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MxJDSSPMODESYS GH"MThdMTrk B1 /. dxJI.. MxJDSP_128 SYS GJ MThdMTrk &A I 8X 89 E d (  F  2 E8  C         H ?H (H   H ? @ d  s   3& <, d `   @     2  4 7> p( 4(   (<  T    2  3 2 7 *8  P  (  3  f << #\ (  -      2  2 } Pd  > f     [\     d  H   H               !           ; %   P 2 2F(Z \p pw@w (d\c 22F(Z ( T\> #Mdxx .pw/8 (4H\\ < Mdxx H (    8 \        #  2  -       8  d     2 R ,   9    b #   /  < -  d ( C 8  /. gxJN.. MxJDSMPMODESYS GO&MThdMTrk B3B/. ixJP.. VERSION2TXT GQ< SLAVE DRIVER VERSION 2.0 Thank you and congradulations on your upgrade to SLAVE DRIVER version 2.0. Many things have changed for this version, new features have been added, and several things have been fixed. Please take the time to browse through this text file, or better yet, send it to your printer for future reference. This file is an ammendment to the version 1.5 manual. If something doesn't work quite as described in your manual, refer here for a description of how that function has changed. YOU MUST RETURN YOUR ORIGINAL SLAVE DRIVER DISK In order to recieve continued support and upgrades, you must return your original SLAVE DRIVER disk. If you have a backup disk, you may also return it for replacement. Note that a backup disk is still $15, so please enclose a cheque or money order for this amount if you wish to upgrade your backup disk. Note that SLAVE DRIVER Version 2.0 files are compatable with the 1.5 program, so you can use your backup of 1.5 if you wish, however, new functions such as tempo mapping won't work on the old version, and it may have problems if there are more than 20 songs in memory. You may also indicate that you wish to order a complete Version 2.0 manual, and we will notify you when they become available. Manual upgrades are $15, but please don't include payment for manuals as their printing date has not yet been set. NEW FEATURES SINCE VERSION 1.5 - 255 SONGS! The most exciting new feature included for version 2.0 is the ability to contain up to 255 songs in memory. The play screen has been modified to allow scrolling of the songs displayed on your screen. You can scroll up or down 20 songs at a time using shift-up-arrow and shift-down-arrow, go to the beginning of the list with control-up-arrow, and go to the end of the list with control-down-arrow. As many of our customers have indicated that they frequently use the function keys to select different songs, we have added a function that allows you to type the number of a song to select it. By typing control-s from the play screen (or the Playback module or the Remote Display module), you can enter a two or three digit number to select that number song. Typing control-s prints the message "Select" on your screen. Type any digit between 3 and 9, and you need only type one more digit to access songs numbered 30 to 99. Enter a number between 0 and 2, and you can enter two more digits to select any song from 1 to 255. Note that you will not be able to change maps using the numeric keys, or change to songs 11-20 using the QWERTY number keys while you are in the middle of selecting a song with control-s, as these keys will instead enter a digit. You can, however, continue playing your instrument, or select a song from 1-10 using the function keys while you have typed one or two digits into control-s song select. This can be handy if you want to have a song ready for selection with one key press, simply type two of the three digits, then go about playing normally. When you are ready to select the song, type the third digit. Note that you can cancel the select option with the Undo key, or begin typing digits again from the beginning by re-typing control-s. Additionally, the song order box has also undergone changes to accomodate the greater song capacity. The control/shift arrows described for the Play screen apply for scrolling through the list. You can also drag a song to the top or bottom of the list to scroll the list. You will notice that this screen now draws much more quickly, and that the "Compare" button has been lost (this is a trade off - you will notice that