SIO protocol

The SIO protocol description

Written by Draco, 18.IX.1996. Last update 7.XI.1996.

What is the SIO?
The SIO stands for the "Serial Input/Output". It is a data transfer protocol used by the Atari 8-bit machines to communicate with a printer, disk drive, modem etc. via the SIO connector. These transfers are controlled by the POKEY chip.
Is this something like RS-232?
Basically, yes. It is possible to connect the SIO port to a RS-232 port, the only one you should change is the voltage: the SIO uses TTL-signals. Serial transfer parameters usually are as follows: The last parameter may vary, as for example so called "cassette recorders" (who can remember such data storage?) use 600 baud; also some disk drives may operate at 38400, 52000, 67000, 96000 or 125000 baud.
SIO commands
The command block contains 4 (four) bytes: Most commonly used commands (DCMND values) for disk drives are as follows: