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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RTN TO BASIC*} J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED COPY32 COM 056 COPYING---D1:COPY32.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  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A ;(@ F:@,!@ AJ A2-@@#Y}2(ӠԠϠ F:B2y,@A (} A@@3-@@"Z}3(ӠԠϠĠ7-@@#7(ӠԠϠΠϠ33F:B2y,@*F:B2y,@[}A  %F:B2y,"@%%D:DOSMANF:B2y,"@. A  D:DOSMAN.2*F:B2y,@m ATARI DISK OPERATING SYSTEM 2.5 Every effort has been made to ensure the a ]}ccuracy of the product documentation in this manual. However, because we are constantly improving and up ^}dating our computer software and hardware, Atari Corp. is unable to guarantee the accuracy of printed mat _}erial after the date of publication and disclaims liability for changes, errors, and omissions. `} ATARI, ATARI BASIC, AtariWriter, 1050, 810, 130XE, 65XE, and 800XL are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ata a}ri Corp. No reproduction of this document or any portion of its contents is allowed without th b}e specific written permission of Atari Corp., Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Copyright 1985 Atari Corp. c} Sunnyvale, CA 94086 INTROD d}UCING ATARI DOS 2.5 In an ongoing effort to provide the highest quality of products e} for use with your ATARI Computer, the new ATARI Corp. is supplying you with the enclosed DOS 2.5 Master f}Diskette. Its advantages over ATARI DOS 3 include ease and convenience of use (most utilities are contained within g} a single file and need not be loaded from disk) and compatibility with DOS 2.0S. DOS 2.5 also allows yo h}u to use the full capacity of your ATARI 1050 Disk Drive and to access the full RAM potential of the ATAR i}I 130 XE. This short manual provides you with instructions for getting started with j} DOS 2.5. For complete information on DOS 2.5, including detailed discussions on the menu items, compati k}bility with DOS 3 and 2.0S, the RamDisk, and the 2.5 Utilities, you may consider obtaining the new ATARI DOS 2.5 l} Manual. Available from ATARI Customer Relations, P.O. Box 61657, Sunnyvale, CA 94088. Cost: $10 plus $2.5 m}0 for shipping and handling. California residents add 6.5% tax. Please write ATARI DOS 2.5 Manual on the n} outside of your envelope when you order the book. Getting Started With DOS 2.5 o} DOS 2.5 allows you to format diskettes and store information in either single or enhanced density p}. With enhanced density you can record about 50 percent more data on each diskette than you can with DOS q} 2.0S. Enhanced-density storage is only possible if you have an ATARI 1050 Disk Drive; the 810 Disk Driv r}e is not capable of formatting or managing data stored in enhanced density. You need a 1050 Disk Drive to begin s} working with DOS 2.5 because your DOS 2.5 Master Diskette is recorded in enhanced density. If you often us t}e an 810 Disk Drive to access your files, you may want to format all your diskettes in single density. u} DOS 2.5 works with any cartridge-based program that runs on your Atari Computer and u v}ses DOS--even programs that predate DOS 2.5, including the AtariWriter word processor and ATARI BASIC. W w}ith such programs you can always use DOS 2.5 instead of DOS 2.0S to prepare data diskettes and manage files. x} Many diskette-based programs designed for use with the earlier DOS 2.0S can also be used y}with DOS 2.5. However, you may have to continue to use DOS 2.0S with certain protected diskette programs z} (see your program user's manual if you are unsure whether a program is protected.) {} THE DOS MENU Load DOS into your ATARI Computer using the same proced |}ures you use for either DOS 3 or DOS 2.0S. (If you have an ATARI 130XE, 65XE, or 800XL with built-in BASI }}C, type DOS and press [RETURN] to go from BASIC to DOS). The DOS Menu on your TV or monitor screen prese ~}nts a list of the DOS 2.5 options. The prompt below the menu invites you to make a selection. You choose }the function you want to use by pressing the letter corresponding to your selection and pressing [RETURN]. } DOS then asks you for the information it needs to proceed. Summary of DOS 2.5 Menu Options } If you have used DOS 2.0S, you will be familiar with most options. Note the change in Option }J, and the new Option P. If you have only used DOS 3, read this section for an introduction to DOS functi }ons. A. DISK DIRECTORY Allows you to call up a complete or selective list of the files on a di }skette, showing the filenames, extenders (if any), the number of sectors allocated to each file, and the }number of free sectors still available on the diskette. B. RUN CARTRIDGE (Can ONLY be used wit }h built-in BASIC or with a cartridge installed in the computer). This option allows you to return contro }l of your system to built-in BASIC or to the cartridge inserted in the cartridge slot. C. COPY } FILE For use when you have two or more disk drives and you want to copy files from one diskette to another. } Also use this option to copy a file on the same diskette, assigning a different name to the copy. } D. DELETE FILES Lets you erase a file from a diskette, increasing the available space on a diskette. } E. RENAME FILE Use when you want to change the name of a file. F. LOCK FILE Can } be used to prevent you from changing, renaming, or accidentally erasing a file. You will still be able }to read the file, but will not be able to write to it. An asterisk is placed in front of the filename in the } directory to indicate that the file is locked. G. UNLOCK FILE This removes the asterisk in front of }the filename and allows you to make changes to the file, rename it, or delete it. H. } WRITE DOS FILES Lets you add the DOS files (DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS) on your Master Diskette or System Diskette to a } diskette in any disk drive. I. FORMAT DISK Used to format a blank diskette, which is }necessary before you can record any information on it. Be sure you do not have any files you want to keep on a dis }kette before formatting it. This option will format a diskette in enhanced density provided you are using } a 1050 Disk Drive; otherwise, it will format in single density. J. DUPLICATE DISK Use when yo }u want to create an exact duplicate of a diskette. This option will automatically format the destination } disk. K. BINARY SAVE Saves the contents of specified memory locations on a diskette. } L. BINARY LOAD Lets you retrieve an object file from diskette. M. RUN AT ADDRESS } Use to enter the hexadecimal starting address of an object program after it has been loaded into RAM wit }h BINARY LOAD. N. CREATE MEM.SAV Reserves space on a diskette for the program in RAM to be sto }red while the DUP.SYS file is being used. For some applications like programming, it is a good idea to c }reate a MEM.SAV file on each new diskette you intend to use as a System Diskette. As you become more familiar } with DOS, you may find there are cases where a MEM.SAV file serves no useful function. The inconvenience of }waiting for MEM.SAV to load into memory may warrant deleting it from the disk. O. DU }PLICATE FILE Copies a file from one diskette to another, even if you have only a single disk drive. } F. FORMAT