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FUJIs, FUJIs! } Check Directory of both sides for ML } and BASIC programs!  } |Vol: he ||Issue: || }   ||   ||   || }   ||  ||   || } ||  ||--> <--|| }  ||  || Atari User Group Inc.(c)1985 |*** Alan Sharkis, Ed}itor ****** 43 Rose Drive ****** East Meadow, N.Y. 11554 ***}|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||  |}|Charter Member NEAR*US ATARI USER Gp.||  | Here's an interesting and informative article on e-mail by TOM ANDREWS. I've asked Tom if I could put my own bits }of experience into this article where they have differed from his, and he has graciously agreed. ********************}***************** The Joy of Email by Thomas J. Andrews Email is one of the forem}ost reasons people cite for going on the Internet, and why not? While I don't think it'll ever completely rep}lace "snail mail," email certainly has advantages in the areas of speed and convenience. Usually, an email me}ssage is in the addressee's electronic mailbox within minutes of being sent, whether it was from across to}wn or across the country, and it's nearly as fast between countries. Replies can be even faster, as all }addressing can be handled with a single command. There are things you can do with email that would be difficul}t or nearly impossible with snail mail. I belong to a group of "keyboardpals" who keep in touch using email. C}alling ourselves "The Coffeehouse Annex," we take our name from our original online meetingplace, the Coffeehou}se Category of GEnie's Writer's Ink Roundtable. Most of us are no longer with Genie, so we no longer have } access to the Coffeehouse. But, we keep the Annex together by sending mutual email letters. All letters ar}e addressed to all members of the group, regardless of the specific person the message is meant for. (Sending e}mail to multiple addresses is almost as easy as with single ones, sometimes even easier. More on that later.) Be}cause email is delivered so quickly, we can all keep current with the "conversation," even though there are 14 o}f us and most live hundreds of miles from each other. We've celebrated engagements, marriages, births, and suc}cess; commiserated over divorce, illness, death, and failure; and discussed most of the problems plaguing Mankin}d. Imagine doing that with snail mail! What Do You Need To Get Email? The same hardware and software I discussed } in my previous article, "Usenet and the Atari8," is more than adequate for email service. As for service providers,} all the Internet Service Providers (ISP's) I wrote about in that article provide Internet Email service, in}cluding an address and mailbox. Email procedures vary with the provider, but basic operations are quite simi}lar for all. I'll use those of my own ISP, Delphi Internet, as an example. Delphi is usually case-insensitive w}hen it comes to commands, so you can use small letters and capitals interchangably. I'll use capitals }here for convenience in identifying commands and such. Reading Incoming Mail If you have any unread mail waiting} in your mailbox when you log onto Delphi, you'll receive a message with the general announcements. To access the mai}lbox you use the MAIL command, which can be used from almost any area of Delphi. When you get there, if all you want} to do is read the first letter of your unread mail, just press RETURN. The letter will be displayed, one "pa}ge" at a time. Press RETURN to move on to the next page, and on through all the unread letters. If you have a long l}ist of incoming mail, you might want to screen it for letters you want to read first or for "spam"--junk mail you }want to ignore. (Delphi filters out most of the