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KolenkoThis program is for use with the ST Xformer IIand ST Xformer Junior emulators.Please refer to the documentation supplied withST Xformer II version 2.10 for instructions,Done Lookingor call the Xformer Hotline: (519)-747-0386.D:\FOLDER\*.*STRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRING12345678901234567890GO ST Xformer FXP Direction Of Transfer COPY MOVE DELETE RENAME FORMAT DISKCOPYMAKE DIR INFO Disk Operation EXITD:\FOLDER\*.*STRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRINGSTRING12345678901234567890File Window MaskOKCancelEnter New Search Mask: *.*____________xxxxxxxxxxxxx66|xx666| @ Wi??!TD-@ !TD-@$?!TD-?.B9?? CON:AUX:PRT: (( (( AAAAAABBBBBB @$@Y@@@È@jA.AcAׄCAy7DxCyٝFnH=c)\I1sKP1P=M8O?ZwH02g$uOs<*     X               V$     N, 6 &*J" $"&,*6"&((2,\  D,"   "  $ >      v                "  (lh (X&>&. . 4&f.,*   ."($""8  J &:,8 d                &   ,6$f@D$dHH8PtBF&2l`0b,n,,Z   HH)H p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!LEE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d  . D  L    p  E` , d)  D L) 0BM݊L݉ ML  N݆ L NLML [ TEqEHȱEqEh 0Gȹ G HLL GɛL  LFREE SECTORS G) *Gȩ GȽG GȌ*jj >G C8jJ3j2CD( C202C ԠBX` N 1? l LlD:RAMDISK.COMLu L1 L ;LHL  T`  `1  ɐ     `TU  L ? .  t`GBJ ~DEHI B V0dVQDEHI VF9 ,0 ,0 s0hhL  L` H hDHEhDEL8HI4 0 HI,0 0  9 .G VLO,0 L4*IJ`llD1:AUTORUN.SYSNEED MEM.SAV TO LOAD THIS FILE.D1:MEM.SAV J y08 B|DEHI V0 0`B;DEL`?<0LV`@ʆ v s? F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BHI|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu }192 FREE SECTORS800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8u..D:*.*D: DOS SYS 037 DUP SYS 042 DC32 COM 105 DISKCOMMDOC 132 ARC 073 UNARC 084 SYNCOPY COM 027 COPYMATEOBJ 015192 FREE SECTORS  E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDGE J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N'#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BDED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPECCOPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED697 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D8:COPY32.COMl# 0|D .L/%###JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SYS1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT ALLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|Kjf | NrC s } ) vw5g   enfo Glvw LQ@iLm>j FL ~Jjjjii p qEh }jlrs`LQ:$ȱ$@+[_#{ 8  Խut! ai 8   E I   ] C } H h    ˰ 8  N   Lm E  ,  [ `LQ ,/ 8 ~/  Ơ? ѩ}/  [ /Lj0?MoLn FjMqLp NklLOLQnLoMlNLO R"(+}ըHH`Q R!!  % !   / .   FȑF! /GF \H"+0+* }! F tLQnm: J~nTF1F  *n+)5! n (, n)1JJJn(n*o} I ,0  ci a oF? @ , 8,0 ʩ0H Eh   i}  D ]DmmFLQvtu`*&!*@h ] 0 ^0` c 0l$$%}()()%*&J%H,@hH hH@,h $% 8i8$(%)0hhH ]h`() c 0H c 0 h}`hhh&JJ ](ll  LQ0  /qnoHH 9 9 H H  I9  9 } Nd EH  Q8 o n  FnoL HII/ Ih8`h`Lnon`no`u F }E VEhLO/luF l0BF/lɜɛ׽hE N  b VFL FREE SECTORS C} H) *Fh ):FȽ F FC IH' 0 d  i:Fȩ/F.l`CD/08HDIC}IHȰ/F`ȱ$>.+.i ȱ$:刄H !A \ Hȱ$*?ȝ 2. ? 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Change Config.F. Lock File(s) P. Set DensityG. Unlock File(s) Q. Make DirectoryH. Wr,}ite DOS Files R. Pick DirectoryI. Initialize Disk S. Set RAMdisk #J. Duplicate Disk V. Set Verify Flag  ?莼-}( 0  =Select Item ( for menu):@  =ɛL)1L,*L,:W@ ,,L=No such item!.}L*, -L*, BNeed new file name! BNo drive or director0}ies allowed in new name!Lock Unlock Delete Lock which file?â-#Unlock which file?ɢ-$((H @ AQ/wDel1}ete what file?Ѣ-!((H @ ANJ =Answer 'Y' or 'N'h `B L?;(( ~=( ~= =? =Y ?Lj.H @ AhR ?2}R)L*,LM/L-Lz-File to rename, new name? @ A(9', ȱ:>0{ ПFull directory name?Z"L.Dire3}ctory to be used as 'D:'? @ A(5)L.(I: ȱޝL*, BInvalid directory!L?( 4}(0Li-File source, destination? '( @C۩2ڭ82ܭC B9'0 @(ߍeލd(DЍ( ? 9'5} A rBȱޙ':>Ȍ(C0J* .B :'ȱ/.* #,ɛȝ:' ߰ A L?,(0L*, '6}ut(:'3?&' .'Ƚ:'?&'  .ى'Q?''(#( ~= =-->' ~=7}Q =YR_o (J(  0?B݌''BK)`''utz0( >(L0L*,L?nDisk to FORMAT:8} YA B(UTލ1 =(Press for Enhanced Dns)Type to Format Drive 0: =AIYZNj[R VL9}?L*,D2:DUP.SYSDrive to write DOS files to? YAH1:*K)2J) Z wB hpJ) 2<2U:}TC٩1ة۩کL;Source, Destination (Sectors)? 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BHILV n=`hh =HH` =0{a Hɛ n= n=h` nQ}=L*, = = pHH =hh`K: p `(((( i ɀ((L?(`(B'(0!HH''^R}>I^>(`^>DH(` (HI`(o5 ~= =( B( >@A (J wB0x((HHIIDDES}E B ?(CɈK(٢A ~= =( BL>(B^>((ڤ ܝHݝI VL_>L?(" B !B J) T} B(L& R XY( ?&:0H&((& ( .( & ( .(ʩ(U}`ލD&ߍEBIʎH( V0`ԩ ؠ@ȱ@ȱ)@ BError -- 000&`$8f 3AԄձG/ V}$<68i/(Ԧ`H&եԦ&&eԅheԅԊe(iL*@&&&&ԅL*@B ? 3A?*(ɛ:W}./2SX(0ȱ/.ɛ(ލ9'ި0#:Ȱ :ފ :ȱ: : CAD CAޥX}`(eޅީe߅`(` @L\A @TUȪ: BFile name not allowed!: )  i( =0+L Y}TUD BNot a disk file!(0` =Insert SOURCE disk, press =,(pӮ(A(O  1B AB1BZ} ` % 1(L/ b(de BJKO L?O` B((*(([}(`ȱޙ((:>Ȍ(`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh =L*,  VLJ C C,pLiLF#Խ٩Յ׆ \} LB`((:>Ȍ(`D:`OS.SYS,DOS.SYShh =L*,  VLJ C C,pLiLF#Խ٩Յ׆  H EI4AMYDOS 3.X16/RDOS 1.3 RAMDISK AUTORUN.SYS FILEAX;(6X;MYDOS 3.X16/RDOS 1.3 RAMDISK INSTALLATION PROGRAM2X^};<X; LOCAL ZERO PAGE RAMFX;P IOCBZ Zd PTRn NAMPTRx CLSFLG BOTHOK SVIOCBX;X; S_}YSTEM EQUATESX; HATAB ICMDB ISTATC IBUFD ILENH IAUXJX;X; MYDOS SYSTEM DEFINITI`}ONSX;RAMDKU  STATE "RDTEST0, CTEST66X;@&X; HARDWARE AND OS ROM DEFINITIONSJX;TPAGE40@^a} PORTBh AXLONr CIOVV|X; X; MISCELLANEOUS DEFINITIONSX;!IOCB ;;FREE IOCB FOR MY USE8X;b}-X; ROUTINES TO SAVE AND RESTORE CIO STATE"X; (ALLOWING NESTED CIO CALLS)X;SAVSTA$>SAVIOCBQIOCBZ9 PSVIOc}CB90 ISAVIOCB:X;RSTSTA$>&RESIOCBQSVIOCB90 PIOCBZ9:0D IRESIOCBN:XX;bX; CLOSE ANY IOCBlX;vd}CLOSEQ> ;;CLOSE ANY IOCB PICMD9 !CIOVX;X; OPEN FILEX;X; CALLING SEQUENCE:X; JSR SOPENX; .BYTE e}AUXX; .BYTE CMDX; .WORD BUFFER ADDRESSX; SOPEN; ;;LDA #IMM OPCODEX; &X; DO A READ/WRITE TYPE I/O REQUEf}STX; X; CALLING SEQUENCE:*X; JSR DOIO4X; .BYTE IOCBNO>X; .WORD BUFFER LENGTHHX; .BYTE CMDRX; .WORD BUFFg}ER ADDRESS\X;f DOIO,p7zPPTR7 PPTR%> Q@PTR7 DDOIO1 PIAUX9 EXTRCB DOIO1>3 Q@PTR7 h}PILEN93 Q@PTR7 PILEN9 XTRCB3 Q@PTR7$ PICMD9.38 Q@PTR7B PIBUF9L3V Q@PTR7` PIBUF9jCt,~i}OPTR?Q> OPTR5C5 CIOV;;DO I/O REQUESTINOIOER;;NO ERROR?)>FNOIOER;;MAYBE EOF?7&7j};;NO, DISCARD RETURN ADDR AND EXITC  NOIOER:X;>X; CHECK FOR 130XE, RETURNS Z FLAG IF 130XE MEMORY MAPPING(X;2k}CHKMAP%>< $PAGE40F$QPORTB;;SAVE CURRENT B-REG VALUEPN>Z 'PAGE40d3n!PPORTB;;TOGGLE MAP ENABLE BITxN> 'Pl}AGE40 PPORTB1 )PAGE40 &PAGE40 FRETRAMX;AX; CHECK FOR AXLON, RETURNS Z FLAG IF RAM DISK MEMORY MAPPINGm}X;Q> A PNAMEDKQ> XPNAMEDKQ> LPNAMEDKQ> O"PNAMEDK,Q> N6PNAMEDK@Q>J PAXLONTNn}>^ $PAGE40h%>r 'PAGE40|3!PAXLON;;TOGGLE MAP ENABLE BIT 'PAGE40N> PAXLON1 )PAGE40 &PAGE40o} RETRAM:X;"X; MAIN INITIALIZATION PROGRAMX;1ENTRY CHKMAP;;CHECK FOR 130XE MEMORY MAPPING#FGOTRAM;;IF SO, INSp}TALL RAMDISK"'RAMDKU;;ELSE, DISABLE RAMDISK:;;AND RETURNX;&GOTRAM SAVSTA0%>:'IAUXIOCBD%'CLSFLG;;ASq}SUME E: NOT THE SCREENNQ> EXFNDEDVRHATAB8b FGOTEDVl3v33)> DFNDEDV ESKIPBANX;GOTEDVQHATABr}8 HSKIPBANQHATAB8R> HSKIPBAN PCLSFLGX; DOIO   LEN1   MSG1*X;4%SKIPBANQ>;;MAs}KE D8: THE RAMDISK> PRAMDKUHX;R%X; FORMAT THE RAMDISK (DRIVE D8:)\X;f $>IOCBp SOPENz   DRIVE8 GBt}ADIOX;#X; COPY DUP.SYS FROM D1: TO D8:X; $>IOCB QCTESTR> C HOPEN1 SOPEN   NDCSYS !Ru}EADIT X;$ %OPEN1 SOPEN;;OPEN DUP.SYS ON D1:.  8  B NDUPSYSL X;V #READIT DOIO;;READ DUP.SYS FILE` IOCBj  v}t  ~  BSS X; QISTATIOCB "R>;;CONTINUE ONLY IF EOF HERE HBADIO QILENIOCB PFILELEN QILENw}IOCB "PFILELEN;;SAVE SIZE OF DUP.SYS $>IOCB  CLOSE;;CLOSE FILE X; &$>IOCB;;OPEN IOCB #2 TO D8:DUP.SYS QCTEST x}R> C HWRTRAM SOPEN(  2  < NDUP8CF !DOWRITP X;Z WRTRAM SOPENd  n  x NDUP8 X; )DOWRIT DOIOy};;AND WRITE COPY FROM D1: IOCB FILELEN     BSS BADIO$>IOCB;;CLOSE IOCB 2  CLOSE;;AND EXIT QRDTEST z}R>L &HNOTRD;;IF NOT RDOS, MUST BE MYDOS QRDTEST R> D &HNOTRD;;JMP AND 'DOS.SYS' PRESENT? TSTATE ;" !WSTAT{}E;;SAY MEM.SAV IS ACTIVE, !CHGNAM6 X;@ NOTRD$>J CKMDS2T FCHGNAM;;JUST TO BE SAFE!^ Q>0h R9r HCKMDS| Q>|} R9 HCKMDS Q>. R9 HCKMDS Q>` R9 (HMAY42;;NOT <4.2, MAYBE 4.2 OR LATER Q> 2 R9 HCKMD}}S 2 R9 HCKMDS FNOT42& MAY42R90 HCKMDS: .NOT42T9;;SAY MEM.SAV IS ACTIVE TO MYDOSD ;N W9X X;b C~}HGNAMQ>l PBOTHOKv Q> PNAMPTR Q> PNAMPTR QCTEST R> C HSCANFD Q> PNAMPTR 2SCANFDQ> D;;F}IND DUP.SYS AND MEM.SAV FILENAMES %> R@NAMPTR7 FGOTD NOTDRV#NAMPTR HSCANFD #NAMPTR QNAMPTR R>}8* FCLOSER4 CKD0R>> HSCANFDH &CLOSERQCLSFLG;;IF STANDARD SCREENR FEXIT\ DOIOf  p LEN2z   MSG2 X}; EXIT!RSTSTA X; GOTD3;;Y=1 Q> 1 R@NAMPTR7 HNOTDRV 3;;Y=2 Q> : R@NAMPTR7 HNOTDRV 3;;Y=3 Q@NAM}PTR7 3;;Y=4R> M$ FCKMEM.R> D8 HNOTDRVBQ> UL R@NAMPTR7V HNOTDRV` 3;;Y=5jQ> Pt R@NAMPTR7~ HNOTDRV QC}TEST$>R> C HSET83 R@NAMPTR7 HNOTDRV SET83Q> . 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CIOV : X; "X; MAIN INITIALIZATION PROGRAM X; ENTRY$> SAVSTAQIOCBZ9 PIOCBSAV9 0 }ISAVSTA + CHKMAP;;CHECK FOR 130XE MEMORY MAPPING #FGOTRAM;;IF SO, INSTALL RAMDISK "'RAMDKU;;ELSE, DISABLE RAMDISK :;};AND RETURN X;& GOTRAM%>0 'IAUXIOCB: %'CLSFLG;;ASSUME E: NOT THE SCREEND Q> EN FNDEDVRHATAB8X FGOTEDVb 3}l 3v 3 )> DFNDEDV ESKIPBAN X; GOTEDVQHATAB8 HSKIPBAN QHATAB8 R> HSKIPBAN PCLSFLG X;} DOIO   LEN1    MSG1 X;* 0SKIPBANQRAMDKU;;MAKE D8:?? POINT TO RAMDISK4 L> 0> PDRIVE8H PNDUP8}R PNDUP8C\ PLABEL8f X;p %X; FORMAT THE RAMDISK (DRIVE D8:)z X; $>IOCB SOPEN     DRIVE8 IC}OPIES !EXIT X; #X; COPY DUP.SYS FROM D1: TO D8: X; COPIES$>0 Q> PICMD9 CIOV CLOSIT;$ QMEMTOP}. 