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BpuD 6.6.#@@26-F:B24,DAu6-I:,u6-F:A,^}u"6.NO BASu"Ab6.Au"@6.Bu"A46.Cu"AU6.TURBO_}u[6-6-'6-[ >:A%,$*̧Ӡ٭ˠ*uA"@@>@`}@D1:*.*A(uA"@@>@@D2:*.*A(uA"@@>a}@@D8:*.*A(v:AR@:( ˠӼ ˠ  v( DRIVE #(vb}@( vH7@<@,4 06-%A:7@,,>6-%@H B0*v@4v6-A:7@<@c},,>vT(-@ @-  ?-@ @T( Hv2) @*7@<@,499d}9+2 :ENDRvW7@<@,4999+1-@ @"T(ŠӠWSv[[IF D$(1,4)="999+" THEe}N PRINT "Number of free sectors not accurately indicated.":END\vS-@ @*  <-@ @f}S( %fv#"@6.RAM# BPpv%"A6.SNGLzv%!A6.1050vC% Ag}#-@@"&(C(ҠԠӠΠv*-@ @*( v*-@ @*(h} v*-@ @*( v*-@ @ *(à v)-@ @)(i}ˠμv-@@ v,-@ @,(Another Dir. [A]v,-@ @,( [A]j}v,-@ @,(Go to BASIC [B]v,-@ @,(à [B]v,-@ @,(Go to DOS k} [D]v,-@ @,(Ӡ [D]w,-@ @,(Load a Disk [L]w,-@ @,(l}렠 [L]w,-@ @,(DEL MEM SV D8 [M]$w,-@ @,(֠͠ĸ [M].w,-@ @ ,m}(Return to Prg [R]8w,-@ @ ,( [R]Bw Gw*-@ @*(̧ӠպLw*-@ n}@!*(Select a letterVwAR`w3)4A)4B)4D)4L)4R)4M3 Bjw B@two}(>:A%,+~w 4R%w! 4A6-@! B w4BBpw4DBwO BPp}4ME@3@ D8:MEM.SAVO BPw] 4L(>:A%,6.1-@@Y("Did you q}put a new disk in drive #1]w&7@<@,4Y& Bw&7@<@,4N& B@w3(>:A%,"r}-@@0(à3w.w6-?:B,(D8:DIRECTRY.BAS171 FREE SECTORS9GLvCwSNGL @s}v,( BB,( B@@vCwSNGL @hO) !"`3!3<><><> Here are a some excerpts of some letters that we received from our members. ~} **** November 30, 1993 Dear Alex, Enclosed is my check for renewal of my 1994 dues. I have a couple of suggestio}ns for the club newsletter that may be of help. 1. When new disks are described, please list the disk numbers. 2. } By eliminating the menu, welcome screen, and other programs from the backside of the disk that are already on the fron}t side. This will allow additional sectors for more usefull programs. Just a couple thoughts. Keep up the good work!} Yours etc. PAT HAYES, East Flat Rock, NC 28726 **** Editor: Thanks for your letter and check P}AT. Because of your suggestion, I was able to add this column. As for your suggestions: 1. Whenever possible HAROLD }PEGLER at the time of the demo, gives us a new disk number and we insert it in the minutes. Sometimes this is no}t possible, but the number and description is always put into our LIBRARY LISTS on disk. 2. Your sugge}stion about removing some redundant material is good and I will use it, but I will leave the menu which I thi}nk most people use and like to have. **** November 28, 1993 Dear Alex, Thank you for finding the} answer to my problem with the ATARI XMM801 printer and AWARDWARE, when PRINTPOWER does. Now I know I wasn't} going crazy when I couldn't get it to load/run. Enclosed is my $24.00 check for dues renewal for 1994. I always look }forward to receiving your informative disk magazine. THANK YOU! Yours