Draco`s guide to the programming heaven......

Programming guidelines

I. Intro(duction)

Yes, don't smile... There are such things as general programming 
guidelines for Atari XL/XE software. Of course, you (programmer) 
aren't obligated to keep in mind all of them, or, furthermore, even 
any of them... But they've been collected to help you to write 
programs those are supposed to run on as much Ataris as possible. 
Remember, that people rather rarely run the same configuration as you 
do. Their computers have various hardware upgrades, as various RAM 
expansions, various types of disk drives (not always serial ones), 
hard drives, different processors, additional custom chips, different 
types of operating system ROM kernels. They also like to use their 
favourite DOSes and favourite disk filesystems. So, it would be the 
best, if you took these into consideration writing a program, 
especially if it is supposed to be a piece of (possibly useful) 
system or application software.

II. Legal vs. illegal system calls

Don't use illegal system calls. The ROM kernel provides a set of 
system calls, RAM- and ROM vectors to support you with all necessary 
functions you could exspect. You can't save much processing power or 
memory space calling the kernel illegally, it is also very doubtful 
if you could find any useful kernel function that would be 
unreachable legal way. At the other side, if you use illegal kernel 
functions, it is more likely your program will fail on a 
reasonable number of existing computers. There are several revisions 
of ROM kernel and some of them differ internal addresses. Only some 
of these addresses are fixed and are the same in all kernel 
revisions. That is just because they've been proved by Atari Corp. as 

Here's the list of legal addresses for using XL OS functions:

a) Character sets

$CC00 - CHR2 - International Character Set (charset 2)
$E000 - CHR1 - Standard Character Set (charset 1)

Charset 2 does not exist in Atari OS revision A (400/800 series).

b) Floating Point Library

These addresses are available all the time with except for the exact 
time when data are being transferred from or to a hard disk drive or 
another parallel bus device.

$D800 - AFP - ASCII to Floating Point conversion
$D8E6 - FASC - Floating Point to ASCII conversion
$D9AA - IFP - Integer to Floating Point conversion
$D9D2 - FPI - Floating Point to Integer conversion
$DA60 - FSUB - Floating Point Subtraction
$DA66 - FADD - Floating Point Addition
$DADB - FMUL - Floating Point Multiplication
$DB28 - FDIV - Floating Point Division
$DD28 - FMOV12 - Move FR1 to FR2
$DD34 - FMOV0E - Move FR0 to FRE
$DD89 - FLD0R - Load FR0 using registers
$DD8D - FLD0P - Load FR0 using pointer
$DD98 - FLD1R - Load FR1 using registers
$DD9C - FLD1P - Load FR1 using pointer
$DDA7 - FST0R - Store FR0 using registers
$DDAB - FST0P - Store FR0 using pointer
$DDB6 - FMOV01 - Move FR0 to FR1
$DDC0 - EXP - Exponentation
$DDCC - EXP10 - Decimal Exponentation
$DECD - LOG - Natural logarithm
$DED1 - LOG10 - Decimal logarithm

c) Parallel bus device ROM

These addresses are not available until the system does a request of 
a data transfer from/to a hard disk drive or another parallel bus 
device. They're always invisible for application software, so you may 
never be interested on them unless you're going to write a ROM driver 
for a parallel bus device.

WARNING! This 2k ROM may appear here EVEN IF YOU HAVE DISABLED the 
ROM kernel (see below: Memory usage limitations).

$D803 - DEVID1 - Device Identifier 1 (byte)
$D805 - PDIOR - Parallel Device I/O Routine (entry point)
$D808 - PDVINT - Parallel Device Interrupt Service Routine (entry point)
$D80B - DEVID2 - Device Identifier 2 (byte)
$D80D - PDVOPNV - Parallel Device Open Vector (word pointer)
$D80F - PDVCLV - Parallel Device Close Vector (word pointer)
$D811 - PDVGBV - Parallel Device Get Byte Vector (word pointer)
$D813 - PDVPBV - Parallel Device Put Byte Vector (word pointer)
$D815 - PDVSTV - Parallel Device Status Vector (word pointer)
$D817 - PDVSPV - Parallel Device Special Vector (word pointer)
$D819 - PDVINIT - Parallel Device Initialization (entry point)

d) I/O vector table

This consists of six subsets containing vectors to the six ROM device 
drivers. Usage of the first five subsets is allowed, discouraged 
however, because there's no chance for soft-loaded device drivers to 
intercept them. The sixth subset indirectly points to the PIO vector 
table within one of parallel bus device ROMs. Using that last you needn't
to know where the handler is physically located. The system will do all
this for you.