spam, but some does get through.) You use the DIR command to do t}his. Each letter will be given a number, and you can read individual letters using READ n, where n is the number of }the letter you want to read. To get rid of a letter, whether you've read it or not, use the DELETE n command. Th}is will put the letter into a temporary "wastebasket" where the letter can be retrieved until you leave the MAIL area. O}nce you leave, deleted mail is gone forever. (NOTE: What Tom has said about retrieving and storing messages is} generally true for information services like Delphi and "free" services like NassauNet, but commerc}ial ISPs generally delete messages from their system after you receive them. You are responsible for storing th}e messages under these conditions. I doubt that many 8-bit Atarians use commercial ISPs because most commercial ISPs} don't offer text-based, or "Unix Shell Accounts" anyway. But if you do, you'd better have a hard drive in your syste}m! -- Ed.) If you want to reread a letter from another session, you must change the active mail folder. If you } have unread mail waiting when you enter MAIL, the NEWMAIL folder is automatically activated. Once mail i}s read, it is copied to the MAIL folder. To activate that folder, use SELECT MAIL. To reactivate the NEWMAIL f}older, use SELECT NEWMAIL. Users who want to conserve online time will want to capture mail to a disk file, then re}ad it offline. To do this with Delphi's mail reader, activate your software's capture buffer (with Bobterm, }just press OPTION), then issue a SELECT command to activate the appropriate folder. To read all the mail in that fold}er, type EXTRACT/ALL TT, then sit back and watch it scroll by. (Bobterm will pause when the buffer is full and} ask for a filename. I highly recommend using a RAMdisk for this if you have one.) Is That All There Is? Of course}, reading email isn't the only part of it, and maybe not even the best part. You're going to want to send a few } letters, too. On Delphi, you do that with the SEND command. To send a copy to yourself, use SEND/SELF, and to }send "carbon copies" to other recipients, use SEND/CC. Once you've issued the SEND command you run right up a}gainst the most complicated part of email-- addressing. The first thing you need to realize is that there is mo}re than one type of Internet address, and not all types can receive email. If you see an address that starts with a www} or http prefix, or is labeled with something like, "Join us at our web site," that is an address for a site on the }World Wide Web. While it's possible to leave messages at many web sites and receive an email reply, these addresse}s in general cannot be used for regular email. Addresses that start with the letters ftp, or are otherwise labeled as ft}p sites, can't be used for regular email, either. These are File Transfer Protocol sites, places on the }Internet where you can download or upload programs and text files. There are several ftp sites dedicated to the At}FCIOSCRSACHSALSA ;@ ,;A X,-@}?AR@E }WAYiA @{A@ A@$c6.hhhLV6. }*67A X,. 967@,.B6-C:,S6-P:'AV,c6-&$AV..@@ D:WELCOME.SCR(Q}AP@!AR-AS?AVQAW@2! @`!6-?:C:,<@,< }A(}-@@!( Programmed forB// ' 짠CB0(' By Kris Holtegaard & Thomas J. And}rewsBAY@4F% D:NEWSLTR.BAS D:WELCOME.BASBAAF`!`H$-%.HH \hhh(`.HM)   !h(L`N) }!"`3!3}ortion of the NassauNet that some of our local members use doesn't allow for attachements -- Ed.) That takes c?