What's new in v3.0.0: ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß 1) New procedure calculates expressions. (very similar to it in MAC/65) (See: DOCS\priority.txt) 2) I gave the following syntax up: (for more the stability of TA) LDA #10 \ LDA #10 3) It was removed a little bug which was in "SAVE AS". (thanks Dely) 4) Removing bug of one letter label. (thanks Nir) L 5) More compatibility with MAC/65: .BYTE +$80,"ATARI" LDA #'X 6) "LOAD ASCII/CODE" & "SAVE AS CODE" options work properly. 7) Other liitle bugs. (7) What's new in v2.9.9: ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß 1) New syntax: ENDP = ___ENDP (_- space) ENDM = ___ENDM END start = ___END start 2) End = 0 End EQU 0 * comment (now, these notations are allowed) 3) Removing the very serious bug. When you were changing the active window (ALT+1-9), TA doesn't update variables: for example the position of cursor, total lines of the source file...for this reason TA is crashed very often. 4) Correcting some options: Cut & Del, SAVE AS ASCII. NOTE: SAVE AS CODE & LOAD FILE AS ASII/CODE - aren't work yet properly! Don't use them ! 5) Removing some bugs. (7) What's new in v2.9.8: ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß 1) I added several examples: mouse.asm (Laokoon\NG) - you can move an arrow using an AMIGA mouse playtmc.asm (Jaskier\TAQUART) - it plays TMC music. showrip.asm (Madman\MADTEAM) - it shows RIP picture. trollwar.asm - source code of game 2) I corrected the procedure which created an ATR file. (Bug shows when you added to your disk more than 8 files.) 3) More compatibility with QA and MAC/65: (thanks NIR) a) DB 10 = DTA B(10) = .BYTE 10 DS "a" = DTA D'a' = .SBYTE 'a' DC 'a' = DTA C'a' = .CBYTE "a" DW $1234 = DTA W($1234) = .WORD $1234 none = none = .DBYTE $1234 NOTE: Above notations you can mix, for example: .WORD W($1234),D'a',C'a' b) ASL @ = ASL A c) Accept labels without the need to add the colon after the label(:) start: LDA #0 = start LDA #0 d) *= $8000 or * = $8000 or ORG $8000 e) *= $80 TEMP1 2 ;(the same as in MAC/65) f) LDA <100 = LDA #<100 g) LABEL = "A"-$10 or DB "A"-$10 4) I removed little bugs. (8) What's new in v2.9.7: ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß 1) I have to change the conception of using jump orders (BNE/BEQ/BCS...etc) Now: BNE/BEQ/BCS... - range -128...+127 (2 bytes) JNE/JEQ/JCS... - range -32768...+32767 (5 bytes) (NOTE: It was necessary because TA sometimes generates wrong code !) ( Too much complicated calculations ) Positive effect is faster compiling. (about 15%) 2) name1=$100 name2=name1+$100 ( Because of little bug you cannot assembly that program ) ( Now I removed this bug - thanks NIR ) 3) Correcting of procedures which play samples. (look at SAMPLE.ASM) 4) Other little errors. ( all things considered 7)