SINGLE Formats a diskette in single density using a 1050 Disk Drive. } DOS 2.5 AND THE ATARI 130XE RAMDISK The ATARI 130XE Computer is equipped with 131,072 } bytes--128K-- of Random Access Memory (RAM), twice the maximum 64K available with earlier model ATARI Comput }ers. The additional 64K RAM can be useful for many purposes: fast exchange of screen images for animation }, additional storage for large data bases, and so forth. You can also use the extra } RAM of the 130XE as a very fast "virtual" disk drive. Set up as a "RamDisk"--recognized by DOS 2.5 as D }rive 8 in your system--it can accommodate up to the equivalent of 499 sectors on a diskette. That is about } half what you can store on a diskette formated in enhanced density. The "storage }" capacity offered by the RamDisk is volatile memory. Information stored in it will be lost when you turn } off your computer system. So before turning off your system, be sure that any data currently in the RamDisk that } you want to save permanently is recorded on an actual diskette. The RamDisk can be } a very convenient tool. It allows you to switch almost instantaneously between BASIC (or any other prog }ramming language) and DOS, and back again. Use it to work with files "stored" on Drive 8--a technique that might } prove especially useful when you are transferring large amounts of data between two programs that are chai }ned together (that is, when one program RUNs the other). To Activate the RamDisk } Your DOS 2.5 Master Diskette contains a file called RAMDISK.COM that automatically sets up the e }xtra 64K RAM of the 130XE as a RamDisk. When you boot your 130XE system with a DOS }2.5 Master or System Diskette containing RAMDISK.COM, DOS will: - Display a message } that it is initializing the RamDisk; - Set up your computer's extra 64K of memory to act ver }y much as a disk drive, telling DOS to regard it as Drive 8; and - Copy the DOS fi }le DUP.SYS and establish MEM.SAV on the RamDisk, and use the versions of these files on the RamDisk rathe }r than those on your Master Diskette. If you wish to expand the usable capacity of your RamDi }sk, you may recover the memory used by DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV by: - Changing the conte }nts of location 5439 ($153F) to ATASCII 1 -- for example, POKE 5439,ASC("1"); and - } Deleting the files DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV from the "diskette" in Drive 8--that is, the RamDisk. Use option D., DELET }E FILE(S), on the DOS Menu and enter D8:*.* in response to the DELETE FILESPEC prompt. } Note: Booting a disk which doesn't contain DUP.SYS will cause RAMDISK.COM to initialize the RamDisk, }but DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV will not be moved to the RamDisk. Using DOS With the RamDis }k Because of the size of the RamDisk, you may not use DOS Menu option J., DUPLICATE DISK, to c }opy either a single-density or enhanced-density diskette to the RamDisk. Instead, you must copy individu }al files, taking care that they do not exceed in size the capacity of the RamDisk. You can ask DOS to du }plicate the contents of the RamDisk on an actual diskette. From then on, however, that diskette will be capable und }er DOS of accessing only 499 sectors worth of data--though you can always duplicate its contents back to }the RamDisk. If You Do Not Want to Use the RamDisk If you do not want to } use the ATARI 130XE RamDisk, you can either delete or rename the RAMDISK.COM file on your DOS 2.5 Master } or System Diskette. You may then use the extra RAM for other purposes. If you hav }e applications for which you do not wish to use the RamDisk, it is recommended that you leave the RAMDISK.COM } file intact on your DOS 2.5 Master Diskette. You might wish to make one working copy of DOS (System Diskette) } that contains RAMDISK.COM, and one that does not. Or you can simply rename the RAMDISK.COM file on your } System Diskette, then rename it back to RAMDISK.COM when you wish to use it. } THE DOS 2.5 DISK UTILITIES Your DOS 2.5 Master Diskette contains three new utilit }y programs in addition to the standard disk utilities handled by the DUP.SYS file--those available from t }he DOS Menu. The programs, each of which appears on the disk directory with a .COM extender, function as } follows: COPY32.COM allows you to copy files from diskettes formatted and written }to from ATARI DOS 3 to DOS 2.5 diskettes, converting the files in the process from DOS 3 to DOS 2.5. } DISKFIX.COM allows you to correct some problems that may occur with files on DOS 2.5 and 2.0S dis }kettes. Under certain conditions, you can also use this utility to recover deleted files. } SETUP.COM allows you to change certain DOS parameters. You can also use it to create an AUTORUN. }SYS file that will automatically load and run a BASIC program when you boot your system. } Note: RAMDISK.COM is not a disk utility. It is used only to set up the RamDisk on a 130XE Computer }. Selecting and Loading a Utility All three utilities are binary files t }hat are loaded and run using option L., BINARY LOAD, from the DOS 2.5 Menu. For example, to begin using }the COPY32.COM program, with the DOS 2.5 Menu on your screen, you would type L and press [RETURN], then t }ype COPY32.COM as the name of the file to load, and press [RETURN] again. Specific }instructions for using the COPY32.COM follow. There are also brief instructions for DISKFIX.COM and SETUP.COM. } For more detailed instructions for the latter two utilities, consult the ATARI DOS 2.5 Manual (see the Getti }ng Started section of this manual for ordering instructions). COPY32.COM } Using this utility is much like using the COPY FILE function on the DOS Menu. After you load the COPY32 }.COM program, you are prompted to specify which drive will hold your DOS 3 (source) disk and which drive }will hold your DOS 2.5 (destination) disk. If you have only one drive, type 1 in response to both prompt }s. In this case, you will have to swap your DOS 3 and DOS 2.5 diskettes during the copying process. If }you have more than one disk drive, you may select one to hold your DOS 3 diskette and another to hold you }r DOS 2.5 diskette. At this point, if you have only one drive, the utility prompts } you to insert your DOS 3 disk in Drive 1. For safety, place a write-protect tab on your DOS 3 disk so that you wil }l not erase valuable data if you make an error while swapping diskettes. }If you specified two different drives, the utility prompts you to insert both your DOS 3 and DOS 2.5 disks. } After you insert the diskette or diskettes, press [START]. The COPY32.COM program reads th }e directory of the DOS 3 diskette and displays the files it contains, sixteen at a time, by number. Pres }s [RETURN] to see the next sixteen files. When all the files on the diskette have been listed, you have t }he options to restart, return to DOS, or view the files again. To convert a file, e }nter the number of the file you wish to convert. The utility prompts you to confirm your choice by press }ing [START]. When you press [START], the program begins the conversion process by r }eading the specified file from the DOS 3 diskette. After COPY32.COM reads the entire file (or as much da }ta as it can accommodate