DEBUGGING› › Your assembly language programs are bound to have bugs in them.› Asm/Ed provides a method for testing assembled object code. When› at the Asm/Ed EDIT prompt, type BUG and press return. The next› prompt will be DEBUG. The commands for the debugger are all› short one or two letter commands, some followed by an optional› hexadecimal address. To exit DEBUG type X and press return.› › DR› › The DR command is used to display the contents of the 6502› registers:› › DR› A=BB X=10 Y=20 P=B0 S=DF› › A is the accumulator, X and Y are the index registers, P is the› processor status register (which includes the carry flag, zero› flag, and etc.), and S is the stack pointer.› › CR› › The CR command is used to change the contents of any of the 6502› registers.›› CR<,1,2,,DE› › The values specified go into the registers in the same order they› are displayed by the DR command. In the above example the› accumulator is unchanged, the X register receives a 1, the Y› register a 2, the status register remains unchanged, and the› stack pointer is adjusted to DE.› › D› › The D command is used to display memory. D3000,0 tells the› debugger to display memory location 3000 hexadecimal. When the› second parameter is less than or equal to the first, only one› location is shown. D3000,3010 requests the debugger to display› memory from locations 3000 through 3010. Enter D by itself and› the next 8 locations (3011 through 3018) will be displayed. If› only the second parameter is omitted, a default of 8 memory› locations are displayed:› › D3000› › 3000 10 40 20 22 34 11 12 FE› › Note that the output of the debugger is always in hexadecimal.› All input addresses and register values are to be specified in› hex as well.› › C› › The C command is used to change memory. The format is:› › C3034<21,23,,2E› › The command is immediately followed by the starting hexadecimal› address to change. The values to be placed in memory, starting› at the first location, are separated by commas. Two commas in a› row tell the debugger to skip over that memory location, leaving› it unchanged. In the above example memory location 3034 receives› 21, 3035 receives 23, and 3037 gets 2E. You may use the D› command to display memory just changed, to verify the new values.› › M› › The memory move command, M, is used to copy a block of memory› from one area to another. The command format is:› › Mmmmm65535 THEN ? "OUT OF RANGE":GOTO 80› 100 PRINT "INPUT NUMBER 2 ";:INPUT N2› 110 IF N2<0 OR N2>65535-N1 THEN ? "OUT OF RANGE":GOTO 100› 120 SUM = USR( 1536, N1, N2 )› 130 PRINT "NUMBER ";N1;" PLUS ";N2;" EQUALS ";SUM› 140 END› 1000 PRINT "COULD NOT FIND USR ROUTINE FILE"› 1010 PRINT "MYUSR.OBJ"› 1020 END› › Now we need to write an assembly language program with Asm/Ed› that implements this USR routine. It will accept parameters N1,› and N2 off the stack (two, two byte integers), add them, and› return the result to SUM through memory locations $D4 and $D5.› Our code might appear as follows:› › 0 ;LIST#D:MYUSR.ASM› 10 ;ASM ,,#D:MYUSR.OBJ› 11 SUM = $D4› 12 NUM1 = $E0› 13 NUM2 = $E2› 20 *=1536 ; Assemble for PAGE 6› 30 ADDTHEM PLA ; First off the stack is parameter count› 40 BEQ ERROR ; Always check for no parameters ERROR› 50 CMP #2 ; Did we get exactly 2 parameters?› 60 BEQ AOK› 70 TAX ; No, clean up stack and return safely› 80 CLEANUP PLA ; Two bytes per parameter› 90 PLA› 100 DEX ; Get all the parameters off?› 110 BNE CLEANUP ; when all gone, just the valid return addr› 120 ERROR RTS ; is at the top of the stack for the RTS› 130 ; We have valid input, compute the sum› 140 ; The first parameter in the USR call (after the addr)› 150 ; is the first parameter off the stack, high byte› 160 ; low byte sequence. REMEMBER this!› 170 AOK PLA ; Get NUM1, high byte› 180 STA NUM1+1› 190 PLA ; Get NUM1, low byte› 200 STA NUM1› 210 PLA ; Get NUM2, high byte› 220 STA NUM2+1› 230 PLA ; Get NUM2, low byte› 240 STA NUM2› 250 ; Now we have the data in temporary storage› 260 ; and the stack is cleared of parameters.