while the version 2 program file is much larger, the program doesn't eat any more memory than version 1.5). TEMPO CONTROLS As requested by some of our customers, you can now control tempo directly from within the program. A TMP event can be entered in any of the Send, Reset, or Slave fields. The format of the command is as follows; ch type/key val/vel ----------------------- TMP 1-255 A fixed tempo may be entered in the Send or Reset field, or a range between 1 and 255 may be specified as a Slave event. USING FIXED TEMPOS One use of the TMP command would be to have to have a MIDI file sequence play back at a different tempo than that which is specified in the file. In this case, you would enter your play event as follows; ch type/key val/vel ----------------------- P SEQ 1 (or PX or LP or PE) TMP 145 It is important that the TMP command goes after the Play event, as the Play event will cause the tempo to change as it reads the tempo in the MIDI file. I'll demonstrate a way around this in a minute. USING TEMPO RANGES A tempo range can be specified in the Slave field. This will allow tempo to be controlled in relation to a controller, key range, or any other MIDI event. This will allow you to change the tempo in real time from your MIDI controller. This event would be entered as in the following example; MASTER ch type/key val/vel ----------------------- 2 OSC 0-127 SLAVE ch type/key val/vel ----------------------- TMP 110-140 The preceding example would have your OSC wheel from off to full translate to tempo from 110 bpm to 140 bpm. USING/IGNORING MIDI FILE TEMPOS Any tempo event that is occurred in a MIDI file will override any TMP event you have set. This will especially cause a problem if you use LP to loop a MIDI file, as the file's tempo will be reset on each loop. Therefore, two events have been added that allow you to tell the program whether or not to use the tempos specified in the MIDI files. The USE command tells the program to use the tempo events it encounters in a MIDI file, while the IGN command tells the program to ignore MIDI file tempos. These events can be entered in any of the SEND, RESET, or SLAVE fields. format of these commands ar as follows; ch type/key val/vel ----------------------- USE IGN The program defaults to USEing MIDI file tempo events, and this default condition is set each time you go from the edit screen to the play screen. The IGN tempo setting can be very useful when controlling a number of sequences, in which you want all to be played at the same tempo. A typical application would be to specify IGN in the SEND field, and reset the sytem to USE in the RESET field to ensure normal operation for other songs. As calculating tempos takes time, you can also use the IGN command to save the program the time of recalculating a file's tempo each time it loops. If you notice a small delay in the output of notes when a sequence loops (I'm sure you won't, but I suppose it depends on how hard you're working the program), try specifying the tempo before the Loop event and then use IGN. RUN PROGRAM This feature has been added, which allows you to run another application from within SLAVE DRIVER. This feature can be extremely handy for running utilities such as MIDI file conversion programs, archive utilities, or even sequencer applications. The benefit is that the SLAVE DRIVER application and the set and MIDI file data doesn't need to be reloaded upon exiting the other application. Confirmation is requested if the set you are working on has been changed but not saved, as SLAVE DRIVER cannot vouch for how well the application it runs will behave, whether it will crash, or whatever. SLAVE DRIVER first shrinks it's memory reserve as small as possible around the data it has loaded in memory, then executes the program. When the executed program is terminated, you will be right where you left off in SLAVE DRIVER. You will have to test how well this works with any given application, results may vary from program to program. PAUSE A pause key has been added to the play screen. By pressing control-p, the sequencer will stop, and wait for you to