in its memory buffer), it asks you to swap disks if you specified the same drive for your }DOS 3 and DOS 2.5 disks. With very large files, you may have to swap diskettes several times. If you are } using two drives, the program copies and converts the file in a single operation. } After the file has been copied and converted, press [START] to return to the listing of files on your DOS } 3 diskette, from which you may choose another file to convert. If an error occurs }during the copy process, COPY32.COM displays an error number and prompts you press [START] to restart, or } [SELECT] to return to the DOS 2.5 menu. Note: Unless you have two disk drives, you will be u }nable to convert files of more than 124,700 bytes (300 bytes less than the maximum file length possible u }nder DOS 2.5). DISKFIX.COM This program begins by showing you the curren }t drive number and a menu with these five options: 1. Change Drive # 2. U }nerase File 3. Verify Disk 4. Rename File by # 5. Quit to DOS T }ype the number of the function you wish to use but do not press [RETURN] after typing your choice. After activatin }g an option, follow the prompts. SETUP.COM This program begins } by showing you a menu with these four options: 1. Change current drive number } 2. Change system configuration 3. Set up an AUTORUN for Boot 0. Quit - Return to DOS } Menu selections 1 and 0 are used for "housekeeping" purposes. The two main functions of this util }ity are menu selections 2 and 3. Press the number key that corresponds to the function you wish to use, }then follow the prompts. Customer Support Atari Corp. welcomes any quest }ions you might have about your Atari Computer product. Write to: } Atari Customer Relations P.O. Box 61657 Sunnyvale, CA 94088 Please write the sub }ject of your letter on the outside of the envelope. We suggest that you contact your local Ata }ri User Group. They are outstanding sources of information on how to get the most out of your Atari Compu }ter. To receive a list of the user groups in your area, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: } Atari User Group List P.O. Box 61657 Sunnyvale, CA 94088 } Atari User Group List P.O. Box 61657 Sunnyvale, CA 94088 8<<  B JKIHiDiELV`L8 8 BLV`Lx}8t8l Lu8hihiHHȱȱL8c !#3`Lu8JJJJ`H 8h`H}ȩh Q8L8 Z8L8 8L8 8L8 8L8S:@9E:E9H '9 H9I9 8 '9h)0IC}9D9L8 L :::: :Lr:::IEL[::i:iIIL[:`:i::i}::L:`L{:w:w: C`L:L: D8:MEM.SAV: 8| 9 '9`L:L: D:DUP.SYS:̩ 8} x:ɀL: '9`88 |9Y:X: '9L); D8:DUP.SYS; 8::88 9 '98? :`;WL`; 9}Ln; ` :Y;Y;L;L;)} Setting Up ATARI 130XE Ram Disk; 9L; ; -9   } L;D8:; :9 :Y;L 5==8= > >=}LD>o=m==i 6=L>`TLI>Lj>} 堢>L ;6L> This program will work with and>t  };6L>" affect the diskette inserted in> ;6L> drive number %C.%E9> ?8L?"To specify another drive, simply!}> ;6LD?# enter just the drive's number at? ;6Lq?" the prompt (any key but a valid?N ;6L?& drive number requests"} 'no change').?{ ;6L?Which drive to use ? ? N6 _;E>E>1L:@4E>L:@E> 6E>9E>9E>9E>:L)@ %E%E #}Drive %C now selected.%E9@ ?8Lu@Lg@)%E%ENo change--drive %C still selected.%E9@= ?8`'Lz@L@ Current Syste$}m Configuration:@} ;6L@Active Drives: @ N6v@v@L@ v@=%:L@v@i0 6 6v@L@ 6 )L-AL%}&A (RamDisk)A ;6 )v@v@ILALdA!κ IF a RAMDISK is added toAB ;6LA# this configuration, th&}e DOS menuAn ;6LA will NOT work properly!A ;6v@ILOBLA!Һ do NOT return to DOS withA ;6LB" this confi'}guration active. theA ;6LHB# DOS menu will NOT work properly!B$ ;6L|B)%EUp to %B files open simultaneously.%E%E (}BR ?8LBDisk writes occur B N6yIPLBLB verify.B ;6LBLB with verify.B ;6` CloLBLC&} )}B ;6 w@LIC"Do you want to change any part ofC& ;6LrC that configuration (Y/N) ? CS N6 `=*}LC 6 69` B ByBLC#}Specify active drives by simplyC ;6LC" typing their drive numbers, oneC+} ;6L!D! after another. Any key exceptC ;6LOD# a valid drive number (1 to 4) isD+ ;6L}D# assumed to be end of your,} entry.DY ;6LDActive drive numbers ? D N6 )   _;BB1LD4BLDB 6 6B) %: LDL-}DLD 6L!E#How many files do you need to haveD ;6LKE open simultaneously (1-7) ? E+ N6 _;BB1L|E7BL|E.}B 6B)  6LE!Do you want disk writes to occurE ;6LE verify (Y/N) ?E N6 `=ILEPyLEWyLF/}!} E ;6 w@L@F#Are you this configurationF ;6LgF is what you want (Y/N) ? F0}J N6 `=LFByB B LG  6LF!Current system configuration hasF ;6LF been changed. Do you want toF1} ;6LG! make these changes to the diskF ;6L;G! currently in drive %C (Y/N) ? 9G ?8 `=ILG H692}:  69LG 6 6LG!Unable to change DOS on that diskG ;6LG! because error # %U occurred.%E93}G ?8 6LGLB`,LGL!H&}Please enter the name of the BASICG ;6LLH program that you wish to haveH+ ;6LzH# auto4}matically RUN when this diskHV ;6LH is next Booted.H ;6LH!Do NOT enter the drive specifierH ;6LH# (i.e., do 5}not use D:, D1:, etc.)H ;6LI" but DO use the proper extensionH ;6LKI" (e.g., .BAS, .SAV, etc.) if youI( ;6LtI 6} SAVEd it with an extension.IU ;6LI"REMEMBER: The BASIC program thatI~ ;6LI wish to 'AUTORUN' in this wayI ;6L7}I! MUST be SAVEd on the same diskI ;6L%J" which receives this AUTORUN.SYSJ ;6L@J program file!J/ ;6LpJ%Now e8}nter your BASIC program's nameJJ ;6LJ here >> Jz N6 9 |;LJ`G9 <`ILJLJ&} 9}ήӠ堢J ;6LK"When the disk currently in driveJ ;6L=K# number %C is next booted, what%E9K ?8L:}hK do you want to happen?KN ;6LK"1. The RS232 (R:) drivers for theKr ;6LK! ATARI 850 Interface Module areK ;6L;}K loaded and made active.K ;6LL&2. A BASIC program will automaticallyK ;6L2L load and RUN.L! ;6L_L"3. Both <}actions (1. and 2. above)L< ;6LxL will occur.Li ;6LL0. None--quit to main menu.L ;6LL! Your choice (0,1,2=},or 3) ? L N6 _;JJ0LL3ʹJLLJ)` = ;LJRINTELM JMMLM9`M)LwO GILMLUM}>}Oops! That was not aM; ;6LsM valid file name!M_ ;6LM%Read the instructions again, please.M} ;6 ;9`99?}Т9 < H699 69LeO9ILN9LN}Be careful!M ;6L9NThe BASIC program name you used@}N ;6L`N has not yet been SAVEd onNC ;6LxN this disk!Nj ;6LNDo you want to do this AUTORUNN ;6LN setup aA}nyway (Y/N) ? N N6 `=ILN9`LeO 6L O#Oops! Error # %U while trying to%E9N ?8L=O check that BASIC progB}ram file.O ;6L]O%EUnable to continue.OG ?8`:9Т: LO}U9SI2LU BLU9SI3LU MLU =9LU 6 6 ;LS`:S,or 3) ? U8 N6 _;9S99SI0L~U RLU9SI1LU F>LAu L <.`Lu 4N (c)1983 Action Computer Services  B JKIHQ}iDiELV`L94 94 BLV`L44l L4 &` Fj`8冨R}凪` 4EӅӥ 4`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` 4ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ 5 S}5L4 4'&&&8儨児祂*L4&&*ń8&&L4 W5`hihiHHȱȱT}L4c !#3`L4JJJJ`H 4h`Hȩh n4L5 w4L5 !4LU}5 )4L5 /4H8`HhHh [6L5 BHI V䅠L5 L6 94L5ԆV} ؠPIPP` 6P )4L5 6L6 6L6 7L6H- 68塪墨hL7 7L6 "W}7L6 6ȹP`텠8堨塪 6芨Oȩ-`PP 6P棩 Ѥģ0X}-ģ6000:,80H & &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ 6&*i0:0i 6Ʀ`Y}¢ 护°ڱ%ȱ%E 6L\8担CS N6L\8I 7L\8H 8L\8 6L\8 Z} &B V 5NLMȑ` MLN%B VL5S:8E:9[\ZUVT`Ѣ =9`ȱѢĦ[}`膡``ťƤe8夰LS9 Ƥ8`ŦeѠ\}e桊LW9RUb IOCBN9leBuf;b IOCBlen = Len%b IOCBcmd = 11b CIO(0,$20)a a]} IF IOCBsta>3 THENa. QUIT(IOC9,"while writing DOS 2.x Lz:`L~:)IL:L~:)IL:L:`L: ^}6::`L:Lu L:o:ҭv:4u:4 H6 :L: 6 6L; Hit Ԡ to Restart.: ;6L9; Hit Ԡ to qu_}it to DOS.; ;6)ILS;L@;)Ld; : w:FilLm; 5g;} 6L;Error #%B %S%Ei;h;g;;{ ?8 :HL;;`}L;was unexpected!;; j;L;L;+}%E%E%EThe disk in drive %U does not appear9; ?8L)< to be a valid DOS 3 disk!a}< ;6 : 9 RETURNLB<4< :3<3=m===m==== "5=e==e===== g==Р=L'>`ert DOL>9f}>9>>>͎>>L>>>>> g=>i>>i>>>L>9ۢ g=>͒>L+?>9>͓>L%g}?>L%? ;>L>` L0?,?,?0LH?9,?LH?`,?AL]?Z,?L]?`,?I.Lh?` ;pasLq?t:s:m?