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Charles Marslett & Bob Puff 11/24/88e read the documenta$iB#DOS SYSB6'DUP SYSB,]RAMBOOT M65BRAMBOOT AUTB9RAMBOOT3M65B RAMBOOT3AUTBATARI850AUTBATR232 AUTBATR232HDAUTBREAD ME 11/22/88 BY: ROBERT PUFF@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W } LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" } $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ` }$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H }p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF }7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L }EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D } .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d } . 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This release consists of 3 files: STXF255.DOC - this file STXF255.PRG - the program AUTOEXEC.XCX - auto loading machine context containing DOS 2.0 The context file is optional and may be deleted or renamed to allow the emulator to boot normally. To properly boot a version of Atari DOS, you must either use a virtual disk file (.XFD extender), a virtual hard disk file (.XFH extender) or boot from an 8-bit disk drive using the Xformer cable. This release, along with all earlier release of ST Xformer II, and a future release of ST Xformer 2.6, are now to be considered public domain. I am no longer offering this software as shareware. It may be copied freely on any bulletin board. I ask that no one tries to sell this software for anything more than the cost of a disk and handling charges, i.e. $2 to $5 is reasonable. I owe a bit of an explanation for why I have decided to call it quits on this program. It certainly isn't because it wasn't profitable. ST Xformer, and my other shareware programs have been doing quite well. Last week I even announced a discount offer. I did say a few months ago that ST Xformer 2.4 was the last shareware release, and updates (such as version 2.5) would be made available to registered users for an additional period of time, and then I'd call it quits on the project. But after some recent announcements from Atari, and other events of the last week, I decided on Thursday to do it sooner, and rather than deep six it, just release everything as public domain for the benefit of all ST users. There is just no point in spending a great deal of time continuing with this program given the dismal situation of the ST. To explain my thoughts a bit clearer, let me put on the hat of a regular Atari user. To put it bluntly, I do not believe any of the announcements currently being made by Atari. Last week I posted a public message in the Atari Vendors forum on Compuserve. It was not a polite message for sure, and was removed a few days later on the grounds of it being offensive and in bad taste, and that it was. I was upset at the time, and my requests to see all of the Tramiels dead should not be taken too seriously. However, I was very serious about my other statements in the message. Let's go back to the spring of 1986 when the 1040ST was released. By then, ROMs were available for the 520ST, and the 1040ST was near the leading edge of personal computer technology. I, along with thousands of other Atari users, was excited and rushed out to buy one of the first 1040STs that was available in Canada. Already other goodies such as blitter chips, CD-ROM players, and the STE were being talked about. (Yes, think back, there were already rumors of an enhanced ST in the fall of 1986). For their first year in operation, I have nothing but praise for Atari under the guidance of the Tramiel family. The Tramiels saved a dying company and produced a very good piece of hardware in a short amount of time. How much of that technology they brought over from Commodore, I don't know, and I don't care. I like the comupter a lot. Then something happened. I don't know what. Bad management? Sheer stupidity? Bad luck? Only the Tramiels know. But they started announcing products that never shipped. (Well, ok, there was the 1450XLD and the CP/M box for the 8-bit computers the year before, but everybody makes mistakes, and they did delived the ST instead). What happened to the blitter chip upgrade promised for the 1040ST? I'm still waiting for mine. What happened to the $500 CD-ROM player? I saw them several years ago, but I still can't buy one. In 1987 Atari released the Mega ST. It had the blitter, and a new faster version of TOS (TOS 1.2). That's great if you're just buying an ST for the first time, but what about all the 520ST and 1040ST owners out there? In the fall of 1987, at Comdex in Las Vegas, Atari introduced a whole new set of machines. I downloaded some old press releases from GEnie today just to refresh my memory. The press release announced the following machines. The PC-1, PC-2, PC-4, the ATW/ABAQ transputer workstation and the CD-ROM player. The CD-ROM player was supposed to "retail in early 1988 for under $600". Then there was the PromiseLAN. Then the line of IBM PC clones, as if the world really needed any more. Only the PC clones ever shipped, and later than announced. 1988, the year of the ATW and the CD-ROM player came and went. All this year had to offer was rumors of TOS 1.4 and some rather stupid television and radio ads for the Atari VCS/2600 and the ST. And let's not forget that 1988 was going to be the year that Atari becomes a major player again. What's that you say? 1989? oh, right. 1988 wasn't quite a good year due to the DRAM shortage. That shortage of cheap memory chips that caused the great Computer Shortage of 1988. Funny, I don't seem to recall there being anything but a glut of cheap PC clones, and Apple certainly didn't run out of Macs. Yes, there was a shortage of chips... at the price that Atari was willing to pay. So, now we fast forward to 1989. April 10, 1989 to be exact. Chicago. Sam Tramiel is on hand to announce the STacy and what a wonderful laptop it is. And it would "be available for national distribution in June". Also announced that day was the $400 handheld Portfolio which would also be available in June. Well, I sure did see a STacy in June. One lonely beat up STacy that was being shown at the World Of Atari in June. And one Portfolio too. We now arrive in the present. One week ago the TT and STE were officially announced, in Germany no less. I was at a user group meeting on Monday, and there was nothing but talk of the new machines. Obviously, a lot of people have their hopes up again. Somewhere in there was also an announcement of the Lynx game system. Just what we really need. Now everybody can walk around like a zombie playing video games anywhere, anytime. As if the kids of this country aren't brain dead already from the video game arcades and MTV. This past Wednesday the great lord himself was on hand for a conference on GEnie, although his majesty was only able to spare an hour of his very precious time. Over 100 people were logged on, each paying $5 per hour to listen (or read) to what this man had to say and many of them were cut off before they could get their turn at asking a question. I was not allowed to ask questions due to my earlier remarks on Compuserve, but other people did manage to squeeze some more information out of Sam. The STacy will now ship in October. The STacy does not have a blitter chip, or the more advanced hardware of the STE. Yesterday's ST REPORT #103 already had news from Steve Mortimer that the STE and TT may not ship until 1990. Something about too many products to release in a short period of time. Maybe Atari has gone to one too many Comdex show. Also in that issue of ST REPORT was a piece by Lloyd Pulley, analyzing what Sam _really_ said at the GEnie conference. I encourage everybody to download this and read it. So what does all this have to do with ST Xformer? Let me now put on a developer's cap and explain things from my point of view. Every time Atari announces a new product, I have to think about possible changes that would have to be made to the software, while maintaining compatibility on all STs. Last year I put myself in the situation of having many different versions of ST Xformer: color versions, monochrome versions, 512K versions, and 1 meg versions. This confused many people, and was a pain to maintain. For the first half of 1989 I was writing ST Xformer 2.5 so that one version would run on all systems, including monochrome 520STs with a single sided disk drive. That was achieved, but with some sacrifices. TOS 1.4, which I had expected to be out by the time I was finished, uses less memory than TOS 1.2 (which is now installed in all 520ST and 1040ST machines being sold). It turned out that the program could not fully run on a TOS 1.2 machine, but could run on a TOS 1.0 or TOS 1.4 machine. So some features were trimmed out to make it fit on a TOS 1.2 520ST. I had left in the support for a TOS 1.4 file selector, but this caused compatibility problems with people using Universal Item Selector and other file selectors, and so that has been taken out in this release. If TOS 1.4 had been available "in early 1989" as promised (and cheap), I wouldn't be concerned as much about old versions of TOS. Then there is the matter of the STE, STacy, and TT. All 3 machines are supposed to run TOS 1.4. That's good. But all three machine have variations in the hardware that will require three different versions of some software, such as ST Xformer. If the STE's more advanced graphics and sound capabilities are to replace the current STs, then why is the STacy not equipped with it, or even a blitter chip? Tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't the STE really going to turn into a game machine? It will be capable of running video games that won't run on the other ST computers, and I wonder how many developers will be writing two versions of every video game, one for the ST and one for the STE. What is developing now is a situation similar to what happened with Commodore machines. There were many machines, such as the Commodore 64, VIC-20, PET, CBM, and others, which basically used the same operating system, the same BASIC, the same character set, and the same tapes and disks, yet all the machines were sufficiently unique in one way or the other so that software written for one would usually have to be modified to run on the other. It's crazy to do this all over again with the ST. Let's have one operating system and one hardware design. Emulators are different from other ST software because they rely heavily on the ST's hardware to perform their work. It's almost impossible to write an emulator that only makes TOS calls instead of accessing the hardware directly. Most other software (except for video games) is far less hardware dependant and so most other software will require very minor changes (if any) to run on the STE or TT. On the bright side, TOS 1.4 will _soon_ be common to all machines, so there will be no operating system differences. BUT, as Atari waits longer and longer to release TOS 1.4, more and more TOS 1.0 and TOS 1.2 machines will be out there, and the upgrade will just be a bigger job. They won't release TOS 1.4 on disk, or even files so that dealers can burn EPROMS for their customers. Currently TOS 1.4 is shipping in some Megas, but what I heard is that they're waiting to run out of their TOS 1.2 ROMs before they start shipping TOS 1.4 in 1040STs. Sooner or later those ROMs will have to be replaced. Atari is just unloading the work to its users instead of doing it itself. If and when the STE ever ships, I'll take a look at it and see what I can do about it, but as I said last February, ST Xformer development will have to come to an end soon for personal reasons. I cannot wait until 1990, and my motivation and morale has been steadily declining. There were rumors of the TT for several years, and it would have been exciting to write for it, but after so many false starts, I have no faith in this week's announcements at all. If the ST really was thriving, as Atari would like to have us believe, why are so many Atari shows getting cancelled recently? Getting back to the 1450XLD, that computer _almost_ made it. Dealers had nice color pamphlets of it to show, and were even taking deposits. I have yet to see some decent documentation on these new ST machines, and I don't believe they even have FCC or CSA approval yet, so they can't possibly be available before 1990 unless a miracle happens. I really don't think the Tramiels are as dumb as some people may think they are. They have sold (I would guess) billions of dollars worth of 8-bit and ST hardware, so they're not poor. But their attitude towards the ST users is the pits. It seems to be "do anything to sell a computer". Who cares about upgrades and support. Just sell the hardware any way you can. It sells better in Europe, so screw the North American market. This contrasts greatly with the attitude of most ST developers. Most of them trek out to all the Atari shows (Atari certaily doesn't bother), and those that haven't given up by now should be applauded for their efforts. Everybody gets on Word Perfect's case for sometimes supporting the ST and sometimes not, but when you've sold over a million copies of the program on the PC, it's hard to justify the ST market, which I'm sure has not generated anywhere near as many sales. If Atari had kept its earlier promises of releasing TOS 1.4 and the portables, and not tried to expand into such markets as transputer workstations, PC clones and hand held gadgets, perhaps they would have sold a few more STs and not alienated the users and developers. Just picture Taito announcing a transputer workstation. It would be silly. Making game machines and workstations are two toally different things. So, with what I feel is such an uncertain future for the ST line, I'll be fixing a few more bugs in ST Xformer and other than that, I'm calling it quits on this project. Considering the effort that went into the ST Xformer 2.5 upgrade, I owe it to myself to at least make the software available so that it can be used. I thank all of the registered users who supported the shareware effort, and ask that you do support other shareware authors as well. Regarding earlier announcements, the $10 user's manual offer still holds. The manual explains how to use ST Xformer 2.4/2.5/2.6 and goes into a lot more detail than some of the readme files I've included with the release. Since the manual was printed in May, some changes have been made to the software, so a small addendum will now also be included to cover the recent changes. If you include a formatted 800K double sided disk, I'll send it back to you with all other necessary files, such as virtual disks. Although most of the files can be downloaded from one place or another, only I have the complete set. With the disk and documentation, you will basically have the same materials as what registered users have received up to now, but I make no promises about offering any support beyond that if you didn't supoprt the shareware. As before, if you are a registered user, and _still_ haven't upgraded to version 2.5, please send your old ST Xformer disk and $3, and I'll send you the new disk and the user's manual and addendum. The three files in this release do not constitute the full ST Xformer 2.5 upgrade. Roughly one third of the registered users still haven't upgraded, and I suspect those are people who don't have a modem, since there was no notice sent out by mail. Xformer cables can be purchased from Innovative Concepts, Best Electronics, BRE Software, or can be ordered by your dealer from Innovative Concepts. Please don't order them from me, as I don't make them or have any extras or know anything more about them. Does this decision affect my other shareware programs? Unless Atari goes down the drain really soon, then, no. The Quick Utilities are not hardware dependant and should work fine on the STE. Minor changes might be made to some of them for the TT, but I have no plans to update Quick ST for the TT. With the power of the 68030 and the speed of TOS 1.4, that should be totally unnecessary. Well, that sure took a load off my back. Thank you for listening/reading. 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All rights reserved.Help from: Joe Albert, Nick Nanos, John Nagy, Mark Campbell, Andy EddyBob Puff, Tom Harker, Mark Elliott, Charles Marslett, Ron Luks, MAT*RATBen Hamilton, Bob Retelle, Ian Lepore, Jim Daunt, and Pattie Rayl Power On Reset Fastchip FPYesNoBuilt-in BASICInOut Disk Drive Configuration D1: D2: D3: D4: D5: D6: D7: D8:D:MDOS4MEG.XHD - external - - external - F:DOSUTILS.XFD C:ANTC189A.XFD - A: 720K - F:DOSXE .XFD - RAMdisk - System Reset Continue Xformer CableD:P:Font SelectionNormalInt'lBoldST 8x8 6502 Debugger Save DEGAS Pic Mode: 130XEFree RAM: 0000KLoad ContextST XFORMER II is public domain. If you need help, write or call:Darek Mihocka, Box 2624, Station BPhone: (519)-747-0386Kitchener, Ontario, N2H 6N2 CANADACall me any time!This program may only be copied for free! Not to be sold or altered.The Quick Utilities. Shareware for the ST - call (519)-747-9452 for infoSave Context Exit D1: External (with Xformer cable)Virtual floppy disk (.SD,.DD,.XFD)Virtual hard disk (.XHD)3.5" XF35 disk (drive A: 720K)RAMdisk (180K double density)drive is offwrite protectOK4"$"    z$4   j $4 "  T   $ " *P( 8d*8*b*.*<*8*.*,*.*,*0*,*4*8*:*8 *\^:b:2*&       $      "    "    $L*".&* "             v4  &  J ,$ $   "$ $               Z          ,2*6  6 @p 0d  >( , * H <d&*(   "       D 8  @   (      "     z    **(&   "           "r ^X<*$d. ">*   ( .|0Pb.   6 ,( 6" F"0$&$* : *(D(\PF(F&              & @L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W } LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" } $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ` }$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H }p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF }7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L }EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D } .