þþdX;SAVE#D:SPYPT4.M65xX;‚X;-------------------;ŒX; Secret Agent ;–X; (c) 1988 ; X; by Barry Kolbe ;ªX;-------------------;´X;¾X;Table of Verbs (Commands)ÈX;Ò†CMDTBL „DGET;;getÜ „DDRO;;dropæ „DOPE;;openð „DREA;;readú „DINS;;insert „DWEA;;wear „DTUR;;turn „DFLI;;flip" „DEXA;;examine, „DWAV;;wave6 „DSHO;;shoot@ „DGET;;takeJ „DLIF;;liftT „DMOV;;move^ „DPUS;;pushh „DOPE;;unlockr „DPUS;;press| „DINS;;put ($12)†X;X;Table of Room DescriptionsšX;¤†DESTAB ‚D0® ‚D1¸ ‚D1 ‚D3Ì ‚D4Ö ‚D5à ‚D1ê ‚D7ô ‚D8þ†APEROM ‚DE ‚DE ‚D5 ‚DC& ‚DD0 ‚DE:†SAFROM ‚DFD ƒD10N ƒD11X ƒD12b ƒD13l ƒD14v ƒD15€ …DFAKEŠ ƒD17” ‚DEž ƒD19¨†ROBROM ƒD1A² ƒD1B¼ ƒD1CÆ ƒD1DÐ …DFAKEÚ …DFAKEä …DFAKEîX;øX;Room NamesX; ‚R0 A‡OutsideA=‚R1 AˆEntranceA= ‚R2 AŽReception areaA=*‚R3 AConference roomA=4‚R4 A‡KitchenA=>‚R5 ASecurity areaA=H‚R6 AExperiment roomA=R‚R7 AŒStorage roomA=\‚R8 A‹Animal roomA=f‚R9 A“West end of hallwayAp z‚RA A‡HallwayA=„‚RB A‰CafeteriaA=Ž‚RC A‰StairwellA=˜‚RD A†OfficeA=¢‚RE AŒChemical LabA=¬‚RF A‰X-ray LabA=¶‚RG AŒComputer LabA=À‚RH A‰Photo LabA=Ê‚RI AElectronics LabA=Ô‚RJ AŠSmall roomA=Þ‚RK A†TunnelA=è‚RL A„CageA=òX;ü X;MessagesX;„XNOR A‡North, A=„XSOU A‡South, A=$„XEAS A†East, A=.„XWES A†West, A=8ƒXUP A„Up, A=B„XDOW A†Down, A=LX;V„YOUH AŠYou have: A`„NOTH AˆNothing A=j„YOUS A‰You see: At‚M1 A…What?A=~‚M2 A…Done.A=ˆ‚M3 AIt's not here. A=’‚M4 A‡Taken. A=œ‚M5 A“You don't have thatA¦ A‚. A=°‚M6 A‰Dropped. A=º‚M7 AYou can't carry AÄ A‰anymore. A=΂M8 A’You can't go that AØ A…way. A=â‚M9 AThe exits are: A=ìƒM10 A‰You see: A=öƒM11 A‘You already have A A†that. A= ƒM12 AYou see nothing A A‰special. A=ƒM13 A‹It's open. A=(ƒM14 A‰Not yet. A=2ƒM16 AŽIt won't fit. A=<ƒM17 A“You are wearing theAF A scuba gear. A=PƒM18 A‘Nothing happens. AZ dƒM19 AYou can't do thaAn Aƒt. A=xƒM20 A“'The blue button tuA‚ A’rns off the lasersAŒ Aƒ.' A=–ƒM21 A’The title is: The A  A”Effect of Bio-AgentsAª A on Mammals. A=´ƒM22 A’It says: 'Tighten A¾ A’security on all flAÈ A‡oors.' A=ÒƒM23 A’You can't read thaAÜ Aƒt. A=æƒM24 A‘You can't get thaAð Aƒt! A=úƒM25 AYou can't open tA A…hat. A=ƒM27 AŠWhat for? A=ƒM28 A‹.. Click.. A="ƒM29 AThe safe opens. A=,ƒM30 A“There's an ON/OFF sA6 Awitch on it. A=@ƒM31 A“You are wearing theAJ A‹ gas mask. A=TƒM33 AŒYou missed. A=^ƒM34 A“A laser blast from Ah A“the robot atomizes Ar A…you! A=|ƒM35 A”The robot fires, butA† A‰ misses. A=ƒM36 A”The ape crushes yourAš Abones.. Crack.. A=¤ƒM37 A”The ape is charging A® Aˆat you! A=¸ƒM38 A“The floor is electrA Aified. Zzzit.. A=̃M39 A“You choke as poisonAÖ A“ed gas seeps into yAà A‹our lungs! A=êƒM40 