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(7,,AG"BAR-(7,(-@15(7@0,;-B(7,,6.7<, Ah}6) 6- 6-AQ) A0@ --( 6-J!A@T% -!(no checks to review%h};< NAMEADDRESSCITYBALANCEMONTHFILEBMENMONTHDATYEA(<D Q@}@ @1  A( D:CHECKINI%D:CHECKINI.LST(dGG;@ ,;}@ ,;@ ,;@,;@,;@ ,26. D:MONTH .DAT26. p +AR}@1A@PC-p((ŠנˠR-@@"(ǡ4-}@@ R(THIS PROGRAM WILL DESTROYf-@@3(ANY MICROCHECK DATA FILESE-@@f(THAT M}AY EXIST ON YOUR DISK!B-@#B('ӠçϠŠҠͧҠՠ-@@)A@P}K2A@@m2@A@@-@@0 uA72}A@@@Y2@AA@@m-@@0q u Y%2}G2@YA@PW#@@K:0)@;@W@:C,*}@:M,A"@:M,%D:MENU: +-@@3(ENTER YOUR NAME7:(&B:, @ &67B:,%}ment program that will help you simplify and organize your checking account activities. You can enter up to 100 transactions$}jkNAMEADDRESSCITYBALANCEMONTHFILEBCHECKINSDAINSPRNODASNDDELAROCHOICOLDROBALANCYEABRKDIx} y} per month. These transactions can include checks, deposits, and automatic withdrawals. All entries can be searched by mont$}h, number, amount, and payee with the results sent to the screen or printer. When you balance your account, MICROCHECK will $}do all the calculations and display a final report. To keep MICROCHECK simple to use, most program functions are prompted or$} menu driven. You will not have to continually refer to operating instructions to get good results. MICROCHECK handles ever$}y necessary checking function, yet is simple and enjoyable to use.STARTING A DATA DISKPut the MICROCHECK program disk int$}o your drive, then turn on the computer. After the program is finished showing off its name, the MENU will load and run. Us$}e the SELECT key to choose UTILITIES, then press START. Your drive will beep happily as it loads the UTILITY module.MICROC$} ^/  -%( / Ah&-@!&( ENTRY # rK -!(SELECT = NEXT CHECK'-h}9( OPTION = EDIT?-K(E = END| 6- A  6-%!A&&6.7$@c&@b<$@c,h}HECK uses monthly files to store its information. Before you can begin entering transactions, these files must be created on$} a data disk. Remove your program disk from the drive and insert a blank diskette. THE DISK YOU USE WILL BE COMPLETELY ERAS$}ED! Make sure it contains no information you wish to retain. It possible to have your data files on the program disk. I$}f you wish to do this, hit SYSTEM RESET and change lines 440 and 450 to REM statements. Now when you run the program, the di%}P6.7<,6.7<@4,66.7@5<@A,E6.7@B,P6.7<,--@2(-@0#()--(h}-@1(-(-@3(AdAU F:Ad,"@BAF:B2y,"A`h}IF:B2y," 967$@c&@b<$@c,.?6-I A@ A@I -(7,-#(7@%,)-h}6(7@0,B-@!I(7,&&6.7$@c&@b<$@c,5AR-(7,(-@15(7@0,h} -(7,6.7<@E, A&(Ap00 6. 67B:,&:@4,,b'( ((CONT-$AB'&l@AB- D:BALANCE.DAT4(;(@h}v4AUTO.DATAp"Ap D:AUTO.TMP3 -/(7$@c&@b<$@c,3 h}(ENDH!@3 D:AUTO.DATH@2D:AUTO.TMP,AUTO.DATB+ -,(@ n = newh} month2-B(m = menu "@:M,A %"@:N,6-6.% A" A@+ -&(h} please insert,-@( program disk -( Ӡ٠  A @%D:MENU5+ -!( i}UVNN1MONTNN1MONTHFILENNNNNCHECKCOUNMONTHDATNNNN1N1N1N1N1N1N1N1N2EBACHECKNUMDATEP }AYEEAMOUNTCDOWUCANCEUNCANCEPAGNEWMOQUINWMOOLDINDEBAMOUNBALANCEDIDIFMEMODTEMPFILESOMEWHERNNNN1TEMP }UNCAUCAMNUCDEUCDAMNDOLFORMAUCAMNTUCDAMNTEBALUCDAMNTBALANCBRKDIINSNDDELAINSPRN2STARSV }  } ! }"#$%&'()*+,-./01 }23456789:;<=>?@ }ABCDE@FGHIJKLMNOP }Q 6-6-@'6-@36-@?6-@K6-@W6-@c6-@o6-@{6 }-@ 6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@'6-@6- }@'6-@  A(##*************SND1************222A!-Au% /22$<- }@ $F""************IN2*************PAK:#AdAU5A@dAAZ F:A!}d,"AU@dG+F:Ad,"@9)F:Ad,"@`=AdAUG @n )$x##********!}*** BRKDIS **********8 6-F:,!A'&6-&A(,8B7t$&&***********DOLFORMAT************/!}-B:,7<,0. ,67,..00/$ B:,"67%,.00B:,"%67%,.0$""*********INITIALI!}ZE*********;,;@c,;,;,00;@!,;,;,;Ac,;@9,33;@!,;,;,;,;!},;,;,;,&67,. 67@9,.&67,.] 6-6-6-6-!6--6-A`96-@E6-A0Q!}6-@PW6-]6-B+ -&( please insert,-B(your data diskC -( into drive #1*-@!}"?( Ӡ٠C + AP& D:MONTH01.DAT+" + '['6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%/!}%7%C@O@[AR,G( A-=(ENDING BALANCE AG6-6C!