win emulator... dont for get to email it to me ;) if you want to boot an .atr file from your pc to atari.. turn of the 1050 disk drive.. load an .atr image file to disk 1 of the APE software (click on the disk icon and select the .atr file) now boot your ATARI computer.. the atari will boot the .atr disk troubleshooting... by defult the APE software is set to use COM1 of your PC.. make sure the SIO2PC cable is connected to COM1 on the PC computer