@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W } LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" } $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ` }$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H }p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF }7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L }EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D } .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d } . D  L    p  E` , d)  D L) 0BM݊L݉} ML  N݆ L NLML [ TEqEHȱEqEh 0Gȹ G} HLL GɛL  LFREE SECTORS G) *Gȩ GȽG GȌ*jj >G} C8jJ3j2CD( C202C ԠBX` N 1? l LlD:RAMDISK}.COMLu L1 L ;LHL  T`  `8  ɐ     `TU  } L ? .  t`GBJ ~DEHI B V0dV!}QDEHI VF9 ,0 ,0 s0hhL  L` H hDHEh"}DEL8HI4 0 HI,0 0  9 .G VLO#},0 L4*IJ`llD1:AUTORUN.SYSNEED MEM.SAV TO LOAD THIS FILE.D8:MEM.SAV J y08 B|DEHI$} V0 0`B;DEL`?<0LV`@ʆ v s? F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG*}E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED697 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D8:COPY32.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  G}JB|,#P#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 ,^ 1 70,0La- B V,#PH},^ 1 70 0L#L!-* 1P* 1 y0Yj383}mm ݭI}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:-)| / 1L!`DESTINATION CANT BE DOJ}S.SYS0 0H{ 24Δ 28/L!/) 2 Π 2 0 ξK}hAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-GIVE L}FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O S0 1`BDEPHI V` S0H 1 L!M}0 0 1L~0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL! 70 1L0L<1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥN}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{NAMEO} TOO LONG B VL!` L1I H1EΝDL1|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:222 1 LP}!ERROR- 144ɛ+,' 20*.. өr2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALID HEXAQ}DECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8uR} ECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8uEiͩkΩ͙kCop j`j {j`Hi͝Νh`T}L"UNEM:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCop j`j {j`Hi͝Νh`X DKEBLWIDTERFILEBA@ V}88MENU by Les Ellingham, PAGE 6 August 1986. W +@/6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,C%@@W% W}@@##@@K:6;@ ,;@,66. -oAA6 X}'A @9A@RKAA]AAoAR@2:(@>:A%,:(@ Y} page  presents<##(@ DISK EDITOR A33(@" courtesy of ATARI Addicts F4-@ Z}4(@ 1. sector tool H-(@-(@ 2. sector copy K-(@-(@ 3. [}P,(@,(@ 4. U-(@-(@ 5. disk map Z-(@-(@ 6. di \}sk dump _&(@&(@ 7. dos cbb(Y Please ensure that you read the documentation before using ]}the programs.d.)@. @I)!@UAnM6-&@HMA0A5A A"AP ^}A@AU% D:SECTOOL.BAS%D:SECTCOPY.BAS%D:DISKDUMP.SAVuk(b}DISK MAP is a binary load file. _} Go to DOS and use option L with filename DISKMAP.OBJu A.J(>:A%,--@@6@ `}9-F(@J 'AAe'AAe,(@,(@ 1. instructions*(@ a}*(@ 2. background/(@/(@ 3. more background.(@.(@ 4. return to menu b}.)@. @I)!@RA56-&@H5A A"A$@E A!6. D:SE c}CTOOL.DOC! AP "6.D:DISKSCAN.TUT" AP&V@@6@@V@@ d}K:0 A@: A-@D)@N3!&@*"@2&(@)'3 A0X e}(@>:,b"AU' A0l v"F:@,!@!" AP Ap(ԠΠϠ f})@(>:A%,$ F:A,A6A09F:A,"A6#@.@9@ g}V(0(%END OF MANUAL - PRESS TO RE-RUND(ANY KEY TO EXITVAdAU8F:B2y,"@#@. h}@8 AP-F:Ad,AU*AdAU-% A(>:A%, A`(((( i} (S)creen or (P)rinter)@ !!"@)"AA !!"@)"AA  Ap*26 j}-@8/@@E:2$4-(>:A%,-( Width 1) 40 columns> ( 2) 80 columnsH< k})@6-&@H< @)!@A@R46-$@@1@@P:4$\B A`0(d} :/:SDSKIODUNIDCOMNDSKSECTONOKSIDOLDSECTONXCCOGNOSBYTECOUNFPOINODUMMXXXXHEXSCRPUTXHEPFLAWOm}RKDIROFLINEDDIRDUMPDSK2SIJCOTKSSESMAFPOINTFNCOUNOLDSECTENFTRACESECTORTRBI n}@@Aa@@ @ $ @ @  oAao}B%6 WW$@rAa@PP a JK!r "rp}HU#@$@%&'(At)*A +,-./@01A q}234E&&================================&&> ӠŠàԠϠҠԠϠϠ̠ <&&> (SINGLE/DOUBLE Dr}ENSITY) <&&> (C) 1985, 1986 BY <&&> JOHN DAVID MCFARLAND III <&&> VER. 0.861A 01/16/86 s}<&&> <&&> 3206 DORSET DRIVE <&&> LITTLE ROCK, AR. 72204 < &&====t}============================O6-Aa!A)@3A0@E@@O B %%============u}===================#%%> SUBROUTINES <$%%===============================(C -@6@v}<2@"@@ C$21.6-?:C:,<< ENTER SECTOR y}NUMBER CHECK RANGE {}& READ SECTOR <$$==============================E+!