$E400 - EDTVEC - Editor (system console)
$E410 - SCRVEC - Screen (graphic display driver)
$E420 - KBDVEC - Keyboard
$E430 - PRTVEC - Printer
$E440 - CASVEC - Cassette Recorder
$E48F - CALTAB - Parallel Device driver

The general scheme of each subset is as follows:

+$00	OPENVEC	- open the device
+$02	CLSVEC	- close the device
+$04	GETBYT	- get byte from the device
+$06	PUTBYT	- put byte to the device
+$08	STATUS	- get status
+$0A	SPECIAL	- call special functions
+$0C	JMPINIT	- entry point to the init routine.
+$0F	-	- unused byte

e) Jump table

- "initialization" and "enable" jumps are used by the system and PIO 
ROM drivers at bootup time.
- for disk accesses, use JSIOINT rather than JDSKINT (more 
- JTESTST does not enable the Self Test memory (it is a call to $5000)
- JLINK/JUNLINK had been provided for use with a PIO device, that 
hasn't been ever released.

$E450 - JDSKINIT - Disk Interface Initialization
$E453 - JDSKINT - Disk I/O Interface
$E456 - JCIOMAIN - Central I/O
$E459 - JSIOINT - Sector I/O Interface
$E45C - JSETVBV - Set Vertical Blank Vectors
$E45F - JSYSVBL - System VBL Service Routine
$E462 - JXITVBL - Exit VBL Service Routine
$E465 - JSIOINIT - Sector I/O Initialization
$E468 - JSNDENB - I/O Sound Enable
$E46B - JNMIEN - NMI Enable
$E46E - JCIOINIT - Central I/O Initialization
$E471 - JTESTROM - Self Test ROM, system entry.
$E474 - JRESETWM - Reset Warm
$E477 - JRESETCD - Reset Cold
$E47A - JCASRDBL - Cassette Read Block
$E47D - JCASOPIN - Cassette Open for Input
$E480 - JTESTROM - Self Test ROM, user entry
$E483 - JTESTST - Self Test Start
$E486 - JNEWDEVC - Install New CIO Device
$E489 - JUNLINK - Unlink Linear List Element
$E48C - JLINK - Link Linear List Element
$E49B - NEWINITC - Parallel device initialization

III. Memory usage limitations

Atari 130XE has 128k system RAM, 24k system ROM, 2k hardware I/O 
space. Additionally, 8k ROM cartridge may be present and up to 8 
parallel bus device ROMs, 2k each. This makes up to 182272 (178k) 
different memory locations in a system with 64k address space! This 
condition enforces memory banking, which means that only a part of 
these resources are present and available at a time. So...

a) It is strongly discouraged to keep interrupt routines in some RAM 
areas, where bank switching may occur, especially because modern and 
more sophisticated system software may perform such switches at any 
time, completely out of the main application's control. If the main 
application keeps interrupt service routines there, a very bad crash 
(tm) will occur.

Area		Switch condition
----		----------------
$4000-$7FFF	any disk access; it may be a ramdisk or a DOS keeping
		its code in the bank select RAM.
$A000-$BFFF	any DOS function; SpartaDOS X will switch its ROM here
		to access CAR: device and ICD Disk Formatter.
$D800-$DFFF	any external device access; PIO ROM may appear here
		while talking with the device.

b) It is strongly discouraged to use some RAM locations to keep data 
for application software. For better compatibility between various 
types of system software, it is better to keep the following scheme:

Area		Used by
----		-------
$0000-$007F	ROM kernel, DOS, resident system extensions
$0080-$00D3	Application software
$00D4-$00FF	Floating Point Package (if used)
$0100-$01FF	CPU stack
$0200-$047F	ROM kernel, DOS, resident system extensions
$0480-$057F	DOS (optionally)
$0580-$05FF	ROM kernel, DOS
$0600-$06FF	Application software
$0700-(MEMLO-1)	DOS, resident system extensions

Everything else (i.e. from the location pointed to by MEMLO to the 
location pointed to by MEMTOP and the RAM shadowing ROM kernel at 
$C000-$CFFF/$D800-$FFFF) may be used by application software with 
limitations specified above. Note that application software may 
really need only some zero page addresses to keep time critical 
variables and pointers into. If zero page addressing mode is not 
needed, data may be kept within the TPA (i.e. the same area where the 
code is loaded).

NOTE: Built-in Atari BASIC interpreter is considered as "application 

c) Lowest TPA address

- for software that uses DOS it is assumed, that the MEMLO value is 
not lower and should never be higher than $2000.
- for software that does not use DOS it is assumed that the lowest 
available TPA address is not lower than $0B00.

That last value is provided to avoid conflicts with so called "file 
loaders" supporting binary file execution in absence of DOS.

IV. Illegal CPU instructions.

Don't use them. You can never know which day you upgrade to 65c816. 
Any program containing illegal instructions will fail then.


If your program doesn't really depend on a TV system properties (like 
Paint 256 is based on some property of PAL), please take care on your 
program to run on both PAL and NTSC types of Atari. Otherwise, if 
your program is any useful, you may be sure Americans will try to fix 
your code. And you don't like anybody "improving" your code, do you? 

VI. "Unused" hardware registers

The area $D000-$D7FF contains four "unused" pages. In fact, some of 
them are more useful than you could suspect:

$D100-$D1FF - reserved for eight parallel I/O devices. Don't use.
$D500-$D5FF - reserved for 8k ROM cartridges. Don't use.
$D600-$D6FF - free, may be used for various expansions.
$D700-$D7FF - free, see below.

Due to some property of 6502 CPU (esp. superfluous memory accesses 
while executing conditional branches), it is strongly discouraged to 
put any read-write sensitive I/O register at any address higher than 
$D780. Generally, I/O area must be separated from executable code 
with at least 128 byte area containing nothing.

VII. Disk drives

a) PERCOM data

This is a block of 12 bytes describing drive's type and its 
abilities. Meaning is as follows:

0 - number of tracks
1 - seek rate
2 - number of sectors per track, high byte
3 - number of sectors per track, low byte
4 - number of heads
5 - additional information
6 - number of bytes per sector, high byte
7 - number of bytes per sector, low byte
8 - obsolete, always $FF
9 - specific
10 - specific
11 - specific

Byte 5 (additional information) contains bits which mean as follows 
(if set):

bit 3 - IDE hard drive
bit 2 - double density drive (set also if bit 3 = 1)
bit 1 - 8 inch floppy drive (obsolete)

There are some exceptions from above rules:

- If the disk is a ramdisk or a hard drive partition, the number of 

- the number of sectors per track mean the total number of sectors on 
the disk then. This number may be the number of sectors + 1 (old 
Supra bug became standard) or equal to the exact number of existing 
sectors (some developers ignore stupid standards). It doesn't matter, 
because DOS doesn't use this last sector at all.

- 4th byte contains number of heads for SCSI drives (it should be 
ignored) or, for IDE drives, the highest byte of total number of 

- 8th byte is valid only for old PERCOM drives.

- bytes 9, 10 and 11 have values $49, $44, $45 for IDE drives, 
otherwise $00, $00, $00.

b) Don't measure the time your program is loaded or the time a sector 
can be accessed on the disk. This time may vary on various floppy 
drives, hard drives or ramdisks. Some floppies rotate at 288 RPM, 
other at 300 RPM, hard drives at 3600 RPM, ramdisks don't rotate at 
all ;) Furthermore, this time may depend on a specific interleave 
(floppies) or on the handler performance (hard drives and ramdisks).

c) You may believe or not, but SpartaDOS is quite popular. 
Additionally, it has a completely different filesystem than AtariDOS 
clones do. Don't assume, that the directory is at the sector $0169, 
believe me, DOS will know better - so call the DOS ;)

back to main-index

Last changes: 09 jul 1997


Feel free to contact me for any legal reason!

email_icon HeAvEn, Member of TaquarT