type control-p again to resume playback from where you paused. Likewise, you can select control-p to stop sequences from starting if you want to use a keyboard map without activating any Play events within the map. CHANGES FOR VERSION 2 - MENUS The biggest change you will notice right away is the menus. Items have been regrouped to conform to the menus used by most other GEM applications. Quick key commands have been added for most functions, and many of the existing quick-keys have changed (for example, LOAD SET is now Alternate L, much easier to remember). The quick-key combination for a menu item, if one exists, is indicated to the right of the menu item. These indicators use ^ to represent the Control key,  (up arrow) to represent the Shift key, and (diamond in a box) to represent the Alternate key. To select an item from the keyboard, hold down the shift-key combination, and then press the letter key. For example, to Load Set to Play, type "L" while holding down the Shift and Alternate keys. Rather than waiting with your finger on the Control key to keep the program from going to the PLAY screen when loading a set, there are now two seperate menu options, "Load Set to Edit" and "Load Set to Play". SAVE has been added, which allows you to save the set you are currently working on without having to use the fileselector to re-specify the filename. This will only work if you have loaded the set you are working on from disk, or have saved the set currently in memory with SAVE AS. You can now exit to the play screen with the mouse by clicking on "Play Screen", in addition to the F10 key. This has been added simply for convenience. Alert [Yes]/Alerts [No] was confusing, and has been replaced with Expert/Novice. This menu toggles the mode the program runs in. In Novice mode, additional alert messages are displayed, and their default button selects the non-destructive option. In expert mode, alert messages unnecessary to the experienced user are avoided, and the default button selects the requested action. The Stat Display menu option is gone. The time it took to decide whether to draw Stat Display information or not was wasteful. Stat Display information is now always displayed. To accomodate the extended song capacity, the Follow Song option was added. From the play screen, if you select a song that is not currently displayed in the window, the window will scroll to display the newly selected song. As this takes a moment to redraw, you can turn this function off if you require instant song changes. The Follow Song menu item is displayed with a check mark when Follow Song is selected (screen will scroll). The setting of this option is saved when you select Save Defaults. GEM CHANGES - The screen will now redraw properly around desk accesory windows. - Menu functions can now be selected while desk accessory windows are open. - The mouse will no longer "stick" on GEM windows when opening accessories or returning to the desktop. - The Bulk librarian can now be left open and recording when going to the play screen or running another application with Run Other. - The Bulk Librarian can now be moved around on the screen. - The COPY buttons now remain highlighted, to simplify the task of making multiple copies, and to allow you to return to the location that you are copying with the Clr/Home key. - Cursor and mouse redraws have been cleaned up, for a smoother look. - Desk accessories no longer trash the mouse pointer. - You can now use INSTALL APPLICATION on the main SLAVE DRIVER program or the PLAYBACK module, and double click on a SET file from the desktop to run the installed program and have that set load automatically. Suitable for alternate desktop programs like GEMINI that allow you to drag files to program icons. - Now when you select PLAYBACK MODULE from the Modes menu, the set in memory is passed to the PLAYBACK module. The Playback module then runs and automatically loads that set. Likewise, Control F10 in the Playback module exits to SLAVE DRIVER, and auto loads the set that was loaded into the Playback module. EDITING via MIDI CHANGES It is now much easier