} A-@8"( .-@&?( WHICH MONTHC@ )!AJ6. D:MONTH .DATT.  67<,! }.0$67<,.=:,. A`^67<,.=:,h@r 4ENDA|8 6-%.67$@c! }&@b<$@c,.8 Ap;+ AY;6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,%)&@p%!%! })%EAA -AA9AEAAFAG*AR-! }*(C P=-@"#(* N)-=(M E6 -6((! }=-@!=(()AY@4-)(MONTH #: "!} (0( ϠӠҠӠȠ: A 6-6-6-&&6.7$@c&@b<$@c,L6.7<,6!}.7<,*6.7<@4,A6.7@5<@A,L6.7<,& -7<,0  & A@* 6.67&<,.*67NK:)X%%"*+@:N,*@:E,,Ab"@:C,Al"@:*,!}A v"@:M,A "@:P,AP"@:N,A"@:E,A A# 6-6-%!}!@"#6-!&$%6-) -( -(=>)B2y6-&%$ A$ 6-1$!}͠'-5(Ԡ+ -(Š ! + A  ************************** INITIALIZi}E * **************************PP;@!,;,;@",;,;Ac,;,;@c,;@7,;,4DDi}sk will not be formatted. However, you should be aware that there is much less room for data. If you write a lot of checks,%} you may run out of space.Use the SELECT key to choose the NEW DISK option, then press START. When the formatting is compl%}MEMOCHECKNUMONTHDATCHEKNUMCHECKNUMAPRNDOLFORMACSNDSNDDEDEPAMNCHECCHAMNN1NN1DISBRINBRKDIN1NNN1DELA}$}"@:*,A@F -(*<67$@c&@b<$@c&@b,.*F AF -( <67$@c&@b;A,;,;,HW6-AU6-A&'6-@i} Apd@.@@K:@AdAURys}-6-36-96-?6-K6-APQ6-W6-Ru6-A 6-A'6-A36-A@?6-AK6-A i}eted, you will be asked for your name, address, starting balance, and the year. The starting balance is the last balance sho%}W6-A]6-c6-o6-Apu6-\36-@`6-A'6-@@36-Af226.(| i]}wn in your checkbook.When you've entered the necessary information, your monthly data files will be created. When the file% }s are completed, you will be prompted to reinsert the program disk. Do so, then press any key. The menu will load and run.%!}ENTERING CHECKSUse the SELECT key to choose the ENTER CHECKS option, then press START. When prompted, remove the program %"}disk from your drive and insert your data disk. If your data is on the same disk as the program, just press any key.Enter %#}the month as a two digit number (for example: 01 for January), then press RETURN. After the data for that month has loaded, %}INSPR@ }%}}&} !"#$%&'()*+,-}'}./0123456789:;<=}(}>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL})}MNO A##*********** DISBRK **********D6-F:@,!A',6-&A(8@}*}DB7t2$<!!*********** IN2 ***********FY#@@K:5AdAUGA@dY}+}AP F:Ad,"AU@ZYYF:Ad,"@9)F:Ad,"@`)F:Ad,"A)F:Ad,"A},}$@d)@@$n""*************IN*************x(6-6.(AdAU4 }-}AR"1AR@4$"Ap6-%@!$3-%&@(>:,)67<,.>:}.},3 A07!(~$6-&@0"76. ! 6.7@<, A0!!*******}/}**DOLFORMAT*********5-@B:,!7<,0.% 267,..005$* B:,"*67%@<%@,.001B:,}0}"%@167%@<%@,.0$$$**************SND1************b%2@P@@9-@}1}@ = _2b$$$**************SND2************b%2A@@}2}9-@@%= _2b$"!!**********DATE*************,WAR@'-@ }3}@-(96-@E6-@ Q6-@W-6G -@'@#(5-@#@G( }4}@ 46.00J 6.T4-@B:,47<,20)7<,39Ap^$ 6-A:,$!@Ap}5}h$ -( -($ Ar  -(  A|, -@ @ (,6-@'-@#@}6}'(  46.12 6.4-@B:,47<,20)7<,39AP( 6-A:,(}7} )!@AP -( -($  -(  A!!***********CHNUM***********@-@'}8}@((6-@'46-@@6-@- -@"@-(/ 46.ANY%6}9}-6@/ A@B:, @AP 6.7-@@77<,20)7<,39AP 6-A:}:}, - ( A`&   -(  Ap0(-@'@((6-@:- -@"@-(};} D. 46.ANY$6-A. A0NB:, @A@X 6.b7-@@77}<}<,20)7<,39A@l 6-A:, A@v - ($   -(  A`""************AM}=}OUNT**********F-@ @((6-@ 46-@@6-@F-9 6-@%-@"@9(}>}# 46.0.00# A0A-@B:,A+7<,20)7<,39,*7<,0.A`7}?}<,4.6-   B:,!%@A`  6.6-A:,!! )!AA`) -( }@}-() Ap#  -( # A`(-@ @((6-@ - -@"@-( }A} & 46.9999.99& A@ A-@B:,A+7<,20)7<,39,*7<,0.A*7}B}<,4.6-4   B:,!%@A> H 6.6-A:,R!AA\ Af" -(}C} -("$p#  -( # Apz""*************PAYEE**********F-@ @((6-@ }D}46-@@6-@F-, -@#@,(  46.ANY) 6.-(7@#}E},"-&()$    g-@ @"(7@,4-@ @A(7@,S-@@g(}F}ALL ENTRIES OK? "@:Y,A@:N,A `k-@ @( .-@ @5( G-@'}G}@P( b-@'@k( -@ @"(7@1,4-@ @A(7@1,S-@ @}H}`(7@#,r-@(7@, A @"-@"(7@,K-@"@)( DO YOU}I} WANT ;-@$@K( A PRINTOUT?( "@:Y,6-@( A@@:N,A 5 +@ #A}J}AD5A@d-@@3(@ƬԠ٠ŬE-@@d(@ՠȠ}K}$_-@@3(@ŠȬE-@@_(@ ΠOPTION.-@A}L} 8M + #AA`5AR@A6-M6-@BD-A('ȣԠ}M}ŠŠD(L A@VT 3 3T3B CH# AMNT PAYEE MEMO DATE`U}N}R3F----------------------------------------------------------------------U3j Bt -~L @(67}O}@<@,.0B67@ <@ ,.