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   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FORMAT SINGLEL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED697 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D8:COPY32.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  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In MYDOS, it would b }e: D1:GAMES:[RETURN]. Use B to format a disk. unlike most other programs, Diskcomm asks you which d }ensity to format the disk. Use DOS 2.5 if you use enhanced density disks. After the con }figuring, Diskcomm will verify the density and drive number, just to make sure you really want to go through wi }th it. You may now copy files in the DOS menu using the C function. This does NOT use the main buffer, so }you may copy even when there is data in the buffer to be written. Please note this copy feature does not suppor }t multiple files, and it does not allow disk swapping. It is mainly intended for moving one file from one drive } to another to free up space. The functions D, E, F, and G are identical to the standard Atari DOS }equivalents: Delete file, Rename file, Lock file, and Unlock file. And as always, you can hit 1-9 to get a } directory of that drive. Use SHIFT and drive number for a condensed directory wit SpartaDOS. } MISCELLANEOUS NOTES If you use a Happy 810 or 1050, Klone, Super Archiver, Duplicator, or US Doubler, y !}ou will now be able to read & write in Warp/UltraSpeed. The warp speed in the XF-551 is also supported in this "}version. For some drives such as the Super Archiver or US doubler, the added speed will not be noticed unless t #}he disk is formatted in UltraSpeed sector skew. But in the event that your drive keeps timing out when it is ac $}cessed in the warp speed, press OPTION and SELECT at the same time when it is having troubles. This will cause %}that drive to disengage the warp speed I/O, and should solve the problems. Diskcomm, as it has always been &}, is TOTALLY density-smart. Using one drive with the source and destination being different densities is no pro '}blem. The only configuring Diskcomm will not perform is when formatting a non-standard drive, such as a double- (}sided drive. For that reason, any exotic drives should be formatted with their appropriate config programs. )} The new XF-551 drive by Atari has a major problem in configuring to a double-density disk. This is unfortunat *}e that Atari did not follow the standard way of reconfiguring a drive. However, I was able to find a method of +}forcing the drive to configure properly. As long as the drive is in warp speed, this feature will work correctl ,}y, when doing most any function. Diskcomm is the only program so far that supports this! Reading an -}d writing is done with a unique buffering system, to optimize speed. So you will notice little .} pauses between tracks when turning a disk into a file; this is normal. Diskcomm is trying to find the best for /}m of compaction for that track, and compact it as quick as possible. The 130XE compatible computers 0} are also used to the fullest. This should mean a considerable shorter time to diskcomm a disk with a one drive 1} system. When turning file(s) into a disk, Diskcomm makes sure the file you specified is indeed a Diskcomm 2} file. If it is not, then it will alert you. If the file is a binary file, basic, shrunk, or scrunched file, it 3} will alert you to this. If it is not one of those, it will simply say "Not a Diskcomm file". A not 4}e to those writing compaction detecting programs: The proper way to identify a Disk Communicator file is to che 5}ck the first byte ONLY. If it is a 249 or a 250 decimal, then it is Diskcomm. (249 denotes one large file, 250 6}denotes one of two or more smaller files.) With the advent of so many compaction programs, a program like COMPA 7}CTOR DETECTOR 2.0 is a real neat way to check the files that are improperly named on a BBS. Hopefully the above 8} information will help future programs. When dealing with a filename, you may change the drive number by s 9}imply backspacing the cursor to the drive number and typing the correct number. This may be necessary in the DO :}S functions area. If you wish to abort a command, use the ESC key. This works just about everywhere in the ;} program. To stop it during disk I/O, hit the BREAK key. THAT'S IT! Its been just over <} a year since the original 1.5 version of Diskcomm went out the door, and MANY things have changed since then. =}I've just about run out of things to put in Diskcomm, but if you have any further ideas, questions, or comments >}, please feel free to contact me by leaving me (not the SysOp) a message on The Atari Apex BBS (716) 458-2638. ?}Thank you for making Diskcomm the success it is! Bob Puff \o-LH `2BC@p2w5A`!L hǏ3kď2ϣ pA}Κ܁+U ziEJ<"  . ?" 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YЩHh`)JJJJ)  H "'}h ) LYݥ)JJJJޥ) PL  ݅ޅ߅_"(}01!/j 7jP i06 ")}гЭX&@ 7ȱ ֥LL""*}Ȅ )--L tess)nsert$%34).!4)/. 0ress^2ea I@ -odified!tari"asicby$arek-ihocka&,}&-}&.}+j&/}@BDE J VʢL^ϥU[TZV\U) \^%υI%ȍYTVjU jJJtֽ4ױ% Y&0}`??U)U݅U-ߥU-FUeх UU3/ UeхULڈ׭Y&1}֥UeхU UUL`UHTH[UZTT ~LU =LU݅UTޅބT8U HTGhGN &2} 8T HhIi H ۩hi  ک퉍މGffڥۍڍIڥI۩ƍ퉍މ* &3}eڅeۅTTT  TL UULˉhTZhU[`O8 . *( L0m m . `Tސޅބ&4}T T T .T`UHTHw  H h  کeڅeۅ$L8TnjZNZ&5}evjn \%eݥ8U eT8U LTeU 8U LeT 78T 7L8U8&6} ~eݥeU ~`ԍe)_\ϊЊoJϊLJЊL Lgw&7}I6^Yъ e e) 0A:e)0ie)H[ i ha`eʱ)_ ) `ֈkXtY&8}4mti4` ( (((((((((H` B V`BŝDEhK)IJ V0֭&9}1נ֍_`S:&:}{xuplgd_XSMH?7-  @h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px&;}@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px@h0X Hp8`(Px&<}|||||}}}}}}}~~~~~~&=}&>}&?}&@}&A}&B}&C}&D}&E}&F}&G}&H}&I}&J}&K}&L}0123456789ABCDEF2 % ̽3 %`)O@)i ``xa5d9 f3 65 6d 6f 72 69 65 73 2a ϩ > H hɛ&M}2~0ʆLm2xH ΢ h:.Э 0L_ HH hHH)JJJJ h) hh&N}L_ IL LQڑȑ`L ۚL褢`LT 㫠HȱԅhLկ`&O} Lz`&P} 9 H D !H hم٦0hL`.Eh+-X 7H&Q} H ehe Iihe+- 08H*hj 뛥iD  ` Q0&]}12 4 1 5 0 10 70 2 12 132D/DUP-----by Darek Mihocka. Feb. 1985.If you own a disk drive, you have pr*S}obably spent a lot of time backing up your disks. That is fine if you have single density, since there are many good 2 pass d*T}isk duplicators available. However, if you have a double density disk drive like me and want to back up your disk, all that i*U}s available are the various DOSes. They take at least 6 passes to copy a disk and about 8 or more minutes. This annoyed me so*V} I wrote D/DUP. It copies any true double density disk (180K) in just 4 passes if you have 48K or more. It uses a 45.5K buffe*W}r and may even require less passes if your disk is not completely full. Just boot D/Dup from a double density DOS, insert you*X}r source disk and hit START. There is also a format command which is activated by hitting SHIFT CONTROL F. It has the advanta*Y}ge that you can format a disk even after you have read the sorce disk, just in case you have to use a fresh disk. Copy time i*Z}s usually under 5 minutes and since it requires onyl 4 passes there is a smaller chance of you accidentaly inserting the wron*[}g disk. The little 8 line window shows the contents of a sector as it is being written or read. If the sector is blank it is *\}ignored and not written, which speeds up the copy time. y Darek Mihocka. Feb. 1985.If you own a disk drive, you have pr(9()?(E$8? p .L L٩` p 8逮0iE  8-+&^} 8 i H h 0 ii -`ԅՅ D&uԕةBLܩ0fCb8@?i &_} ZS ZF ZAee2 ei$  iiԥ`8`Ԡ``&&`I&`}))8Դ0 >E0uذLܩ :Lܢ8LܥI8ՕLܥE&a}> Ϝ8@8e08 )0 LڥJJJJ0 L bץL D`8` Ϝ8i@0 LNۢՕ 8&b} ٠8ؐ е bL Ȅ` `80 `H .+-h8` . &c}h`ՠ66666&`ڢ.`)q` D`ʈ&d}e` ԕ` 8JJJJ ) . ` 0` .0ʽ` 뛥)`8`E)&e}F)`ԅ ( 盥) 4 D`ߠߠyʈ``` &f} - ۚ(ii f  0````ԕ` ۚ&g}ԅ)8@0&j ҙԅX  ` M @ ۚ#ji@0 ۚ (`8`&h}==W3>Tvb>2b'?h`06?2'A?%C4Vu?f'70P@U??CBH@ f  ` &i}(`8`ԅ8@ ) (f  ۚ r @ ۚl f եIi &j}$ԅ f (`@"wf?P?IWQpIG?9 Wa9cU? 0d? 9`?BXGB?7?()q?D>DIh8E?hyx&k}? )D?@ (1V?wD3331??xS442PhEخȊ  ȩ&l}ȩ A r WМ Q] 򅟅 Ȣ 򄨱ɛ$0L Ȣ &m} b Ȣ á5ɛȑ @膔7 Ȣɛ ȢɛК  ݩ8 IȢ &n} H Щh $P* 8孨客 $ xL` \L`L_ ݩH Щh L` 0 V0Ԅ&o} ȢLȢ 0* LlY Ll8eHeHL( H H hhHH`&p}hhLL$`ʆL 0 ѰşL` ` 7hh&q} HHL( ``L$LL ų b(iŰDD8` Ȣ`8`&r} % 梥0 $$ 8`$ (ȩ@҅ҥ򄬥 b M L8򨢄 Ӥ򈦬ʽ&s}ʈ򈱗  池$PƬ0 Ȣ`L8A{`8` ` Ȣԑ` &t}"8` Ȣ Ȣɛ " ȢLA嫤`毦򤪱').Q h( ei`8`Ūݱ&u}08ǧreʧdatinpucolo2lis#enteleiѦfonexgotFgo@tFgosu⼦tramocon_co clos彦clsl&v}_dien佦neope#loa#sav@statuInotIpoinxibo\pokprinfsrearestor彦retur&rustopo&w}gepugraphic\plo\positiodo\drawtZmemorielocatXrounlprindiskring**Error!+,ƺ%5&&x}6(}Ğ#%&$' !"*))+8,<Dͧ?+:٧,+:,+:,'է-+7,&y}</01 2!3"4K"-".)"-)ɻ)-&z}ބKK)+9X,-+;,&{}ÜӢijߢߢ@ACB=><gotgosutstethe<<>ުnoo&|}an䨩<<>strchrusasvaleadatcopeesirnfrexloclosqsgabinpaddlsticdpeestri8ee&}} L<8ueeeee褢 ƚƜ`8IȄ&~}墅8夕奕墅L2 朱`  5ğȱȄ ~Lb HH&}`0 Щ LLL]š Š` ݩ ЩLei````LZLq Al `&}(ʪ߷wJζ緽ؼe`ط \'5LKejL@~qOu0ܴc߹ԬĬˬ۱d&}z^ԬĬˬ۬%zxHfɰ.$L8BVܰ!%)- . > L㪅/JJJJ&}/)Ŭ  LL`8 pHqH`Ȅ`樱0C`ȱȩ"ȱօȘuԩׅu՘e&}҆ӄ` (` $҅jeԨe` .檥 ũ ґ`L, ૥0`L2 LV ի` :ƪ &}҈` L ` (ґ` & &ee`̪UfNC&}  ;L  AL  GL  MLLIL` &0KIB &=@ &0;4 &0/-0 &0&) &$ % &} @Ԅբ֠ HL 0ᤩ/L  A` f` ` ` ۚ` (` * ҙ` : &}L`氤hhL @$ƪŰ ư 㫥0#ԅ 㫥ԅ0 $P`fҰ .אְ菱ِ祗ذ ] R &}FԤ R R$ Ȅ`ȄL 8 򫥱 ٥LT֤צưĘ5ŗ/8&}֪א eԥe$`L 6 㫥Ԥ` ԅՅօׄ פ& ٤ţĢe&}e8包卅8墅8墅8墅 G 8Ԩժ%אְ`ֆL&&ee`&}J uڕv`  ( ``(`ε` ֤ׅԄ ҅L&} 㫠Lѯ 8吅ԭ呅Lկ y  Lѯ Lկ L@H 㫥heԪp : 春ԥՠȱ&})Ȅ Vԍթԩׅ֩өL ҄Ԭ ҄ ML&BU6 )L ð L 0 HHLǰHl&} L)8?