Memory-map of a standard 64k-Atari...


Here is the standard memory map:

$0000-$00ff  Zero-Page with OS-Variables
$0100-$01ff  free
$0200-$02ff  vectors+variables
$0300-$0319  variables
$031a-$033f  hatabs
$0340-$03bf  iocb#0-#7
$03c0-$03e7  printer-buffer
$03e8-$03fc  variables
$03fd-$047f  buffer for cassette
$0480-$4fff  ram
$5000-$57ff  ram or self-test if enabled
$5800-$9fff  ram
$a000-$bfff  ram or basic-rom if enabled
$c000-$cfff  rom or ram if enabled

$d000-$d0ff  GTIA
$d100-$d1ff  not used
$d200-$d2ff  POKEY
$d300-$d3ff  PIA
$d400-$d4ff  ANTIC
$d600-$d7ff  not used 

$d800-$efff  math-rom or ram if enabled
$f000-$ffff  rom or ram if enabled

This is just a short description...more in the future...

back to main-index

Last changes: 19 Jun 1997


Feel free to contact me for any legal reason!

email_icon HeAvEn, Member of TaquarT