Below is instruction of installation TTP. Read whole! ----------- - Prepare 28-pin socket - cut pins: 1, 20, 22, 27, - pins 20 and 22 solder with using piece of wire, - to pin no. 1 solder white wire, - to pin no. 27 solder red wire. - Find on computer's board integrated circuit: CO61598 This is ROM with operational system. This integrated circuit has 28 pins. - Prepared socket solder on this ROM. - White wire from socket solder to pin no. 13 PIA - Red wire from socket solder to pin no. 12 PIA PIA is integrated circuit on the board with symbol: CO14795 - To pin no. 12 and 13 in PIA solder resistors 4K7, second ends of resistors connect with pin no. 20 in PIA (+5V) ATARI 65XE 130XE (and similar) ------------------------------ - Find on the board integrated circuit NE555 (has 8 pins). At its pin no. 3 is path. You should cut it at this pin. - To pin no. 3 NE555 solder blue wire from connector - To pin no. 34 PIA CO14795 solder green wire from connector ATARI 800XL ----------- - Find on board integrated circuit U19 74LS14. It has 14 pins. At its pin no. 8 is path. You should cut it at this pin. - To pin no. 8 U19 74LS14 solder blue wire from connector - To pin no. 34 PIA CO14795 solder green wire from connector - Find on board integrated circuit MMU. It has symbol CO61618. At its pin no. 15 is path. You should cut it at this pin. - To pin 15 MMU solder grey wire from connector. - To integrated circuit CO61598, to its pin no. 20 solder orange wire from connector (on this integrated circuit is soldered socket) - Find on board integrated circuit with symbol 74138 (74LS138) - To its pin no. 9 solder yellow wire from connector - In back of computer drill hole and mount button. On the diagram it has symbol P - To its solder two white wires from connector. - Brown wire from connector solder to socket soldered at integrated circuit CO61598 Wire solder to pins 20 and 22, which are soldered together before. - Black wire from connector connect with ground on board. This is a wide path rounded the board. Or solder to pin 14 soldered socket. - Red wire from connector connect with pin no. 28 on soldered socket. - TTP board preserve from short-circuit and put it on computer's board. - To socket put eprom with program for TTP - TTP board connect with connector. Markers should be next to each other. ---->[PICTURE NO.1]<---- - Assemble computer. - Turn on power. After pressing TTP button at back of computer on the screen you will see the menu. ---->[PICTURE NO.2]<---- The view of TTP board at side of elements. REMARKS ------- - Dismount up part of ATARI - Remove keyboard If you pull the belt, the keyboard will disconnect with socket which is on board. - Remove board, remove sheet metal - Solder with using warmer soldering-iron (12V-24V) (power supply throught transformer which separate from 220V). Do not use any transformer soldering-iron! - Test of running of TTP should be done when board is not mounted yet and without mounted keyboard. - When everything is ok you should mount computer. Proposed way of TTP running --------------------------- - remove the casing of computer - solder the 28-pins socket to integrated circuit CO61598 - turn on the computer, should works correctly. If not, probably is short-circuit between pins. - solder the white and the red wire from soldered socket to integrated circuit PIA CO14795 - solder all the wires from TTP connector to described before points on Atari board - cut path between pin no. 15 MMU CO61618 and pin no. 20, 22 OS Atari CO61598 - cut path between pin no. 3 and the rest integrated circuits (RST). This concern 65XE or similar for 800XL cut path between pin no. 8 U19 74LS14 and the rest integrated circuits. - in TTP connector join together wires grey and orange, also join together wires blue and green, - turn on the computer, should works correctly. - remove made before joines (grey-orange and blue-green), - to soldered socket put TTP eprom - connect to connector the TTP board - look out on short-circuit! Isolate anything that need it. - turn on the computer, should work correctly - turn on TTP (press button), you will see screen with TTP menu. REMARK ------ - eprom has sign which desymmetrical it. The sign should be in the same place where the sign of integrated circuit CO61598 is. Different putting eprom to socket may damage eprom or computer. - TTP connector should be connect with TTP board in that way: white signs should be next to each other. Other way of connect it may damage computer - all connections on the board should be done when the power is turn off. - solder only with using warmer soldering-iron. Power throught transformer which separate from 220V (220/12V or 220/24V) - module is checked and works correctly - eprom works correctly (was checked) Good luck! Zenon/Dial Translation: K.P.