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I have used it only for!}doing color and simple pixel cleanup. It is also the only selfcontained program right now that can display this graphic fo!}rmat.GED, and the code which it contains, are not public domain. It isfreely distributable though for non-commercial appl!}ications. Pleasecontact me if you wish to use this graphic format in a commercialproduct. GED is (C) 1993 by John Harris.!}GED OVERVIEW:-------------GED was designed to create the best possible flicker-free graphicsthat the Atari can display.!} It uses almost 10K of inline code tocontinually stuff new colors into the color registers, allowing up to9 playfield colo!}rs per scan line.GED can also place PMGs anywhere on the screen. You may change thewidth, color, and priorities. GED can!} change one graphic register perscan line, allowing you to reposition PMGs for multiple uses. GEDtries to be as flexible a!}s possible with PMG editing, so that you cansimply position and draw wherever you wish. However there are limitsto what th!}e program can do, and it may be beneficial to read theTECH.DOC file, to get a better idea for what is going on.The bottom !}line of all this, is that you can get up to 14 colors perscan line, and 9 of those can change every line. Plus having full!}control over all of the graphic registers, and being able to changeone per scan line.GED DRAWING:------------The joysti!}ck can be used to move the cursor. The movement may appearchoppy at first, but the stick routines are designed to allow sin!}glepixel movements by tapping the stick in any direction. Even diagonalscan be moved without getting horizontal or vertica!}l 'tails' on thediagonal lines.The cursor can also be moved with the arrow keys. The keys bythemselves will move 1 pixel!}. With Contol pressed, it will move 8pixels.Shift-Control-Up will take the cursor to the top of the screen. Thiswill be!} useful for changing player/missle registers, as describedlater.Press the fire button on the joystick to draw with the act!}ive color.If the pixel was already the active color, at the location where thefire button was first pressed, then pixels wi!}ll be erased with thebackground color as long as the button is held down. This allows easyplot and erase of a particular c!}olor without having to select colorsfrom the keyboard. The tradeoff, is that you must make sure you startdrawing on a pixe!}l that is a different color to prevent going into'erase mode'.To change the active color register, use the keys 0-3, with !}0 beingthe background color. You can also move the cursor onto a color youwish to draw with, and press 'G' to grab that co!}lor.To clear the entire screen, press the keys Shift-Control-Tab.Press Shift-X to exit to DOS.FILL MODE:----------Pr!}ess the Spacebar to toggle between drawing mode and fill mode.There is an icon at the top of the screen to indicate what mod!}e youare in. It will be a line in draw mode, or a filled box in fill mode.The cursor flash rate will also be faster in fil!}l mode, as anadditional visual cue.Fills may also be made in dither mode. Press the 'D' key, followed bya number from 0-!}3. A crosshatch dither will be formed between thisnumber, and the active color register. The icon will show a ditheredbox!} when the dither option is set. Press D again to return to solidfill.The fill mode in GED is a simple top down fill, with!}in the borders ofthe color register where the fill was started.Press 'U' to Undo a fill operation.The fill mode currentl!}y fills only the color register. Color palettesettings are not carried with the fill, and these may need to becopied manua!}lly with the 'C' command. (Described later) This willlikely be improved in a later release as well.PLAYER/MISSLE EDITING!}: (PMG)----------------------------Press 'P' to toggle between PMG and playfield editing. An indicatorjust to the left o!}f the Draw/Fill icon will turn on in PMG mode.The mode will default to an auto-select of whichever PMG object isunder the !}current cursor location. Just press the fire button todraw/erase, or enter PMG commands, and they will automatically use th!}ePMG at the cursor location, if one exists. Nothing will happen ifthere is no PMG object at that location.Specific PMG o!}bjects may be selected manually, by pressing the keys1-4 to select players 1-4, or 5-8 to select missles 1-4. Even thoughp!}layers are technically labeled from 0-3, I use 1-4 for ease inkeyboard selection. Manual selection will become necessary if!} twoPMGs overlap, because the auto-select routine will always take thelower number.Both solid and dithered fills react di!