}are of most of the basics. You can take it from here, if you want. The Atari 8-bit can handle ASCII text a@}s well as any Pentium-based PC--maybe not as fast, but just as well. Our Atari community has become more aA}nd more fragmented over the years, but email (and Usenet) can keep us closer together. It's a worthy, andB} fascinating, use of our machines. ************************************L o=o=o=o=o= Humor Corner This little ditty comes to us via the February 1999 issue of (FR)ANTID}C, the newsletter of the Alamo Area Atari User Association. Two Digits For A Date (The Y2K problem, set to tE}he tune of Gilligan's Island) Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale Of the doom that is our fate. That starteF}d when programmers used Two digits for a date. Two digits for a date. Main memory was smaller then; Hard disks were smalG}ler, too. "Four digits are extravagant, So let's get by with two. So let's get by with two." "This works through 1999,"H} The programmers did say. "Unless we rewrite before that It will all go away. It will all go away." But management had nI}ot a clue; "It works fine now, you bet! A rewrite is a straight expense; We won't do it just yet. We won't do it just yetJ}." Now when 2000 rolls around It all goes straight to h___, For zero's less than ninety-nine, As anyone can tell. As anK}yone can tell. The mail won't bring your pension check It won't be sent to you When you're no longer sixty-eighL}t, But minus thirty-two. But minus thirty-two. The problems we're about to face Are frightening, for sure. And reading M}every line of code's The only certain cure. The only certain cure. (Key change; big finish) There's not much timeN}, There's too much code. (And Cobol-coders, few) When the century is finished with, We may be finished too. We may be fiO}nished too. Eight thousand years from now I hope That things weren't left too late. And people are lamenting Four digitsP} for a date. Four digits for a date. o=o=o=o=o=B *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* NEWSLETTER REVIEWS by Alan Sharkis OHAUG Newsletter Libra%R}rian Spring has sprung in the New York Metropolitan area. A long-range weather forcast for "significant s%S}now" in April heard on a local radio station turned out to be an April Fools joke. As far as I can see, temperatu%T}res are finally climbing out of the mild, but still wintery range they occupied for the last several months. With %U} the increase in daylight hours hibernation is also ending for many species, including Atari 8-bit user group me%V}mbers! This is reflected in some of the following newsletter reviews: LVAUG News for January/February 1999 -- There i%W}s a reprint of Subject 1.2 from the faq on Atari 8-bit computers (ftp://ftp.cs.ruu.nl/pub/NEWS.ANSWERS atari-8-bit/faq) -%X}- a well-written piece entitled, "What Can I Do With An 8-Bit Atari?" The article not only covers what can be don%Y}e with the computer, but why our Classic Ataris are a good choice for doing those activities. There's another reprin%Z}t, this time of an article by HENRY YANOSHAK (The Intelligencer Record, 10/23/98.) The article describes a law,%[} proposed by Representive James Greenwood, and signed by President Clinton, that makes it more difficult for childre%\}n to access pornographic Web sites. The law has already been challenged, and even the Justice Department feels th%]}at it has serious flaws. Read the article and form your own opinion about the chances that the law will survi%^}ve legal challenges. A third reprint (LOU DOLINAR writing in Newsday as carried by the Allentown Morning Call%_}, 12/8/99) deals with the reasons why disk drives in PCs keep getting bigger and bigger for less and less money%`}, and why the author thinks this is a good idea. There is another article (author unknown) dealing with filename exte%a}nsions. There are also many cartoons and one-liners that will have you laughing. (FR)ANTIC for February 1999 -- T%b}his