=:,L Ap67@<@ ,.=:,+@+@@}P}(@4END ( A-F:B2y,"@#@- A`U A'6-A:7@5<@A,}Q},A6-A:7@<@,,K BU A0"6@A@ A )!A )!A}R},6.7@<@4,,4ANYAp))B:,!B:,)7@>3  CREDITS TOTALING $1-@ @#1(M=MENU S=SEARCH }[}AGAIN%@ %"@:S,Ap@:M,A`j +@ #-@@>(@ please inse}\}rtP-@@j(@ program diskI-@@0(@ Ӡ٠4 > API%D:MENUF#}t} |p,67,. 67@7,.,67@,.zl +@ #-@@>(@ please inserti^}P-@@l(@your data diska-@@0(@ into drive #1B-@@"](@i_} Ӡ٠a = A'0# D:NAME.DAT*18=* D:BALANCE.DAT%*i`} 6-6- D:AUTO.DAT- 4END B#- A"P8 6-%.67$@c&@b<$@c,ia}.8 A"0;+ AY;6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,%1%A0%!%)%1%Eib}%@$@e.%@%F:A`,E%@&F:Aa,/ #A"!-AdA%"+/ 5572,138,7ic}2,152,72,169,10,162,0,160,56,141,10,212==141,24,208,142,24,208,140,23,208,104,168,104,170,104,64 'A Aid}'A 8AF'AU@8COLOR AND TIME QAA(!A3BBAEie}@ QAR$ 6 -6((.  --( 8 6 -6((if}B 5 -( # -5( L ; - (-@%"(.-ig}@0;(V N -(-@0%($+-N( ` E -(-3iq}B'DOS SYSB*+DUP SYSBUAUTORUN SYSB WSTART BzMENU CHECKBOA CCHECKINI $yCHECKINSCORB=CHECKBAL BbyMICROINSTXTCBALANCE DATMONTH00 DATBALANCE DATWMONTH04 DATMONTH06 DATAUTO DAT MONTH03 DAT START NEWMONTH07 DATMONTH08 DAT MONTH09 DAT!MONTH10 DAT"MONTH11 DAT#MONTH12 DAT,MONTH05 DATFILLCHEK B`CHECKBOO 'LISTER MONTH02 DATAUTO DATB@UTILITY BVwCHECKPRT +CHECKPRTLSTUIN LSTAUTO DATMONTH03 DAT MONTH03 DATMONTH01 DAT(EAY@4j 76. D:MONTH .DAT !-7( t '6-@06-6-ir}'AQ~  -(  ; 4A6. D:AUTO.DAT(-@01(AUTO; A%@ ( B:,  -( ( Ai}A@ddA F:Ad,"AU@0(33F:Ad,"@9)F:Ad,"@`@02)y}@@K:0)@;@F%D:MENU  AP%D:MENU7-@@"3(PRESS A}u}NY KEY TO CONTINUE7 5-@@"#-@'(+ 5 AGG;@,;@c,;@,;@,}v};@,;@,_ +@-@@9(@ ͠K-@@_(@Ԡ-@}w}@+(@ŠM2A@@a-@Ae 2}x}"%-@A % A,GG;@,;@c,;@,;@,;@,;@,6GG;@,}y};@ ,;@ ,;@7,;@c,;@!,@267@,. #67@7,.267@,.J6. D:MONTH .}z}DATT{6-A 6-AU'6-A&36-A?6-ApK6-A`W6-A c6-Ao6-A`{6-A}{}^6-@06-@phl +@ #-@@>(@ please insertP-@@l(@you}|}r data diskra-@@0(@ into drive #1B-@@"](@ Ӡ٠a |M A8}}$@c&@b,. F A -&$%-( # 6-%6-$%#"A !6-6-6-!~}  6- A(  A AY*( 6.67<,.TMP(43 -/(7$@c!}@@ D:MONTH01.DATC@M B?6-6-'6-36-?6-}}@@$3##*********** BRKDIS **********4D6-F:@,!A',6-&A(8@DB7ty}M +AY# M6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,%@g%@@+%@ @?%@}}!@S%@"@g%@#@]AF'AU@9AAFKAR@}}]AAH{-@@?(%Q-@@{(%}}{-@@?(%|DATE ||CHECK # |Q-@@{(%}}{-@@?(%|FROM: ||FROM: |Q-@@{(%| TO: || }}TO: |?-@@?(%?-@@ ?(%}}?-@@?(%?-@@?(%|AMOUNT ||PA}}YEE |?-@@?(%?-@@?(%|FROM:$ ||>}}5$<##************SND1*************Fb%2A@@9-@AP= _2y}b$P$$*************DELAY************Z-@A  $d$$************INSDAT************nl +@y}$0 ? -#7<,20)7<,39' --5( ? A$0   4 6.A:, )A:,! #-*( 4 A$0i}you will see your balance and a number of options at the bottom of the screen.To enter your first check, press RETURN. You%} will be prompted to enter the day, the check number, the payee, the amount, and a memo.Enter the day as a two-digit number%}, then press RETURN. If you have other checks to enter with the same date, when you are prompted for their dates, simply pre%}ss RETURN.There are four types of check numbers you may enter. The first is simply the number of your check in four digits%} (for example: 0001).The second type is the letters "DEP". This is a deposit, and the amount entered will be added to your%} balance rather than deducted. You will also note that PAYEE will be automatically filled in as "DEPOSIT".A third possible%} entry is "AUTO". This type of check will become part of a special file containing AUTOmatic transactions. Each of these tr%} #-@@>(@ please insertP-@@l(@your data diskxj-@@0(y}@ into drive #1B-@@"](@ Ӡ٠g @ j$$$************INSPRO************j +@y} #-@@>(@ please insertP-@@j(@ program diskO-@@0(@y} Ӡ٠: @ D AO%D:MENU$$***********INITIALIZE*********RR;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,y};@,;@,;@ ,;@c,K6-A6-A@'6-A@36-@p?6-@K6-@R""y}*************MENU***********S +@ #A5AR@GAU@S6-@u-@y}@+(@=-@@S(@new diske-@@u(@=>+-@@y}+(@new autoH%( USE TO PICK ITEM((H( PRESS TO BEGIN33F:B2y,@*F:B2yy} |?