Commercial Use Information Disclaimer: PseudoSam 65 is distributed as is, with no guarantee that it will work correctly in all situations. In no event will the Author be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use these programs, even if the Author has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. Copyright Information: The entire PseudoSam 65 distribution package, consisting of the main program, documentation files, and various data and utility files, is copyright (c) 1986,87 by PseudoCode. The author reserves the exclusive right to distribute this package, or any part thereof, for profit. You may obtain a license to distribute this package commercially by executing the commercial distribution license agreement, and paying the license fee. (form follows) The name "PseudoSam (tm)", applied to an assembler program, is a trade mark of the PseudoCode company. PseudoSam version 1.x.xx and various subsidiary files may be copied freely by individuals for non commercial purposes. It is expected that those who find the package useful will purchase the update service. ONLY UNMODIFIED VERSIONS DISPLAYING THE AUTHORS COPYRIGHT MAY BE COPIED. Non-profit user groups and clubs are authorized to distribute PseudoSam software under the following conditions: 1. No charge is made for the software or documentation. A nominal copying fee may be charged, provided that it is no more than $5 total. 2. Recipients are to be informed of the user-supported software concept, and encouraged to support it. 3. The program and documentation are not modified in ANY way, and are distributed together. Distribution of PseudoSam 65 outside the United States is through licensed distributors, on a royalty basis. Interested distributors are invited to contact PseudoCode. Educational Use: Educational institutions are free to use this software in their classes and are encouraged to distribute this package to their students, however inorder to receive periodic updates and technical assistance the appropriate department must remit the license fee. Also a staff member must be assigned to clear all trouble reports before forwarding them to PseudoCode. ********Commercial Distribution Agreement******** Please add me to the list of registered PseudoSam 65 distributors, and send me the most recent version. I understand that registration entitles me to distribute this package freely on an "as is" basis to purchasers of my products. I further understand that I may not make a specific or additional charge for this package. I may however advertise the package as free software. I fully understand that the distributed software must be clearly labeled as follows: Complementary Software Distributed "AS IS" PseudoCode P.O. Box 1423 Newport News, VA 23601 I understand that this agreement entitles me to one year of distribution rights and free updates. Note that version 1.2.02 requires DOS 2 (or later) and 256K. Computer Model: ____________________________________ Diskette format: Total Memory: _______K (256K required) __ doubled sided/DOS 2 Check one: ___ I enclose a check for $30 (PseudoCode pays sales tax for VA orders) Where did you hear about PseudoSam 65? ________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________ Signature_______________________ Date_________________ ================================================================ Send order form with check or money order payable to PseudoCode to: (Qualified PO's will be billed.) Attention: Registration PseudoCode P.O. Box 1423 Newport News, VA 23601 ********Commercial Distribution Agreement******** Please add me to the list of registered PseudoSam distributors, and send me the most recent version. I understand that registration entitles me to distribute this package freely on an "as is" basis to purchasers of my products. I further understand that I may not make a specific or additional charge for this package. I may however advertise the package as free software. I fully understand that the distributed software must be clearly labeled as follows: Complementary Software Distributed "AS IS" PseudoCode P.O. Box 1423 Newport News, VA 23601 I understand that this agreement entitles me to one year of distribution rights and free updates for the entire PseudoSam family of products. I note that version 1.2.02 requires DOS 2 (or later) and 256K. Computer Model: ____________________________________ Diskette format: Total Memory: _______K (256K required) __ single sided/DOS 2(360k) Check one: ___ I enclose a check or money order for $100 (shipping, handling, and Virginia sales tax for VA orders is paid by PseudoCode). Where did you hear about the PseudoSam family? ________________________ Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________ Signature_______________________ Date_________________ ================================================================ Send order form with check or money order payable to PseudoCode to: (Qualified PO's will be billed.) Attention: Registration PseudoCode P.O. Box 1423 Newport News, VA 23601