ACTION! Quick Reference File ***Editor Commands Summary*** Note: --denotes pressing CONTROL & SHIFT at the same time. I/O COMMANDS: 1. Read a file -- position the cursor, R, enter filespec. 2. Disk Directory -- R, ?n:*.* (n=device number). 3. Write a file -- W, enter filespec 4. List to printer -- W, enter P: 5. Start of Line -- < 6. End of Line -- > 7. Next Line -- 8. Tab--> ***Cursor Movement Within Window*** 1. Up, Down, Left, Right-->. Note: Up and Down arrows are dynamic in window 2 when Directory is present. 2. Tab Handling: a. Set tab -- b. Clear tab -- . 3. Window movement: a. Start of file -- H b. Up one screen -- . c. Down one screen -- ] d. Left one character -- [ 4. Text entry: a. Enter program -- enter text b. Next Line -- c. Control characters -- precede each character with 5. Delete Text: a. Back 1 character -- b. Cursor -- c. Delete line -- position cursor on line, 6. Insert/Replace text: a. Toggle modes -- I b. Insert line -- 7. Restore Altered Line: a. Restore line -- don't move cursor, U b. Recall line -- don't move cursor, P 8. Text blocks: a. Load Block -- position cursor, until done b. Paste block -- position cursor, P 9. Searches/Substitutions: a. Find String -- F, enter string b. Substitute -- S, enter new string 10. Breaking & Combining Lines: a. Break line -- position cursor, b. Combine line -- put cursor at front of second line, 11. Editor to Monitor: a. Leave editor -- m ****MONITOR COMMANDS SUMMARY**** ******************************** B restart Action! system C ("") compile an Action! program D call DOS E go to the Editor O go to the Options Menu P procede from program halt R ("") run an Action! program SET
= sets a value in a specified memory location W ("") save a compiled program to disk X :,: execute Action! language statement(s) ?
display value of an address (or compiler constant) *
display values of all addresses, starting at an address (or compiler constant) ****ERROR CODES**** ******************* 0 Out of system memory. 1 Missing " (double quote) " in a string. 2 Nested Defines. You cannot nest the Define directive. 3 Global variable symbol table full. 4 Local variable symbol table full. 5 Set directive syntax error. 6 Wrong declaration format. 7 Invalid argument list. 8 Variable not declared. 9 A variable was used where a constant of some kind was required. 10 Illegal assignment. 11 Unknown error. System error routines have been impaired so an error can't be defined. 12 Missing THEN 13 Missing FI. 14 Out of code space. 15 Missing DO. 16 Missing TO. 17 Bad expression. Illegal expression format. 18 Unmatched parenthesis. 19 Missing OD. 20 Can't allocate memory. 21 Illegal array reference. 22 Input file too large. Break it up. 23 Illegal conditional statement. 24 Illegal FOR statement syntax. 25 Illegal EXIT. No DO - OD loop for the EXIT to EXIT out of. 26 Nesting too deep (16 levels maximum). 27 Illegal TYPE syntax. 28 Illegal RETURN. 61 Out of Symbol Table space. 128 BREAK key was used to stop program execution.