truly, DANE STEGMAN, Akron, NY 14001 } **** Editor: Your welcome DANE, glad we could help! We too wonder why PRINTPOWER works fine on the} XMM801 printer and AWARDWARE does not, as our tests also showed. At least you know its not your equipment. Glad you} enjoy our 8 BIT newsletter, even though you also have a 16 BIT machine, quite a compliment. }**** November 28, 1993 Hello Alex, I hope you will quickly replace my copy of the Nov/Dec '93 newslette}r. The P.O. saw fit to bend it so bad I could not salvage any part of it. As, I suspect, with most members, THE OL' }yzZERWOTWTRFOUPRMEKAFILEHELPMENUTITLECOL1COL2COL3LINEZLOSPACFNNCOLNSPSOOPPPAGOEP }COLIN@@@@@A2@ P PP P PP @  } @ &@&A"Q@2A } !"#$%99ԠŠ SAVE "D:NEWSLTR.BASdm }m報à Ӡįί̠ŠǭԠ̮ 6-6- }@'6-@36-@?6-@ӠϠŠӭҠԬŠ̮Ϡ̮z` }@E:(AR`ΠŠ̮ҠŠқQB7t@d'@@d3 }@?AKA Q-'A@e'@ 5K:6-6-)6-A256- }@33;,;,;,;,;,;,;,;A2,$(6.D1:WELCOME.SCR(8EA !A }@h3B7t@dE@@dL. A 6.6. $(. A`8-@!8($Programmed For Th }e Ol' Hackers Ataric9-@"9(% User Group Inc. By:Kris Holtegaarde00(' Modified By:Thomas J. Andrews }j666.,THE OL' HACKERS' ATARI U.G., INC. NEWSLETTERt67B:,%,.7<@8,y&-B:,6&7<,0 AU~ }L 6. 67@,.#67,.C6-+@&,'@%@L67,.'A @#-A"P' H6. }D1:MAINMENU.HLP$@5@A@H(}!A !A@h" A (" A }(]B7t@d'@@d9A @E-@"V( Selection: ]6.2/ )/+"AU)" }A&,*4A07"AUA`9."A&*B:,"6.$*. A0:0"A&6.7:,*2B:,"@A` A0/ +@-/(@TURN DISK OVER/-@/(@ }THEN PRESS ANY KEY5AdAU)& A05% D:PROG.BASo+A%A @7-@ }@Q(NO PROGRAM THIS MONTHc-@@oARB'(FLIP DISK AGAIN AND PRESS A KEY1 A08)B  }A6 (}-@ @ 6( What's Your Pleasure?_B7t@d'@@d9-@@X( }enu rint ead: _)8"@w((.( Main Menu....8 A"@AP8"@ }((.( Read File....8 AF.-B:,6. D1:**.TXT.67<,.7<,F A"@A ) }5@<(}F A5p  A4F:A,"A6*@@@4 A5P**"@e*F:A },"ApA!`pA @4@e*F:A,"Ap:(}L-@@p(Not In This Months News Let }ter! AF AF! 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The only change to this version is the addition of a run J2}|Vol: he ||Issue: || ,}   ||New Meeting   ||Date:   ||Jan 22, 1,}994   ||  ||   || ,} ||  ||--> <--|| ,}  ||  || Atari User Group Inc.(c)1985 |*** Alex Pignato, Pre,}sident ****** 3376 Ocean Harbor Drive ****** Oceanside, N.Y. 11572 ***,}|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.|| ⮠ |,}|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.|| ⮠ |,  3 "FILEY@;;DBL COL DIRECTORY BY EUGENE ACE SAVE"D:DBLDIREC.BAS 0}@'@@@?;@,;@0,K6-@p0@H:,$@w(}(0}ŠΠ٠ @N 6.D67@,.=:,167@,.:*.*N@@<@0}( @`Zs@@'@@8d(7 ĠҠ٠ٯΩ ݠŠՠϠίhp0}4Ys%d 4N% D:NEWSLTR.BASD:DBLDIREC.BAS7 ĠҠ٠ٯΩ ݠŠՠϠίhp0<  TSiRPSAVE "D:MAKEDSGN.BAS4}t=(5}DISK 19-ԠҠӠ Ԡ١t(2Brought to you, courtesy of the ̧ ,,($TRY4} DIFF. NUMBERS FOR DIFF. DESIGNS! VB(:Insert # & (0-99999999) & (0-80)und (20-200)V(R=0/80|P=20/200 L(4}-("Insert any 2 numbers for 'M' & 'N'L(For R=[0-80], for P=[20-20 S?