}fferently with PMG objects.There is no function to fill to graphic borders, and fill mode willsimply copy the current line !}of a PMG object to the next line. Thusto fill a PMG, you will need to draw a line across the top of the PMG,press the spac!}ebar to turn on fill mode, and then hold the fire buttonwhile pulling the joystick down. Dither mode operates in the samew!}ay, except that when dither patterns are detected, they are bitshifted to maintain the pattern. To create a dithered PMG, y!}ou willneed to plot every other pixel on the top line of the PMG. Press thespacebar and the 'D' key, and then hold the fir!}e button and stick downin the same manner as solid filling.PMG COMMANDS:-------------< > Change the current PMG's width!}.M Toggle the priority bit for missles being used as a 5th player.O Toggle the priority bit for overlapping PMG colors.!}F Toggle four modes of playfield and PMG priority order. This changes which objects appear 'in Front' of other object!}s.POSITIONING PMGs:-----------------Shift 1-8 sets the horizontal position of the corresponding PMG to thecursor locati!}on. This operates a bit differently whether or not thecursor is located on the top scan line. There is a table that stores!}the starting attributes for all PMG registers. When the cursor is onthe top scan line, any PMG changes will be made to thi!}s table, and allof the PMG attributes can be configured. When the cursor is partwaydown the screen, changes are made withi!}n the DLI routine which canonly support one register change per line. In case of conflicts, GEDwill try to find free spots!} to make DLI register changes, but thereare limits to what the program can do. This is explained more fullyin the TECH.DOC!} file, and I suggest you study this if you want to getthe most out of this potentially powerful ability.Another difference!} occurs when changing PMGs at the top of the screen.The missle objects have some auto-positioning logic to placethemselves !}at optimum locations. When fifth player enable is turnedoff, missles will automatically be placed at the end of theircorre!}sponding players, allowing a slightly larger player object.Changes to the player's position or size will automatically reloc!}atethe missle to its proper place. With fifth player enabled, all of themissles will be placed one after another, adjustin!}g for any changes inmissle size. Shift-5, which sets the location of the first missle,will set the starting location of th!}e fifth player. Theseauto-placements are only valid at the top of the screen. If youreposition PMGs in the middle of the !}screen, each missle must be movedindividually -- even with fifth player enabled.BRUSHES:--------GED allows a limited fo!}rm of brushes, that can copy data from a PMGobject to the playfield. The implementation is simple, but can stillbe quite u!}seful.Draw a shape in one of the PMG objects, and then move the cursor tothe top of the shape and press the 'B' key. This!} will place theprogram in Brush mode, and anytime the joystick button is pressed, GEDwill copy the shape from the PMG objec!}t into the playfield at thecursor location, using the active color register. The first blankline encountered in the PMG ob!}ject will mark the end of the brush.The drawing mode icon will be a round dot when in brush mode.Press 'B' again, or the !}space bar to return to regular drawing mode.COLOR PALETTE CONTROLS:-----------------------Breifly, since the color regis!}ters are stuffed multiple times perline, a change in the color palette will only effect a portion of theline which I call a!} color cell. To see a visual appearance of colorcells, start from the empty GED screen and fill it with color register1. !}Then move down several lines and fill with color 2. Repeat withcolor 3. Then press the 'T' key to put up the test palette,!} and lookat the screen. The color registers in the playfield data have notbeen changed, but multiple colors are being stuf!}fed into them,creating vertical bands of color. Each different colored section of aline is what I call a color cell. It's!} a color register that is onlydisplayed for part of the scan line. There are eight color cells perline, although you would!} have to plot all of the color registers onthe same line in order to see all eight color cells on the same line.The TECH.D!}OC file has a more complete description of color cells. Ifyou're lost, try and study that file and see if it makes any more!}sense. I'm always available to answer questions as well.With that out of the way, here's how you change colors.Shift-Ar!