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J K K ? 1/0}I1>/ 1 1>7 D 1 1ޥ) JLG<©ĩLG}umber, if you will read thesector you will get different sets ofdata.SHORT SECTOR: short sector is asector with less theJ?}n 128 bytes.FUZZY OR PHANTOM SECTOR: when readingthis sector you will get a CRC errorand random data set.DELETED DATA MJ@}ARK SECTOR: thissector is a good sector but the datatype flag had been changed toreflect a bad data mark.it is almost imJA}possible to controland change the sector header with anunmodified disk drive.Well that's all what i can say aboutthe secJB}tor, please forgive me if imissed something.er with anunmodified disk drive.Well that's all what i can say aboutthe secH.  FF                    Rt}-----721-1023 free for files1024 extended VTOC1025-1040 not usedwell that's all what i can say aboutthe format ofFs}  FF                    NF}                          NG}        MAPPING THE DOS DISK by: nir darey.This time we will examine hoNH}w the DOSuses sectors to store and keep trackof programs or data files.lets look at a DOS disk.The first three sectors cNI}ontains theboot information. Sectors 4 - 359 arefree for files. Sector 360 is theVTOC. Sectors 361 - 368 are thedirectoryNJ} information. Sectors 369 -719 are free for files. Sectors 720is not used. Sectors 712 - 1023 arefree for files in enhanceNK}d densityonly. Sector 1024 is the extendedVTOC for enhanced density only.Sectors 1025 - 1040 are not used.There are threNL}e different kinds ofsectors that stores information aboutthe whole disk.First the BOOT SECTORS. first we mustunderstand wNM}hat is a boot sector.well, a boot sector is the firstsector on a disk. the boot sectoris actually the header of the wholeNN}disk. The most important at the bootsector are it's first six bytes.Byte zero is the boot flag, it isusually unused.Byte NO}1 contains the number of sectorsto be read as part of the bootprocess. the number can be upto 256.Bytes 2-3 contains the sNP}tart addressto load the boot data.Bytes 4-5 are the initializationaddress.As for the boot sectors in the DOSdisk, the boNQ}ot flag is always zero,the number of boot sector are three,the address to load the boot sectorsis 1792 and the initializatNR}ionaddress is 5440.Bytes 6-7 are the address that thecomputer will jump to continue load.Byte eight is unused. Byte nine NS}is thenumber of sectors buffer ( =3).Byte ten is the drive enable bits, bits 0-7 equal to drives 1-8. byteten is usualy 1NT}31 in decimal, in binary it's equal to 10000011. As youcan see drives 1,2 and 8 are is use.Byte eleven is unused.Bytes 12NU} and 13 are the start addressfor the buffers, equal to 6604.The 14 byte indicates if there is DOSon the disk or not. If thNV}e byte isequal to zero means that there is noDos on the disk, if the byte is 1then DOS.SYS is on the disk.Bytes 15 - 16 iNW}s the first sector ofDOS.SYS file usualy it's 4.The 17 byte is the offset to sectorlink data, the byte is equal to 125.ByNX}tes 18 - 19 indicates the start ofmain DOS.SYS file, it's equal to 1995The 20 byte is the first byte of theboot data.thosNY}e values can be changed with thewright tool.secondly the Volume Table Of Contentsor as known the VTOC. the VTOC datais lNZ}ocated in sector 360, and in thissector you can find how many sectorsare free, what sector is used orunused and moreThe fN[}irst 10 bytes contains generalinformation about the disk.Byte zero is used to indicate the DOStype normally it's equal to N\}2 for DOS2.0/2.5.Bytes one and two contains the totalor sectors on the disk. for DOS 2.0it's 707 and for DOS 2.5 it's 101N]}0.Bytes three and four contains thenumber or currently free sectors.Bytes 10 to 99 contains the valuesrepresenting the fiN^}rst 719 sector ofthe disk. Let me explain how it'sdone: divide bytes 10 to 99 intobits. Byte 10, bit 7 is sector 0.Byte 1N_}0, bit 6 is sector 1.and so on...Byte 10, bit 0 is sector 7.Byte 11, bit 7 is sector 8.and so on...byte 99, bit 0 is secN`}tor 719.now check if the bit is equal to onethen the sector is free. If the bitis equal to zero then the sector isin use.Na}The rest of the bytes, bytes 100 to127 are unused.DOS 2.5 have an extended VTOC thatlocated is sector 1024.Bytes 0 to 12Nb}1 represent sectors:48-1023 the same way as before.Byte 0, bit 7 is sector 48.and so on...Byte 121, bit 0 is sector 