Ȍl??l?m?L?q}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB SMANUAL B\DOS25 DOCB RAMDISK COMBF SETUP COMB8PCOPY32 COMB9DISKFIX COMBPATCH25 COMB$XECOPY COMB`TRANSXL COMB9QFID COMB.MENU B CHARSET1FILBCHARSET1BASB CHARSET2LST,PROCOPY COMDOSMAN BAS4MINIMAN HELPDOS BASROM2RAM BINMBTOBIN BASIC OFFBASIC ON  PROCOPY DOCHPYCOPY LISTIF COMm?l? 49e9ek?k?L?k?IL?m?t:l?s:l?Хm?L?` FIL???D\:9i0]::^:??r}?? 49e?9e??m??iI L{@? L{@?m??i?[:??L3@?i ?is}I /?i ?iI ?i ?iI LA.?[:? ? ?LA?m??iI LA?m??i?t}[:??L@?[:8???[:??DADA?L`A'?[:?? -?? 6?L9A`Z) LlAbAaAhAgA} 6LA # Fiu}le name # File nameA ;6LA!   A ;6gAhA0LBs:aAt:bALBbAaA 4v}9e9efAfAILBfALBhAgA 4eeAgA)hA)LoBeA 9LyBeA 9aA bAw}LB 6bAaA 7 6bAaA ?gAhAaAbALAbAaA`$ LBBBLB"%EOn which drive (1-4) is %S disk?BBBx} ?8 :BBILC} 6 :B)BB1LGC4BLGCB 6B)` 6LCLRCLpC} ٠CU ;6LC!y}Copy files from a DOS 3 disk toCz ;6LC a DOS 2.5 (or DOS 2.0) disk.C ;6LC%(Hit Π for drive # to quit.)Cz} ;6LDDOS 3D B9LDDOS 2.xD B9`imem - L4D+D*D+D*D 49e,D9e-D,Di.D-Di/D,Di {}-Di0D,Di -Di99.D/D)9ȱ)90D`LD99999ɀ9LD`LD99|}`DOSLDD9D9D9ɀ9LUED99LUEDD99 = DDeDDeDDL E8D9D9` LkEgE }}b VcLEgELELEwhile closing DOS 2.x fileEc j;`tLEE hE:e\dbEjk VcLFL~} Fwhile opening DOS 2.x fileEc j;`%BLFFF9e9dFiFh b VcLvFLlFwhile writing DOS 2.x fi}leFQc j;`Ԡ LFxFwF} 6xFwF 49eyF9ezF?wFxF%yFzFyFzFIL0GLFNo} file with that number!F ;6 6L%GHit Ԡ to try again.G ;6 {:`LFG%E%EReady to copy G3 ?8xFwF ?LtG%E%EHit }Ԡ if okay.%EGY ?8LGHit Ԡ to reject copy.G~ ;6)ILGLG)LG`xFwF 1D99}F D}|F{F9M9LH 6L H%Please remove DOS 3 ('from') disk andG ;6LMH" insert DOS 2.x ('to') disk.H* ;6 6LvH }Push Ԡ when ready.HZ ;6 {:LH#---copying Ϡ DOS 2.x disk---H ;6}F ELH}FILH}F E|F{F F }F9M9}LI hE 6LI%Please remove DOS 2.x ('to') disk andH ;6L>I" insert DOS 3 ('from') disk.I ;6 6LgI Push }Ԡ when ready.IK ;6 {:LI#---copying ͠ DOS 3 disk---It ;699LG9M9LI hE} 6LIFile Copied OK}AY!I ;6 6LIHit Ԡ to continue.I ;6 {:`axGoodRLJ899) J) J J J 499 OCL{J}(%E%EPlace the DOS 3 disk in drive %B%E%E9JR ?89M9LK 6LJ$CAUTION: You will be swapping disks.J ;6 6LJ } Put a write protect tabJ ;6LK on your DOS 3 disk!J ;6LVKLHK&Place the DOS 2.x disk in drive %B%E%E}9K! ?8 6LuKPush Ԡ when ready.K\ ;6 {: > n?s: t:LKLK)}Sorry! No files on that DOS 3 disk!K ;6 :}JȌJJJ iAJJ 6 6LL#Choose a file to copy by typing itsK ;6L3L number as given above.L ;6 6Js:J}t:0LLLmLOr see more files by typingLQ ;6LL just Π.Lw ;6LLLL Or just hit Π to Restart,L ;6LL$ } Quit to DOS, or View names again.L ;6 6LM堿L N6 ?<J J JJJs:Jt:LK J JL'N}} 6L]M%EReady to quit?%E%E%EMF ?8 6 6LM Hit Ԡ to Restart.Mm ;6LM Hit Ԡ to Quit to DOS.M ;6L}M% Hit Π to View files again.M ;6)ILMLM)LN :L$N)L$N w:L0NJ J ~FLK L7N} H6LENK:NB 6 J3N3NLVNv:4u:4} 6 :L}N4v:4u:;4;46Ny:5Nx:o:) 4N`}zN6LENK:NB 6 J3N3NLVNv:4u:4} 6 :L}N4v:4u:;4;46Ny:5Nx:o:) 4N`u L <.`Lu 4O (c)1983 Action Computer Services  B JKIH}iDiELV`L94 94 BLV` Fj`8冨凪` 4EӅӥ 4}`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` 4ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ 4 4L4hihiHHȱȱ}`Hh`Hȩh n4L]5 w4L]5 !4L]5 )4L]5 /4H8`HhH}h 5L]5 BHI V䅠L]5 L5 94L]5Ԇ ؠPIPP` 6P )4L]5} <6L6 6LA6 U6L6H- 68塪墨hLU6 n6L6 u6L6 6ȹP`텠8堨} 6芨Oȩ-`PP 5P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H & &ehe&}eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ 6&*i0:0i 6Ʀ`¢ 护°ڱ%ȱ%}E 6L7担CS 5L7I n6L7H i7L7 <6L7S: 8E:8[\ZUVT`Hhƣ}Ģ`ƥĤ`Oq8}q8}q8}q8 q8}LF:} 6`LO:0123456789ABCDEFLc:O:O:JJJJP: 6O:)P: 6`L:::: `:: `:`L:::}: :L: 6:d:L: 6:譨:L: 6:: <6`L:)IL;L:)L;L;`Lu L&;B:} ;LN;}Please insert DOS 2.5;6 5Ln;disk and press Ԣ;X 5 :L0;L; 05{;L;}Error %B while %S%E};|;}{;; 7L;To continue DISKFIX, hit Ԣ; 5 : L:L;;;0L<9;L<``L< < < ;I 058>9>;>:>8>@R =`Lj> 05c>d>f>e>c>W =`L>>}> 4q8e1:r8e2:1:2:6:1:i@:2:iA:@:A:ȱ;::: m@:*(mA:ȱ9:8:1:i}2:i : J8 :` L??IL!@L@writing dir}ectory@? ~;`DL*@#@"@"@#@L@#@"@ 4q8e%@r8e&@im"@m#@&@%@ <>$@$}@IL@L@reading directory@$@ ~;"@#@L2@`LL@@ C:@@@i@@@LAF@)@@)L A@ 8LA}@ 8@ L$A 6@ n6 6@ >6:LA6:)LUAD 6LA6:IBLgA 6LA6:IbLyA* 6LA6:ICLAW 6}LA6:ILA 6LA6:I#LA* 6LA? 6 6: 5LALA (unused)A 5@L@`LA 05AA @LB%E%EChoose a f}ile number> A 7;;AA S<`q8LTB '@B2 A2BLqBB2 A2BLBB2 6}PBPB`LB`m LBBB QB5:4:4:5:0?4:5:0LBLB%EYou didn't choose anything!%EB 7`4: >}6:L1CLCThat file is unused.C 55:4:`LXC#} Type Name Length StartC4 5LhC Cb 56: `: 6 } 6: 5 6 6;::: : 6 6 69:8: :LC%EâC 76: : 6 6: 5 6 6;::: : 6 6 } 69:8: : 6LD%E%S BBD 7L-D this fileD# =LED5:4:`LIDS3: S)LmDdLrD`}@ LDtDsDvDuDsDwDtDDDwDLDxDxDLDwD8xD=yDLDuDvDxDLDwDLDvDuD`LD }FD8FuE3:!u88DvDL3EDD򈑮LHEDDÈ mD*(mDHHY Dhh}8DDDDHHZ Dhh 5`ELEEEEE 4E)E)Ee}Ee818`L F8u '88 '8FFFFLXFFF EFFL5FFhFpF}FLFFF EFFLbF E`LFFFFi}FFiFFFJJ`LFFFFi}Fi)FF}i~FiFFF`LGGGGi}Gi)Gi~Gi`LDG8GG=GLGVerifying file %B%E8GGv 7=G >GL&H99 J89>G=G <>9 F7:7:M8GLGL&H}=G>GLG:G>G=G E;GG@G=G?G9 F>G=GLG=G >GLHLKHBad link in file %B - 5:4:H4 7;G }@:A:6:I6:I#6:IB 6:IbL1K4: AGLK6:ICLKLbK#Deleting file} %B - open for write%E5:4:K> 71:2: ?4:5:LJ DJJɀLKLK writing VTOCKJ ~;`LKLK&%E%EIn}sert desired disk and hit ԢK 7 :`LKKN:KM:@I ?1LkLL7L}%EDOS 2.5 not booted!%E%EL 7L^LAbor}ting - please hit ԢLA 5 : #;@ C: 5L~LK:L{ d5LL=}%E ؠ٠%E for ATARI }DOS 2.5%E%E%EL 73: 3:LL3:LM Current Drive # is %B%E3:L 7LM 1) Change Drive # } 2) Unerase File 3) Verify Disk 4) Rename File by # 5) Quit to DOS Which? M 5 }5KK1LM5KLMK 6KI1LM 9? L:LbOKI2LvN KL NUneraseN B4:5:LsN4:@5:0LsN6:) }6:ICLLN 8I JLsNLlN%EThat's not an erased file!NO 7LbOKI3LN 6 6LNOK to verify entire diskN =LN K JL}bOKI4LN KLNRenameN B4:5:LN4:@5:0LN =JLbOKI5L8OLO}Return to DOS 2.5O =L2O 5 #; L}:LbOL[O%EYou didn't choose anything!%EO; 7LO%E%EPress Ԡ for menu > Oe 7 :LsL`LOB:) K``O L{ F Uԅ֩שբ w؅բ w F`ԩՠH Uh F`I FΞ0A l i/DE !} Uԅ֩ש w FL' Uօԩשբ: w FΝL fXpԩ `xԍҭ)Lk ` !}`֑`?m Uԅ֩թע w؅ע w F`15`xԍҭ)Lk `  Yt#4 (c)1983 Action Computer Services  B JKIHiDiELV`L#%} # BLV`iL $$l L$ &` Fj`8冨凪` ?$EӅӥ%} ?$`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` P$ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ t$ t$L;$ P$'&&&8儨児%}祂*L;$&&*ń8&&L;$ $`hihiHHȱȱL$c !#3`%}L$JJJJ`H $h`Hȩh #La% #La% #La% #La% #H8%}`HhHh %La% BHI V䅠La% L& #La%Ԇ ؠPIPP`%} ;&P #La% ]&L#& ;&Lb& v&L1&H- ,&8塪墨hLv& &L#& &L1& ;&ȹP`%}텠8堨塪 ;&芨Oȩ-`PP %P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H %}& &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ %&&*i0:0i %&Ʀ`¢ 护%}°ڱ%ȱ%E %&L'担CS %L'I &L'H 'L' ]&L' &B V a%NLMȑ%}` MLN%B VLa%S:r(E:w(H % z({( % %h)0Iu(v(L%[\ZUVT` (u(v(%}` (L5& (L& (L(&) ` (L5& $` 0d $ҥ `2)2%}ҩ`p`0)9q)`@0)ӈJJJJ)`Ѕ`ȱ`` )ȥ`Hh%}ƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ 0*`ȱѢĦ`膡`%}`ťƤe8夰LF* Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊LJ* PrintD%}E(6," ")D5d  7 % *77:77* 7) '777 ;* 774+!>-7+77 ,=> 77!%} 7) 3/+``LT+`LX+`L\+ |( 1&Lu+ now+i %*IRL+L+ READING+ %L+L+ WRITING+%} % 1& 1&`iL+ |( 1&L+ error encountered+۩ % 1&L , Ԡ+ %L%, RETRY, % 1&LD, %} Ԡ,6 %L], exit,P % 1&IL,IL,Lk,IL, Y++*   $,,+%}L,V*IRL,R (&L,W (&+L, Q+L, U+`L,1**IL- * YL- SIL$- +`L)-Ӎ%-8%%}-өӭ%-` NLJ-E-D-F-D-mF-E-iIL-ӐL}-Lp-D-mF-E-ii@D-mF-E-iF-%}LU-` SL----Ȍ-͵-'-L---L-`L-DөӠӐL.L.-I--H-`L-`L. |( 1&L6. %} insert.) %LO. SOURCE.B %Lg. DISK.[ % 1& 1&L. press Ԡ.} %Э*IRL.+%}+ G-** G-+ + G-L. (L. DESTINATION.Ω %IL.L.`L. 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"+ Y+h)0I..L"+[\ZUVT` M....\}` T.L+ G.L+ M.L+) ` T.L+ 3*` 0d )ҥ `2)2.]}ҩ`p`0)9/`@0)ӈJJJJ)`Ѕ`ȱ`` B/ȥ`Hh.^}ƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ /`ȱѢĦ`膡`._}`ťƤe8夰L/ Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊L/EW0A.