-@@?(%| TO:$ || |?-@@?(%}}ansactions will be deducted from your account automatically every time you start a new month. The transaction will also be d%}?-@@?(%&AY@4 A @0l +@}} 4 6-A:,")")")"*6-@04 A%   "6-@) A%  6-@1 167<,./ /!67i}<,.=:,--@01( 67<,. " A!p" B # 4END# A% 6-% 0&6i}educted from the current month at the time you enter it. You may have up to five AUTOmatic transactions on your data disk.%}The final type of check number is simply "0000". Use this whenever the other three don't apply; for instance, to make a chan%}7$@c&@b<$@c,.0 A%P M !,6.7$@c&@b<$@c,76.7<,C6-@1M A' i}&@b<$@c,3 >(ENDH@36.7,RF+ AY((F(XIO 32,#N1,N0,N0,!}:Y,A&F - (P $6.0000$ D:AUTO.DATZ  4END*!6-d  4END A'n i}67<,.7<,x -6.=:A:,&A:7@5,,,#6.' -6. 8 6-%.67$@c&@b<$@c,.8 A&P 6.7i}<, 2-@!(7,(AY@42 B )-@"( BALANCE:$) A A+ -&( NO mii}ge in your balance or to enter a transaction made through an electronic teller.You may enter whatever you like as the PAYEE%}.Check amounts may be entered as simple decimal numbers (for example: 10 or 21.9). The program will format them automatica%}lly.After entering the amount of the check, you may enter a memo. If you don't wish to have a memo, just press return.Wh%}en you finish entering the check, you will be given new options at the bottom of the screen.If you're satisfied with what y%}ou've entered, press RETURN. The check will be entered and your balance updated. If you wish to make a change, use the EDIT%} #-@@ ?(@ˠҡQ-@@l(@ PRESS ANY KEY:g%2AP@}}@3-A7 Y2] g ADi +@ #-@@?(@se}} option.EDITING CHECKSIf you wish to edit your entry, press the OPTION key, then press the appropriate letter from the ch%}oices at the bottom of the screen. The cursor will appear in the portion of the check you have chosen. Type in the new entr%}y, or press RETURN for no change. When you are satisfied with all entries, press "E", and you will be asked again to "PUSH R%}ETURN IF OK". Press RETURN to enter the check. Press OPTION to return to EDIT.TO REVIEW YOUR CHECKSIf you pressed RETUR%}N, you will again be presented with the original options at the bottom of the screen. Press the SELECT key to advance throug%}h the month, check by check. If you wish to change something, press OPTION, then follow the same procedures for editing as o%}utlined above. When you reach the last check for that month, the program will return you to the original options. If you wi%}sh to stop reviewing your checks before you reach the end, just press the letter "E" to end.When you have finished entering%}, editing, and reviewing your checks, press OPTION and SELECT simultaneously. The new data for that month will be saved to d& }crocheck,-A( DATA FILES ON 1 -( THIS DISK " '1 A!p B2A!-@P% /2i}3 8B A!p :-@"#(auto file empty' + 0: A$ D:CHECKBOOLADATMEMCHNUPAYEOLhf:MENU(x ROCOCONSOSTARSELECCHOICOLDRODarch abortedQ-@@i(@ ӠN+-@@+(@͠X "@:M,Ab}}"@:S,Apl Avo@+@*-@@C(@ ӠӠU-@@o(@}} microcheck-@@-(@ ˡO2A@@c-@Ag 2}}%-@A % A@ D2:CHECKPRTPAYEEPAYEE1BCHECKDLCOROISO|X>:@4,,\'( ((CONT-$AB'&fABp1"@:N,6-6- 6-'6.1 Az!}"@:E,A  1"@:M,A 0&&6.7$@c&@!<$@c,+ -!( MEMO:  + A!}3 -(7,36.7$@c&@b<$@c,L6.7<,6.7<,*6.7<@4,A6.7@5<@A,L6.!}7<,& -7<,0  & A p* 6.67&<,.*67<&,.7<&,; -1(  $ 7<,!} 7<,; A6+ -'(SCANNING MONTH--6(#6. D:MONTH .DAT 6-6- 6-.!}  67<,.0$67<,.=:,. A@67<,.=:, -($ 4ENDA.!} 6-% 7<,4*A`897<,4DEP 6-%/6-%A:7@5,,9 A`B) 6-%6-%A:7@5,,) A`!}L 6-% AV-! D:BALANCE.DAT(-` 6-%&j) 6.=:, 6.6.=:,# )6.!}t 6.=:, 6.~/+ AR#A/A P -)(ENDING BALANCE ------------5-@0;!}($L-@8&B:,P( 6.=:,+ -+(- OUTSTANDING CHECKS ()?-@$%B:=:,,@'&(-* ;-!}@8&B:,?() -)(SUBTOTAL ------------------<-@1(&6.=:&,* 6-@0<($!-!}@8&B:,(!6.=:,) -)(+ OUTSTANDING DEP. ()?-@"%B:=:,,@'&(-* ;-@8&B:,!}?(,-@1((6.=:&%,, *-@0($&-@8&B:,*() -)(YOUR BALANCE SHOULD!} BE ----> -)(YOUR BALANCE IS -----------:-@8&B:,>( -@1(6-&A:,6 -)(!