1023.Nc}Bytes 122 - 123 contain the numberor free sectors on enhanced areaonly.And last the directory sectors.there are eight seNd}ctors that arereserved for a diskette directory.each sector able to contain up toeight files. means the maximum numberof Ne}files that can be placed on singlediskette is 64.There are 16 bytes available for eachfile entery.The first byte is the fNf}lag byte. theflag byte contains the informationabout the condition of the file.divide the flag byte into bits andcheck: INg}f bit 0 = 1 then the file isopen for output. If bit 1 = 1 thefile was created by DOS 2.0/2.5.Bits 2,3,4 are not used. If bNh}it 5 = 1then the file is locked.If bit 6 = 1 then the file is normal.And if bit 7 = 1 then the file hasbeen deleted.The Ni}second and third bytes containsthe total sectors of the file.Byte 3-4 contains the starting sectornumber of the file.ByteNj}s 5-12 contains the file name,And bytes 13-15 contains the filename extension.And last let's look at the filessectors. iNk}n one sector there are 128bytes. Each file sector contains125 bytes of file data followed bythree bytes of dos informationNl}.Bytes 0 to 124 contains the fileitself, which can be data,text,basicprogram or anything else.Byte 125 contains the totalNm} numberof bytes that are actually used,which is normally 125.The next two bytes (126-127) containstwo pieces of informatiNn}on.The first six bits of byte 126 holdsthe file number, the number can befrom 0 to 63. for example, the firstfile in the No}directory would have thevalue of zero here and the secondfile would give the value of one.The final two bits of byte 126 aNp}ndthe whole byte 127 when put togetherto give a 10 bit number which pointthe next sector of the file. Thisvalue will be sNq}et to zero of thissector is the end of the file.that's all, if you have any questionplease contact me and i will be happyNr}to reply.of thissector is the end of the file.that's all, if you have any questionplease contact me and i will be happyL the diskette. free for files1024 extended VTOC1025-1040 not usedwell that's all what i can say aboutthe format ofD                          Ru}        dear yohn stecyk.thank you for your lovely letterand for the disk's witch you had senRv}dme. i am sending you some disk's frommy collection that i think willinterest you. in one disk you willfind two programs Rw}that i wrote, onecalled "THE GRAPHICS DOS" and theother is "THE TRICK", most of theprograms that i write are specialrequeRx}st from friends, so you can saythat their are public domain, you cangive them to any one who isinterested in them. you wilRy}l noticethat few of the programs that i sendyou can't be copyed with unmodifieddisk drive, if you want a back upcopy i wiRz}ll be happy to send it toyou. i have an 1050 disk drive withthe super archiver chip in it, i cancopy allmost any protectedR{} disk.there were only two disk that i haveand cannot be copyed, but i am goingto solve this problem by adding the"bit wriR|}ter" to the super archiverthis will make my drive the ultimatecopyer.you had mentioned in your letter thatyou want to leR}}arn 6502 machine language, will i am sending you abook witch called "machine languagefor the absolute beginner" from thisR~}book i learned to program is machinelanguage. i hope it will help you toothe two programs that are at the endof the book "R}ALPA","disassembler" arein same side with "THETRICK" so you don'T have to copy them.in the disks that i had send you, youR}will find the "PARROT", parrot is asound digitizer for the atari. i willdescribe you how the program worksand how to builR}t the hardware.here is a list of the parts that youwill need and the schematic design ofthe hardware.i R}had looked through you catalog,you have a lot of title's that iwould like to have. here is a list ofsome of those titel's:R}i will be very happy if you can copythem and send them to me. write mewhat you want from me and i will behappy R}to send them to you. as i saidi can copy everything that i have.when i will send you the thing thatyou want, i will ask yoR}u for moretitel's that i don't have.i didn't have time to look in theMACE catalog, if i will find anything interested thR}ere i will write you.if you have any question about thecomputer or about programming, pleasefeel free to ask me, if i knR}ow theanswer