$)+ @*"@,) @5 B ;6-E A'|}6-6-@'6-@ @P A0$$==============================$$> DISPLAY DATA CONT}}ROL <$$============================== (}( D-@% BP/( ҠD(~}Link Sector : X!26-P:+&@,'@,%@>!@L6-&@X6-@6-?:C:, WRITE <$$==============================o @@-@@!o(JUse }cursor controls to change any byte. Press on each row.RAR'-@2@/( 9 @}C AR6.7@,,AR@,6-F:@,&@!! )!@AUS"@g#-}@O67@ &@$,.7@"&@$,S "@r A@ -@7%@( B}4-@@!*(Is that all?4 @#@*@x# ADD67@%$@%+A($},<@%$@%A($,."@A0"@xA j-@@!`(EIf you're sure you} really want to write this sector press .j @@A&6-@ @P0 A`##}=============================##> LINK DATA <##=============================..6-P:@:7A($&}@,,'+@$,,OO6-+@:7A($&@,,&$+@$,,$AV%@:7A($&@,, @)!$6}-6-@:7A($,,$$##=============================##> MOVE SECTOR ROUTINE <##==================}===========s-@@!I(MOVE sector # to sector # : ----[ARc(m @s6-})AR@)"A33!$)+ @*"@,) @AX-@@!N(2Pre}ss <> to move this sector to sector # X @ @A) 6-6-@ @P) A`##}=============================##> HEX CONVERSION <##=============================YY6-?:C:DhhhЩ}΅ͤ.Hȱ80 h80  ȄΤ͑Ȅ`, INTRO <'""============================$'5#@@E:5AR@}']];@6,;A`,;AV,;@,;Ap,;A H,;Ac,;@u,'<<;@,;A,;A},;@,;AW`,'; 6.67A H,.)67@,./6.56.;6.'6-@r' B 't @@} BP)-@@>(Drive # or ?H @^ @P)!@Rj6-@t B'6-&@H'}-@0@('6-!-@@ _(9ingle, nhanced, or ouble density ?i @}u"@6-@'b6-A "@i'6-@36-A#?6-@Q-@0@X(>:,b B}("@h6-@ (!! @)!@B(-@0@(>:,(a6-!-@@?(}ingle or ouble sided ?I @U"@a6-@("@h6-@((!! @)!@B-(-}@0@(>:,<( @@Z(--@@-(*6-Aa B *""===============}=============*""> DISK HANDLER <*""============================*y96./hhhhhhhh h hh}hhh hY67@H<@H,.>:Ab,y67@I<@I,.>:A%,*` 67@P<@T,.@67@U<@U},.>:Ab,`67@V<@V,.>:AS,*tt67@W<AE,.Yҩ1 W@ Y  i})ұ%э ȱ΍   iΐϭ  *,,67AF<Ab,.  У`*""============================*""> } SCREEN DUMP <*""============================*TT6.JhhhХYӥXhhi(Ґɀ` }@i @(`*""============================*""> SCREEN DISPLAY <*""============================*t}T67@<@W,.9hhhХYϥXiΐhhͩ҅өԤұ{ҦCFJJJJt67@X<@X,.>:Ab,*E%67@Y}<@h,. ҈)E67@i<@i,.>:Ab,*C#67@p<@w,.C67@x<@x,.>:@',}*nn67@y,.[ iiӑлӥi(ΐɠɀ` i@8 ӑп`*""===========}=================*""> SEARCH FOR A STRING <*""============================*RR6.HhhhhhhhhhР}ߥЅԥх`ԅ`*""============================*""> SIDE BARS OF MAIN DISPLAY<*""=========}===================*c6.hX˥Yhhi567@ ,.>:Ab,K67@!,.ːc67@',.>:Ab,*v#6}7@(,.͑i;67@D,.>:@0,v67@E,.+ː̱͑i ːi͐ΰ`*mm6.c}*e!67A,.!!}967A,.>:@4,M67A,.e67A,.>:@4,*<<67A ,.)##$$%%&}&*$*""============================*""> PRINT <*""============================+B B}-@@P:8@B B+%"@6-% B@ + 3 3+F/3 Byte count : } SECTOR: C3 Link sector: F3 +-@@*+6-?:C:,'H A R+$S+FFF:A,A8*F:A,%AV$F}:A,BBU+R-@ @ 0(D-@@N @@R V+((~~~~~~~~~~}~~~~~~~~~~~( B\+""============================]+""> DIRECTORY <^+""============================}p+ 6-z+C-@@!2(Reading Directory...C67A H,.+_6-@6-A`'6-@1 @P}76-_6-@:7@,,%AV$@:7@,,+::6-?:C:,<<@ TRACE FUNCTION } <.""============================.Y6-!-@@!O((Enter starting sector # : ----Y @}.33 @)!$)+ @*"@,A.a6-@6-@'6-@-6-56.F67AW`,.U6}7@,.a6-.G 6--@@!-( Tracing G67@<@,.=:,/b-@@!( } %6-/ @P9 A0T67$@%@,.b"B ` / F:Ad,AUB"/=67@%$@},.=:,-6-%@36-= B @/""============================/4 (}-@4(&/}-@+-@@"9-$@(A:7@%@$+$@"%&@,%<@%@$+$@"}%&@,%,,0/-$@"%%'@ '#'- B!:/O  6-%A+-@@#;( 宮E }@O B `D/4-@@#!"4( N/D-@"@#*(4 @:6-}D AU/(F:Ad,"@(6-( AU/6-@ B `:""============================:""> OTH}ER SUBROUTINES <:""============================:EB(9 E$:}g (}-@@d(DӠŠàԠϠҠԠϠϠ̠ (C) 1985 by J.D.McFarlandg$R""===================}========= R""> FIND FUNCTION < R""============================lR>-@@!>($You may search for }up to 8 bytes.R-"@g-( --------RK"@rK(6 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --}R1AR(' @1 AR4AR F:@,@#ARV"@r*}6-+B:,%@,'@;67@),.*E A@ V6.7@<,R)B:,!@)6.7@<@,R B}Rw#6-@%+&@,$@5-@@![( Starting at sector ----e @q"w6-R}*$&@6-RN6-!