`}W0EDL0 m0*(m0.a}L0 ˠө0 m0*(m0L1 ˠө1ȑ  m0*(m0LF1 Šө1ȑ9 m0.b}*(m0Lq1 ٠ө1ȑf . B/ .' p.' p. p. p. . G.L1.c}Ρ1 _+ G.L 2Atari File Developer1 L+ G.00L52 +0L 2 G.LM2 Version 1.42A .d}L+ G.Lc2by2` L+ G.L2 Dale Lutz2v L+  G.L2Functions Available:2 L+ G.L21. Batch Copy File.e}s2 L+ G.L22. Lock Files2 L+ G.L33. Unlock Files3 L+ G.L:34. Delete Files3) L+ G.L].f}35. Format Disk3M L+ G.L3Your Choice-->3p _+ +`L3͌3L333 3* e G.1m.g}3 +3͌3L333 3* e G.m3 +`L44444 +`L@4.h}0! +`L]40# +`Lz40$ +`0L40X00W0.i}0 Y+L4D1:*.*4Ω "+L54 +0400 /0i00i0L4 Y+`L,5 *#5#5i&5$5i.j}'5#5$5m#5q5m$5r5q5&5r5'5L50m%500i0&5'50[0 3*e(5(5 +&5Ф.k}'5L`5 +`L50 G.L55 L+000L60i G.L6 6 L+Ͷ000L=680 G.L66 62.l} L+`LI6 G.80ŮLk6E6Lt680E6D6C6E666C6D6L60mC60mD6 3*.m}W0e0X0e0C600 )5C6ЧD6L6`L6 G. +00 3*W0e0X0e000 )5 G. +.n}`L87 G. + G.0i0i 3*W0e0X0e000 )5`L7800000 0L7.o}0Ȍ0ʹ000L780000 6 5`L70080Ͷ000L8800000ILM80 0LM80I.p} 0ILM80000 570I 0IL800800Ů00L800 570I 0IL8800E .q}0IL800 5`L808IL8 7L9IL988L8 78L8L9IL9 7L9IL7988.r}L49 78L!9L9I IL9800000m088[0Ly98[0L98[08 3*W0e0X0e.s}0000 )500000L90m00m080EIL900 5`L:U:T: G.0 0.t}L]: + +L8:MORE:3 _+ + +LS: :L _+L:0 m0*(m0 _+ G.80M0 M.u}0L:80ŮL: + +L:MORE: _+ + +L: : _+L;0 m0*(m0 _+:U:.v}T`L#;;;A;;LM;;[0;;L+; . B/ 4000Ȍ0 F6 5IL; 8;Ȍ;d;;L;.w};;L; :Ls;`L;;;;;i;;i;;i ;;i;;ͮ;;;L"<;;;;I Lk=[0ILb>.|}k= 3*W0e0X0e000 ;0ILE> Z4Lb>0ILU> w4Lb>0ILb> =4k=L=`Ll>0`0.}}L> .L> Checking Disk>>>>>> 2/8&堅 h*>>͐>L> +>L>>> L+ +.~}0)>)>k>)j>) Y+L.?D1:*.*?' "+ Y+>)>)0IL?L}?This disk is already formatted.?].} L+L? Enter 'Y' to it anyway-->? _+>r +s>IYL?s>IyL?` +L?Formatting Disk...? L+L?D1:? 4`L?.} Y+L @K:@ "+ +? Y+? +?`L<@5@ + +Lp@%Insert Destination Disk, Press ΢@J _+L@.} -->@z _+ B/ ?8@6@85@@@6@LA6@[0ILA6@ 3*W0e0X0e0LAWrit.}ing File: @ _+00 ; Y+0 "+L6A D:DOS.SYS0A, /LTA +LA6@i7@6@ m0*(m0.}007@ m0*(m08AȱAAͼ0A0LA008@8@ +00LA Y+6@[06@L@5@A.}LUB + +L"B Insert Source Disk, Press ΢B _+L=B -->B, _+ B/ ?8@`L[BVB Y+0.} "+VB m0*(m000LB +WB00WB000M 0MLBVB 9@L0,00`LB.}VBiWBWB m0*(m000`LC0 ;L0,0CACLaCC m0*(m0CL2C ..}CACLCC[0ILCLCReading File: C _+C 3*W0e0X0e000 ;C XB0ILC8CC.}0CLkCC 9@`LC 0IL4D 30Ȍ0@ͺ00L1D00LDLD ?080000ILUD >L|D0ILeD CL.}|Dͱ0L|D0L|D m=LC``CD 30Ȍ0@ͺ00L1D00LDLD ?080000ILUD >L|D0ILeD CL,$$%DFLASDISKCPYXLASNETHIDE@@@8@" 2}A% A Ae dY +AR@+6-@=@@O@@9Y AfS +2}@1AR@S6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,i"@A`nAdAUs 2}F:Ad,AUA5x* -6-%@# @ *(}.!@( "!@.6- A2}66-F:Ad,2"@)"A4)"@R6 "A8AP - Ae-@@2}P:6-@6-@ 06-@6-&@0 AA-@A('The PAGE 6 Li2}brary consists of programs..(& collected from Users and User GroupsI-@@#I(>:AS,#Ҡ2}ӠԠġ//(' in the U.S.A, Australia and Gt.Britain//(& and to the best of our knowledge allD-@2}A % B0@: AuD AL"!-@@#I("Խ̭кԽٺԽ2}ˠL$$*** FRAME1 ***(>:A%,11(&Š٠ˠŠ̯Š (11(&You mu2}st use this disk to create other11(&master disks as follows. Keep this 11(&disk as a back up in case of prob2}lems.(11(&ϠŠӲҠ (11(&1. Press System Reset and type DOS. 11(2}&2. Place a blank disk in the drive. 11(& Select Option I and format disk. 11(&3. Select Option H and2} write DOS to 11(& the disk. 11(&4. Select Option O (Duplicate File)  11(&2} and copy all of the following:- 11(& RAMDISK.COM, SETUP.COM, COPY32.COM 11(& DISKFIX.COM, DOS25.DOC, 2}MANUAL. 11(&5. The disk you have just created is 11(& your DOS 2.5 master. Re-boot with "11(& th2}at disk. The manual is on the '11(& disk. Type RUN ''D:MANUAL''. ,(111(& 2} Cont.. 6?6-A 6-A'6-A36-@"?6-@8; Au A@*** FRAME2 ***E2}(>:A%,J11(&ϠŠӠȠ̠ O(T11(&This will enable DOS to be resident Y11(2}&in an 800XL at all times. You can call^11(&DOS without losing a program. c(h11(&1. Follow the p2}revious proceedure but m11(& copy also PATCH.COM. r11(&2. Re-boot from DOS 2.5 MASTER. w12}1(&3. Select Option L (Binary Load) and |11(& type filename PATCH25.COM. 11(&4. Select Option H a2}nd write DOS back 11(& to . 11(&5. Finished. Whenever you boot up you 11(2}& must have RAMDISK.COM on the same 11(& disk as your revised DOS. (11(&ϠŠ̠2} (11(&1. Format a disk using Option I. 11(&2. Write DOS files using Option H. 2} 11(& Cont... (?6-AU6-A'6-A036-@!?6-@72} Au A*** FRAME3 ***(>:A%,11(&3. Use Option O (Duplicate File) to 11(& copy 2}TRANSXL.COM to your disk. 11(&4. Use Option E to rename TRANSXL.COM 11(& to AUTORUN.SYS. 2} 11(&5. Finished. Boot from this disk 11(& whenever you need a Translator. (11(&Ϡ2}ŠŠ̠ (11(&1. Boot with your XL FIXER disk. 11(&2. Remove disk and repla2}ce it with 11(& whatever disk you wish to use.  11(&3. Select any options you require. 11(&4.2} If you require BASIC, press START 11(& and the disk will boot. 11(&5. If you do not require BASI2}C, press !11(& START and &11(& hold OPTION. +11(&6. For 2}the first few times at least 011(& it is a good idea to select the 511(& alternate character set to see 2} :11(& that you have booted the old OS. ?11(& Cont.. D?6-A6-A2}%'6-Ae36-@"?6-@8I Au AN*** FRAME4 ***S(>:A%,X11(&Į 2} ]11(&This will copy files in batches and b11(&has limited DOS functions. Use Option g2}11(&L (Binary Load) and load from DOS. l11(&Use arrow keys to select programs and q11(&START to copy. Dest2}ination disk must v11(&be pre-formatted. {(11(&ٮ 2}11(&Load from DOS Option L (Binary Load). 11(&This will copy Single Density disks 11(&in one pass and 2}Double Density in two 11(&passes on an XE. The prgram is self 11(&prompting. If you built the Speech 112}(&Synthesiser from PAGE 6 ssue 19 or 11(&from ANALOG (or have another) plug it 11(&in for a surprise! 2} (11(&Πٺ Although advertised there 11(&is unfortunately not enough room to 2}11(&include the disk speed checker. (11(& End ?6-A%6-2}A`'6-A36-@"?6-@6 Au AW(>:A%,"AdAU4AR?%D:M2}ENUWTHIS IS THE LAST LINED:MENU Au AW(>:A%,"AdAU4AR?%D:M0*ffffffff>`<|bf 0fF68of;p88pf<f<0 0 ~~`0 0```nff>fff~fff~~f<flxxlff``````~cwkcccfv~~~nf6}8pp8?6}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<6}0~0 ~ <~~<`nf<ff~ff~~f<flxlf````~c6}wkcfv~nf`<|~ffff~fff<ckwcf<`<|~ffff~fff<ckwcf<`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf<} 0`@ 830 REM 0 >}0 ~~`0 0`~ff~ff~f|ff~~f``f~|ffff|~`|``~~`|```40 REM ~``nf~ff~fff<<f~>}fnxxnf`````~wwkccfv~~nf~ffff~~ff~``~ffflv~ff~ln~`~~50 REM ~fffff~ffff<<cckwwff<}~ 0`~6cxx6c6>60 REM 8pp8>}?70 REM ww<~~~<>}80 REM x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<~~f~``~ff~|```|~ff~~f>}~`~>~ff~~90 REM ``~fff>`f~xnfcwkc~ffff~fff~~ff~``~ff~~f```~`~~>}~100 REM ffff~fff<<ckwf~~ffff~~~`~<~~<~x|nf8x8110 POKE 106,PEEK(10>}6)-5:GRAPHICS 0:R=(PEEK(106)+1):POKE 756,R120 A=USR(ADR("hjΩi˥i̩ Ϣhˑi˥i0h>}ڢX`")) 0:R=(PEEK(106)+1):POKE 756,R120 A=USR(ADR("hjΩi˥i̩ Ϣhˑi˥i0h< 50#v  Hį  '@BB=B}Q lB}B}B},0M" n0B}`@(ʔF(B} `R# sYP0C@ESK \%B}B}UUB}B}7(' n'7(7(L%7(' n'7(7(L% n'! 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ENOGET8GETB LB}!V NOGET`%>j!ptX;~ NMIHANDLX;NMI TRAP ROUTINE-5Q ;IS HELP KEYR>;PRESSED? FPSAVE7 B}*NMIST INODLI !@VDSLST: NODLI! X;  IRQHANDLX;IRQ TRAP ROUTINE-(52Q ;IS HELP KEY<R>;PRESSEB}D?F FPSAVEP7Z!0dX;n PSAVExX;SAVE ROUTINEX;SAVES REGISTERS AS FOLLOWSX; $101 POKMSKX; $102 B}SPX; %%0dX;n PSAVExX;SAVE ROUTINEX;SAVES REGISTERS AS FOLLOWSX; $101 POKMSKX; $102 @ PROCOPY (If copying ROM cartridge see 3) below)Boot PROCOPY (hold down Option & switchb} computer on).Insert BLANK disk & press START (This will Format the disk in a special format). 