}rows adjust the Hue+Intensity of the color cell at the cursorlocation.When PMG mode is active, the color of the currently !}selected PMGobject will be changed. Changing PMG colors works a bit differentlythan the playfield colors. Since new color!}s are not stuffedautomatically each line, PMG color changes will effect all lines fromthe cursor position to the bottom of !}the screen, or to any other placewhere the color was previously changed further down the screen.Playfield color changes on!}ly effect one scan line, so there needs tobe an easy way to copy color palettes to additional lines. The 'C'key will copy !}the current color cell into the same position on thenext line down. You can hold down the C key to repeat the effect.Use t!}he C function when you are changing just one color, and don'twant to change any of the other color cells.The 'W' key will !}copy the entire line of color cell palettes to thenext line down. Use this function when you have changed all of thecolor !}registers, and want to copy the entire palette.The 'X' key allows you to exchange two playfield color registers. Oneregis!}ter should be selected with the 0-3 keys, (or the G command).Then position the cursor on top of the color you wish to exchan!}gewith, and press X. The command will effect all of the screen below,and to the right of the cursor location. Also, the a!}ctive colorregister will be exchanged as well. Since the pixel at the cursorlocation was swapped, having the active color !}changed too will allowyou to press X a second time to toggle things back the way they were.COLOR CELL BOUNDARIES:--------!}--------------GED now allows the locations of the color cell boundaries to be skewedleft or right as a group. Normally, t!}his is the first step to performwhen coloring a picture, to best match color cell boundaries to theobjects in the picture. !} This is a global screen setting only, andcannot be adjusted in mid-screen.The ',' and '.' keys skew the boundaries left o!}r right.The 'T' key changes the screen to a test palette, which will make iteasier to see the boundaries between the color!} cells. This is thebest mode to be in when using the above skew control. Press T againto return to the normal screen pale"}tte.DISK I/O--------The compression protocol has not yet been implemented, but this willbe included in a future release"}. Future GED versions will be able toload uncompressed pictures without problems.To get a disk directory, press Esc, and "}then a number from 1-9. Thedirectory function also sets the current default drive. Filenames forloading & saving will use"} the default drive without having to type'Dn:'.L - Load graphic.S - Save graphic. This will prompt with the last loaded "}filename. Press return to accept it, or edit the name and press return.GED will load DOS II binary files with the load "}function. This can beused to import GR.15 raw data, PMG data, or GED format color palettes.Although there is no method for"} saving individual components like thisfrom within GED, these may be saved from DOS after exiting GED. Hereare the memory "}addresses for the various components:$5330-$5AFF Color palette data$5B00-$5FFF PMG data$6000-$600F Picture header$6010-$"}7F4F 320x200 screen dataCOLORING HINTS:---------------The default priority mode in GED is to draw PMG objects behind the" }playfield. In this mode, PMGs will only be visable in sections of thepicture that are cleared to background color. This o" }ften works outbest, since you can make the players maximum width, and mask in frontof them with other colors at full resolu" }tion. Note that when themissles are combined as a fifth player, this object appears in frontof all playfield colors, regar" }dless of the priority settings. I'm abit confused by this, since the hardware manual appears to show thatit should be poss" }ible to have its priority below the playfield. Thisis not the way it works in the real world though.Coloring pictures in "}GED can be an interesting process, because of allthe potential choices for selecting which registers or objects willdisplay"} which colors. The boundaries where the color register changesoccur are staggered for each register. (See the TECH.DOC fil"}e formore information.) What this means, is that finding the optimumselection of color registers often requires a lot of j"}uggling, andthere are no rules that say a solid colored object will be drawnentirely with the same color register. As an o"}bject changes shape asit progesses down the screen, it may cross different color boundaries,making it advantageous to switc"}h to a different color register. Youwould then change the palette of the