-@@!D(Follow linkage (Y or N) ? N @RO"@)"@v}96-@%+&@,$ARE6-O BRI-@@!9(Ending at sector ----C @I6-}R' )!$&@'6-$&@R:AR@'-@@!:( Searching R ! B0P A}RP-@@!( 4F:Ad,AUFAdAUP A R) 6.67A,.)67@,.}R>46-?:C:,<<@ B0Rd/67A($&@,.7A($%@,d6-?:C:, AND MORE SUBROUTINES (H BPpq$zq$ @@ @@! @@$$t""============================}t""> SIGN-OFF SECTOR COPY <&&> VER. 1.0 05/2}7/84 <&&> BY JOHN DAVID MCFARLAND III < &&================================2#@@E:5A}R@G-@@(;ŠҠ٠ by COGNOS (C) 1984<; A"'6-}%@1 A; A`F] A5-@@N()Enter: from unit #,to unit # ]@P9}9+"@)"@,*+"@)"@,AZ @pdy-@@A(&Enter: ingle/ouble density } a@@K:n)@y@n>-@3@(>:,("@46-@> A@}x%"@h6-@% A@ Ay-@@A(&Enter: ingle/ouble sided a@}@K:n)@y@L-@3@(>:,("@66-$@B6-@L A%}"@h6-@% A A@;-@@ A@1-@@; A@y-@@}A(&Copy : ll/art of disk a@@K:n)@y@T-@3@(}>:,("@e46-@B6-A $J6-&T APT"@!-@@J($Enter: starting sector,endi}ng sectorT A0 Al-@@/( >@N6-&%@l"@* }@A!)!$A A 6- 6--P:', 6-%$ &$ 6-&$"}7 A5-@@) A7"A ,G-@@ A +"=-@@"G AP}6=-@@" A0) Ap3 A= A@@E-@@ AP1-@@; A0E A}pJk A5-@@) A ;-@@E APW-@@a A0k AT ^((}}finished........% A5(r$$==============================|$$> SUBROUTINES <\-@@}/(a moment please......K-AeAe%A O"UY \$B?(4INSERT SOURCE DISKETTE IN} DRIVE B$=:(/INSERT DESTINATION DISKETTE IN DRIVE =$C@(Pass %@ of P:',%@ } C$C -@6@<2@"@@ C$UR(J } U$k(and press ...0A@dP@@K:]})@h@k$e6-I:,+6-P:'AV,&@:;AV$,B6.S67$AV,.b67@,.e}$*'6-?:Ae<<@ingl}e, nhanced, or ouble. 3. Select ingle- or ouble-sided. If you use both sides of a diskette with a single-sided }drive such as the Atari 810 you will need to turn the diskette over to read the other side as you normally would. The double-}sided option is for double sided drives. SECTOR TOOL will pause a few moments to read the disk directory (sectors 361-368) }and pass control to the sector display screen.SECTOR DISPLAY SCREEN SECTOR TOOL defaults to sector 361, the first sector } of the disk directory. The following functions are supported: eq. - The key causes the next sector in numerical ord }er to be read and displayed. causes the next lower sector to be displayed. ink - The key causes the sector  }indicated by the link bytes of the current sector to be read and displayed. causes the last sector linked to the cu }rrent sector to be displayed, provided you had entered the current sector via the command. The backward link function onl }y remembers the last forward link. eset - The key displays a request for a sector number and then jumps to, reads, }and displays that sector. ir. - The key displays the first 16 filenames of the current directory along with the file} status flag (FL), starting sector number, and number of sectors. Press or to display the next 16 filenames, etc. Pre}ss any other key to return to the main display. causes the first sector of the current disk directory to be displaye}d. disk - The key allows you to re-define the drive number, density, and number of sides. lter - The key pr}esents a cursor and invites you to alter any byte or series of bytes as you wish. The bytes may only be altered a row at a ti}me (a maximum of 8 bytes) and should be entered in the same format as the display. You must press on each row in wh}ich you have made changes or the changes will not be recorded. If you wish to change one or more bytes on the same row that t}he cursor starts on you must move the cursor off that row and then back on it. (This is due to the way the Atari editor input}s data.) The data written to the indicated sector is taken from screen position. ex - The key causes the sector data} to be displayed in hexidecimal form. har. - The key causes the sector data to be displayed in character form.

}rint - The