}DIFFERENCE ----------------26.=:,6 (*-@0($&-@8&B:,*(2AP<& -(Ԡ!}ӡ&#AF0 ""62&20 APP< "6-@@ $-.22 < Ap!}Z! 22!2d -  APnSS121,47,40,121,47,40,-1,-1,-1,162,47,40,162,47,40,121,53,45,1!}21,60,47,-1,-1,-1xJJ162,60,47,162,60,47,121,64,50,121,60,47,-1,-1,-1,162,60,47,162,60,47JJ121,60,47,121,64,50,162,60,4!}7,162,60,47,121,64,50,121,60,47,-1,-1,-1AA162,60,47,162,60,47,121,64,50,121,60,47,162,47,40,162,47,40AA121,60,47,121,!}47,40,162,53,45,162,53,45,162,53,45,162,53,4566162,64,53,162,64,53,162,64,53,162,64,53,-2,-2,-2  -(٠!}6-+&B:,,'"-@!"( T=TRY AGAIN#-@"#(@M=MENU"K:)"!}"@:M,A0<"@:T,6-6- 6-&6-,6-26-< A A@+ -&( please ins!}ert,-@( program disk7 -( Ӡ٠" , Ap7%D:MENUC + -)( ӠӠ!}/-C( microcheck; -( ˡ --A1 ; A`"9+ -%( ͠+-!}9(Ԡ,9 -(Š +-A/ 9 A0 D2:CHECKBALN1N1N2EBACHECKNUMDATEP ^,@A@ F:B2y,"@A6-&@A`A`A 0/ 6-6-%@#y}"@/6-@"_"@!-@@7(@new diskI-@@_(@,_"y}@!-@@7(@new yearI-@@_(@6_"@!-@@7(@y}I-@@_(@new auto@;-@(@ +-@;(@=>J7-@y}@P -B2y@7 A@T A@^##**********NEW DISK***********h26. D:MONTH .DAT26. y} rt + #AR@5A@PG-t((Šנˠy}|;-@@1(ˠ̠Šġ; A o +@ #-@@@(@please iy}nsert aR-@@o(@blank disk intob-@@+(@drive #1=-@@"X(@y} Ӡ٠b @ F A 1@@D:MENU<@F A i +@ #-@y}@@(@ǠiAT@D1:> + #-@@7(ENTER YOy}UR NAME;>(&B:, @ &67B:,%@,.(!(ENTER YOUR STREET ADDRESS%((&B:, @ &67B:,%@y},.)"(ENTER CITY, STATE, AND ZIP&)(&B:, @ &67B:,%@,.X(>:A%,"AR@4-@y}@I(IS THIS CORRECT?L(P(T(X() @ )@:Y,*@:N,A"@:N,A0]+@y}@ D:NAME.DAT8(@E(@R(@]@^ A0(>:A%,,AR>-y}@@^(ENTER YOUR STARTING BALANCE6.=:,&G-@B:,!7<,0.% =67B:,%@,..00y}G A0# "B:,#67B:,%@,.00:*"B:,&@*67B:,%@,.0DRAR@(1(IS THIS YOy}UR CORRECTG(STARTING BALANCE?J(R($N) @ )@:Y,*@:N,AX"@:N,A0bQ A(>:y}A%,,-@@M(ENTER THE YEAR (EXAMPLE: 84)Ql!! )!@AvI BAR@y}"(@(IS THIS THE CORRECT YEAR?I(19) @ )@:Y,*@:N,A@"@:N,AS.@@y} D:BALANCE.DAT;(@H(@S@5 +@ #A@5A@[-@y}@4(@CREATING FILE FORF-@@[(@MONTH #-@)-@@y}6(@B @[67@<@,.0u67@ <@ ,.=:, A67@<@ ,.=:,@ @y}@1(@END<@@ K+@@ D:AUTO.DAT<(@ENDG@y}K e +@ #-@@=(@ ͠O-@@e(@̠=-@@y}+(@Š/ 3 = A ""**********NEW YEAR**********t + #AR@5Ay}@PG-t((ԠנҠ! 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D:MONTH .DAT F  A <y}@@ D:MONTH01.DATF B9@9@@ D:MONTH00.TMP  +@ y}#A@5A@G-@@_(@ WORKING ONq-@@(@MONTH #*-y}@)-@@6(@B @[67@<@,.0u67@ <@ ,.=:, A046y}7@<@ ,.=:,> @@H"@"4ENDApR$$7@<@,4*A@y}\(@ A@fK@+@@<(@ENDG@K p(@ENDy}@zu6@3@ D:MONTH00.DATu@2@D:MONTH00.TMP,MONTH00.DATy}|V.@@ D:BALANCE.DAT;@H@V6-%@~^@9@@y} D:BALANCE.TMPF(@S(@^@u6@3@ D:BALANCE.DATu@2@y}D:BALANCE.TMP,BALANCE.DAT   A""***********NEW AUTO*********g +@ #-y}@@<(@ ϠՠN-@@g(@ ϠŠ1-@@1(@נy}ſ) @ )@:Y,*@:N,A P#"@:N, A#%D:MENUD  A9@@y} D:AUTO.DATD@f +@ #-@@=(@ ǠO-@@f(@ Ϡy}G+@@ D:AUTO.DAT<(@ENDG@ +@ s-@@+(@y}נ=-@@W(@ Šk-@APo s   A p""*******WARNING SCREEN*z}******R-@@"(ǡ4-@@ R(THIS PROGRAM WILL DESTROYc-@@3(ANY MICROCHz}ECK DATA FILESE-@@c(THAT MAY BE ON YOUR DISK!B-@#B('ӠçϠŠҠͧҠz}ՠ-@@)A@PK2A@@m2@A@@-@z}@ $uA72A@@@Y2@AA@@m-@@q z}u .Y%2G2@YA@P8) @ )@:C,*@:M,z}AB# A"@:M,#%D:MENUL$Vc +@ #-@@=(@ ͠O-@@z}c(@Ԡ`A-@@+(@Š/ 3 = AA j ***********NODAT**********tsz}@+@ .-@@G(@ ӠӠY-@@s(@ microcheck~8-@z}@-(@ ˡ1 5 8$ D:UTILITYINSDAINSPRNODASNDDELAROCHOICOLDROBALANCYEABRKDIx;isk.SEARCHINGOne of MICROCHECKS's handiest features is its ability to find a specific check or group of checks. Boot up& } your MICROCHECK program disk. From the main menu, choose the SEARCH CHECKS option, then press START to run the program.A& }fter you insert your data disk, the the search parameter entry form will appear. Prompts at the bottom of the screen will gu& }ide you as you enter information.First you must enter the starting and ending dates for the search. For example, if you wi& }sh to search checks from January to March, you would enter "01" as the starting date and "03" as the ending date. If you wis&}h to search only one month, enter that month as both the starting and ending date. For example, "05" as the starting