Rom2Exe v1.01 (c) 1998-1999 Jindrich Kubec Latest version can be found at This program is provided 'as is', no warranty will be taken for any damage caused by it or by any use of it. The whole package is placed under the GNU Public License, for further information on redistribution see the included file "GPL.TXT". Description: ------------ Converts Atari cartridge images into Atari executable files. Usage: ------ Rom2Exe [options] cartimage exefile cartimage is source file. It could be 8192 bytes long (8KB cart) or 16384 (16KB cart). exefile is destination file. There is nonzero possibility that the resulting file won't work. It could be because cart could check if it's actually in read-only memory. In such case PIL could be the solution. The small stub destroys whole memory before running the cartridge code. There is no possibility to return to DOS. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use this program with emulators. They always have option to load cartridge images directly. And in such case they behave (or should behave) as real Atari. This program should be used if you want to run such cartridge image on real Atari computer. What it does: ------------- In fact nothing. It just adds two portions together: the correct stub file and the cartridge image. In DOS it could be done for example (for 16KB image:) copy /b 8000BFFF.STB + CART.IMG CART.EXE Stub just changes RAMTOP, cleans memory and runs the cart. History: -------- Date, Author, Version 4/5/1999, kubecj, 1.00 First version 10/10/1999, kubecj, 1.01 Changed switches processing. To Do: ------ Nothing. Known Bugs: ----------- None. Compiling Tools: ---------------- For scripts: Perl. URL: For PC executables: DJGPP. Sources were written/tested on GCC/Intel only. There should be only slight problems to port it to different architectures/environments. Makefile should need only slight changes. URL: For Atari assembler sources: XA65 assembler. URL: