› ACE C has a limited support of›floating point by using the›functions defined in ACECIO.C. To›define a floating point number, use: ›char name[6];. Floating point will›be the same as Basic only instead of›using operators like + and -, etc.,›you must use one of the following›functions: (for the examples, a,b,c›are presumed to have been previously›defined as: char a[6],b[6],c[6];)››atof(a,str) - convert the string to›a floating point and put it in a. ›Example: atof(a,"3.14276") - same as›BASIC A=3.14276›clog(a,b) same as Basic B=CLOG(A)›exp(a,b,c) same as Basic C=A^B›fadd(a,b,c) same as Basic C=A+B›fdiv(a,b,c) same as Basic C=A/B›fmul(a,b,c) same as Basic C=A*B›fsub(a,b,c) same as Basic C=A-B›ftoi(a) this will return the integer›value of a. This is NOT the same as›Basic INT(A). Basic simply removes›the decimal portion, whereas ftoi(a)›will round the number either up or›down. Example:› atof(a,"1.9"); x=ftoi(a); - sets›x=2. BASIC: A=1.9: X=INT(A) sets›X=1.›itof(i,a) converts the integer i to›floating point and puts it in a›(opposite of ftoi)›log(a,b) same as Basic B=LOG(A)››NOTE: any var may be used in the›functions. Example: fadd(a,a,a) is›the same as Basic A=A+A. To do›something like A=B, use›move(b,a,6);.›››