date an&}d "05" as the ending date will search only the month of May. If you do not enter a starting or ending date, and just press R&}ETURN, the dates "00" and "12" will be entered automatically.You must then enter the check numbers to be searched. Numbers&} must be entered in four digits (i.e. 0001, 0897, 8756, etc.). If you wish to search for checks numbered 874 to 967, you wou&}ld enter "0874" as the starting number and "0967" as the ending number. If you do not enter a starting or ending number, and&} just press RETURN, the word "ALL" will appear as the search parameters.Next the amounts you wish to search for must be ent&}ered. Any amount from $0.00 to $9999.99 will be accepted. If you do not enter a starting or ending amount, and just press R&}ETURN, the above amounts will be entered automatically.Finally the payee to be searched for must be entered. If you wish, &}you may enter only the first few letters of a payee. For example, if you wish to search for checks with FRANK'S PIZZA as the&} payee, you could simply enter "FRA" as the payee. Of course, if you've also written checks to FRANNIE SMITH and FRABBLE LUM&}BER, these checks will also be fair game for the search. If you wish to get a list of your deposits, enter DEPOSIT as the pa&}yee.After the payee has been entered, you will be asked if all the entries are OK. Answer by pressing "Y" or "N". If you &}answer "N", you will have to reenter your parameters. If you answer "Y", you will be asked if you would like a printout. Ag&}ain press "Y" or "N". If you answer "N", the checks will be listed only to your TV screen. If you answer "Y", the checks wi&}ll be listed to both the screen and your printer.Once a search has been started, it may be aborted at any time by holding d&}own the OPTION key.When the search is completed, you will be asked if you wish to search again or return to the main menu.&}BALANCING YOUR ACCOUNTOne of the most frustrating parts of having a checking account is reconciling it at the end of the m&}onth. The frustration level is in direct proportion to the number of checks written. If you write more than 15 a month, you& }r desk is almost certainly cluttered with little clumps of hair which you have removed, none to gently, from your innocent sc&!}alp. Well, cancel your appointment for hair transplants! MICROCHECK will be delighted to help you balance your account, and&"} since he doesn't have any hair, your desk will be much neater.To balance your account, select the BALANCE ACCOUNT option f&#}rom the main menu. Press START to run the program.Enter your ending balance and the month you wish to work on as prompted. &$} You will find your ending balance somewhere on the bank statement. It is the last balance in your checkbook. Also reme&%}mber that, if you've started a new year recently, there may be checks in month #0 that need to be cleared.If there are no c&&}hecks entered in the month requested, you will see the message "NO ENTRIES FOR THIS MONTH".At the top of the screen are the&'} commands used with the account balancer. Press "C" to move the cursor. Press "*" to cancel or uncancel a check. Press "M"&(} to toggle between a check and its memo. Press "P" to see the next page of entries. Press "N" to work on a new month. Pres&)}s "E" to end your work and balance the account.You balance your account with MICROCHECK the same way you do it by hand. Th&*}e only difference is that now the computer will do all the figuring for you. Go through your bank statement item by item. P&+}ress the "*" for each entry the bank has cleared. When you have cleared all the items in one month, press "N" to work on ano&,}ther. When all the transactions on your statement have been accounted for, press "E", and watch to computer go to work.Whe&-}n MICROCHECK has finished its calculations, it will display a final report. If all is well, you will be rewarded by a short &.