Compiler table overflow (max 200)›Number expected›'=' expected›Identifier expected›Constant type identifier, number, or string constant expected›'BEGIN' expected›Too many nesting levels›':' expected›'.' expected›';' expected›Undeclared identifier›Invalid type of identifier›':=' expected›'END' expected›';', 'ELSE', or 'END' expected›'THEN' expected›'#' expected›'DO' expected›'#' or FILE type identifier expected›'[' expected›']' expected›')' expected›Illegal factor or identifier type›INCLUDE file nesting too deep››'OF' expected›Mismatched data types›'TO' or 'DOWNTO' expected›'UNTIL' expected›Range error›'(' expected›',' expected›Literal too long or missing end quote (')›'END' but no RECORD started›Incorrect number of parameters›INTEGER type identifier expected›STRING type identifier expected›REAL type identifier expected›CHAR type identifier expected›FILE type identifier expected›HEX type identifier expected›STRING constant expected››››››››››››