i will be happy to answer you.since the time that i send you mycatalog i had gained few moreprograms:lunarR} leeper,story book maker,atari cad/cam,the hidden fortress,tetrix,diskio,music box,frog masteranimal world,atartris, fortrR}ess,atari music i.well that all for now i hope that iwill hear form you soon YOURS SINCERELY R}NIR DAREY P.O.BOX 6002 ACCO, ISREAL, 24720 form you soon YOURS SINCERELY PB  FF                    V}                          V}        THE BASIC TUTOTIAL Hello to you all atari fans out there that are still supV}porting these marvelous computer. This is going to be our new Basic Tutorial written by Saferman Ofer from Israel. Many AV}tari users have some basic knoledge of Basic, but since I'm going to write a toturial, it is intended for everybody so the moV}re experienced programers will have to indure the basic stuff, at least at the beginning. Since many Atari users are alreadV}y familiar with the superb Turbo Basic, which I think it's the best Basic for the Atari ever written, will be glad because, aV}lthough I'm going to write the demo programs and explanations using standard Atari Basic, I'll devote in every article a segmV}ent fot Turbo Basic according to the covered commands in that article. Now lets stop with the nonsense and get to work. V}So as I said, first the basics, and what is more basic than the PRINT command. The PRINT command does exactly as the meaning V}of the word - it prints to the screen.For example:PRINT "SAMPLE" - will print the word SAMPLE after presing RETURN. NotV}e the use of quotation marks which is very inportant since if we will write only SAMPLE, the computer will try to print the vV}alue of the variable SAMPLE, but about variables, later on. Now lets try some math:PRINT 10+5 - after pressing RETURN the V}computer will give the result which is 15. Well that, I must say, was definately basic stuff and we want to advance a littlV}e. First every basic program must consist of lines.The examples above were using direct mode, which is a way of entering onV}ly a few commands, but to write a Basic programm we need line numbers.So if we want, just for example to type a lot of thingsV} we will a program:10 PRINT "THIS IS A SAMPLE"20 PRINT "PROGRAM" Now after we are a little bit smarter lets start makinV}g things short.The abbreviation of the "PRINT" command is "?" - Yes just a question mark. We have reached the point in ourV} education that we can discuss VARIABLES.There are 2 types of variables NUMMERIC variables and STRING variables. For exampV}le:VAR=10OFER$="THIS IS A MESSAGE" Variables have some restrictions.A string variable has to be DIMensioned first to leV}t the computer now how much space you need for it. The command that performs this task is DIM or COM. For example:DIM A$V}(10) This will tell the computer that you will use a string variable called A$ and it will be 10 signs long, meaning in thV}ose 10 spaces you can use any ascci sign on the keyboard. You can use the same name for a nummeric variable and a string vaV}riable but that could get you mixed up so it is best to avoid it. The next thing i would like to discuss will be arrays or V}two-dimensional strings. An array must be dimensioned just like a string but it can apply only for numeric arrays because theV} Atari doesn't have string arrays. For example:DIM ARRAY(100,100) This will tell the computer to reserve 10000(100*10V}0) spaces for the newly dimensioned array. It is very useful for tables because ARRAY(0,0-100) will hold the first column of V}a table ARRAY(1,0-100) the second, etc. Maybe the readers till this point will ask why don't I give more example and just sV}tick to the basic ? Well, a few reasons:First all of this is quite easy to understand and could be even fun to experiment, seV}cond I thought it best if first I'll stick to the basics and after a partial knowlwdge of the fundamentals I'll give some triV}cks and longer programs to study and experiment with. There are also some overlaping issues, for example when I'll talk aboutV} graphics it will include some of the basic stuff that we will go over at first so for this time those are the most basic thiV}ngs and next time I'll start writing according to ordonate topics which will make understanding easier. So this was the intV}ro. I hope you enjoied it and