key sends a facsimile of the display to the printer. In double density mode both pages of the sector display a}re printed. If you only want to print one page of a double density display (i.e. bytes 0-127 or 128-255) press . ext - The key toggles the display of the two pages of a double density sector. ind - The key allows you to defi}ne up to 8 bytes to search for within a range of sectors or within a file. To escape during a search press any key. ove} - The key allows you to write a copy of the current sector to any other sector. dir - The key allows you to est}ablish a working disk directory other than the standard disk directory. Enter the starting sector number of the working direc}tory. re-establishes the default directory. race - The key will ask for a starting sector number and then} follow the sector links to the end of the file. A list will then be displayed of all the sectors found to be linked. You may } abort a Trace by pressing , for full abort, or any other key to see a current link list. uit - The key termina!}tes the program.NOTES The "error detected" sign is displayed when any kind of error occurs. This is just a warning. It "}does not mean that a fatal error has occurred. SECTOR TOOL ignores most disk errors so it is possible to recover some bad sec#}tors by reading and rewriting the bad sector. As an alternative, you could move the data from the bad sector and make the app$}ropriate changes to the linkage bytes and bit map (VTOC). Because the first 3 sectors are boot sectors they are always sing%}le density. In double density mode you will not be allowed to read sectors 1, 2, or 3. To read sectors 1, 2, or 3 of a double&} density disk use single density mode. The Find function may be set to follow the linkage within a file or to read sequentia'}lly. The Find function reads across the byte count and linkage bytes (the last 3 bytes of a sector), so that a string of data(} bytes starting near the end of one sector and continuing into the next sector will be recognized. If you make an alteratio)}n to the disk directory, this change will not be revealed by a command unless you first re-read the directory via an *}command or a / command. Problems will be encountered if you try to alter data bytes in character format on rows +}that contain 'EOL' characters. In that situation it is recommended that you make your alterations in hexidecimal form ($9B).,} When the

rint function is called from the character display, an inverse character will be printed as a normal character -}and a non-printing character will be printed as a ".".End.lay, an inverse character will be printed as a normal character =ATARI Disk Data Structures:An Interactive Tutorialby David YoungINTRODUCTION The floppy disk is a marvelous and yet /}mysterious media for mass storage of data. Indeed, to understand exactly how a bit of data is stored and retrieved from the 0}surface of the disk requires a good knowledge of physics. However, to learn about the data structures found on a disk require1}s no higher mathematics than hexadecimal arithmetic. The manual supplied with the computer usually does an adequate job of s2}upplying all the technical details, but wouldn't it sink in better if the actual data on the media were viewed while it is be3}ing described? The SECTOR TOOL program is used to demonstrate the disk data structures as they are being described. Follow4} the instructions under GETTING STARTED in the SECTOR TOOL USER'S GUIDE to run SECTOR TOOL. Once the program has started, re5}move the SECTOR TOOL diskette and insert some other diskette that has been backed up. Use the "R" (reset) function whenever 6}you are requested to view a particular sector on disk. Whenever you are requested to change the display format from hex to c7}haracter, or vice versa, use the "C" or "H" (toggle display format) function.The Disk Media The first disk structure 8}to be aware of is the sector, which on any computer system consists of a group of contiguous bits recorded at a specific loca9}tion on the disk. The disk drive hardware always operates on whole sectors, that is to say, it is not possible to read or wr:}ite partial sectors. Groups of sectors are organized into tracks forming concentric rings about the center of the disk. The;} ATARI system divides the disk into 40 tracks with 18 sectors per track for a total of 720 sectors. This is best visualized <}by taking the lid off of the disk drive and watching the read/write head move as certain sectors are addressed. On the ATARI=} 810 disk drive this is accomplished by removing the 4 phillips head screws hidden under gummed tabs at each corner of the li>}d. While inside the case, a bit of lubrication on the 2 cylindrical guide rails supporting the head will make the drive less?