1) TAPE b} 2) DISK 3) ROM CARTRIDGE 4) TAPE WITH ROM CARTRIDGE1) TAPE:- Switch disk drive OFF,b} Hit 1 and continue as for normal tape boot, when program has loaded, switch drive ON and press the HELP key to out-put the pb}rogram to disk.2) DISK:- Insert Boot disk, Hit 2, when program has loaded, insert prepared disk, then press the HELP key.c}3) ROM:- This is for DISK BOOTABLE ROMs such as Atariwriter & Atari Artist. It will NOT copy games ROMs.Frist prepair a c}disk with DOS.SYS & DUP.SYS on it.Switch OFF computer, insert ROM cartridge and PROCOPY disk, switch computer on. At the pc}rompt insert blank disk (not the one with DOS.SYS & DUP.SYS) and press START.Once the disk is formatted, remove it and insec}rt the disk with DOS on it. Hit 3, the cartridge AND DOS will now load. Once loaded, remove DOS disk and insert the PROCOPY fc}ormatted disk. Press the HELP key.4) TAPE WITH ROM:- God knows, I've never seen one.ove DOS disk and insert the PROCOPY f`XW&&eR'kE%GG}OELW6VP{Od}YAxGW6q ^s6sAYYHD&F ďNWKqexF_>_+nebgFqeWn>%qԒO%Cc}^VkӦK"֚\bgVXE~$O0G&k{THI]&wJD%\sfQU#{&UEIDc-xN?Y{YXmc֌&-k6tXc}U8Ja{(sEJHZ&a8L D o_LRUQ& mj"&G\TO&#NbTkmToK%RPT(|+&Vcj{f?bm΍k\iiS1c}sF&'NRsfSOnep6xuAw}W}K_!SJD%bR'k+ ]M`08E*"0 0$0` A) `)L)c}80舎80:080 `)`70舎70:070 )`60舎60: 060150`NOT A ROB.C MENUFILE WILL OVERWRITEc} MENU(LO)FILE WILL OVERWRITE MENU(HI)INSERT A ROB.C MENU AND HIT RETURN.YOU JIVE-ARSE MOTHERFUCKER.REMOVE THATWHICH DOES Nc}OT BELONGd ppFl*0000000000AM*MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMcopyrightrobNcMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMQcreatenewmenc}uRdisktomenuStapetomenuTtransferUmenutobootMdiskVmenutobootMtapeWdeleteanyfileXc}renamefileYformatdiskMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ` `O.K. TO FORMAT Y/NFORMATTINGSHIT! BAD DISK.RETRY Y/NDOUc}BLE OR SINGLE DENSITY D/SSINGLE DEN1050 DEN INSERT BLANK DISK AND PRESS RETURNHIT H FOR MENU(HI) OR L FOR MENU(LO)dc} %$10ʆ e ԍХM0 ƚ  BiB0'I@' Si皭i蚭c} РP8   P Ѝ S0ii  Ь10  l l c}GAJ ;:`c}recordstoc}goPPPeyeopenersJ ;:`INSERT DISK TO MOVE BOOT-FILE FROM THEN ENTER START SECTOR (IN DECIMAL)c}P 9MauDISK FULL! 9 ENTRIES ONLYNOT ENOUGH SPACE DUMMYINSERT BOOT-TAPE.PRESS PLAY AND RETURNmtocNc}whichone_WRITE PREPARE TAPE.THEN PRESS A KEYTRANSFER WHICH?transferwhich_HIT J TO TRANSFER FROM JON WILLIAMS OR c}HIT R TO TRANSFER FROM ROB.CINSERT A J.W MENU AND HIT A KEYINSERT DEST. ROB.C MENUNOT A J.W. MENUdeletewhich_FILEc}$%e' 7 AKEWAISPEEER@A@@TA6%%_____________________G}__________%%Š Π%%Ԯ 󠲮%% 젠%G}% ίқ%%Ӿ į˯Ԯˠ%% ׯӮî䠠%%ŠG} ٠ %%_______________________________ ;AU,A"@+ A A G }d# (}#0@n?-@@?(%x())(! G!} ))(! (""( Mini-Manual (--(%G"}?-@@#?(% Press for display --(% or for G#}ԭ 6-F:B2y,"@A"@A A,ΠŮ60( G$}( (0(堺 This document is@))(!stored for your convenience as anJ))(!ATARIWRITER file on this disk. ItTG%}))(!is quicker to read and print this^C%(document using ATARIWRITER...((+(?-@AC hFF(>Please choosG&}e a display speed between 1 and 9. 1=fast, 9=slow.r.@.@@K:|E)@6-&@HG'}4 @)!@ ;(E A>("(Your chosen speed is %(0@>6-$@ԠϠΠG(}ŮF@5@@ D:MINIMANF@,@B:, @"(, A G)} @( A "-@B:,"6-@:7<,,!! @2)!APAAUAp( G*}A]2@@'(>:,I2] @A-@ &G+}@w (& A  ԠϠҠŮ5@5@@ D:MINIMAN.G,}@.@@P:@w'@'B:, @A@&-@B:,0G-}6-@:7<,,:!! @2)!APADAUAN(@ AX(@>:,b  ( G.}A@͠ӠŮ&6-F:A,&"A6AP&&( }  has occurred...(at lG/}ine F:A,%AV$F:A,((Program stopped.@@$4( ( (.( ... 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SL2 5BZ INTRODUCING ATARI DOS 2.5In an ongoing effort to provide thehighesK;}t quality of products for usewith your ATARI Computer, the newATARI Corp. is supplying you withthis DOS 2.5 Diskette (pleaK<}se takea copy and keep this disk as yourMaster Diskette). The advantagesof DOS 2.5 over ATARI DOS 3 includeease and convK=}enience of use plusthe inclusion of several utilities(most utilities are containedwithin a single file and need notbe loaK>}ded from disk) andcompatibility with DOS 2.0S. DOS2.5 also allows you to use the fullcapacity of your ATARI 1050 DiskDriK?}ve and to access the full RAMpotential of the ATARI 130 XE. DOS 2.5 MINI-MANUALThis short manual (the "Mini-ManK@}ual") is contained on this Master Diskette in a formatsuitable for reading or printing bythe Atariwriter word processor. KA}Toaccess this file using Atariwriter,set up Atariwriter as usual, switchthe computer on with this MasterDiskette in DriveKB} 1, and load thefile called "MINIMAN".There is a short BASIC program onthis Master Diskette called"DOSMAN", which simplyKC} displays the"MIMIMAN" document on the screenor printer, for users who do notown Atariwriter. "DOSMAN" is,however, a sloKD}wer method of readingor printing this document. Touse "DOSMAN", load DOS 2.5 MasterDiskette (BASIC required) in Drive 1 KE}and type RUN "D:DOSMAN",then follow screen instructions.This short manual provides you withinstructions for getting startKF}edwith DOS 2.5. For completeinformation on DOS 2.5, includingdetailed discussions on the menuitems, compatibility with DKG}OS 3 and2.0S, the RamDisk, and the 2.5Utilities, you may considerobtaining the new complete ɛ , which wiKH}ll be onsale from July 1985 from yourAtari dealer. If you experience any difficultiesusing DOS 2.5 or any other AtariprKI}oduct, please consult your localAtari dealer, or, call the Atari'Helpline' on London (01) 309 7770 KJ} DOS 2.5 allows you to formatdiskettes and store information ineither single or enhanced density.With enhanced KK}density you canrecord about 50 percent more dataon each diskette than you can withDOS 2.0S. Enhanced-density storageis KL} possible if you have anATARI 1050 Disk Drive; the 810 DiskDrive is not capable of formattingor managing data stored inKM} enhanceddensity. You need a 1050 DiskDrive to begin working with DOS 2.5because your DOS 2.5 MasterDiskette is recordedKN} in enhanceddensity. If you often use an 810Disk Drive to access your files,you may want to format all yourdiskettes in KO}single density.DOS 2.5 works with any cartridge-based program that runs on yourAtari Computer and uses DOS--evenprogramsKP} that predate DOS 2.5,including the AtariWriter wordprocessor and ATARI BASIC. Withsuch programs you can always useDOS 2KQ}.5 instead of DOS 2.0S toprepare data diskettes and managefiles.Many diskette-based programsdesigned for use with the eaKR}rlierDOS 2.0S can also be used with DOS2.5. However, you may have tocontinue to use DOS 2.0S withcertain diskeKS}tte programs(see your program user's manual ifyou are unsure whether a program isprotected.) THE DOS MENUKT}Load DOS 2.5 into your ATARIComputer using the same proceduresyou use for either DOS 3 or DOS2.0S. (If you have an ATARI 1KU}30XEor 800XL with built-in BASIC, typeDOS and press [RETURN] to go fromBASIC to DOS). The DOS Menu onyour TV or monitor KV}screen presentsa list of the DOS 2.5 options. Theprompt below the menu invites youto make a selection. You choosethe fuKW}nction you want to use bypressing the letter correspondingto your selection and pressing[RETURN]. DOS then asks you fortKX}he information it needs toproceed.What follows is a summary of theDOS 2.5 Menu options. If you haveused DOS 2.0S, you wKY}ill be familiarwith most of these, but note thechange in Option J, and the newOption P. If you have only usedDOS 3, readKZ} this section for anintroduction to DOS functions. ٛThis option allows you to call up acomplete or seleK[}ctive list of thefiles on a diskette, showing thefilenames, extenders (if any), thenumber of sectors allocated to eachfilK\}e, and the number of freesectors still available on thediskette.The Disk Directory of this DOS 2.5Master Diskette will sK]}how thefollowing files:- * DOS .SYS 037 * DUP .SYS 042 * RAMDISK.COM 009 * SETUP K^} .COM 070 * COPY32 .COM 056 * DISKFIX.COM 057 * DOSMAN 019 * MINIMAN 147® K_} ś(Can ONLY be used with built-inBASIC or with a cartridge installedin the Computer). This optionallows you toK`} return control ofyour system to built-in BASIC or tothe cartridge inserted in thecartridge slot.