is the source of "Two Digits For a Date," which is reprinted in its entirety in this issue of the OHAUG New%c}sletter. Strangely enough, the same faq article in the above review of the LVAUG Newsletter appears in the Februar%d}y (FR)ANTIC as well. So does a reprint of TOM HUDSON's review (7/98 issue of The PACESetter) of MINER 2049ER. My%e} son used to spend hours and hours playing this game. To end the issue, there's a reprint of the November/Decembe%f}r LVAUG Newsletter article on fixing the console keys of 130XE keyboards. IMAGE for March 1999 -- Editor ED %g}BIAZ discloses a Web site called XL Search that holds an index of 16,000 Atari 8-bit files. I've just got to go %q}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB>SNEWSLTR BASBMAINMENUHLPBWELCOME SCRB~CEMAIL TXTBCDDIGITS2TXTBWELCOME BASBAUTORUN SYSB^QBNLRV TXTEFUJI TXTBHELP DOCBGILBERT BASBFUJI1 BASB6PRESSPRTMNUBLFUJI2 BAS7SWANDEMOCOMG:WILDWESTBASCOMOKI BAS{DARKTOWNBASBBKCOPY COMORBIT COM[EXCHNG COMFEDMES TXT to that site (http://www.sonic.net/%7Enbs/xlsearch) right now and check it out... (several minutes %r}later ...) Well, the page is no longer on the server. I did a site search for the term "XL," and came up with nothin%s}g. But when I tried a site search for "Atari," some 45 pages were returned. Most of them were not 8-bit related, but%t} some were, so if you want to try it, you just might find something interesting. I'll do the same AFTER I write thi%u}s column. SLCC Journal for April 1999 -- I assume that BOB WOOLLEY wrote the small blurb in the upper right ha%v}nd corner of the first page (just above the picture of the 1200XL.) The blurb states that if the author gets it %w} finished, he will bring that heavily-modified machine to the next meeting. What are the modifications? How about s%x}omething called SmartOS that lets you modify the OS code, a 512K memory upgrade with battery backup and an IDE ha%y}rd drive? We'll see next issue (I hope -- Ed.) Also in this issue, we learn with sadness that former SLCC librari%z}an, BOB SCHOLAR lost his wife. We send our sincere condolences, Bob. PACESetter for March 1999 -- This issue r%{}eprints an article by ROBERT PUFF (12/15/97) in which he describes how Atari 8-bit computers like the XL and XE serie%|}s work fine by themselves, but become flakey when connnected to other devices via the PBI or are modified to%}} accept very large memory upgrades. Among the PBI devices is Mr. Puff's own BLACK BOX. The article goes on to describe %~}three modifications that should make these computers rock solid. In another article, PACE member TOM RUSSELL has w%}ritten a series of beginner-type questions to editor WALT LEWIS, which Walt proceeds to answer. In another article, %} this one reprinted from the OHAUG Newsletter of 5-6/92 by JOHN PICKEN (originally from PSAN 4/90) entitled, "Your O%}ther Computer." No, John is not talking about a PC or a Mac. He's talking about your printer. Indeed, a pri%}nter is very computer-like, and the article explains just how this is so. It then goes on to explain how you %} can get more out of your printer through software control. Cenacle Newsletter for March 1999 -- This is issue numb%}er 13 for the French group. I've dusted off my High School French again (allergy victims beware) and I'm atte%}mpting a synopsis of this issue. Editor REMI GALLOPIN has set some priorities for the Year 2000, and using 8-bits is%} clearly one of them. To that end, there is a list of games with their descriptions on the last page of the issue.