A”Deadly radiation melAô Ats your flesh. A=þƒM41 A”You failed your missA A…ion. A=ƒM42 A”You escaped from theA A† lab. A=&ƒM43 A”Suddenly laser burstA0 A“s cut through you. A: DƒM44 A”Your mission was sucAN A‰cessful. A=XƒM45 A”Water floods the comAb AŠpartment. A=lƒM46 A”You drown in the murAv A’ky waters..blub.. A=€ƒM47 A“Secret Agent: MissiAŠ A…on 1 A=”ƒM48 A“ (c) 1988 by BarryAž A‡ Kolbe A=¨ƒM49 A“Press START to try A² A‡again. A=¼ƒM50 AShoot at what? A=ƃM51 A‘There's no room. A=ЃM52 A”The escaping viurs aAÚ A’ttacks your body. A=äƒM53 A”A steel door blocks Aî Athe east door. A=øƒM54 A”It has a gravity conA Atrolled switch. A= X;X;They Gotcha! X;*‡DEADTAB ƒM34;;robot4 ƒM36;;ape> ƒM38;;floorH ƒM39;;gasR ƒM40;;x-ray\ ƒM43;;lasersf ƒM46;;floodp ƒM52;;drop vialzX;„X;Descriptions of RoomsŽX;˜‚D0 A”The entrance to the A¢ A“Hanover-Tyler reseaA¬ A”rch facility lies toA¶ A‹ the west. A=À‚D1 A“A desk is in the coAÊ A’rner of the room. AÔ Þ‚D3 A“There is an oval taAè A‘ble with chairs. A=ò‚D4 A’A food cabinet is Aü A’on the east wall. A= ‚D5 A“Hanging on the wallA  A” is a metal cabinet A  Awith a slot. A=$ ‚D7 A“Red and blue buttonA.  A“s are near the doorA8 A‚. A=B ‚D8 A“Shelves make up theAL  A south wall. A=V ‚D9 A”An albino ape is in A`  Aˆa cage. A=j ‚DC A’There are tables, At  A’chairs, and a vendA~  Aing machine. A=ˆ ‚DD A’A decorative plantA’  A’ sits in the corneAœ Aƒr. A=¦ ‚DE A’There is a knob onA°  A‹ the wall. A=º ‚DF A’A scenic picutre hAÄ  A“angs on the east waAÎ  A“ll and a table liesAØ  AŽ to the west. A=â ƒD10 A‘Chemicals lie on Aì  A“the tables. There'sAö  A“ a switch by the doA  A„or. A= ƒD11 A‘Looks dangerous iA  Aˆn here. A= ƒD12 AThere is a hole A(  A’near the west doorA2 A‚. A=< ƒD13 A’There is a coat haAF  A‘nging on a hook. A=P ƒD14 A’There is an ATARI AZ  A”130XE computer, drivAd  A“e and printer here.An A A=x ƒD15 A’A photo-enlarger rA‚  A“ests on a lab tableAŒ A‚. A=– ƒD17 A’A door in the eastA   A‡ wall. A=ª ƒD19 A’The furniture consA´  A”ists of a desk and aA¾  AŠ cabinet. A=È ƒD1A A’A robot guards theAÒ  Aˆ exits. A=Ü ƒD1B A’A 36 inch high cabAæ  A’inet is in the corAð  A…ner. A=ú ƒD1C A‘Lots of resistersA  A“ and chips clutter A  AŒthe tables. A= ƒD1D A’There is a blue buA"  A’tton by the door. A,  6 X;@ X;These replace the regularJ X;descriptions when the 'ape'T X;and 'robot' are eliminated^ X;h ƒD1F A‘A mangled robot lAr  A’ies on the floor. A=| ƒD20 AA dead ape lies A†  AŽon the floor. A= „DSAF A“There is a safe herAš Aƒe. A=¤ X;® !X;No description on some rooms¸ X; …DFAKE ÿ