} noisy. If sectors 1 through 18 are read with SECTOR TOOL, the head remains fixed on the outermost track. When sector 7@}20 is read, the head moves in to the innermost track. When a disk is formatted, the head can be seen to bump sequentially thA}rough all 40 tracks. It is laying down the patterns on the oxide surface which will be recognized by the drive hardware as tB}he sectors.The sectors are all initially empty (128 bytes of 0), but at the end of the formatting routine, as described in tC}he next section, the ATARI DOS records special data into certain sectors. The top of the drive can now be resecured. No moreD} information about the hardware is needed to understand the higher level disk data structures of the software.Boot SectorE} At the end of the formatting process DOS reserves and initializes certain sectors for special tasks. Into sectors 1 thrF}ough 3 is stored the bootstrap for DOS. On power-up the ATARI operating system reads sector 1 to determine how many sectors G}to read and where into memory to load them.After it has loaded in the specified number of sectors, DOS starts executing the H}new code at the load address + 6. Put SECTOR TOOL into the hex mode and read sector 1 of any DOS disk. Byte 1 says that 3 sI}ectors are read (sequentially) and bytes 2 and 3 specify a load address of $700. (A 2 byte number is always specified with tJ}he least significant byte first.) Byte 6 is the first intruction to be executed (a $4C1407 is a JMP $714). In this case theK} code which follows sets up to load the File Management System of DOS into memory. This is called the second stage of the boL}ot. Look at the first sector of any other boot disk available (any game or program which loads in from disk on power-up). M}It might be seen that the program loads in entirely during the first stage of the boot, i.e. byte 1 of sector 1 has a sector N}count which represents the entire program. For more details on the disk boot process, see the ATARI Operating System User's O}Manual.Volume Table of Contents Besides the first three boot sectors, DOS sets up sectors 360 to 368 as the directorP}y of the disk. DOS uses the directory to keep track of where files are stored on disk and how much disk space remains. ReadQ} sector 360 of a DOS disk with SECTOR TOOL in the hex mode and view a part of the directory called the Volume Table of ContenR}ts (VTOC). Information pertaining to the availability of every sector on the disk is stored in this sector. Bytes 1 andS} 2 specify the maximum number of user data sectors on the disk ($2C3 = 707) and bytes 3 and 4 specify the number of free sectT}ors remaining on the disk (707 for an empty disk, 0 for a full one). Starting in bit 6 (the second to highest order bit) of U}byte $0A, each bit up through byte $63 corresponds to a sector. A 1 corresponds to a free sector while a 0 means the sector V}is being used. When a file is stored on the disk, the bits corresponding to the sectors used are set to 0. When the filW}e is erased, the bits are set back to 1. That is why DOS, when it deletes a file, can be heard reading the entire file. It iX}s determining which sectors were being used by the file so that it can free them back up. Notice that bits 1, 2 and 3 (bits Y}6, 5 and 4 of byte $0A) are set to 0. These correspond to the 3 boot sectors. Likewise, the 9 bits starting in byte $37 areZ} 0 because