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Using R-DRAW, you will be able to create, modify, and display picture files. R-DRAW saves your pictures in }the standard 62 sector "MicroPainter" format. Although R-DRAW does not print your pictures, screen dumps can be achieved by }using such programs as Picture Plus (AP0179) from the ANTIC Catalog, MegaFont, Humpty-Dump, or Page Designer. R-DRAW was wri }tten in BASIC and compiled into 6502 machine language using the MMG BASIC COMPILER. No BASIC cartridge is needed.After the }program has loaded, a title screen fades in and out, and the MENU SCREEN appears. The top portion contains a brief descripti }on of all the functions of R-DRAW, and the bottom lists your options in the MENU SCREEN. Your options are:1 - PUT FILE ON }SCREENWhen you press #1, the program asked for the NAME OF FILE TO GET. You can specify any standard 62 sector file you hav }e on your disk. If you are unsure of the contents of you disk, enter "DIR" (or simply press RETURN) and the disk directory w }ill appear. You will then be prompted again for the NAME OF FILE TO GET.2 - SAVE SCREEN TO FILEThis option saves your wor }k onto your disk. The filename can be any Atari-standard filename. You need not type "D:" before the filename.3 - GO TO D }RAW MODEOption #3 puts you in the DRAW MODE.4 - TOOLBOXA "toolbox" is provided that enables you to change certain paramet }ers in the program. The TOOLBOX will be discussed later.THE DRAW MODEWhen you press number 3, GO TO DRAW MODE, your scre }en will go blank and you are ready to draw. A tiny flashing cursor appears in the upper left corner of the screen. To move }the cursor, use a joystick inserted in port #1. To draw while moving the cursor, simply press the trigger button while you m }ove the stick. Here is a list of all the functions of R-DRAW, along with explanations. The commands are in the same order a }s they appear on the MENU SCREEN.START - returns you to the menu screen. From there you can SAVE your picture, LOAD anoth }er picture, go to the TOOL BOX, or GO TO DRAW MODE. Your picture is saved in the ramdisk, and will not be lost unless you LO }AD another file to the screen.1 or 2 - By pressing the numbers "1" or "2" while in the DRAW MODE, you control the horizonta }l spacing. "1" gives you a continuous line, "2" makes the cursor skip every other space. Using "2", you can create artifact }ed colors on your TV, or shade in areas on your monitor. When you press "1" or "2", the COLOR you are using is set to COLOR }1.0 - Erase mode. When you press "0", the color that is issued when you draw is COLOR 0. This allows you to erase bits of } your picture. By first pressing "1" or "2", then "0", you can erase every dot, or every other dot.UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT - } The arrow keys. Pressing any of the arrow keys moves the cursor one space in the direction of the arrow. You need not pres }s the CONTROL key as you press the arrow key.L, R, B - When you press "R", a line will be drawn from the point the cursor i }s to the right until it touches a line or dot. "L" draws left, "B" draws both ways. These commands can be used, in successi }on, as a simple "FILL". By pressing CONTROL-L, CONTROL-R, or CONTROL-B, the lines drawn will ignore any other line it may en }counter, and will draw all the way to the edge of the screen.SPACE - Erase entire screen. When you press the SPACE BAR, th }e border will turn red. This is to warn you that if you press the SPACE BAR again, your picture will be lost. After you pre }ss the SPACE BAR once and the screen turns red, any other key you press will return you to normal, and your picture will not }be erased.P - SPRAY PAINT. By pressing "P", you enter SPRAY PAINT MODE. By moving you joystick and pressing the trigger, }a random pattern will appear near the cursor, simulating "spray painting". ESCAPE or any other key will return you to the DR }AW MODE.D - DRAW LINE. When you press "D", you will hear a short "beep", telling you that you are in the DRAW LINE MODE. }Move your cursor anywhere on the screen, then press the trigger. A line will