› 270 ; Just the return address (to get us back to BASIC)› 280 ; is at the top of the stack - which gets pulled off› 290 ; into the program counter automatically by the RTS› 300 ; instruction.› 310 CLC ; Must clear the carry flag first› 320 LDA NUM1 ; Low byte of first integer to add› 330 ADC NUM2 ; Add to low byte of second integer› 340 STA SUM ; And store in low byte of their SUM› 350 LDA NUM1+1 ; Now add high bytes, leave carry alone› 360 ADC NUM2+1 ; It "carries over" from previous add› 370 STA SUM+1 ; And their summation is complete› 380 RTS ; Back to BASIC› › Enter this program with Asm/Ed and execute the instructions in› the first two comment lines. When you get an assembly with no› errors, your file D:MYUSR.OBJ should be ready to test with the› first BASIC program.› › Work at this until it performs as expected. As you become more› adept at writing USR routines, you may wish to develop utilities› for converting OBJ files into a series of BASIC DATA statements,› so you can simply READ and POKE them without using messy file I/O› to initialize the USR routine. It takes a relatively long time› to install USR routines by poking them into memory or strings,› but once in place they execute amazingly fast.› › You will find that USR routines are incredibly difficult to› debug. You need to initialize them and call them from BASIC. If› you mess up the stack or some other operation, the computer› usually crashes inexplicably. It isn't easy to debug USR› routines from DEBUG, because you will have to write sophisticated› test routines to stuff all sorts of test values on the stack.› › Stand Alone Assembly›› Sooner or later you will get tired of USR routines (mostly› because they are so difficult to debug). When you do, it is time› to take the plunge into writing a stand alone assembly language› program. Then you will get into the complexities of keyboard› input, screen output, disk I/O, and printer output from the› Asm/Ed environment. Complete libraries of routines, such as a› "graphics package" that performs the equivalent of BASIC's› GRAPHICS, COLOR, PLOT, and DRAWTO, will become a necessity. This› is where BOOT CAMP will help the most. In the months to come you› will learn everything from keyboard input to floating point› processing, all from the assembly language level. Most of our› listings are in Mac/65 format. With the exception of macros› (Asm/Ed is not a macro assembler), most changes to Asm/Ed› compatibility will be minor.› › As an example of a stand alone assembly language program, and an› illustration of its raw speed, we present the following› demonstration. First type this BASIC program and run it. While› it executes (it will take about 12 minutes), read the remainder› of this article to see how the same functions can be performed in› assembly language:› › 10 DINDEX=88:REM Screen RAM pointer› 20 SCREEN=PEEK(DINDEX)+256*PEEK(DINDEX+1)› 30 FOR X=0 TO 255› 40 A=X› 50 FOR Y=0 TO 255› 60 POKE SCREEN+Y,A› 70 NEXT Y› 80 NEXT X› › At location DINDEX is a two byte "pointer". Memory locations 88› and 89 hold the address of the beginning of screen RAM. The› equation in line 20 calculates the variable SCREEN, which we use› as a direct pointer, for the POKE in line 60. In our assembly› language equivalent of the above program, this problem is even› EASIER to solve. (This is seldom the case however, most things› are much harder to do in assembly language. This demonstration› is designed purposefully to show the strengths and speed of› assembly language.) Next two loops are setup. The inner Y loop› is used to poke the current value of X into the first 256 screen› RAM locations. You will see these characters fill the top› portion of your display. All ATASCII values from 0 through 255› are poked, with the help of the X loop. The variable A was used› simply for a more symmetrical comparison with the assembly code› to follow.› › Let this BASIC program run to completion. Time it carefully,› study the sweep second hand of your watch creep slowly along.