%} The games include many that were first released for the 2600 game console and then enhanced for the Atari 8-bit co%}mputer: Miss Pacman Pengo Pole Position Space Invaders Megamania%} River Raid Moon Patrol Super Cobra Spy Hunter Jungle Hunt %} Pitfall Miner 2049er There is also a list of several programs in the club's library (on page %} 2.) The user group has definitely branched into supporting PCs, as the rest of the issue shows. XIO3 for Marc%}h/April 1999 -- ROWLAND GRANT's 8-Bit Affairs column has some very interesting news. He states that ATARI CLASSICS M%}agazine is down to one issue per year. He also mentions the PROJECT PHEONIX, which is supposed to provid%}e PPP connections and a Web browser for our 8-its some time this spring. If successful, it might be marketed as a%} cartridge by Video 61. CRYSTALWARE INC. has joined a number of software game houses that are now producing older %}games in more modern clothing for the PC and Mac markets. EDWARD WILLIAMS is using upgraded 600XLs in industrial c%}ontrol applications. CURT VENDEL has more pictures of rare and almost-produced Atari hardware at his site. As we all k%}now, some very talented people worked for Atari in the early days. One of the engineers who developed the SIO bus i%}s now working for Microsoft and is one of the patent holders for the USB. Rowland also states that your editor %}is leaving the Atari 8-bit world in December to devote more time to Linux. This is not quite accurate, as I ex%}plained in another article in this issue of the OHAUG newsletter. Perhaps the innacuracy is partially my fault. I hap%}pened to mention, in a posting in comp.sys.atari.8bit and other places, that one of my user groups (LIAUG) may conv%}ert to Linux. But the real reason that I must give up the 8-bit is that the time and room it now occupies will be tak%}en up with my becoming a consultant in adaptive technology. PACESetter for April 1999 -- PACE has a Website! It ca%}n be found at: http://pace.atariworld.com and it's loaded! Atariworld.com, the parent site, is shared by ABUG (Ata%}ri Boise User Group) and is a member of the Atari WebRing. In addition, there are links to all the PACE offi%}cers' e-mail addresses at the PACE site. This issue also contains a review and instructions for SHANGHAI, %} some information on printing out BASIC programs using pokes, and several articles reprinted from the Marc%}h/April OHAUG Newsletter. JACG Newsletter for April 1999 -- The JACG has set up (via President JOE HICSWA) a fr%}ee computer chess setup at one of their local restaurants. Joe has, of late, been very interested in setti%}ng up surplus equipment to solve various local social needs. Read about it on page 5 of this issue. Joe has%} also contributed an article (and most of his articles are in the form of letters) on how to load programs.%} Joe also plans to take anoter cross- country motorcycle trip this summer. But unlike other trips, when he would send o%}ut postcards describing his activities, this trip will be documented on a laptop and modemed into a JACG mem%}ber who will volunteer to type up and send the postcards for him. Sounds interesting, Joe! A large (two-page) ad fo%}r the Trenton Computer Festival was run in this issue, as well as a full listing of the sites on the Atari WebRing %}and a screen dump of the Atari Central site, which replaced Toad Computer's site. SLCC Journal for May 1999 -- B%}ecause of the changed date in our own meeting calendar, I am able to break the suspense you are probably all %}feeling about BOB WOOLLEY's 1200XL project. It's described in this issue. The machine's memory has been boosted %} to 576K, including a 512K ramdisk that cannot be erased by a power-down. Bob states that the OS and and memo%}ry locations $D600 through $D7FF are "programmable, permanent and write-protectable." He has also included