Ք F ;`L ?: 50 w+& ͞! ў  &} 徰L :  0L0)ԥ)8@0ܢ8ʈJHH ўh G ̝ hԅ&} *ħ` થj .8*0/0ֆׄ0ۄ؆ ] F0L4օפإ𴢎 8包ԥ卅 Lٱ ૥ԅ&}Յ ૥ԠL"``  իդԅ`H Ƕ 󥋅 h     &&}0=8eeŶ @L5,ɛ` 4? >ƨ  Q N >樥0   L&} `L 0 . $PH dh $P  Lв  Q` L&L5ɅS&}|xoa ƨ$0 昩H ]h0 0֤ _Lį eį ]L) ƨLL&}  _`)L󩴅 ѻ LP: Ƕħ-H h պL իԅħ&} իԅՅ 0$Ů ŭ \ ݩ ЩLҴ L 0Ư00 %Lei`毤H&}ɛ) h` 5 Lȱ 春󅕥 TȱȄ ğ` 16 = 17 / L /)&} 5ɨ /L6 Mƨ 春󅕥 5L /" / Ư" L8 1=Š) OL樤ħ`&}hh` LT થ H % x Ԡ Dթ@  Ԡ hH xhıȑıȑĦʊȑ` Ƕ իՅԅ hhL_&} (` L A<: H ;  h 5 ` 50` x 72` & A 7 "`&}  ȱ` "   0 `LP  L`` LP n 5Lt 0&}LrSTOPPED 𥺅 0 ݩ Щ 0L ૥ԅՅ` 髥  ʶԅ իƳ `L` Ȅ` A&} ąŅ``őŐ8` rH rh`L LĦ``Ƶ`Ƣ౐&}``䉐䈐`)iiРLA`&}湩 0éL n7 =ԩ 0 5Ո nL` 春&} 5` at line ૥ԅՅ ૥ԅՅ ૥ԅՅLT ૥ԅU ૥ԅT ૥ԅv ૥ԅwL^ ૥ H hheԝ` ૥ԅUՅV &}髥ԅT` ૥ԅ` l ĺ JK $L l)I ѻLS: lL   ĺ L&}H ƺJ*K+h LGHFH`L ݺL` ݺ`H &h `H ݺhH    &}8}} L fh`LP  ݺ 8倝偝   󥃅&}  L\`b\`LHΆ󢻆h ѻ `C:H ĺhKJ LQ L H hHH y hKhJ &}QL $L & L-& LM / NL- ի ԝL՝M ի ԝN%L" ૥ԦL   L&}-  ƺ  0`  0`ɀ L`Ɉ rL@] LS L& C` ի`&}IHEDB V`HH hh L `g `ydaeR` ԅՅ֦&}󅗄`` 8`$)ԩ_e (`)8@0+̪Յ)e)e  `F q&} ` ۚA @ ۚF I`U9>`D'RFuCU?b9dYdg@W2@?tS)%@)@0&})%ԅԢ  ۚ9 @. ۚ" fԅԥ k (`8`0?i&} ( ` ۚ  ( `l ۚ fƢ #8@ji@)j&} ۚ`@00 `pp00<|||ddg008888 000x800000000 ̸`&}-odified!tari"asicby$arek-ihocka$es for POKE$B25E JMP $9714$9714 STA ($95),Y ; do original POKE LDA FR0+1 ; need second byte? BEQ .1 INY.} STA ($95),Y ; do second byte .1 RTS$B261 LDA #34 ; slo STA 0$B266 LDA #0 ; fst STA 0$A962 JSR 9.}71E ; executes the$971E LDA 0 ; fst or slo STA $D400 JMP $9725$A947 JMP $9732 ; no more lockups$9732 LDX .}$A3 INX LDY $A2 BNE .1 DEX BNE .1 RTS .1 JMP $A954$B02A JMP $9740 ; the dpeek(X).}$9740 JSR $ABE3 ; function LDY #0 LDA (FR0),Y ; first byte PHA INY LDA (FR0),Y ; second b.}yte STA FR0+1 PLA STA FR0 JMP $AFD5 ; push on stackThose are the major changes.**************.}*********************Some of the features of the Graphics Utility Package are not available in BASIC G. The multicolor plot.} is one of them. However I have kept the variable default colour function. By POKEing to memory locations 36203 to 36211 as y.}ou would POKE into 704 to 712, the default colours of the screen will be changed on the next "graphics" command. This saves h.}aving to always go POKE 708,X POKE 709,Y etc.***********************************I hope BASIC G will be useful to you. Thi.}s is by no means the last version ofBASIC G. 2 planned additions are to have common variables and integer math.I have almos.}t succeded in making common variables. As for the integer math,we'll see. I have tried an integer version of the SQR, SIN, a.}nd COS routinesand they are much much faster, but, less accurate.Any problems or suggestions should be sent to me at DAREK.}BBS 759-2755or another BBS carrying this program.*********************************** ------------- by Da,Z************************OLD: PTRIG(X)NEW: dpeek(X)simulate PTRIG(X) with a PEEK(383+X).dpeek(X) is equivalent to PEEK(.}X) + PEEK(X+1)*256***********************************OLD: POKE X,YNEW: poke X,YIf Y>255 then 2 bytes will be POKEd, in.} low byte hi byte order.***********************************OLD: RND(0)NEW: rnd(X)rnd(X) is equivalent to RND(0)*X.rnd.}(0) produces a 0.***********************************OLD: RAD and DEGNEW: slo and fstSimulate the RAD and DEG by poking.} into DEGFLAG (251).The slo command will let the computer run at normal speed.The fst command will speed it up by up to 3.}0% but will cause the screen toflicker.***********************************OLD: GRAPHICS X (GR.X)NEW: graphics X (gr.x).}Same as before except that graphics modes 12, 13, 14, and 15 are supported onnon-XL Ataris.******************************.}*****OLD: PLOT X,Y and DRAWTO X,YNEW: plot X,Y and drawto X,YSame as before except that 4 new graphics modes are support.}ed.***********************************OLD: SOUND C,F,D,VNEW: round X,Y,HR,VRSimulate the SOUND command with poke 53760.} + 2*C, F+256*(D*16 + V).The round command draws an ellipse with major axis HR and minor axis VR at theco-ordinates X,Y..}***********************************OLD: CSAVE and CLOADNEW: rings and disksNo need to simulate CLOAD and CSAVE."rings".} tells the computer not to fill in the ellipse when a "round" command is given."disks" causes the ellipse to be filled in w.}hen a "round" is given.***********************************OLD: COLOR XNEW: color YA tough one to explain. See the docs.} for Graphics Utility Package to understand the difference.This is a quick conversion table:If the graphics mode is 0,1,2.},12 or 13 then Y=X.If the graphics mode is 3,5,7 or 15 then Y=X*85.If the graphics mode is 4,6,8 or 14 then Y=X*255.If the.} graphics mode is 9,10 or 11 then Y=X*17.***********************************OLD: SETCOLOR R,C,L (SE. R,C,L)NEW: memories.} FROM,TO,LEN (mem. FROM,TO,LEN)To simulate SETCOLOR just poke into 708 thru 712.The memories command is actually 2 simila.}r commands in one. It can eithermove memory or fill memory.To move memory, FROM = origin address, TO = destination address.}, and LEN = howmany bytes to move.Make sure the two blocks of memory do not overlap. Otherwise the memory willnot get mov.}********************************** Documentation for: v 1.2 ------------- by Da,}@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W } LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" } $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ` }$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H }p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF }7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L }EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D } .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d } . D  L    p  E` , d)  D L) 0BM݊L݉} ML  N݆ L NLML [ TEqEHȱEqEh 0Gȹ G} HLL GɛL  LFREE SECTORS G) *Gȩ GȽG GȌ*jj >G} C8jJ3j2CD( C202C ԠBX` ) 1?  }l?<0 LlD:RAMDISK.SYS;LHL  T`  `8  ɐ     `TU  } L ? .  t`GBJ V~DEHI B V0dV!}QDEHI VF9 ,0 ,0 s0hhL  L` H hDHEh"}DEL8HI   0 HI,0 0  9 .G VLO#},0 L4*IJ`llD1:AUTORUN.SYSNEED MEM.SAV TO LOAD THIS FILE.D8:MEM.SAV J y08 B|DEHI$} V0 0`B;DELV䌚 !B y`@ʆ v s? F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LL ŝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEHI BLi1 } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG*}E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEY!'#!,}O&))(&w*.6)z'',&؆莟R'S  vu DEfHI b1]#:! @ =0ɛ8A0.)-} ȅ t1 z1iil-! t1L NO SUCH ITEMSELECT ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .{z:*{}.}.|~ 1 0 0JB 18Lv%|DL%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?)# 0 0 &|/}D" t1L NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L # t1 !BDED:}:1BJ|DE 10}DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.  0?詛 t1 =0YЛ1} 1 #LX" #L  BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPECCOPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED2} COPYING---DN::# 0|D .L$]#^#_#JB|DE 1BHI3}`D#E 1`#0: B 1L ^#_#_#^# B 1j#1$0SYS1}:#`# # `# .#Ƚ`#4} # 𩛙#t# t1,]#PD#EL- .BJD#E 1 1HH 0hh|DLv%1}:́5}# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0% t1L WILD CARDS NOT ALLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 .|K}Ξ 0 L1i) t1 L BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 0#B 1L WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B ?}1L WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO USE PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.@}FE! +L1   `)  / }2 }2 0.* t1 =0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPEA} RETURN", t1 =038逍 , t1L ,, B*  LF+, 0B} ", t1 =0 + e,0,0 ,L\+ ,ii ,Hí0Ξ, 0 A, t1 =0,Ф, 0'!"C} 2L1ƭ!EF 5L1L , ,Hh` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,D}TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURN`  `8 rL1`) t1* tE}1 =0Y`hhL NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?, 0 0|DL% .," t1 / 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DF}EHIB V L1 ,A t1 /,L-  JB|,]#P#DE 1 HI BDG}EHHII 1 B 1 ," t1 /,0L%- B V,]#P," t1 / 0L#L ) t1* t1 =0Yj3H}83}mm ݭ}`8}``|* ? ɛI},`|:(|Ѣ. t1L `DESTINATION CANT BE DOS.SYS/ 0H{ 12Δ 18J}/L /) 1 Π 1 0 ξhAΞB,0 J 1 BÝDEHI,K}HŝDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-GIVE FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O 0 z1`BL}DEPHI V` 0H z1 L 0 n0 t1LB0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL / 1L0M}L1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥA"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/N}+.ީT1 t1,ɛ`轤{NAME TOO LONG B VL ` Lz1I H1EDLb1O}|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:111 t1 L ERROR- 128ɛ+,' d20*..P} ө62 t1``F2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALID HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D8Q}00 H,ɛh`2Lt1NEED D1 THRU D8 2 2 &2 2 (`FEL5R} 00 H,ɛh`2Lt1NEED D1 THRU D8 2 2 &2 2 (`FEL58<<  B JKIHiDiELV`L8 8 BLV`LxT}8t8l Lu8hihiHHȱȱL8c !#3`Lu8JJJJ`H 8h`HU}ȩh Q8L8 Z8L8 8L8 8L8 8L8S:@9E:E9H '9 H9I9 8 '9h)0ICV}9D9L8 L :::: :Lr:::IEL[::i:iIIL[:`:i::iX}::L:`L{:w:w: C`L:L: D8:MEM.SAV: 8| 9 '9`L:L: D:DUP.SYS:̩ 8Y} x:ɀL: '9`88 |9Y:X: '9L); D8:DUP.SYS; 8::88 9 '98? :`;WL`; 9Z}Ln; ` :Y;Y;L;L;)} Setting Up ATARI 130XE Ram Disk; 9L; ; -9  [} L;D8:; :9 :Y;L˅i ϥ̅iР Hϑh >υͥЅi ]}ϥi=@@ @Э=?