new register to match, and theold register will b"}e freed to use for something else.I will be uploading some tutorial pictures in the near future, to helpyou figure out how"} to make the best use of available registers. I justdidn't have time to finish these for the initial release.OTHER SAMPLE"} PICTURES:----------------------The MARTIAN.GED picture was done with an early version of GED that didnot support PMG obj"}ects. Even still, it has a good dispersion ofcolors for a playfield only picture, showing as much as 8 colors perline. I "}also really like the anti-aliased fonts.TEST.GED shows how many colors you can display on one line using thenew mode. By "}including dithering, the bars at the top show 40 colorsper line. The boxes at the bottom show a decent flesh tone color mad"}eby alternating scanlines of pink and orange. The box in the middle isformed from the colors of the other two. The greate"}st thing aboutthis flesh color, is that it takes only one color register since thereare no horizontal changes.GED UPDATE "}HISTORY:-------------------** v.1 **Initial release.** v.2 **New Features:Undo command for fill operations, using "}the 'U' key.The 'X' key allows you to exchange two playfield color registers. Oneregister should be selected with the 0-3"} keys, (or the G command).Then position the cursor on top of the color you wish to exchangewith, and press X. The command "}will effect all of the screen below,and to the right of the cursor location. Also, the active colorregister will be exchan" }ged as well. Since the pixel at the cursorlocation was swapped, having the active color changed too will allowyou to press"!} X a second time to toggle things back the way they were.Quick reference guide included as file GEDQUICK.DOC.Bug Fixes:""}Several internal operations did not adjust properly to different skewsettings, causing the wrong color cells to be selected."#}The C command to copy colors did not work.The position of Missle #1 was not stable.Positions of missles 2-4 did not aut"$}omatically adjust to changes inmissle #1's position, when 5th player mode is enabled. (Note, auto-adjustment only occurs w"%}hen position is changed on the top scan line).GED has a run address appended to the file, for non-Sparta users.Hopefully, "&}I will continue to remember this in the future.KEEP IN TOUCH:--------------I'm always interested to receive feedback on "'}GED, or anything else.John Harris45346 Graceway Dr.Ahwahnee, CA 93601jharris@cup.portal.comGEnie:JHARRIS32eedback on rGED Quick ReferenceArrow Keys - Move cursor.Cntl Arrows - Move cursor 8 pixels.Shft-Ctl-Up - Move cursor to top of scree&)}n.0->3 - Set active color register, 0 being background.G - Grab color at cursor location, and set it as active color.&*}X - Exchange two color registers. Exchanges the active color with the color at the cursor location.Shift-Arrow&+}s adjust the Hue+Intensity of the current color cell.C - Copy color cell to next line.W - Copy whole line of color &,}cells to next line., . - Skew the color cell boundaries left or right.T - Display Test palette.Space - Toggle betwe&-}en draw and fill.U - Undo fill operation.D - Toggle dithered fill. Follow this command with one of the keys &.} 0-3, which will form a dither between this and the active color.B - Toggle Brush mode. Cursor should be at a PMG obje&/}ct which forms the shape of the brush.P - Toggle between playfield and PMG editing.A - Auto-select PMG obj&0}ect under cursor.1->4 - Select Player 1-4.5->8 - Select Missle 1-4.Shft 1-8 - Set horizontal position of PMG object to c&1}ursor location.< > - Change the current PMG's width.M - Toggle the priority bit for missles being used as a 5th playe&2}r.O - Toggle the priority bit for overlapping PMG colors.F - Toggle four modes of playfield and PMG priority order.&3} This changes which objects appear 'in Front' of other objects.Esc - Followed by a number from 1-9 displays dis&4}k directory.L - Load graphic.S - Save graphic.Shft-X - Exit to DOS.Shft-Ctl-Tab - Clear entire screen.John &5}Harris45346 Graceway Dr.Ahwahnee, CA 93601jharris@cup.portal.comGEnie:JHARRIS32-Ctl-Tab - Clear entire screen.John $U0SO*7}*8}*9}*:} *;}DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD*<}*=}DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD*>}(((( ******************************************************* *?} *@}  *A}*B}fffff *C} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *D} *E}*F}*G}*H}*I}*J}*K}*L}*M}*N}*O}*P} *Q} *R} yw[Wywwu wwwwwvgww ww_wuWu*S} Zw[uvWgw ꪪRwwwwwgww QwWwwwwu *T}] uEj êuuj uu*U}j EEZum ?EEZ=EQ? 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