to enter events from a MIDI device on the Edit screen. In the Master or Slave fields, only the Control key will change the type and channel of the event. Holding the Control key and activating a MIDI message will set the channel, TYPE/KEY event, and enter the default range (0-127 usually) under VAL/VEL if no event already existed on the line you are editing. If a value was already specified in the event which you are editing, Control will alter the left part of the TYPE/KEY range instead. The Left Shift key will only set the event type, channel, and default VAL/VEL range (0-127 usually) if no event type already exists in the event you are editing. Otherwise, it will set the right part of the TYPE/KEY range. Holding the Alternate key will set the entire event verbatim if no event exists on the line you are editing. For example, move the cursor to a blank Master or Slave field, hold down the Alternate key, and play a key on one of your keyboards. The channel, note number, and velocity you played this key with will be entered in the event. If an event already existed on the line you are editing, Alternate will set the left part of the VAL/VEL range. The Right Shift key, like the Alternate key, will set the entire event verbatim if no event already existed on the line you are editing. Otherwise, it will set the right part of the VAL/VEL field. PLAY SCREEN CHANGES Certain key commands have moved around from the PLAY screen; - Disabling mapping is now toggled on and off with Control d - The panic button can now be activated by hitting the spacebar - The Help key will scroll the screen to display the current song When the program comes across a load command for a MIDI file that is already loaded, the sequencer will no longer stop. Likewise, if a sequence is playing and an Erase command is encountered for a file that is not in memory, the sequence playing will not be interrupted. This allows you to make more constructive use of the Load command, as you don't have to be quite so careful as to where you put them. You could, for example, have a Play event preceded by a Load event. If the file was already loaded, the load event would be harmless and not stop any sequence currently playing. If the file was not loaded, it would load and then play the file instead of giving a "File not loaded" error message. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I guess that about sums it up. If you have any questions or problems, or possibly suggestions for future upgrades, please call us at (604) 444-4424 between 10:00 am and 9:00 pm Pacific Standard Time. Or write us - our address is M I N D 302 9131 Capella Drive o v e r Burnaby, B.C., Canada M I D I V3J 7K4 productions GEnie Address: MINDoverMIDI Or better yet, leave us Email, or a note in our customer support topic in the MIDI Roundtable on GEnie.  P SLAVE DRIVER V.2.0tration demo menuB\SLV_DRVR 2FIRST2720.0 SECS 2OPENINGWhy am I here?WHYVIEW INTRO1 INTRO2 INTRO3 INTRO4The Grande TourTOURNS TOUR1 TOUR2GOTOPLAY TOUR3 TOUR4EXITPLAYOPENBULKIO TOUR5OPENFILE 2TOURFILEFILE2MODE 2TOURMODEMODE2MIDI 2TOURMIDIMIDI2SETUP 2TOURSETUPCLICKCLOSEBULKCreating a map MAPCREATE CREATEREL1NOTE 2REL1NOTERANGE TYPEENTRYRETURN 2THISMASTER 2SLAVE1SLAVE1 2SLAVE2RETURN 2REL2EREL 2ADDRELADDREL 2SHOWOPTIONSHOWOPTION 2OPTIONSUSRETURNENTERSUS 2TYPESUSRETURN 2SLAVESUSSLAVESUS 2SEND1 2SEND2LOCALMODES 2SEND3 2TRIGGERENTERLOTS 2SUMUPRELNEWYPlaying sequences from function keysSEQFUNCT 2FUNCT1 2FUNCT2LOADEVENTS 2FUNCT3LOADBLKTS 2FUNCT4 2FUNCT5 2FUNCT6TITLE1 2FUNCT78SONGS 2FUNCT8GOTOPLAY 2FUNCT9 2FUNCT10SELECTFUNC 2FUNCT11SELECTMOUSEXITPLAYS 2FUNCTION12ORDERAY 2FUNCT1312F1CTTRIGSFUNCTTRIGS 2ENDFUNCTNEWAdvanced mapping techniquesADVMAPPING 2ADVMAP1 2ADVM21 2ADVM3NOTERANGE2 2ADVM4 2ADVM5 2ADVM6VEL0-64 2ADVM7 2ADVM8PITCHBEND 2ADVM9AFT-VOLD 2ADVM10CROSSFADE 2ADVM11 2ADVM12NOTEOFFE 2ADVM13NOTEON0 2ADVM14 2ADVM15MULTIMAP 2ADVM16MAPUPAP 2ADVM17MAPUP 2ADVM18NEWAdvanced sequencing techniquesADVSEQUENC 2ADVQ11 2ADVQ2 2ADVQ3PSEQ1 2ADVQ4DATADECSEQ 2ADVQ5 2ADVQ6PXSEQ1 2ADVQ7 2ADVQ8 2ADVQ9 2ADVQ10PXWL 2ADVQ11WPSEQ3 2ADVQ12 2ADVQ13SENDWAIT 2ADVQ14NEWExit demoSYSEX