î śUse this Ka}option when you have twoor more disk drives and you want tocopy files from one diskette toanother. Also use this option tKb}ocopy a file on the diskette,assigning a second name to thecopy.Į ӛThis option lets you erase a fileKc}from a diskette, increasing theavailable space on a diskette.Ů śUse this option when you want tochange the nKd}ame of a file.Ʈ śThis option can be used to preventyou--or anyone else--from changing,renaming, or accidentallKe}y erasing afile. You will still be able toread the file, but will not be ableto write to it. When the directoryis displKf}ayed, an asterisk is placedin front of the filename toindicate that the file is locked.Ǯ śThis removes the aKg}sterisk from infront of the filename and allowsyou to make changes to the file,rename it, or delete it.Ȯ Kh}ӛUse this option to copy the DOS 2.5files (DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS) on yourMaster Diskette to a diskette inany disk drive.Ki}ɮ ˛This option is used to format ablank diskette, which is necessarybefore you can record anyinformation on iKj}t. Be sure you donot have any files you want to keepon a diskette before formatting it.This option will format a disketteKk}in enhanced density provided youare using a 1050 Disk Drive;otherwise, it will format in singledensity.ʮ Kl}˛This is the option you choose whenyou want to create an exactduplicate of a diskette. Thisoption will automatically foKm}rmatthe destination disk.ˮ śWith this option you can save thecontents of specified memorylocations on a disKn}kette. ̮ ěThis option lets you retrieve anobject file from diskette.ͮ ӛWith this option youKo} can enter thehexadecimal starting address of anobject program after it has beenloaded into RAM with BINARY LOAD.ή Kp} ֛ͮThis option allows you to reservespace on a diskette for the programin RAM to be stored while theDUP.SYS file Kq}is being used. Forsome applications like programming,it is a good idea to create aMEM.SAV file on each new disketteyou iKr}ntend to use as a SystemDiskette. As you become morefamiliar with DOS, you may findthere are cases where a MEM.SAVfile sKs}erves no useful function. The inconvenience of waiting forMEM.SAV to load into memory maywarrant deleting it from the diskKt}.Ϯ śThis option enables you to copy afile from one diskette to another,even if you have only a single disKu}kdrive.Ю śUse this option when you want toformat a diskette in single densityusing a 1050 Disk Drive.Kv} DOS 2.5 AND THE ATARI 130XE RAMDISKThe ATARI 130XE Computer isequipped with 131,072 bytes--128K--of RandKw}om Access Memory (RAM),twice the maximum 64K availablewith earlier model ATARI Computers.The additional 64K RAM can beuseKx}ful for many purposes: fastexchange of screen images foranimation, additional storage forlarge data bases, and so forth.Ky}You can also use the extra RAM ofthe 130XE as a very fast "virtual"disk drive. Set up as a"RamDisk"--recognized by DOS 2.Kz}5 asDrive 8 in your system--it canaccommodate up to the equivalent of499 sectors on a diskette. That isabout half what yK{}ou can store on adiskette formated in enhanceddensity.The "storage" capacity offered bythe RamDisk is memory,wK|}hich means that information storedin it will be lost when you turnoff your computer system. Sobefore turning off your sysK}}tem, youshould always be sure that any datacurrently in the RamDisk that youwant to save permanently isrecorded on an actK~}ual diskette.However, the RamDisk can be a veryconvenient tool. It allows you toswitch almost instantaneouslybetween BAK}SIC (or any otherprogramming language) and DOS, andback again. You can also use it towork with files "stored" on Drive8-K}-a technique that might proveespecially useful when you aretransferring large amounts of databetween two programs that areK}chained together (that is, when oneprogram RUNs the other). To Activate the RAMDISKYour DOS 2.5 Master DiskettecoK}ntains a file called RAMDISK.COMthat automatically sets up theextra 64K RAM of the 130XE as aRamDisk.When you boot your K}130XE systemwith a DOS 2.5 Master Diskette orany other disk containingthe RAMDISK.COM file, DOS will:- Display a messageK} that it is initializing the RamDisk;- Set up your computer's extra 64K of memory to act very much as a disk drive, tK}elling DOS to regard it as Drive 8; and - Copy the DOS file DUP.SYS and establish MEM.SAV on the RamDisk, and proceedK} when necessary to use the DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV files on the RamDisk rather than the files of the same name on the MasteK}r or other Diskette.If you wish to expand the usablecapacity of your RamDisk, you mayrecover the memory used by DUP.SYSK}and MEM.SAV by:- Changing the contents of location 5439 ($153F) to ATASCII 1 -- for example, POKE 5439,ASC("1"); andK}- Deleting the files DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV from the "diskette" in Drive 8--that is, the RamDisk. Use option D., DELETE FIK}LE(S), on the DOS Menu and enter D8:*.* in response to the DELETE FILESPEC prompt.NOTE: Booting a disk which doesn'tK}contain DUP.SYS will causeRAMDISK.COM to initialize theRamDisk, but DUP.SYS and MEM.SAVwill not be moved to the RamDisk.K} Using DOS With the RAMDISKBecause of the size of the RamDisk,you may not use DOS Menu option J.,DUPLICATE DISK, to cK}opy either asingle-density or enhanced-densitydiskette to the RamDisk. Instead,you must copy individual files,taking carK}e that they do not exceedin size the capacity of theRamDisk. You ask DOS toduplicate the contents of theRamDisk on aK}n actual diskette. From then on, however, thatdiskette will be capable under DOSof accessing only 499 sectors worthof datK}a--though you can alwaysduplicate its contents back to theRamDisk. If You Do Not Want To Use the RAMDISKK}If you do not want to activate theATARI 130XE RamDisk, you can eitherdelete or rename the RAMDISK.COMfile on your DOS 2.5K} Master orother Diskette. You may then usethe extra RAM for other purposes.If you have applications for whichyou do notK} wish to use the RamDisk,it is recommended that you leavethe RAMDISK.COM file intact on yourDOS 2.5 Master Diskette. You K}mightwish to make one working copy ofDOS that contains RAMDISK.COM ona one of your work disks (a SystemDiskette) and one K}that does not.Or you can simply rename theRAMDISK.COM file on your SystemDiskette, then rename it back toRAMDISK.COM whenK} you wish to useit. THE DOS 2.5 DISK UTILITIESYour DOS 2.5 Master Diskettecontains three new utility programsin aK}ddition to the standard diskutilities handled by the DUP.SYSfile--those available from the DOSMenu. The programs, each whK}ichappears on the disk directory witha .COM extender, function asfollows:* COPY32.COM allows you to copy files from diK}skettes formatted and written using ATARI DOS 3 to DOS 2.5 diskettes, converting the files in the process from DOS 3 K}to DOS 2.5.