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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝL" -}Yeah! At last! Ladies and gentelmen, World Federation of Mad Hackers proudly presents: THE CRUNCHER v5.0 - the first sequence*}-bit packer for Atari 8-bit.Don't forget that this is the shareware program. If you use it, please send $5 (or $10 to get a+} new version - when it will appear of course) to: Zenon Mikolajczyk Marc,}ina 37/15 71-544 Szczecin POLAND Well... don't save your money-} this time! If you've any questions, notes, you've found a bug, you've got an idea to improve this program or you just .}need a little help with using it - feel free to contact me at address above. The following document is a standard ATASC/}II text file without any control characters, therefore it can be printed with any text-editor on every printer. Forget 0}and forgive me all fatal bugs in my English, I know it isn't the best!!! INTRODUCTION. Though Atari 8-bit is ra1}ther old computer and it's present around for about ten years, there's still very little quantity of packers for this machine2}. I saw about 15 packers for Commodore 64 (which is even "younger" than Atari) and exactly ONE for our 8-bitter. Yes, I know 3}that some people pack their own files and/or spread the packing routines, but...first: those are pointer crunchers, second: o4}nly assembler freaks can use them. I personally also made a pointer packer known as "The Cruncher v2.69" and anyone could use5} it. But since pointer-crunching has poor results it still wasn't good enough. Now, after an year of research I'd like t6}o present you my new masterpiece - "The Cruncher v5.0". It is the pointer-sequence-bit packer that really shrinks files and g7}ains thousands of bytes. Of course crunching process takes much longer time than in previous version, but I think it's worth 8}to wait ten minutes longer and to have file 30% (average data) shorter. One more thing: "The Cruncher v5.0" can pack DOS file9}s only. Here comes the brief instruction... HOW TO USE THIS PROGRAM? Yeah! It's really simple. The importa:}nt note is that crunching proceeds in two phases. The first phase - packing: Boot the master-disk without the BAS;}IC. After few moments the title page appears in the front of you. Press START key and insert a disk with your programs. Press<} SPACE BAR to read a directory, then point a file to crunch by using the cursor keys (no need to hold CONTROL). Press RETURN =}and wait till the file is loaded. It can happen that file starts automatically and it's because the file start address l>}oads into $2E2 (738 dec) and not into $2E0 (736 dec). You can repair it by changing the last six bytes of file. If you're lam?}er and you don't know how to do it... I'm sorry. If everything is ok, remove your disk, insert the master-disk into the @}drive (warning: the master-disk must be unprotected all the time) and press SPACE BAR. After few moments you'll be asked for A}STEP, which is between 1 and 7. There's no time and place to explain what does STEP mean, but general way of using it isB}: the longer program you gonna crunch - the smaller STEP should be selected. So, make your decision and wait till the first C}pass is finished. It's a pointer pass, so it takes only about 5 seconds. In case the program after this pass is longer tD}han $C400 bytes, crunching is aborted and red bars appear in the front of you. Try the smaller STEP. If all went good yoE}u're asked for OFFSET. Also, you can see an actual length of your program (after the first pass). OFFSET is the number of bytF}es which are searched forward for the sequence. OFFSET 1 - $0100 bytes -"- 2 - $0200 -"- G} -"- 3 - $0400 -"- -"- 4 - $0800 -"- -"- 5 - $1000 -"- -"- 6 - $2000 H}-"- -"- 7 - $4000 -"- Yeah! You guessed it! The smaller OFFSET is selected - the faster packing proceedI}s. But then it also got a worse results. Yet, don't suppose that if you select OFFSET equal to 7, you will get the best resulJ}ts. You have to know that if the OFFSET if big, a lotsa of bits is lost for the decruncher commands. I personally noticed thaK}t the best OFFSET is 4 ($0800 bytes). Of course it also depends on kind of file to crunch. And don't try to pack a file with L}OFFSET bigger than its length. Okay, OFFSET has been selected, now wait some minutes till the packing process is finisheM}d. During packing a single line is on the screen. It shows you how many bytes left to crunch (LEFT), how many bytes have beenN} saved to disk (ON DISK) and how long file is (LENGHT). When the packing ends a colorful bars appear on the screen and you caO}n press RESET. The first phase of crunching is done, boot the master-disk to start the second one - linking. WhenP} the title screen appears press SELECT. You enters the LINKER. It will link packed data with decruncher and file markers and Q}will save it in normal DOS format. In the screen you can see length of unpacked file, length of data after packing, lengR}th of final file (with decruncher and markers), OFFSET which has been used and start address of original file. You can add coS}ntents of half a stack (memory location $100 - $17f) to destination file by pressing OPTION. If you're glad of a result pressT} SPACE to load data into memory. Then insert a destination diskette and type in the filename for packed program. Confirm it bU}y pressing Y and SPACE and wait till the final version of your program is saved on disk. Reset the computer and check out, whV}ether your program works. It probably will, but if not - there's nothing you can do. "The Cruncher v5.0" packs data conW}tained in following memory-locations: $0480 - $06FF $0C00 - $CFFF X} $D800 - $FFFF. And that's folks! See you all in my next productions. Magnus Y} World Federation of Mad Hackersnext productions. Magnus HPTLQR@i  ```pppBPNPNPNPB[}NPNPNPBALPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ,/!$%22/2 \}7rittenby-!'.533electprogram\]^_%3# %8)42%452.7elcometo#25.#(%26H]}぀presskey #)/%22/2 presskeyLP01 ,P"/y>9^}Q!LSL R P ,Pѩ܅݅ Ri  SLTЦРЭ) tR_} q L5RLQi ܥiݩ8 8 曥i(ܐݤ`i   Sy`}  SLTy` )ˈ` ˈLGSLQ'Q Pˆ̩ͅ΅ S SLQ La}T&ŗڥ Sͥ8(˥L S'iŗ Si(˥iL S! 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