}musical interlude. If the account doesn't balance, you will be given a "raspberry". If the later happens, please don't punc&/}h out your computer. It's not its fault!EDITING THE "AUTO" FILESometimes you may find it necessary to change one of the &0}entries in your AUTO file. You may do this by entering the letter "A" in response to the ENTER MONTH prompt. After the file&1} has loaded, use the SELECT key to choose the entry you wish to work on. The editing is then accomplished in the same manner&2} as above.You may erase an entire AUTO file and start fresh by choosing the NEW AUTO option from the UTILITIES menu.START&3}ING A NEW YEARThe MICROCHECK year runs from January to December, so when Old Man Time retires his job to that chubby little&4} guy in the diaper, it's time to clean up your checking files.To do this, load the UTILITIES module, then select the NEW YE&5}AR option. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKED UP YOUR DATA DISK BEFORE CONTINUING!After being suitably warned that you had better k&6}now what you're doing, you will be asked to insert your data disk. If your data is on the same disk as the program, just pre&7}ss any key. MICROCHECK will then go happily on its way, moving all uncancelled checks into a special file known as MONTH00.D&8}AT. At the same time, it will create new monthly files and clear out all of the last year's transactions (you did make that &9}back-up disk, right?). Your AUTO file, balance, and personal information will, of course, remain unchanged.ONE FINAL NOTE&:}It's a good practice to keep a backup copy of your data. Your checking information is too important to risk losing it to a &;}silly accident. Every time you update your account, you should update your backup (Use the "J" option of ATARI DOS to copy t&<}he disk). Keep the backup stored away from the original. That way the aforementioned silly accident won't wipe out both dis&=}ks in one shot. 10 70 2 12 132MICROCHECKBy Clayton WalnumMICROCHECK is a graphics oriented checkbook manage$ answer "N", you will have to reenter your parameters. If you answer "Y", you will be asked if you would like a printout. A&?}gain press "Y" or "N". If you answer "N", the checks will be listed only to your TV screen. If you answer "Y", the checks w&@}ill be listed to both the screen and your printer.Once a search has been started, it may be aborted at any time by holding &A}down the OPTION key.When the search is completed, you will be asked if you wish to search again or return to the main menu.&B}BALANCING YOUR ACCOUNTOne of the most frustrating parts of having a checking account is reconciling it at the end of the &C}month. The frustration level is in direct proportion to the number of checks written. If you write more than 15 a month, yo&D}ur desk is almost certainly cluttered with little clumps of hair which you have removed, none to gently, from your innocent s&E}calp. Well, cancel your appointment for hair transplants! MICROCHECK will be delighted to help you balance your account, an&F}d since he doesn't have any hair, your desk will be much neater.To balance your account, select the BALANCE ACCOUNT option &G}from the main menu. Press START to run the program.Enter your ending balance and the month you wish to work on as prompted.