Ф>Ё`M:[e[/Bȹe[D:e[:)ȢW ɛ e[/e[ȩDe[Ȍ:[e[ ^}``ɢ 1= 1DYH@ ?h:[4 Ky_ ~JBJeD[E VLAJ`G FLL1L12 1/ _} 1 < Թj B JK-DE V Թ`G FGLR)L BLV 1h HLWJ `}1% 1LeJyWP` 14[WyL 1 14[PyL 1E:Exit to BASICBinary Load> with Extension 2.5dNonexistent De a}viceTimeoutDevice NAKSerial Bus ErrorDisk Write ProtectedInvalid Drive NumberDisk FullFile DamagedInvalid File NameF b}ile LockedFile Not FoundVerify OffVerify On_rz1111 11J11FF PIRI RJTJL޹> c}3>3I3344foundVerify OffVerify On_rz1111 11J11FF PIRI RJTJL޹> < 3EP`JLH?Xi˥Yi̩=@>˅i ϥ̅iР Hϑh >υͥЅi e}ϥi=@@ @Э=?Ф>Ё`M:[e[/Bȹe[D:e[:)ȢW ɛ e[/e[ȩDe[Ȍ:[e[f}``ɢ 1= 1DYH@ ?h:[4 Ky_ ~JBJeD[E VLAJ`G FLL1L12 1/ g} 1 < Թj B JK-DE V Թ`G FGLR)L BLV 1h HLWJh}1% 1LeJyWP` 14[WyL 1 14[PyL 1E:Exit to BASICBinary Load> with Extension 2.5eNonexistent Dei}viceTimeoutDevice NAKSerial Bus ErrorDisk Write ProtectedInvalid Drive NumberDisk FullFile DamagedInvalid File NameFj}ile LockedFile Not FoundVerify OffVerify On_rz1111 11J11FF PIRI RJTJL޹>k}3>3I3344f 4l mx< n$%ԩX` ɟ(Hd ȭ ҙhh@l}ͣhL_*ͣx\ LbLb%ԩX` ɟ(Hd ȭ ҙhh@D This is a TEXTPRO swap macro. It simulates dual text windows by switching between two files on the RAMDISK. The macro "remn}embers" the position of the cursor within both files when you switch back and forth. This trick is accomplished by placing a o}tag, in this case the inverse "", in the text before saving the file to the RAMDISK. When the file is loaded back into memorp}y, the macro uses the "FIND" command to locate the tag, then deletes it, putting the cursor back where it was when you left. q}All of this is done with the screen turned off so the swap is fairly quick and looks like a built-in feature of TEXTPRO. Thisr} method of swapping files has an advantage over true windows in that both files can be any size up to the maximum 19K that cas}n be loaded into TEXTPRO. In order to use this macro, files TEXTFILE.1 and TEXTFILE.2 must be placed on the RAMDISK and TEt}XTFILE.1 must be loaded into the editor. TEXTFILE.1 and TEXTFILE.2 can be any two text files of your choice. You then swap fiu}les by pressing the START key. Make sure to SAVE both files to disk before exiting the program -- don't just copy them from tv}he RAMDISK unless you want the tag to be saved as well.Note: If you are using the "" character as a print-key, make surw}e to use another character for the tag. Any character (or even a string of characters) can be used as long as it does not occx}ur anywhere within the text.#ԅ~8:TEXTFILE.1~8:TEXTFILE.2,TEXTFILE.1~8:TEXTFILE.2 ~8:TEXTFILE.1ԛ does not occp Ϡ ____TEXTPRO Help File__________ Π___Commands A-I Π___Commanz}ds J-R Π___Commands S-Z Π___Non-Alpha Commands Π___Special Macro Commands Π___Print Keys {}Π___Special Functions Π___Editor Commands Π___Print Commands Π___File Commands Π___Commun|}ications Π___Help for Beginners Π___Style 10 Help Screen Р or Π___This Menu ________________}}______________________ Π___Style 10 Help Screen Р or Π___This Menu ________________( Ϡ __ \_______ ̠______Upper/Lowercase Chang}e ̠______Background Color \_______Reverses sequence ̠______Change Found String \_______Select} Change String ̠______Delete to Paste Buffer \ (Clears buffer) \______Append to Buffer } (Retains Buffer) ̠______End of Text ̠______Find String \_______Select Find String ̠___}___Global Search and Replace ̠______Home Cursor ̠______Insert/Replace Toggle nd String ̠___i Ϡʭ __ \_______ ̠______Restore Default Param }eters ̠______Kill Paste Buffer ̠______Load File \_______Load Config File ̠______Menu ̠_____ }_Fast Repeat On/Off \ (XL/XE machines) \______Key Click On/Off (XL/XE machines) }̠______Show False Spaces On/Off \_______Show Returns On/Off ̠______Print to Device ̠______Beginning o }f Line \_______Copy File ̠______Restore Deleted Text (From paste buffer) ning o w Ϡӭ __ \_______ ̠______Save File \$}_______Save Config File ̠______Text Brightness \_______Reverses Sequence ̠______Used, Unused Memory $} \_______Delete to Top of File ̠______Load Macro File \_______Delete to End of File ̠______Print $}Position of Cursor ̠______Exit to DOS__Run add=ư \ Re-run if ͮ֠ \______Turn-Off S$}creen ̠______Word Wrap On/Off ̠______End of Line \_______Turn-On Screen _____Turn-Off S$n Ϡ ̠______Rings Bell ̠______Word Count ̠______Sentence Left ̠_(}_____Sentence Right ̠______Character Left ̠______Character Right ̠______Character Up ̠______Character(} Down Ԡ_____Word Left Ԡ_____Word Right Ԡ_____Paragraph Up Ԡ_____Paragraph Down ̠____Narro(}w Screen Display Ԡ___Widen Screen Display NOTE: To print the _|\^ characters press ape first. (}en Display Ԡ___Widen Screen Display NOTE: To print the _|\^ characters press ape first. ( Ϡ Commands Available from Macros Only Entered with ԫ̛ ,} 򠛛 ____Move cursor left one space ____Erase Λ ____Goto Macro ____I,}nput Mode ...Special entry mode ____Wait for Keypress ____Print Message ...Persistent ____Pre-Select Macro ,} If followed by a Load Macro command will go to selected macro in chain file ____Rename ,} Λ ____Print Message Displays until next keypress  ____Rename ,f Ϡ Default Print Key Definitions Entered with ԛ _____For Most0} Printers (Decimal) ___________________________________ _______ESCape (27) _______Double Width On (14) _______Doub0}le Width Off (15) _______Cancel Condensed (18) _______Line Feed (10) _______Carriage Return (13) _______Hard spac0}e (32) ___________________________________ 󠭠 Print keys are defined by entering the i0}nverse key that you want to define as the print key followed by the equal(=) sign and the decimal value you want to send t0}o the printer fine as the print key followed by the equal(=) sign and the decimal value you want to send t0 Ϡ ̠__Used in the editor returns the printed position of the cursor 4} Ԡ__sends Ԡ__sends 4} __selects BASIC enabled ˛ ԫ____Ramdisk should be set up but no4}t formatted during the boot Û Ϋ____Operates like the SELECT+RESET combination b4}ut BASIC will be disabled by the boot Û Ϋ____Operates like the SELECT+RESET combination b48 Ϡ __ \_______ ̠______Change Found String 8} \_______Select Change String ̠______Delete to Paste Buffer \_______Append to Buffer ̠______End8} of Text ̠______Find String \_______Select Find String ̠______Global Search and Replace ̠______Ho8}me Cursor ̠______Insert/Replace Toggle ̠______Kill Buffer ̠______Beginning of Line ̠______Restore Del8}eted Text ̠___________Delete to Top ̠___________Delete to End ̠______End of Line estore Del8s Ϡ + >default parameter ______________________________________ <}bottom margin >58 center text edge right define footer go to linked file define header information line <}select linefeeds left margin >5 margin release next page, conditional with # >0 page length >66 justify <}right 0=off 1=on >off right margin >75 line spacing >1 top margin >5 underline toggle page wait >off col<}umns across >80 print page no. starting page number >1 print starting with # >1 =32 =27 =14 =15 =<}18 =13 =10 ______________________________________  print starting with # >1 =32 =27 =14 =15 =<D Ϡ __ \_______ ̠______Load File to Editor @} \_______Load Config File ̠______Menu ̠______Print to Device ̠___________Copy File  @} ̠______Save File \_______Save Config File ̠______Load Macro File @}̠______Exit to DOS_Run add=ư Re-run if ͮ֠四 * To append a file in a save, copy, or print to@} disk enter a /A extender after the file name. 四 * To append a file in a save, copy, or print to@C Ϡ 렭 Select the proper parameters for the servicD}e you are using. Usually, you would set up to send formatted text to a 40 column screen. The format line is listed below.D} 037380255255Λ This will format the message for a 40 column display and continuous print of 255 lines. D} ŠϠҠӡ If your service requires the , combinations instead of the carriage return (the D}ATARI ST) you can search/replace this after printing. J> combinations instead of the carriage return (the DH Ϡ Using TEXTPRO is easy! Just type the text and forget about the margins. Any time H}that you end a paragraph press the key. Don't press at the end of each screen line. TEXTPRO will wrap your wH}ords to the next line automatically. The ARROW keys and the key will work the same way as they do in the standarH}d ATARI screen editor. To save your file press ̠, enter the name of the disk file and . For the menu screen prH}ess ̠. To print the copy press ̠ and then . Make sure an 80 column printer is connected and ready!! H} To print the copy press ̠ and then . Make sure an 80 column printer is connected and ready!! H ű ______________________________________ Macros are called by [] L} 󠭠 []ttention of []escribe item []nvelope format []inish letter []ndent & justify []L}e ...your name []umbered item []uote pricing []tart letter []ext default format [ ]outline levels one to L}four [- caps]selections A to E 󠭠 [] Textpro Help Screens []autosave to L}D8: and go to disk menu []ersion # [] New Paragraph [] [] prompt name of editor file [̠]ave to D8: [̠L}]oad to D8: [̠] Load Macro D8: [̠]rint File to Screenrompt name of editor file [̠]ave to D8: [̠LIfffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf<~f``~ff~|```|~ff~~f~`~>~ff~~``~fff8<>``nxff8<gP}kc~ffff~fff~~ff~``~ff~~f```~`~~~ffff~fff~cckwf~~ffff~~~ 0~<~~<P}8x8fffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf<`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 800000 0 ~~`0 0`0xff|ff||ffffff`x`ff`x``||~ZZ~ xs6<8<6sx00006~T}||fff|`|vff|xl|||<xx0f<f>p`|ff|<```<>ff><>ff>|p`|ffw8<  xp`lxlf8<fT}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<T}~x|nf8x8ff|`p>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<TThis is a macro to print multiple copies from TEXTPRO. Load as a macro and press OPTION 1-0 to print from 1 to 10 copies. UX}ses nested macro technique.1Finished copy #121Finished copy #232Finished copy #343Finished copy #45X}4Finished copy #565Finished copy #676Finished copy #787Finished copy #898Finished copy #909FX}inished copy #10vMultiple copy macro loaded, 1-0?COPYMAC.HLP,E:Finished copy #898Finished copy #909FXI 3EP`JLHXi˥Yi̩˅i ϥ̅iР Hϑh υͥЅi \}ϥi ЭФЁ`M:[e[/Bȹe[D:e[:)ȢW ɛ e[/e[ȩDe[Ȍ:[e[\}``L1 S 1 1DYH@ ?h:[ Ky_ ~JBJeD[E VLAJy_ ~J`G F(B\}JeD[ELVL12 1頺 1 < 󹩠j B JKDE V `G FG޹LR)\}L BLV 1h ޻HLWJ 1LeJ8 8L^ 9M_WP` 14[WԠL 1 14[PɠL 1 XG\}ʩ{_` $% g Ep,B{D_E VLH ELELGW|_<~__L $% g Ep+B{D_E VLH ELGLGE:E\}xit to BASICBinary Load> with ICD Extension 2.3bNonexistent DeviceTimeoutDevice NAKSerial Bus ErrorDisk Write Protecte\}dInvalid Drive NumberDisk FullFile LockedInvalid File NameFile Not FoundDirectory Not FoundVerify OffVerify On\}08CCTi~1111 1111FF PIRI RJTJL>3>3I3344FFWFWFqFrF>3>3I3344FFWFWFqFrF> command, press the START key, and the program will do the rest. fla