(7You need 4 NUMBERS-Try 700,400,70,100 OR 50000,4}15,70,95IS+@ HH? "You need 4 NUMBERS-Try 700,400,70,100":INPUT M,N,R,P:GRAPHICS 80@4}70@@@c(M= N= RADIUS= P=o6-AP{6-@6-6- @(4}c3-@$@ +@$@ ',K,%$G:%,%$E:&,c/%$G:&,%$E:%,2  @D:M4}AKEDSGN.BAS@$@ +@$@ ',K,%$G:%,%$E:&,c/%$G:&,%$E:%,2  @D:M4 00D L0ɢ! B~D0EI+HLV  BD0EI=H V  ԍЭ8}Lw}Ǻ the XL/XE Translator...} THE TRANSLATOR IS FORATARI XL COMPUTERS ONLY 00@6hhh8}h1HTHH 3 3M@6?67@6607 B V/6xj,D6EB J V  BD4EލHI8} Vɢ%HD5EHI VL1#)D6EHI Vɢ 2Ӎ>6N>60H0 8}1H0 3HI>6h V>6 V8>6<* e ԍ ԍЭG)<L2>6IL2 *3ԅI8}" *3ӭ) 3Ӭ))Ӡ8؍22Lw 3 3X2LT13D3EHI8} VL2D4EHI 3LVIJ)I`UVT`Ў `ԍ`HELP|8}SELECT or FIRE = run translator || SELECT+OPTION = toggle basic & run|| START+OPTION = cartridge booter || = toggle basic only |}Revision 1.3 $D301=________   8} | || |       | | || ||||| | | | | | || | |8} | || ||||| | | | | || | | | |||| || | | | | | | || ||| ||  | | |||      8} ULTRAFIX/XL - 64K ATARI XL/XE 52K revision-B compatible O/S Insert disk then press ԛ or press Joystick 8}ŠΛ Copyright 1984/86 Tim Patrick ŠԪ ̭àĠE:P0C@ESK 088}_ ۰9 Hڢ D ۰!H hم٦0hL`.Eh+-X ۰7H ۰H 8} ehe ۥ Iihe+- ې08H*hj ۥiD ܰ  ` Qک0()?(8}E$8? p .L L٩` p 8逮0iE ܄ 8-+ ܢ8 8}i H h ܭ0 ii ܠ-`ԅՅ D&uԕةBLܩ0fCb8@?i ZڰS8} ZڰF ZڰAee2 ei$  iiԥ`8`Ԡ``&&`I))8}8Դ0 >E0uذLܩ :ܩLܢ8LܥI8ՕLܥE> 8@8e8}08 ܥ)0 LڥJJJJ0 L bץL D`8` 8i@0 LNۢՕ 8ؐ 9}٠8ؐ е bL ۤȄ` `80 `H ې.+-h8` ې . ېh9}`ՠ66666&`ڢ.`)q` D`ʈe`9} ԕ` 8JJJJ ܵ) . ` 0` .0ʽ` ۥ)`8`E)F)`9}ԅ ( ۥ) 4 D`ߠߠyʈ``` ݦ - 9}ڰ(ii fڰ  0````ԕ` ڰԅ)89}@0&j ٥ԅX ݢ `ک M @ ڥ#ji@0 ڥ ݢ (`8`==W39}>Tvb>2b'?h`06?2'A?%C4Vu?f'70P@U??CBH@ ݦ fڢ ݢ ݦ `ڢ (`9}8`ԅ8@ ) (ۢf ޢ ک r @ݢ ڢl f ݩեIi $9} fڥ (`@"wf?P?IWQpIG?9 Wa9cU? 0d? 9`?BXGB?7?()q?D>DIh8E?hyx? 9 })D?@ (1V?wD3331??xS442Phfffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p89 }8pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nf>ff~f9 }ff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf8pp89}?ww<~~~<9}x`x`~<~~<0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>9}>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<fkc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<9}ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<~x|nf8x83=3``nf>ff~<ө<ө2A`B`L7 6(ҩmi:9}; < =:2i4354 ?6L 6 j u? ,p? j ?0070Lt _9}B0`?>2i435< 0>A!CE000Ɋ?0`0 1;:2 ҅1L:9} _`H232435; 1 ҩ;  hh@2 e1i1L; :)h@1890 <ӥL99 }`0`Hҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e1i1232435ޥ<<Щ82m43m 5`.9!}̍ҩ  0 4ӭ j kL 0x 4ӭ j u  0<L `-2 ` 9"}Ҡҍ2ҩ% L1-2 2ҍ ҩ% ҩ(ҢAҬ`ҍ`%Ң`jj)?j9#})` k `    8 8 }imJJJ 8)i 8}9$}}`|08|`i`Lx%) Ԥ   aXL )0 Ԥ  ̭ҭ9%}ҩҭ2ҩU2ȑ212i23i3X` _<Ӎө0XL &'x \X`CT eu$F`1F9&}!