&H} You will find your ending balance somewhere on the bank statement. It is the last balance in your checkbook. Also rem&I}ember that, if you've started a new year recently, there may be checks in month #0 that need to be cleared.If there are no &J}checks entered in the month requested, you will see the message "NO ENTRIES FOR THIS MONTH".At the top of the screen are th&K}e commands used with the account balancer. Press "C" to move the cursor. Press "*" to cancel or uncancel a check. Press "M&L}" to toggle between a check and its memo. Press "P" to see the next page of entries. Press "N" to work on a new month. Pre&M}ss "E" to end your work and balance the account.You balance your account with MICROCHECK the same way you do it by hand. T&N}he only difference is that now the computer will do all the figuring for you. Go through your bank statement item by item. &O}Press the "*" for each entry the bank has cleared. When you have cleared all the items in one month, press "N" to work on an&P}other. When all the transactions on your statement have been accounted for, press "E", and watch to computer go to work.Wh&Q}en MICROCHECK has finished its calculations, it will display a final report. If all is well, you will be rewarded by a short&R} musical interlude. If the account doesn't balance, you will be given a "raspberry". If the later happens, please don't pun&S}ch out your computer. It's not its fault!EDITING THE "AUTO" FILESometimes you may find it necessary to change one of the&T} entries in your AUTO file. You may do this by entering the letter "A" in response to the ENTER MONTH prompt. After the fil&U}e has loaded, use the SELECT key to choose the entry you wish to work on. The editing is then accomplished in the same manne&V}r as above.You may erase an entire AUTO file and start fresh by choosing the NEW AUTO option from the UTILITIES menu.STAR&W}TING A NEW YEARThe MICROCHECK year runs from January to December, so when Old Man Time retires his job to that chubby littl&X}e guy in the diaper, it's time to clean up your checking files.To do this, load the UTILITIES module, then select the NEW Y&Y}EAR option. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKED UP YOUR DATA DISK BEFORE CONTINUING!After being suitably warned that you had better &Z}know what you're doing, you will be asked to insert your data disk. If your data is on the same disk as the program, just pr&[}ess any key. MICROCHECK will then go happily on its way, moving all uncancelled checks into a special file known as MONTH00.&\}DAT. At the same time, it will create new monthly files and clear out all of the last year's transactions (you did make that&]} back-up disk, right?). Your AUTO file, balance, and personal information will, of course, remain unchanged.ONE FINAL NOTE&^}It's a good practice to keep a backup copy of your data. Your checking information is too important to risk losing it to a&_} silly accident. Every time you update your account, you should update your backup (Use the "J" option of ATARI DOS to copy &`}the disk). Keep the backup stored away from the original. That way the aforementioned silly accident won't wipe out both di&a}sks in one shot.10 70 2 12 132PMICROCHECKBy Clayton WalnumMICROCHECK is a graphics oriented checkbook manag$00 CONNIE WITHDRAWAL *DEP 04/16/84DEPOSIT 220.00 *DEP 04/24/84DEPOSIT 6c}225.00 *DEP 04/30/84DEPOSIT 220.00 132404/08/84HI-RES MAGAZINE 6d} 4.50 BACK ISSUE *132504/09/84SOFTSIDE 18.00 SUBSCRIPTION *132604/09/84JACK CARLSON 6e} 8.00 PIANO LESSON *132704/10/84BARNES & NOBLE 13.66 FOR "WAR DAY" *132804/11/84MOYER 6f} 10.00 *132904/17/84TRAIN EXCHANGE 18.47 *133004/23/84JACK CARL6g}SON 8.00 PIANO LESSON *133104/24/84CNG 150.00 *133204/27/84LLOYD'6i}S AUTO PARTS 6.14 OIL CAP AND OIL *133304/28/84SNET 26.93 *133404/28/84JC 6j}PENNEY 30.00 *133504/28/84NEW YORK LIFE 30.60 INTEREST PAYMENT *133604/28/846k}CREDIT UNION 100.00 *133704/28/84CBT 30.19 LYNN'S STUDENT LOAN *133804/286l}/84CHASE VISA 55.00 *133904/28/84GULF OIL 53.40 *1340046m}/28/84SFBC 12.23 "LAST GASP"&"WOOTEN" *134104/28/84CL&P 69.50 *1346n}204/28/84CITIBANK VISA 49.00 END/28/84CL&P 69.50 *1344@END END/23/84FELIX 34.00 TRICKS AUTO01/01/84BANK 2.00 SAVINGS ACCOUNT