GR0 version 1.1

by Fox/Taquart


GR0 is a simple tool that can change colors and font of DOS screen. It can setup it to look similar to Atari text mode.


Version 1.1


You can run GR0 without any parameters to see available options. They are:
Set Atari scheme. It is equivalent to options /b:1 /c:7 /n /l /x

Set background color nn, where nn is decimal number of range 0-15

Set foreground (letters) color nn, where nn is decimal number of range 0-15

Set default PC font. Resets all characters.

Set external Atari font. Reads characters 0-127 from standard Atari font file (8*8*128). In 25 lines mode, font is resized. Default extension .FNT will be added to filename, if none given.

Set characters 128-255 to inverse of 0-127. /i can only be used with /a, /f or /x.

Select 50 lines font. Without this option, 25 lines font is selected.

Initialize text mode. Clears screen and restores default font and colors.

Set Atari built-in font. Sets characters 0-127 to standard Atari font. It looks better with /l option.

In Windows, font changes only in full-screen mode. Colors and number of lines change also in a window.