an %}internal 1.2- gigabyte IDE hard drive which is also programmable, backed up by a battery and write-protected. The hard %}drive is divided into seven active partitions, all designated as D1:. How can he do that? I don't know p%}recisely, but Bob states that he uses to select the partitions and that there are three front-pan%}el LEDs that allow him to see which one is selected at any moment. The issue also has some rather intere%}sting PC-related material. Take a look. AND SNEAKING IN AT THE LAST MINUTE: The PACEsetter for May 1999 -- This%} issue is heavily involved with hardware issues, reflecting the club's many demonstrations in the past f%}ew meetings. However, the hardware goes beyond Atari hardware and begins to touch on the PC. Read the minutes for%} details. There is an excerpt from IAN CHADWICK's MAPPING THE ATARI which explains how PEEKS and POKES are use%}d in BASIC programming and how values get stored in memory. One of the members (not identified -- I think it %}may be WAL T LEWIS -- Ed.) wrote a funny piece about his (or her?) experiences with a PC. There is a reprint of a %}rather important website (if you have a PC and are looking for device drivers.) It's , and it seems%} to contain important diagrams as well. There is also a screen dump of a website maintained US Robotics (now%} a division of 3COM.) This site gives directions for troubleshooting WinModems. Since the WinModems are internal %}(PC) modems, what is at that site is of limited value for the Atari 8-bit. But since the WinModem line is included in%} many stock PCs, it's good information to have. The URL is: %} *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* $2 o=o=o=o=o= FUJIs, FUJIs! The Atari Logo has been redone in many forms, both by Atari, )}through it's various ownerships and by indviduals trying to use it in various demo programs and to adorn)} their websites. Recently, somebody in asked if there was a simple mathematical formula)} or a curve plotted from a simple function that would reproduce the familiar Fuji logo. This request lead to many s)}uch Fujis being posted or referred to. On this side of the disk I have included many such programs. One, )} in BASIC (GILBERT.BAS) draws the logo and then applies rainbows to it and to the background. Two more BASIC pr)}ograms (FUJI1.BAS and FUJI2.BAS) do a much more elaborate job by showing how 3D effects and rotation can be )}accomplished. They come from an article from ANTIC Magazine (Volume 2, Number 5) by JERRY O'NEILL. The article )}is really important to have if you want to understand the programs. If you don't have that copy of ANTIC, b)}ut you do have access to a PC, you can find it on the web at: This site, maint)}ained by KEVIN SAVETZ, contains old issues of ANTIC which were scanned. It 's an extremely valuable resourc)}e. If you don't have access to a PC, write to me and I'll send you a copy of the article. Finally, I'm including )} a machine- language program. SWANDEMO.COM must be (L)oaded from DOS with BASIC disabled. You can see that it)}'s a rather long program, but I feel that the wait for it to load is worth your while. This demo was good enough to)} have been shipped with one of the many 8- bit emulators that run on the PC. It includes a rotating, 3D Fuji with rainb)}ow, stationary and rotating text, and, well, something else that you should be able to surmise from the filename. Enj+9}8D@#@v@hA --@"")A6%- dTT104,11}73,0,210,101,20,141,23,208,173,11,212,229,20,141,26,208,141,10,212,76,1,6F@e*AF:A@,4+@#1}FAA2g @,@5@1/A%@C/A%@U/@5@gAe@=1}-@5@=@@S: LOGO 9 @6-@ %6-@v9-@@1} / ,/,A`&+/A`&/  R-@A#!