csztg MAIL.TXTLoad Filep~~E:#gfMikd}elCollinsa2817 Charles Dr.cChalmettesLa.z70043tAtaripgfJohnlAdamsa354 River RoadcAtlantasGa.z3024d}4tCommodorepgfFredlHinglea14 Center St.cMemphissTn.z11066tTRS-80pgfCathylWilliamsa2000 Elmwood d}Dr.cMiamisFla.z80999tApplep14 Center St.cMemphissTn.z11066tTRS-80pgfCathylWilliamsa2000 Elmwood d&?TPHELP.MN,E:1TPHELP.1,E:2TPHELP.2,E:3TPHELP.3,E:4TPHELP.4,E:5TPHELP.5,E:6TPHELP.6,E:7TPHELP.7,E:8Th}PHELP.8,E:9TPHELP.9,E:0TPHELP.0,E:TPHELP.12,E:=STYLE10.HLP,E:/?STYLE10 MACRO Version 1.2th}575803Margins reset: Pick justify 1=on 0=offNew paragraph*3875 *Outline mode, first level-311h} -Outline mode, second level+314 +Outline mode, third levelo317 oOutlinh}e mode, fourth leveli15651Indents set: Set lines for page breakd407550 :h}Enter item to describe:~Enter description:q157512 -----Item: Enter item: Enter description:h} Unit: Unit of sale: Package: Product packaging: FOB: Deliveredjj Quantity orderedh}: Enter quantity break: Unit price: $Enter price per unit of sale:Enter for another prich}e level:f3575Yours truly,s575To: Name of company: Street address/PO Box: City, State Ziph}:Attention: To the attention of:Subject: Subject of letter:mge05
35Mail letter to:a575Attention: ~8: ~8: ~8:~~E:n107580 .n A 1475 h} a.B 1475 b.C 1475 c.D 1475 d.E 1475h} e. #~8:̛ vStyle 10 Macro v1.2New Paragraph~~E=. p~~ElEditor dv/fn>LlOo75hzʒ( e. #~8:̛ vStyle 10 Macro v1.2New Paragraph~~E=. p~~ElEditor dv/fn>LlOo75l =13=255Footnote Demo File, Page - TEXTPRO -Version 1.1Keyboard Macro Feature[C]1986byMike Collins and Ronnq}ie Riche堠5758031...you can produce footnotes with TEXTPRO This is a demo print file to display theq} production of true footnotes with TEXTPRO v1.1. This file may be printed with any printer that recognizes the carriage retuq}rn (EOL) character as decimal 13 and the line feed as decimal 10. It is assumed that the printer you are using needs no lineq} feed after a carriage return. If your printer does need the line feed simply re-define the inverse > character at the top oq}f the file from decimal 255 to the value of your printer's line feed character, usually decimal 10. The ability to prodq}uce true footnotes is provided by the large footer buffer contained in TEXTPRO[1]. The buffer can be used to store more thanq} a single line of text and this text can be formatted by you to contain the footnotes you desire for each page. The method tq}hat I am using for this document is the following. -I keep track of the current page and line number by using the here's the cursor command. When I get near the end of each page I format my footnotes[2]. -The only rule to rememq }ber here is that you want to be sure that all of your footnotes to be set on this page are entered in the footer declaration.q } Each line of the footer must end with the carriage return and line feed print keys[3] and the total number of characters usq }ed cannot exceed 255. -I have decided that the three footnotes that I have on this page will be the only ones that I nq }eed on this page so I can now enter my footer declaration. The easiest way to track the footers is like this: *Eq}nter the footnote right after the footnote designator and delete it to the buffer. Enter a TAB prior to the entry to provideq} the left margin. *Continue with each additional footnote using the SELECT option to append the new footnote to tq}he old. *Paste the whole thing back as the footer line using the eplace buffer command.61 [1] Thq}e footer buffer can contain 255 characters [2] You cannot use features such as center and block right. Format q} each line individually. Turning off the word wrap will help. [3] If you need them.3 Then you simply deducq}t the number of forced returns sent to the printer from the page length and your footnotes will format perfectly. The fq}ooter must be redefined on each page to prevent it from printing repetitively. You may also have a standard footer line defiq}ned that prints at the end of every page, footnotes or not. This can contain such things as the page number if you wish but q}cannot use edge right or centering. This page will use this form of footer/footnote combination. The only disadvantage hereq} is that you lose some buffer space for your footnotes. This method of producing footnotes requires some organization aq}nd can also require corrective formatting if you do major editing on a text file but the advantages far outweigh the disadvanq}tages. The method is flexible and allows printing the file with footnotes to either the printer or to the disk[4]. The prinq}ter commands used are pretty universal and should work on just about any printer. If you have a paper to write that just hasq} to have footnotes, you can do it with TEXTPRO. If you are using a format that requires underlining you can also use iq}mbedded print keys to underline text within the footnotes. I have not used that feature in this DOC due to the variety of diq}fferent printer codes used to implement underlining. Modify the DOC to underline if you wish; it will work fine. You mq}ay even decide to print the footers in your printers compressed mode. This can be done also but just be sure to return to yoq}ur normal print style before leaving the footer. The number of characters allowed is still only 255. Be sure that you q }leave at least one line between the last text line and the first footer line. Adjust the bottom margin if required.60 q!} [4] The screen will display the footnotes as one paragraph with control codes imbedded. The printer used to prinq"}t the disk file must match the return/linefeed parameters sent to the disk. Page Good luck using thiq#}s feature with TEXTPRO.RONNIE and MIKEPS: You can also use this technique to move your normal headers and footers to lowq$}er or higher lines than the top and bottom of page respectively. Just issue an extra CR/LF in the right place and deduct oneq%} from the page length. I used this technique in the footers of this file to deduct two lines from the paging. This helps toq&} get all the text comfortably on one page.ue in the footers of this file to deduct two lines from the paging. This helps top+This macro is designed to swap files from the editor to the RAMDISK designated as D8:. Change the 8: to your designator if u(}your RAMDISK drive # is different. Pressing START will save the file to the RAMDISK and send you to the menu. Pressing OPTIONu)} and 1-9 will swap the editor file with the slot # file on the default menu(should be the RAMDISK). OPTION and 0 will save thu*}e editor file to RAMDISK and leave you in the editor. OPTION and CTRL-S, CTRL-L or CTRL-V will put the D8: prompt to the commu+}and line for save, load or load macro operations. Delete this explanation to save macro space if needed.潙File loaded...u,}#~8:̛ 1~8:̛ 2~8:̛ * 3~8:̛ ** 4~8:̛ = 5~8:̛ =* 6~8:̛ =** 7~8:̛ == 8u-}~8:̛ ==* 9~8:̛ ==** 0~8:̛Saved to RAMDISK...~8: ~8:~8:̛ =* 6~8:̛ =** 7~8:̛ == 8tO24222401391