they correspond to the sectors of the directory. These 12 sectors are thus kept from being overlaid by user files[}. If the VTOC is viewed on an older disk which has had many file additions and deletions, it may be noted that the VTOC \}has become quite fragmented. Any file added to the disk may get stored into sectors scattered about the disk. How DOS keeps]} track of files spread over multiple sectors will be discussed shortly. By the way, even though the operating system recogni^}zes sector 720 (try reading it; should be all zeroes), DOS never makes use of it. True to Murphy's Law, it adopted the numbe_}r scheme of 0 to 719 instead of 1 to 720. No need to bother trying to read sector 0!The Directory Of all the disk d`}ata structures, probably the most important one to be acquainted with is the directory. The 8 sectors following the VTOC (36a}1-368) contain a list of all the files on the disk along with their size, starting sector and status. Put SECTOR TOOL into cb}haracter mode and read sector 361 of a DOS disk that has several files on it. It can be seen that the name of the first file c}starts in byte $05 and the extension (if any) starts in byte $0D. If any of the 11 character positions of the filespec are und}used, it contains a blank. Notice that the filenames start every 16 bytes, allowing 8 directory entries per 128 byte sector.e} Thus, the maximum number of entries for the 8 sectors of the directory is 64. Now put SECTOR TOOL in hex mode and readf} sector 361. The first byte of each 16 byte entry contains the status of the file. For a normal file that byte is $42, unleg}ss it is locked, in which case it has a status of $62. A deleted file has a status of $80. An anomaly occurs whenever a filq}b%DOS SYSb*)DUP SYSbSAUTORUN SYSbUMENU bvlSECTOOL BASbSECTCOPYBASb/SECTOOL DOCb.DISKSCANTUTbPDISKMAP OBJbEDISKDUMPSAVb LRAMDISK COMUMENU 2 e is opened for output (from BASIC, perhaps) but is not closed before the computer is powered down or glitched. Since the str}atus of an open file is $43, DOS will neither recognize the entry as "in use" nor "deleted". Even the sectors which may haves} been written out will not really exist on disk because the VTOC is not updated until the file is closed. The only harm donet} is that this bogus entry will take up space in the directory until the disk is reformatted. (One other solution would be tou} change the $43 to an $80 using SECTOR TOOL; refer to the alter sector function, "A", in the SECTOR TOOL USER'S GUIDE.) The v}second and third bytes of each entry contain the size in sectors of the file (low order byte first) while the fourth and fiftw}h bytes specify the first sector of the file. DOS only needs to know the first sector of a file because each sector points tx}o the next sector of the file in a process called "linking".Linking At this point it would be best to explain how DOy}S forms a data file on disk. First, the user must open an I/O channel for output to the disk, perhaps with the BASIC "OPEN" z}command. DOS responds by creating an entry in the directory with the specified filename and a status of $43. DOS reads the {}VTOC into memory and searches the disk map for the first free sector. If a free sector is found, it's number is used as the |}starting sector in the directory entry. Now, when the user begins to output data via this I/O channel, perhaps with the BASI}}C "PUT" command, DOS waits until it has collected 125 bytes of user data in a buffer. Then DOS adds 3 special bytes of it's ~}own and outputs the sector to the disk. I call these 3 bytes the "sector link". The sector link, bytes 125 to 127 of th}e sector, contains 3 pieces of information. The high order 6 bits of byte 125 contain a number which represents the position} of the file's entry within the directory (0 to 63). DOS uses this number to check the integrity of the file. If ever this n}umber should fail to match the position of