@R6-@C%M:A&&+A&,$+A&1},, 226-@E%M:A b&+A&,$+A&,, / ,/,A`&+/A`&/  6-?:A6,1}D2:GILBERT.BAS%M:A b&+A&,$+A&,, / ,/,A`&+/A`&/  6-?:A6,0mnvD T FLALASXYZTCSYSNYTTPITCCSPSNPROLCSRSNRHVDEMODALTCXRATIYRATIZRATIYADIRECTIOTUR5}@@@ 5}5} ANTIC 8/83 A1SUBROUTINE PLOTS SHAPE21 +@$'0@1@<65}- AF-@P 6-8,6-8,6-8,Z&"6A 6-& APd46-$%$6-5}"6-$6%$(6-.6-46-n:6-$%$6(6-$%$.6-46-:6-x.6-$%$(6-$6%5}$.6-7"!,%$%%$%-6-@7 AP/%$%%$% _-@A925}A!@@= _2**F:Ad,"AU*"@ApAdAU5}$#6- A# APINITIALIZING SECTION +@AR@W-@@1(@5}atari graphicsC-@@W(@IN 3-D);@,"")9,9,9,?6-?pp6-A`5}'6-@36-@?6-@+READ SHAPE DATA,GAR@(/(One moment please.G(Reading da5}ta for @B- 68,-/68,->68,-B I]]'RATIOS' ALLOW SCALING SHAPE. ADJUST XRATIO 5}TO COMPENSATE SHAPE SHOWN ON YOUR TV SCREENJ'6-@6-@'6-@T-@^ "h$68,-$5}68,-$$68,-$r+"6A 68,-"68,-+68,-| 36-6-'6-36-@5}Y(1(&For auto-rotate routine, press ԠY(#For manual settings, press Ԡ.F:B2y,"@$6-@. 5}A  F:B2y,"@A AWAAAUTO-ROTATE ROUTINE: YAW, PITCH, ROLL--5 POSITIONS FOR EACHX-5}@@b-@l'6-6-'6-v"@6-$@u"@65}-$@`"@6-$@`9 6-E:,6-G:,6-E:,'6-G:,06-E:,96-G:, @P-@5}A   ))END OF AUTO-ROTATE; NOW MANUAL MODE6-@ A + T( (-(The 5}last display used values of0(;(YAW=H(PITCH=T(ROLL=*S A((0(Enter desired new angles3(P(of 5}yaw, pitch, and roll.S(4 >9 6-E:,6-G:,6-E:,'6-G:,06-E:,96-G:,H +AR@R5}j0@@@ (#(&(D(After the image is drawn,G(j(press any key to draw another.\-@A5} fAdAU @Pp ALETTER A WITH 3D ARROWS3-D LETTER A,30::-12,15,0,0,-15,0,125},15,0,8,6,0,-8,6,0,-999,-999,-999AA-20,20,0,20,20,0,20,-20,0,-20,-20,0,-20,20,0,-999,-999,-999;;-50,0,0,50,0,0,40,10,5}0,50,0,0,40,-10,0,-999,-999,-999>>0,50,0,0,-50,0,-10,-40,0,0,-50,0,10,-40,0,-999,-999,-999;;0,0,-50,0,0,50,-10,0,40,05},0,50,10,0,40,-999,-999,-999D:LOGO160,-50,0,-10,-40,0,0,-50,0,10,-40,0,-999,-999,-999;;0,0,-50,0,0,50,-10,0,40,04-uv%%FLALASXYZTCSYSNYTTPITCCSPSNPROLCSRSNRHVDEMODALTCSHAPVODIRECTIOTURYAXRATIYRATI=}ZRATI@@@ =}=} !"ANTIC 8/83DDSHOWS ROTATION IN ALL 3 AXES FOR ATARI LOGO AND BARN WITH SILO =} A1SUBROUTINE PLOTS SHAPE21 +@$'0@1@;TTFLAG=0 MEANS PLOT; FLAG=1 MEANS DR=}AWTO. TRAP 190 FOR LINES PAST EDGE OF SCREEN<6- AEFFVARIABLE 'LAST' ALLOWS DATA BASES WITH VARYING NUM=}BERS OF POINTSF-@P 6-8,6-8,6-8,Y[[-999 INDICATES NEXT VALUE WILL BEGIN A NEW LINE, SO FLAG=0=} FOR PLOT INSTEAD OF DRAWTOZ&"6A 6-& APc22CALCULATE YAW; ROTATION ON Y (VERTICAL) AXISd46-$=}%$6-"6-$6%$(6-.6-46-m66CALCULATE PITCH; ROTATION ON X (HORIZONTAL) AXISn:6-$%$6=}(6-$%$.6-46-:6-wSSCALCULATE ROLL; ROTATION ON Z AXIS (AXIS THAT COMES OUT FROM PLANE OF SCREEN)x.=}6-$%$(6-$6%$.6-22IF FLAG=0 THEN NEW LINE, SO PLOT FIRST POINT7"!,%$%%$%-6-@=}7 AP>>IF FLAG=1 THEN CONTINUE EXISTING LINE; DRAWTO NEXT POINT/%$%%$% %%SOUND INDICATES =}PICTURE IS DONE_-@A92A!@@= _277IF IN MAN=}UAL MODE, WAIT FOR ANY KEY TO BE PRESSED**F:Ad,"AU*"@Ap77GET RID OF KEY PRESSED AND RETURN FRO=}M SUBROUTINEAdAU$[[TRAP ERRORS FOR LINES PAST EDGE OF SCREEN (ERROR 141) AND SET FLAG TO PLOT NEXT POI=}NT#6- A# APINITIALIZING SECTION +@AR@W-@@1(@=}atari graphicsC-@@W(@IN 3-D(One moment, please...PPFIRST DATA STATEMENT INDICATES NUM=}BER OF POINTS, STORED IN VARIABLE 'LAST'#"#9,9,9,;@,RRC=SIN & COS OF 45 DEGREES; HC=HORIZONTAL CEN=}TER OF IMAGE; VC=VERTICAL CENTERnnMODE=1 FOR AUTOMATIC DEMO, 2 FOR MANUAL CONTROL; CH=1 TO CHOOSE ATARI LOGO, CH=2 FOR BA=}RN OR OTHER SHAPE?6-?pp6-A`'6-@36-@?6-@i%2A!@@G=}2@@@@i2@@@@ ''INITIALIZE ARRAYS; X AND Y=0,Z=-8I-AC>}&68,-568,-E68,-6@I i%2AC@@G2@A@@>}i2@Ab@@!22READ DATA 4 TIMES FOR 4 CURVED PARTS OF LOGO"-@@, #A6>}-@@I@ "I%%CHANGE COORDINATES FOR 4 CURVESJ!"@68,-!68,-TH"@ 68%@I>},-168%@I,-H68%@I,-@^2"@!68%@,-6268%@,-hI"@!68%AG,-6>}268%AG,-I68%AG,-@r | ,,READ DATA FOR 2 STRAIGHT PARTS OF LOGO-@>} #AP-@@ "\68A%%$@,-968A%%$@,-E"@\68A%>},-@  IIREAD DATA FOR CONNECTING LINES BETWEEN FRONT AND BACK PARTS OF LOGO-A AB@>} "~ 68,-68%@,-568%@,-6A >68,-O68%@,-g68%@,-6A ~68%@>},-@  READ DATA FOR WORD 'ATARI'-AEAx "$ 68,-68,-$68,-@ > }FADE OUT SOUNDx -@6?