* DISKFIX.COM allows you to correct some problems that may occur with files on DOS 2.5 and 2.0S diskettes.K} Under certain conditions, you can also use this utility to recover deleted files.* SETUP.COM allows you to change cK}ertain DOS parameters. You can also use it to create an AUTORUN.SYS file that will automatically load and run a BASIK}C program when you boot your system.NOTE: RAMDISK.COM is not a diskutility. It is used only to set upthe RamDisk on a K}130XE Computer. Selecting and Loading a UtilityAll three utilities are binaryfiles that are loaded and run usingoptioK}n L., BINARY LOAD, from theDOS 2.5 Menu. For example, tobegin using the COPY32.COM program,with the DOS 2.5 Menu on yourK}screen, you would type L and press[RETURN], then type COPY32.COM asthe name of the file to load, andpress [RETURN] again.K}Specific instructions for using theCOPY32.COM follow. There are alsobrief instructions for DISKFIX.COMand SETUP.COM. FoK}r more detailedinstructions for the latter twoutilities, consult the ӛ (see the "GettingStarted" sectioK}n above for furtherdetails about obtaining thismanual).COPY32.COMUsing this utility is much likeusing the COPY FILE fuK}nction on theDOS Menu. After you load theCOPY32.COM program, you areprompted to specify which drivewill hold the DOS 3 dK}isk to becopied (the SOURCE disk) and whichdrive will hold the DOS 2.5 diskyou wish to copy onto (the DESTINATION disk). K}If you haveonly one drive, type 1 in responseto both prompts. In this case, youwill have to swap your DOS 3 SOURCEand DOK}S 2.5 DESTINATION diskettesduring the copying process. If you have more than one disk drive, you may select one to hold youK}r SOURCEdiskette and another to hold yourDESTINATION diskette. At this point, if you have only onedrive, the utility proK}mpts you toinsert your DOS 3 SOURCE disk inDrive 1. For safety, place awrite-protect tab on your DOS 3SOURCE disk so thatK} you will noterase valuable data if you make anerror while swapping diskettes.If you specified two differentdrives, the K}utility prompts you toinsert both your DOS 3 SOURCE andDOS 2.5 DESTINATION disks.After you insert the diskette ordiskettK}es, press [START]. TheCOPY32.COM program reads thedirectory of the DOS 3 SOURCEdiskette and displays the files itcontainK}s, sixteen at a time, bynumber. Press [RETURN] to see thenext sixteen files. When all thefiles on the diskette have beenlK}isted, you have the options torestart, return to DOS, or view thefiles again.To convert a file, enter the numberof the fK}ile you wish to convert. The utility prompts you to confirmyour choice by pressing [START].When you press [START], the prK}ogrambegins the conversion process byreading the specified file from theDOS 3 SOURCE diskette. After COPY32.COM reads theK} entire file(or as much data as it canaccommodate in its memory buffer),it asks you to swap disks if youspecified the samK}e drive for yourSOURCE and DESTINATION disks. Withvery large files, you may have toswap diskettes several times. Ifyou aK}re using two drives, theprogram copies and converts a filein a single operation.After the file has been copied andconverK}ted, press [START] to returnto the listing of files on your DOS3 SOURCE diskette, from which youmay choose another file toK} convert.If an error occurs during the copyprocess, COPY32.COM displays anerror number and prompts you topress:- [START]K} to restart, or [SELECT] to return to the DOS 2.5menu.NOTE: Unless you have two diskdrives, you will be unable toconvertK} files of more than 124,700bytes (300 bytes less than themaximum file length possible underDOS 2.5).DISKFIX.COMThis prK}ogram begins by showing youthe current drive number and a menuwith these five options:1. Change Drive No.2. Unerase FileK}3. Verify Disk4. Rename File by No.5. Quit to DOSType the number of the function youwish to use but press[RETURK}N] after typing your choice. After activating an option, followthe prompts.SETUP.COMThis program begins by showing youK}a menu with these four options:1. Change current drive No.2. Change system configuration3. Set up an AUTORUN for Boot0.K} Quit - Return to DOSMenu selections 1 and 0 are usedfor "housekeeping" purposes. Thetwo main functions of this utilityK}are menu selections 2 and 3. Pressthe number key that corresponds tothe function you wish to use, thenfollow the promptsK}. CUSTOMER SUPPORTAtari Corp. welcomes any questions you might have about your Atari Computer product. K} Telephone...the Atari 'Helpline' Mon.-Sat.during office hours, on or Write..K}.to Atari Customer Support P.O. Box 555 Slough Berks. SL2 5BZPlease write the subjK}ect of yourletter on the outside of theenvelope.May we suggest that you contactyour local Independent Atari UserGroup. K} They are outstandingsources of information on how toget the most out of your AtariComputer."Atari User" is a monthly maK}gazinewritten by Atari enthusiasts forAtari enthusiasts. "Atari User" isavailable from all good newsagentsand selected AK}tari dealers. Anotherregular Atari magazine is "Page 6"which also contains a great deal ofuseful information for Atari OwnK}ers.The Atari 'Helpline' will be happyto give you details of your localUsers Group, your nearest Ataridealer and detailsK} of how to obtainAtari related publications,including "Page 6" and "Atari User".up, your nearest Ataridealer and detailsHT Q-@i")Ad%- ?Au@QQA'ATT169,15O}1,141,36,2,169,6,141,37,2,169,148,141,198,2,169,0,141,220,2,76,64,21,169VV172,133,10,169,6,133,11,173,220,2,201,0,240,3,7O}6,172,6,76,138,194,169,190,141,36(MM2,169,6,141,37,2,169,0,141,254,2,76,159,23,169,148,141,198,2,76,138,1942'@O}A('@@ D:HELPDOS.BAS,141,37,2,169,0,141,254,2,76,159,23,169,148,141,198,2,76,138,1942'@L.4i5Pة٥  ީ4߭<5ֱޑL[4ͭ͠84 =5L4ӠԧS}宠e4 =5`P  x/ԍҍԅ۩B٩̅ڠQ؅لGҩ@ԩ"/BX` B V`BS}S:EKDJLVح ӱت)ӊ٥ޥЏDԌEՠHI HI BLV4P|`R(  L?:*8=9 %# /(>- .+!302 "&2350 67&D1: .EXW}E ERROR ERROR!! - PRESS OPTION@ INSERT DOS DISK PRESS START@@ a aLհ` W}S0 i  i ii` 찭(ΰL# ΰΰȑȑ㑀ȭ(iȑȭ(i(ȭ(W}''('('i8(8m(m('' ϰ n B V0GBbDEJW}K V0) BD'EHI V0 B VLr ϰЭL4% $н!LL80W}iA`~`` ϰ .ɛ  Lui e` ENTER FILE NAME (MAX 8 CHARS) => <=@W}W}W}L1 CHOOSE PROGRAM TO MOVE. @2350 )@@R S0W}ii  ` e ԍ` BOOT ERROR!,RETRYING@ @| |L `}******************************W}**********@* PIRATE PUNK'S MENU TO BINARY *@ PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE -1985- ------------------------------- W} INSERT SOURCE DISKETTE.  - MULTILOAD MENU.  - MULTIBOOT MENU.  - BOOT DISKETTE. PRESS NUW}MBER OF CHOICE.@ FILE LENGTH ==>@ PRESS TO OUTPUT FILE, OR FOR MENU.@R ࠴ W} nLVLL&LLp   E E EA q;1>4 >W}8 |3 3|䥀ii:â n' LppLp0   E EA W}p0>4 >3| 3|祀i:̢ n' L ppLW}̢ n' L ppLT>, ө jB*DELVE:ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<X90)ө jB*DE VLffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<\= LENGTH IS 000.FREE SECTORS = 0000renamewhich_ OUTPUT FILE. CREATE NEW MENU. FORMAT/CREATE. READ IN A c}MENU.ENTER PROGRAM NAME (MAX 18 CHARS)ANOTHER COPY? {'/ c&8099 ʆ`80$ʩ99.1c}:1L &;9 9  S<;ঢ9 9  D'98 99 9 " Z'ʽ.1.1:11c}11梦LB1L1*mii+1$mɤ` * !L1  1`z`?-  `<^LP^LL<`$iХ%iѠ``PɛP`P00:Lgk}ɛLvȱɛLv BDEIH V` P`P00:Lghay4