the file's directory entry, DOS generates an error. The low order two bits of byt}e 125 and all of byte 126 form a pointer to the next sector of the file. A pointer is the address of a record in the compute}r's memory or, in this case, the address of a record on disk, the sector number. The next sector of the file is determined b}y scanning the bit map of the VTOC for the next free sector, which may or may not be the next sequential sector of the disk. } Thanks to the link pointers, all sectors of a file need not be contiguous sectors on the disk. The last byte of the sector }link (byte 127 of the sector) contains the number of bytes used within the sector. This byte will always be $7D (125) except} for the last sector of a file, which will probably be only partially filled. DOS writes out this partial sector only when t}he user closes the file, perhaps with the BASIC "CLOSE" command. When an output disk file is closed, DOS writes the newl}y updated VTOC back out to sector 360. It then updates the file's directory entry by changing the status to $42 and filling }in the file size (bytes 1 and 2) with the number of sectors used by the file. This completes the process of creating a file }on disk. Now, when DOS is requested to read a file from disk, it finds the directory entry of the specified file to determin}e the start sector. Then, following the link pointers, it reads the file sector by sector until EOF (end of file) is reached}, indicated by a link pointer of 0. Equipped with a basic understanding of how a file is stored on disk, try looking at }a file with SECTOR TOOL. In character mode, first locate the name of the desired file in the directory (sectors 361-368). T}hen put SECTOR TOOL in hex mode and look at the fourth and fifth byte of the entry to determine the start sector. For exampl}e, if these two bytes were "1F 01", type "287" in response to "Sector #?" to read the first sector of the file. Observe the }last three bytes of the sector and verify that the high order 6 bits of byte 125 correspond to the directory entry position a}nd that byte 127 is the number of bytes used (probably $7D). Then determine the next sector of the file from the low order 2} bits of byte 125 and byte 126. For example, if bytes 125 and 126 are "1D 20" then the next sector of the file is $120 and t}he file is the eighth entry of the directory (the first entry being entry 0). If the file is not too long, it would be instr}uctive to follow the sector links to EOF. Once the ability of finding a file on disk and following the sector links is maste}red, all that remains is to become familiar with the 3 types of files used by DOS. (NOTE: SECTOR TOOL will automatically fol}low the sector links of a file if it is in linked mode; refer to the SECTOR TOOL USER'S GUIDE.)File Types The first }type of file is not a true file, per se, because there is no entry in the directory for it. This file type includes the boot} record and the directory itself. And since the sectors which make up these files are not linked but, instead, are related t}o each other sequentially, I call these records "sequentially linked files". When examining a sector of the boot record or d}irectory, merely increase the sector number by 1 to get to the next sector of the record. An example of the second type }of file is that which is created with the BASIC "LIST" or "SAVE" command. This file consists of ASCII characters which eithe}r represent straight text, as in a LISTed file, or a sort of condensed text, as in a tokenized or SAVEd file. Except when vi}ewing the sector links, the character mode of SECTOR TOOL is best suited for examinimg this type of file. At this point it w}ould be instructive to locate in the directory of a DOS disk a file created with the BASIC "LIST" command. Upon determining }the start sector, observe the file in the character mode. The BASIC program can be easily recognized. It