<2AC@X2@A@t2@Ab> }@x %,,GIVE USER A CHOICE OF DISPLAY ROUTINES&N0@@@ (#(N(&For auto-rotate routine, > }press Ԡ0++(#For manual settings, press Ԡ9 PRESSING START SETS MODE=1:.F:B2y,"@$6-@> }. AC<<PRESSING SELECT SETS MODE=2, SKIPS AUTO-ROTATE ROUTINED.F:B2y,"@$6-@. AN Ap> }WAAAUTO-ROTATE ROUTINE: YAW, PITCH, ROLL--5 POSITIONS FOR EACHX-@@b-@l'6->}6-'6-v"@6-$@u"@6-$@`"@6-$@`CCLINE>} 660 CALCULATES SIN & COS FOR YAW, PITCH, AND ROLL VALUES9 6-E:,6-G:,6-E:,'6-G:,06-E:,96-G:,GO TO>} PLOTTING SUBROUTINE @P00GIVE THE USER SOME TIME TO LOOK AT DISPLAY-@A   >}33ALL DONE WITH AUTO-ROTATE DEMO, SO SET MODE=2#6-@#"@A;;TRAP 810 TRAPS DATA ENTRY ERRORS FOR>} YAW, PITCH, ROLL A""READ NAME OF ALTERNATE SHAPE"LLCH=2 MEANS SHOW ALTERNATE SHAPE INSTEAD OF LOGO,>} SO SKIP LINES 750-780"@A +M( (+(To see an ATARI logo, enter 1.(M( To see a(n) >} , enter 2 EEIF CH=2, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME FOR THE NEW SHAPE, SO READ DATA "@A  + >}T( (-(The last display used values of0(;(YAW=H(PITCH=T(ROLL=)..TRAP IF BAD ENTRIES FOR YAW, PITCH, RO>}LL*S A((0(Enter desired new angles3(P(of yaw, pitch, and roll.S(4 =22CALCULATE SIN & COS FOR>} YAW, PITCH, AND ROLL>9 6-E:,6-G:,6-E:,'6-G:,06-E:,96-G:,H +AR@QHHREMIND USE>}R THAT IN MANUAL MODE YOU MUST PRESS A KEY FOR NEW IMAGERj0@@@ (#(&(D(After the image is drawn,>}G(j(press any key to draw another.\-@A e<<GET RID OF LAST KEY PRESSED; GO TO PLOTTING SUBROUTINE>}fAdAU @Po99AFTER PLOTTING, ASK USER FOR CHOICES FOR NEXT IMAGEp A@##READ DATA FOR ALTER>}NATE SHAPE5AR@((5(One moment, please... READ NUMBER OF DATA POINTS"SET ARRAYS EQUAL >}TO ZEROB- 68,-/68,->68,-B ]]'RATIOS' ALLOW SCALING SHAPE. ADJUST XRATIO TO>} COMPENSATE SHAPE SHOWN ON YOUR TV SCREENooLARGER VALUES (RATIO=4) STRETCH OUT IMAGE ALONG X,Y,Z AXIS; SMALLER VALUES (RA>}TIO=1 OR 0.5) SQUEEZE IMAGE'6-@6-@'6-@JJREAD BARN DATA, OR YOUR OWN DATA BY CHANGING DATA LIN>}ES FROM 2000 ON-@ "$68,-$68,-$$68,-$,,IF X=-999 THEN DON'T MULTIPLY BY RATIO> }+"6A 68,-"68,-+68,- NOW BACK TO MAIN PROGRAM=6-6-'6-36-@>!}= APATARI LOGO DATA; LAST=278 278))CURVED PARTS OF LOGO (USED 4 TIMES)__-20,-56,-20,-10,-21,-8,->"}22,2,-24,4,-24,8,-26,10,-26,12,-28,14,-28,16,-30,18,-32,20,-34,22YY-36,24,-38,26,-40,28,-42,30,-42,31,-50,34,-54,36,-60,3>#}8,-70,40,-70,56,-62,56,-54,54YY-48,52,-44,50,-40,48,-38,46,-34,44,-32,42,-30,40,-28,38,-26,36,-24,34,-24,32,-22,30^^->$}20,28,-20,26,-18,24,-18,22,-16,20,-16,18,-14,16,-13,12,-12,10,-12,-56,-20,-56,-999,-999++STRAIGHT PARTS OF LOGO (USED 2 T>%}IMES)..-8,-56,-8,56,8,56,8,-56,-8,-56,-999,-999#11CONNECTING LINES FROM FRONT TO BACK OF LOGO$UU-20,-56,-70,40,-70,>&}56,-12,-56,-8,-56,-8,56,8,56,8,-56,12,-56,70,56,70,40,20,-56-DATA FOR WORD "ATARI".--21,75,25,65,29,75,28,72,22,72,-9>'}99,-9998''31,65,39,65,35,65,35,75,-999,-999B--41,75,45,65,49,75,48,72,42,72,-999,-999LEE53,75,53,65,58,65,60,67,60,7>(}0,58,72,60,75,58,72,53,72,-999,-999V3364,65,70,65,67,65,67,75,64,75,70,75,-999,-99977NAME OF ALTERNATE SHAPE AND NUMBE>)}R OF DATA POINTSBARN,154mm-25,21,-15,-25,21,15,-25,-9,15,-25,-9,-15,-25,-17,-9,-25,-21,0,-25,-17,9,-25,-9,15,-999,->*}999,0,-25,5,-9nn-25,5,-5,-25,-1,-5,-25,-1,-9,-25,5,-9,-999,-999,-999,-25,2,-9,-25,2,-5,-999,-999,-999,-25,-1,-7,-25,5,-7>+}ll-999,-999,-999,-25,5,5,-25,5,9,-25,-1,9,-25,-1,5,-25,5,5,-999,-999,-999,-25,2,5,-25,2,9,-999,-999,-999hh-25,5,7,-25,>,}-1,7,-999,-999,-999,15,-9,-15,15,21,-15,15,21,15,15,-9,15,15,-9,-15,15,-17,-9,15,-21,0gg15,-17,9,15,-9,15,-999,-999,-999,>-}15,5,-9,15,5,-5,15,-1,-5,15,-1,-9,15,5,-9,-999,-999,-999,15,2,-9 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