› Feel the annoying impatience of this terribly slow program creep› up your spine. When you finally get the READY prompt, reboot› your computer with Asm/Ed and enter this equivalent assembly› language program:›› 0 ;LIST#D:SCREEN.ASM› 1 ;ASM,,#D:SCREEN.OBJ› 2 *=$3400› 3 RUNAD=$2E0› 10 DINDEX = 88 ; Screen RAM pointer› 20 ; We don't have to compute SCREEN, we use post indexed› addressing› 30 START LDX #0 ; Initialize variables for loops› 40 LDY #0› 50 STORE TXA ; Place screen character into A register› 60 PUTIT STA (DINDEX),Y ; Place character on screen› 70 INY ; Next screen location› 80 BNE PUTIT ; Y register "wraps around" to zero after 255› 90 INX› 100 BNE STORE ; NEXT X› 110 RTS ; Return control to DOS› 120 *= RUNAD› 130 .WORD START ; So we can load and run from DOS› › Now execute the two commands in the first two comment lines at› the top of the listing. If you get no assembly errors then you› will have a file SCREEN.OBJ that is ready to load and run. Go to› DOS and execute a binary 'L'oad of the file SCREEN.OBJ. It will› run immediately after loading and return control back to DOS› after performing all 65,536 "POKES" of characters to screen› memory. Did you catch it? You probably didn't if you blinked.› This version of the program takes barely a second to run! If you› want to watch the show for a while, and exit to DOS when a KEY is› pressed, for example, modify your program as follows:› › 15 CH = 764 ; Keyboard buffer› ...› 101 LDA #255› 102 CMP CH ; key pressed?› 103 BEQ START ; Nope, loop› 104 STA CH ; Yes, clear out key buffer and exit to DOS› › List this version to disk and reassemble it. When loaded from› DOS, it will "poke" all those ATASCII patterns to the screen› continuously until you press any key on the keyboard. To› RANDOMIZE the show, make these changes:› › 16 RANDOM = 53770 ; Always a random number here› ...› 50 STORE› 60 PUTIT LDA RANDOM ; Get a random fill character› 61 STA (DINDEX),Y ; Place character on screen› › › Notice how I always added a meaningful label for each important› memory location. Avoid the use of code such as LDA 53770. The› proper use of labels makes it much easier to see exactly WHAT› your program does and HOW it gets the job done.›› If you didn't pay much attention to ANALOG's Master Memory Map› series, I strongly recommend that you go back and read it all.› Even if you do not understand all of it, you will learn a lot. A› good memory map is the key to unleashing all the power of your› computer. Compute!'s Mapping The Atari, Revised Edition is also› a very good reference guide. As a 6502 Assembly language› reference manual, I use 6502 Assembly Language Programming by› Leventhal. This is a general reference for the 6502› microprocessor, and does not have any specifics on the Atari› computer. It does detail all the 6502 assembly mnemonics, and› provides examples of multiply, divide, and other useful routines.› › When you find that Asm/Ed is too slow to suit your tastes, as you› build larger and more sophisticated programs, consider upgrading› to Mac/65. This macro assembler supports the use of INCLUDE› files, allowing you to easily import "canned routines" that have› already been debugged. It's MACRO capabilities allow you to› define high level constructs that vastly simplify the development› of assembly programs. With a good MACRO library (such as› OSS/ICD's Mac/65 Toolkit or QuickCode from Stardust Software),› your assembly source code will resemble BASIC or some other high› level language, while retaining all the power and speed of pure› assembly language. Mac/65 is the absolute FASTEST native 6502› assembler I have ever used, bar none. (Mad Mac for the Atari ST› will assemble 6502 code that blows the doors off Mac/65; but› that's a whole new ball game.)› › Welcome to the fast and complicated world of assembly language› programming. I hope this guide will inspire you to put that› inexpensive Asm/Ed cartridge to work on all those fantastic ideas› that old faithful Atari BASIC never could handle.› › By: Matthew J. W. Ratcliff, Ratware Softworks, 32 S. Hartnett› Ave., St. Louis, MO 63135››