may be noted that }the carriage return-line feed character (CRLF) is displayed in it's ATASCII representation (an inverse escape character) inst}ead of executed. Now observe a file that consists of a program that was SAVEd from BASIC. Since the text has been tokenized} the program is harder to recognize. However, certain parts of the program are not altered during the tokenization process, }notably text following REM and PRINT statements. Now, having investigated ASCII files, it is time to discuss the last file t}ype, the "binary load" file. The binary load file is primarily used to load 6502 machine code into memory for execution.} However, it's format is so general that it can be used just as easily to load any type of data, including ASCII text. Loca}te a game or other program which is run with the BINARY LOAD option of DOS. Alternatively, create a binary load file by savi}ng any part of memory (except ROM) with the BINARY SAVE option. Now observe the first sector of the file with SECTOR TOOL in} the hex mode. First, notice that all binary load files start with 2 bytes of $FF. The next four bytes are the start and en}d addresses, respectively, where the data to follow will be loaded into memory. If these four bytes were "00 A0 FF BF" then }the data would be loaded between the addresses of $A000 and $BFFF. I call these four bytes a load vector. After DOS has loa}ded in enough bytes to satisfy the load vector, it assumes, unless EOF is reached, that the next four bytes specify another l}oad vector. DOS will continue inputting the file at this new address. Upon completion of a BINARY LOAD, control will no}rmally be passed back to the DOS menu. However, DOS can be forced to pass control to any address in memory by storing that 2} byte address at location $2E0. To store the 2 bytes, it is necessary to specify another load vector as part of the file. I}f, for example, it were desired to execute the program loaded in at $A000, the following load vector would be part of the fil}e: E0 02 E1 02 00 A0. I call this specialized load vector an autorun vector. It achieves the same result as the RUN AT ADDR}ESS option of DOS. Try to find the autorun vector in the file being viewed. Although it could be at the beginning, it is mo}st likely located at the very end of the file.Conclusion Anyone who has made it to the end of this tutorial and has s}uccessfully performed the exercises presented here should consider themselves proficient on the subject of ATARI disk data st}ructures. I hope this tutorial has been useful to those wishing to gain a perspective about how data is stored on disk. At }the very least it should have taken some of the mystery out of working with this popular device.End.s stored on disk. At g@@dbc @^ B (^@sF F $I@ y@R@ /G   E %m@@sFF!}sF   wU hZ  Z D \   X     !} \ AA=K X   U \K    U  &nARA "#8A     9OG!}A1B   d&!BA "#A \     (BA #"A    !}  B  BBB T   2DAA  wU\  &BVB "#F  \ L HS  >F  \ L HS FF >F  tU $"FE  wU  wU!}    wU  tU  %oF[F } R   N   \ HS R  wUxs!}F`E L  |F M |F -M  |F EM  |F R O GG& % G O ( %#GF O!}sF  1\  9HsF  mGx  sF1B T  & %G!} ( %G  } D  }     HH } ~  2D  !} %5HG c W sF _M |F_ _ &IH_ "!}#H ] i a D[ [ &IH[ "#H Y [  c W IIHH[ sF_ _!} (&wJ5I_ "#I_   JU  U B$tJa a &IIa "#hI _   ] !}wI  a a &IIa "#I _   ] I   U JJ    !} [ a \ mM U  U uM  UW "#c "#c (tJc [ *I  \ yM Ue !}R] c O] & % J] U ( %JwJ [      &+K KKK "#!}J      K  Drive %d: Used: %5d Free: %5d%c=Used%c=Empty%1d0123456789<<---- Tra!}ck Numbers ---->>This program is in the publicdomain. Please feel free to distribute this program.Enter drive # to maL!}Lp(1-4 or 0 to quit) : Insert disk into drive %dand press [RETURN] : D:*.*Error reading diskAtari Disk VTOC Mapper!}VERSION 3.1 - 11 April 1985Copyright (C) 1985By Michael Curry & SLCC<< Press any key >><< to continue >><< !} >><MM< Display Options >>1. Map Entire Diskette2. 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