, Dear , I'm looking forward to y/}seeing you at the C.E.S. in Chicago this weekend. Many new and exciting products will be unveiled which will complement the ey0}ntire line of computers. Anyway, I'm just looking forward to seeing someone else from at the show.See you they1}re,Mike omputers. Anyway, I'm just looking forward to seeing someone else from at the show.See you thex+G, өj +0 B V0B JKD+E V0 BD+EHI V}3}cc0 B V+mcccic`E:...loading - TEXTPRO - Version 1.1r Word Processing for ATARI}4} Keyboard Macro Feature (C)1986 by Mike Collins and Ronnie Riche+++$i+%j+6+}5}7+6+7 j j V=c < ELi@ ^c )= *=( = D =L=iD ,dd}6}dLxv$+%X`xi$j%X`cL6vp0CC&ChP;<;;;; dd;;ॄ}7}``e+<*<e.<-<褄 +<.<`(mdeXYidddd)^d)}8}dȄdČeidd@L<i(承< =a =dL@ =` =d`'XRUT`H)h)` i@L=8};} `iIiIi >< MN R^iɦ g@iL>ͥc$c =d@ Ec =L>Pc =L>i)iL=c}<}dH =hɛL>),i0 _{[\W^S_O`KHi^d kGh = ><8ddidid}=} @L=??L=ʊ =HH\?H[?H`E\^`~ }|_    CDDDDD}>}DDDD2EcFjG IIG H9HZHTMTMmP]V_DW~FVES\-\]BG:G\\\F@ @ACF@7@QAAM?1SkSB_`$`*`BBB CJJJ5CD3^}?}K =d{<8d内d凅dmdddid >< @} LL= .B8((d@d'@d8d}C}ddd8dL@ .B(d@d'@d8ddddmdiL@ddXmdi(Yi8ddd}D}d@dddddddi(iLWBdmdi`.]+.` BL@ B8d@d}E}eiL@ .B8d`c N` =2pa = Gidid C @L= =2ba = GZ}F}dd8d内d凅8dd8d匍dd卍d ;dddd C @L=ddidd}G}d LC`L@dddd >< @} LL=ƇƆL@Ƌ^^`8eiL@}H}^` 懥d^eiL@ddL@dd8ddd ><I}R}2 "=)_ @W eI EDLtIS eI 3ELtIP eI :HLtI @L=6e7e`86e@e7eAe E6e7e >fhdgsaLJ:K\^OPUI_|VCBXZ$#&%"![ ]NM?REYTWQ()'@}FHDGSA {  }_} ` } 7PpƝDaEHIJB V0\iidwiexiii \P0?+K L }`}\P03i \P0) Lii. 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(Y/N):ERASE ALL TEXTDelete (S,W,P): to exitDelete to TOPDelete to ENDSave File>Error #BREAK Key AbortNo Erro}rsLoad File> Ӡ٠D1:*.*Memory FullNo text in bufferPrint File>Printing...Insert next sheet, press }Find:Not foundExit to DOSChange to:Load Config FileSave Config FileKey Click OnKey Click OffFast Repeat OnFas}t Repeat OffD:TEXTPRO.CNFD:NAME.MECopy>Copy to> -elete ock nlock ename ormat -oad op}y Eit Drive -:Rename to>Format diskInsert ModeReplace ModeUpper CaseLower Case WordsLoad Macro>Word Wrap OnWord }Wrap Off Used, FreePage , Line a/\`Wa a BJDaE V0 BD EHI V `} ` ``" a" a =C b/ }C a iU a BJDaE VLa B}DEHI VJbŀŁТ DE VXab0E DE8倝H偝IHI VLa aZ`[`}  a aZ6"Z5 S = ȩ `>3` y_L~JlD:TEXTPRO.EXTD:TEXTPRO.FNTD:TEXTPRO.MAC0(}a aZ6"Z5 S = ȩ `>3` y_L~JlD:TEXTPRO.EXTD:TEXTPRO.FNTD:TEXTPRO.MAC0( Page 1 - TEXTPRO - Text Processing for ATARI } KEYBOARD MACRO FEATURE [C] 1986 } by Mike Collins and Ronnie Riche - DOCUMENTATION - } TEXTPRO offers the most extensive keyboard macro feature available on the ATARI computer. Using this featur}e the user of the program can design macros to perform a large variety of tasks. Some of these tasks could }be mere conveniences, while others can offer more power for file manipulation than any other ATARI word processor. Th}e heart of the feature is the command macro language and the storehouse is the 3K macro buffer contained in TEXTPRO}. Keyboard macros are very easy to understand in concept. Any sequence of keystrokes that can be enter}ed from the keyboard while using TEXTPRO may be designed into a "macro" file sequence and executed automatic}ally with a single keyboard command. In this way not only simple pieces of boilerplate text but also repetitive a}nd sometimes complicated command sequences can be automated. More than familiarity with the keyboard macro lan}guage is needed to use these features successfully. You must be familiar enough with the TEXTPRO program to know} how to link the features together to design useful macros. So use the program a little while, then, if there is }some feature that you think you can set up to run automatically, try your hand at a macro to automate it. }It is really rather simple once you know the program and the procedures for typing in macros. There are a fe}w macros that are ready made for use with TEXTPRO. One is the STYLE10 macro that contains pre-set formatting environmen}ts for pica text. This macro has been enhanced by the addition of some other useful features and is distributed i}n the SUPPORT.001 TEXTPRO support file. This is probably the most useful formatting macro to start with since it i}s already set up and ready to go. In addition, there are a few utility macros on the boards. NUMBER.MAC is }the automatic numbering macro. This one is useful for numbering test questions or other numbered items created wi}th the formatting options of STYLE10.MAC. If you have a RAMDISK you will want XE130.MAC which offers a virt }ual 10 file windowing feature using the RAMDISK. A short description of the each macro is at the beginni }ng of each macro file. Load them into the editor first to be able to read this information. Page } 2 CREATING AND USING MACROS: To create a macro for TEXTPRO simply enter the editor and begin typing }it in. A macro key is defined to a particular sequence by entering: then is the inverse equal sign entered by pressing the SELE}CT key and holding it down while pressing the equal sign. This is the delimiter character. is any combination of text and commands required to enter the desired text or to complete a given task. } Lets walk through an example. I often save a file to the #2 drive and get tired of constantly bac}kspacing over the colon of the D: default device and then entering the 2: before typing the filename. I want }to automate this "feature." This is a simple one. I go to my macro file in the editor and enter CTR}L-S as the macro key. I must press ESCAPE prior to any control key to get it to print to the screen so I type: } followed by With the macro key entered I then enter the delimiter by typing: Now I can enter my sequence. The first thing I want to do is save a file so I enter the CTRL-S ch}aracter by typing ESCAPE just as I did the first time. This will get the save prompt to the prompt line. I must } delete the colon of D: so I type in ESCAPE followed by DELETE BACK SPACE which enters this character to the screen.} I then type in the 2: for drive 2. I do not include a carriage return since this would terminate the filenam}e input. My macro is complete. I enter it to TEXTPRO by saving it to disk and then loading it back using t}he CTRL-V (Load macro) command. Now if I press OPTION and hold it down while pressing CTRL-S the prompt SAVE FI}LE>D2: will appear on the command line. Page 3 Lets try writing another useful macro. TEXTP}RO does not have an automatic paragraph feature but with the macro feature it is easy to create one. Lets define} the RETURN key as the macro key: followed by to define the key. We have)} our RAMDISK set as D8: and the first thing to do is to save the file in the editor to D8: so we enter: <8:> This gets the SAVE FILE>D8: command to the command line. Now we can+} use one of the special TEXTPRO features to finish the save. If SELECT+L is pressed when the cursor is on t,}he command line in a save, load, or load macro command the name of the last file loaded to the editor will be -} printed to the command line minus the load device designator. Page 4 This is just what we wan.}t to send to D8: so we enter: + and to choose the mac}ro equate for the RETURN character as the character to replace. This will be an inverse escape character. Th}e "Change to>" prompt will now be on the command line. A common replace string for the RETURN character would be} the CTRL-M, CTRL-J combination. These are the standard ASCII values for carriage return and linefeed. This } replacement can be helpful for many telecommunication needs. So let's use this as the replace string. } then followed by then and This completes the macro. Th}e only difference to note in this procedure is the use of the inverse escape character as the RETURN charac}ter equate for the search. This equate would also be used to find the carriage returns in any find operation drive}n from a macro. The other equates that must be used to search for special characters from macros are listed as fo}llows: Inverse ESCAPE -> then Remember that this procedure is used FROM MACROS ONLY.} If you perform the same function from the editor manually use the actual characters and not the equates. The }manual procedure uses the left arrow key to search the RETURN character since this is its actual value in the }TEXTPRO editor. - MACRO PROTOCOLS - Any macro on the TEXTPRO disk named TEXTP}RO.MAC will be automatically loaded at startup. If the macro file has a macro defined to the @ key this macro will} run immediately after the program loads. A macro sequence can be broken by pressing the key. Execution } is halted at this point and cannot be resumed. Macros may be loaded or exchanged at any time without affect}ing the text in the editor. If a macro key is mistakenly defined twice in one file only the first assignment }will be recognized by TEXTPRO. can be used to pause screen listings but cannot be printed to the scre}en and used in a macro. will terminate a screen Page 9 listing or print to screen operati}on and return you to the editor. Fonts that are specialized for TEXTPRO have the control characters repla}ced with a larger set of letter characters or with an outline font set. This allows the easy editing of macro file}s since the CTRL keypresses are more easily identified. Check for these fonts on the bulletin board or create t}hem yourself. They are very helpful if you will be using the macro feature a great deal. GOOD LUCK WIT}H THE MACRO FEATURE... RONNIE and MIKE NOTES: } ... RONNIE and MIKE NOTES: @L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W } LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" } $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ` }$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H }p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF }7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L }EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D } .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d } . 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