be drawn from the point you were when you press }ed "D" to the point your cursor now rests." (quotation mark) - By pressing SHIFT-2, the quotation mark, you enter the TEXT }MODE. After pressing this key, simply press any key and you are entering text in graphics mode eight. The letters will begi }n a little to the right of where the cursor is when you press the quotation mark. You will have to experiment a little to ge }t used to the TEXT MODE. The DELETE key "backs you up" one space, although there is no cursor to show you where your next ch }aracter will appear. The ESCAPE key returns you to the DRAW MODE.CONTROL-E, CONTROL-X, and CONTROL-W work the same way as }the quotation mark, but are double, triple, and quadrupile height characters. Using these extra TEXT MODES, you are given th }e opportunity to enhance your screen greatly.O - CIRCLE MODE. When you press "O" (the letter O, not zero) you hear a short } beep. Then move the cursor to the right and press the trigger. The place the cursor was in when you pressed "O" will be th }e center of the circle, the place the cursor is when you press the trigger will be the radius.S - SQUARE MODE. Pressing "S }" allows you to make rectangles. first position the cursor where you want the upper left corner of the rectangle to be. Pre }ss "S". Move the cursor down and to the right to where you want the lower right corner of the rectangle to be, and press the } trigger.M - MIRROR MODE. After you press "M", anything you draw on the screen is mirrored four times. To exit MIRROR MOD }E, press ESCAPE.C - COPY MODE. Pressing "C" allows you to copy a small (20X20 pixel) area of the screen. Position the cur }sor on the upper left corner of an area you wish to copy. When you press "C" you will hear a short beep, a pause, then a hig }her beep. Now move the cursor somewhere with the joystick and press the trigger. The copied area is duplicated. You can re }peat this as often as you wish. To exit the COPY MODE, press ESCAPE. Your cursor will then appear where it was when you ori }ginally pressed "C".TAB - Pressing the TAB key rotates you through all the colors available in GRAPHICS 8. Pressing CONTRO }L-TAB brings the colors back to the default (white on black). Pressing SHIFT-TAB reverses the colors, to black on white.? }- STAR PATTERN. When you press "?", a "star pattern" of random dots will appear on the screen. To stop the dots, press ESCA }PE.CONTROL-Q - REVERSE SCREEN. When you press CONTROL-Q the screen border will turn gray and the picture will slowly rever }se itself. The entire screen takes about ten minutes to reverse, so be patient. To stop the process in mid-action, press an }y key.SELECT - SAVE PICTURE TO RAMDISK. When you press SELECT, the border flashes green and your picture is saved to the r }amdisk as a temporary holding area for your work.OPTION - GET PICTURE FROM RAMDISK. When you press OPTION, the border flas }hes yellow, and the picture you previously saved to ramdisk using the SELECT key returns to the screen. The SELECT/OPTION fu }nctions can be useful when creating a screen. Before trying something that may destroy the work you have already done, press } SELECT and save it to the ramdisk. If you do destroy the picture, simply press OPTION to get it back.THE TOOLBOXWhen i }n the MENU SCREEN, press number 4, TOOLBOX to go to the TOOLBOX screen. There you can control some of the features of R-DRAW } as well as format a disk. The options of the TOOL BOX are selected by pressing the highlighted letter of the function you w }ant to perform. Here is a description of the options.I/O NOISE - Press "I" to turn the I/O noise on and off. I/O noise is } the "chatter" that the computer makes when saving and loading the screen.KEY CLICK - Press "K" to turn the key click sound } on and off. Some people find the speaker-generated click distracting.CIRCLE FINENESS - Pressing "C" rotates you through a } series of numbers representing the number of lines drawn to make a circle in the DRAW MODE (by pressing "O"). The most exac }ting circle is drawn by selecting 360, or one line for every degree. The smallest number that can be chosen is 3. If you se }lect 3 as the CIRCLE FINENESS, you will find that instead of creating a "circle", you've drawn a triangle. Similarly, if you } choose 4 as the CIRCLE FINENESS, a diamond (square) will be drawn when you try to draw a circle in the DRAW MODE.JOYSTICK }SPEED - Select a number between 1 and 19 as the JOYSTICK SPEED, which controls the speed at which the cursor flashes, and thu }s, the speed the cursor can be moved. The higher the number, the faster the JOYSTICK SPEED. Although the actual speed of th }e joystick changes only a small amount, the rate at which the cursor flashes changes quite a bit, allowing you to see the cur }sor better at the slower speeds.DIRECTORY - By pressing "D" you will obtain a disk directory. Press any key to return to t }he TOOLBOX screen.ERASE FILE - Press "E" to erase a file from the disk.FORMAT DISK - Pressing "F" runs you through a seri }es of prompts to format a data disk. Use care with the FORMAT command so that you do not destroy any important information. }RETURN TO MENU SCREEN - Self-explanatory.ERROR HANDLINGThe only errors you are likly to ever get in R-DRAW are disk err }ors. If you specify a nonexistant file to be loaded, or if your drive is turned off, or if you try to write to a full disk, }the message "DISK ERROR - CHECK DRIVE OR FILES" will appear on the screen. R-DRAW will then restart. The pictures you have }contained in memory will not be affected.USESUsing R-DRAW, you can display any 62 sector picture file. If you would lik }e to use you R-DRAW files with the KoalaPad paint program, name the R-DRAW file "PICTURE". Then, after you've booted the Koa }laPad program, press "CLEAR" and the file "PICTURE" will be loaded to the screen in the hi-res color mode. Similarly, if you } would like to manipulate a Koala picture with R-DRAW, press "INSERT" while you have your Koala program running. The picture } on the screen will be saved as "D:PICTURE" in 62 sector format and can then be used by R-DRAW.Page Designer by XLent Softwa }re works very well with R-DRAW. Using Page Designer, you can use the 80 column mode or use various fonts that R-DRAW does no }t support. R-DRAW pictures can also be loaded and printed with Page Designer. Special BonusExamine the document }ation side of this disk with DOS and you will find RDRAW.BAS. This is the complete SOURCE CODE for R-DRAW. It is in Atari B }ASIC and can be studied and modified.ou will find RDRAW.BAS. This is the complete SOURCE CODE for R-DRAW. It is in Atari B &e<R:,"@&6-%@2!A>6-A 2R:% },"@&6-&@, 26- 6-F:Ad,*5"@6-%@)!A56-A4)"@% }6-&@# )6->$"@(!AdAU$$HAdAUR T:,"A\ 1% }6-O:&@,f/ ,!-@@% )/,p A`z 6-&%%-A`A`% }'6-$G:,%6-$E:,%C- )!A) )!A96-C A P!"6-@% }!, /  , B$1AdAU6-!6-+@1,_%2@%}@@9-@@ = _26-R:,?"@)"@'6%}-%@3!A?6-A?"@)"@'6-%@3!A?6-A3"@)"@'%}6-&@- 36-3"@)"@'6-&@- 36-6-F:Ad,$)"@6-&@#%} )6-.5"@6-%@)!A56-A8)"@6-&@# )6-B5"@6-%%}@)!A56-AL$"@(!AdAU$$VAdAU` 16-O:&@,j% %},!-@@% t  ,~ T:,"Ap A   , ////%}$ 6-  ,16-%+$,% @)!A.6-O:,1$ 11%1"%"@%})"@.6-O:,1$ , A SS6-+F:@,%F:@,$AV,%+@@$P:$?P,%?P,%P:'@,%};#@@K:0)@;@&"@:~,6-&@& Ap >:,4$ 6.>:%},%%6-F:@,%AV$F:@,(, 6.6-@:,!A',6-&A(2'!@1* @'6-&@2<%}6-BsD%$@F4-@0%+$,$@@F:%,4 PH!@#-@D%+$,$@@%}%@@F:%,H ZH!@#-@D%+$,$@@%@F:%,H dH"@#-@%}D%+$,$@@%A F:%,H n6-%@ Apx@o"@!AP@%}6ARF:@,KASF:@,]AVoAW@0"@!AI@3AP@%}HARF:@,]ASF:@,oAV@pAW@0AX@6-?:C:hhhLV,<@%},@$3 A#@3@@D8:DUMMYuAI@'AP@<ARF%}:@,QASF:@,cAVuAW@06-?:C:hhhLV,<@,@ B$%}o +@A1B7tACA@]0@oAY--(%R-DRAW % } version 1.3 for 130XE RAMDISK(M-(%ԠӠՠ M(1 OR 2 = HORIZONTAL SPACINGL-(%%!}ŠŠҠϠԩ L( = SINGLE MOVEMENT,,($LԠŠRԠŠBȠS*("(CONTROL %"}+ L, R, AND B DRAWS THRU)S($ŠҠũҠΠ,,($P = SPRAY PAINT | D = LINE DRAW MODE"c@(>:@4%#}%A(,%ԠŠӠԠũ c((^-E , ^-X, ^-W = OTHER FONTS),,,($ϠŠŠӠŠ%$}Š6,,($M = MIRROR | C = COPY SECTION@,,($ ӠӠҠJ,,($^Q = REVERSE SCREEN (ANY K%%}EY EXITS) T,,($ԯΠůĠϠ^,,($ h'AR'A%&}Y@4r(1) PUT FILE ON SCREEN|(2) SAVE SCREEN TO FILE(3) GO TO DRAW MODE( 4) TOOL BOX(%'}F@.@@K:;)@F@$"@:1,6-@$ Ap%(}$"@:2,6-@$ Ap"@:3, AP""@:4, A0" A"@:R, A( %)} A"@6.GET"@6.SAVE,@(,(NAME OF FILE TO ?( 4GET(((DIR%*} = DISK DIRECTORY)46.DIR! 4DIR A ! 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