see you next time. onate topics which will make understanding easier. So this was the intT5 ABOUT THE DISK FORMAT by nir dareyA diskette is composed of a thinmagnetic disk covered by thin pZ}lasticusually black. The cover has an openarea on both sides exposing themagnetic disk surface to the drivefor reading orZ} writing.As the diskette spins in the drive,the read/write head is actuallyover the opening, reading/writing thedisk surfZ}ace like a cassette recorderwould.The diskette is divided into tracks.A track is a ring about the centerof the diskette.Z}The drive head can be positionedover any one of the tracks, and datacan be readed from the surface.A disk can be formateZ}d in differentformats. Single Density format isdividing the disk into 40 tracks of18 sectors each with 128 bytes persectoZ}r, total of 720 sectors on thedisk, that give us 90 kilobytes onthe disk.Dual Density or as most known as1050 Density, thZ}e disk is dividedto 40 tracks of 26 sectors with 128byte each, that give us 130 kb. ona disk.Double Density format is divZ}iding thedisk to 40 tracks of 18 sectors eachwith 256 bytes per sector for a totalof 720 sector, which give us 180 kb.noZ}w we will talk about how data istransferred from the diskette intothe computer.A sector data is a magnetic fieldsthat beiZ}ng converted into electricpulses which are fed to the floppydisk controller.The floppy disk controller is theinterface beZ}tween the read and writehead and the drive microprocessor.the floppy disk controller performsall sector searches and uses Z}totransfer data between themicroprocessor and the physical disk.The disk drives processor receivesa full sector of data Z}every 1/18 ofa disk spin.This is about 0.0555 seconds.About the Disk Operating Systemformat.DOS 2.0 format the disk at Z}SingleDensity total of 720 sectors.DOS 2.5 can format the disk in DualDensity total of 1040 sectors.both formats uses secZ}tors whichcontains 128 bytes of data.in DOS 2.0 there are 707 sectorsfree for files, and in DOS 2.5 thereare 1011 free seZ}ctors.you probably ask what happened to themissing sectors ?, well the DOS usesmost of those sectors as informationabout Z}the disk and the files thatare on the disk.The disk sector map for DOS 2.0:sectors : contents :----------------Z}------------1-3 boot information4-369 free for files360 VTOC361-368 directory information369-719 free forZ} files720 not usedThe disk sector map for DOS 2.5 isthe same as DOS 2.0 with theadditions of the following:sectorZ}s : contents :-----------------------------721-1023 free for files1024 extended VTOC1025-1040 not usedNoZ}w time we will examine how the DOSuses sectors to store and keep trackof programs or data files.lets look at a DOS disk.Z}The first three sectors contains theboot information. Sectors 4 - 359 arefree for files. Sector 360 is theVTOC. Sectors 36Z}1 - 368 are thedirectory information. Sectors 369 -719 are free for files. Sectors 720is not used. Sectors 712 - 1023 areZ}free for files in enhanced densityonly. Sector 1024 is the extendedVTOC for enhanced density only.Sectors 1025 - 1040 are Z}not used.There are three different kinds ofsectors that stores information aboutthe whole disk.First the BOOT SECTORS. fZ}irst we mustunderstand what is a boot sector.well, a boot sector is the firstsector on a disk. the boot sectoris actuallyZ} the header of the wholedisk. The most important at the bootsector are it's first six bytes.Byte zero is the boot flag, itZ} isusually unused.Byte 1 contains the number of sectorsto be read as part of the bootprocess. the number can be upto 256.Z}Bytes 2-3 contains the start addressto load the boot data.Bytes 4-5 are the initializationaddress.As for the boot sectorZ}s in the DOSdisk, the boot flag is always zero,the number of boot sector are three,the address to load the boot sectorsisZ} 1792 and the initializationaddress is 5440.Bytes 6-7 are the address that thecomputer will jump to continue load.Byte eiZ}ght is unused. Byte nine is thenumber of sectors buffer ( =3).Byte ten is the drive enable bits, bits 0-7 equal to drives Z}1-8. byteten is usualy 131 in decimal, in binary it's equal to 10000011. As youcan see drives 1,2 and 8 are is use.Byte eZ}leven is unused.Bytes 12 and 13 are the start addressfor the buffers, equal to 6604.The 14 byte indicates if there is DOSZ}