@WS   Y`S mF! mȱȱ򈈌 `9'}``}~S  Y0 ` ` ɛ`  Y` ޠ`@9(}S@ ``W+N(DS  `Nݩ̍`+>*) 9`? 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WHAT IS IT? The Ultra=L}fix translator is a reassembly of the ATARI revision-B operating system for ATARI's newer XL/XE series computers.=M} It is 100% Rev.B compatable!!! (EDITORS NOTE: I have been using it with my 800XL 256K with revision C, with absolut=N}ely no problems).BACKGROUND! I first wrote the translator routines in 1984 for my 1200XL, (after getting=O} tired of waiting for ATARI to send me theirs!), and since then, I have added many features not found in any other =P} translator and created a 128 color title screen. The translated Rev.B O/S has all the interupt handlers, floating po=Q}int routines, graphics routines, ect... 100% intact! This assures full compatability with old software. I hav=R}e been using this O/S since 1984, and I have yet to find any (non-XL) software that won't run!FEATURES! Special =S}features? There are a couple of enhancements in the O/S. If you have a 1200XL, you will find your function keys still =T} work as cursor controls, even while ULTRAFIX is active. If you have a newer XL/XE series computer- you can togg=U}le BASIC on or off from the title screen, no need to reboot when you see the "*XL-BASIC ENABLED" message, (and no=V} need to hold OPTION at boot, since you can turn off BASIC as you run the translator)!A UNIQUE FEATURE! One feat=W}ure unique to ULTRAFIX is the ability to run old non-ATARI cartriges! Got any old games you miss playing sinc=X}e you got your XL/XE? Want to buy that Demon Attack cart in the $1.00 bargain box but afraid it won't run? Simply=Y} fire-up ULTRAFIX without the cartridge, then press OPTION & START, when the screen goes blank, plug the cartridge in an=Z}d it will run! The cartridge booter is 100% reliable, and requires no special timing, just plug in the cart and i=[}t automatically runs!EASY LOADING WITH 52K EXTRA RAM! ULTRAFIX is a standard DOS load file, it will load from any=\} DOS, or binary loader/menu or as an AUTORUN file. You will have 52K free RAM, without a cartridge, or the entire=]} $C000-CFFF area free to use with a cartridge (unlike ATARI's translator) EDUCATED PROGRAM! In the 1200XL it wi=^}ll light the LEDs to show it's active, but it won't clear those bits in other XL/XE computers. ULTRAFIX will deter=_}mine what kind of computer it's loading into, and configure itself correctly! It knows the difference between the ne=`}w built-in BASIC and a hardware cartridge, and it will indicate which is installed from the menu. TWO CONTROLS, PLUS =a}HELP!! It will run with the