librariesQUITN 2QUIT0EMPTY1NOTEULK08SONGSLK ~ADDRELLKP AFT-VOLKVCLICKEND0CLICKSEND&0CLOSEBULK%CROSSFADE"DATADECSEQGENTERLOTSoD ENTERSUSUPEXITPLAY%,F1E2MODE,FILE2MODEN2FUNCTTRIGSGOTOPLAYS%,LOADBLKTSzLOADEVENTSLOCALMODES^MAPUPETUP$MIDI2SETUP#`MODE2MIDI!nMULTIMAPe'NEWOFFEWNOTEOFFE NNOTEON0E+NOTERANGE8RNOTERANGE2 ZOPENBULKIOzOPENFILEtlORDERENDvPITCHBENDH PSEQ1UNCFPXSEQ1UNCVN PXWLNUNCPQUITNUNCBJRETURNUNCD,SELECTFUNC|SELECTMOUS.SENDWAITNB|nSHOWOPTIONUB,SLAVE1SG:SLAVESUSW|PTITLE1VEL0-64WAITSEQ?Z"WPSEQ3IQEMPTYABOUT127fvADDRELELN>ADVM10L)ADVM11L(ADVM12L>ADVM13LADVM14L4ADVM15L!NADVM16L$ADVM17L%ADVM18L'@ADVM21LxADVM31L\ADVM41Lj"ADVM51LADVM61LADVM71L,ADVM81L.ADVM91LADVMAP1L0ADVQ1EL+ADVQ10EL7rADVQ11EL9 ADVQ12EL:ADVQ13EL<vADVQ14ELcNADVQ2REL-ADVQ3REL_ADVQ4REL/nADVQ5REL1ADVQ6REL2ADVQ7RELb ADVQ8REL4&ADVQ9REL5CREATEREL.ENDFUNCT2XFIRST12 FUNCT112wLFUNCT1012VFUNCT1112nHFUNCT1312tFUNCT1412LXFUNCT2N12yBFUNCT3N12zBFUNCT4N12|x4FUNCT5N12}FUNCT6N12nFUNCT7N12>FUNCT8N12 \FUNCT9N12f6FUNCTION12INTRO1SINTRO2S*INTRO3SINTRO4S OPENINGSOPTIONSUSUnxREL1TION/TXREL2TIONMBSEND1TION[lSEND2TION\SEND3TIONhSHOWOPTIONTSLAVE1SRF\PSLAVE2SRK\SLAVESUSRV6FSUMUPRELRvdPTHISMASTEREZTOUR1LETOUR2LE TOUR3LETOUR4LETOUR5LEtTOURFILEnTOURMIDI#TOURMODE ,TOURSETUP%TRIGGERYk.TYPEENTRY@vTYPESUSVrQQ*OThese days, a lot of bad press is going around regarding the use of sequencers and samplers in live performance. Audiences are beginning to feel as though they are being "cheated", as watching a live show that is sequenced is not much different than listening to a tape of the music. People want spontaneity, they want improvisation, they want to have the opportunity to witness musical inspiration happening in front of their eyes. Maybe, just maybe, tonight the soloist will discover a whole new meaning, a new interpretation of the music that the audience loves. Maybe the band will fall into a mode where the music just keeps pouring out, building on itself, transforming into something new and wonderful. M/KjMeanwhile, musical instruments are becoming more and more sophisticated. MIDI samplers and synthesizers have the capability of producing any sound or timbre that is in the artist's head. In the studio, one has the time and resources to create any effect, any sound, any mood. The problem is translating it all to the live show. Chances are, there is so much happening from a technical standpoint, that the only way to recreate all of the work is to have the assistance of a computer. Now it isn't necessary to have the computer playing all the music. Why haven't we seen an application that would delegate the task of controlling the equipment, and leave the playing music up to it's rightful executers, the artists? Who are, after all, human, and much more likely to be overtaken with inspiration. *^SLAVE DRIVER was designed with this in mind. With the most extensive keyboard/controller mapping system available, up to 255 MIDI events or ranges can be assigned to any other MIDI events or ranges of events, allowing you to configure your system to any playing requirements you can imagine. The program fully supports SYSEX messages in an extremely flexible fashion, to allow you the power to control any of your instruments' editing or performance functions. A librarian is built in, to give you full control of your sound libraries. SYSEX messages can be transmitted by the computer in response to any action you define on your master instruments, or from the Atari keyboard. SLAVE DRIVER employs a novel approach to sequencing. It can start, stop or loop a sequence in response to any note or action from your instruments. It can loop sections of a song, waiting for a specific note or action that will cue the ending of a solo or song. It will let you jam out your intros, starting a sequence line once you release the finishing note. The key here is that the computer is paying attention to what are playing. You don't have to do anything extra to run the computer, and you don't have to follow a pre-programmed arrangement. 4[P.Of course, you may not be playing your MIDI instruments at all. If you are a guitar player, vocalist, single's act or duo, you may just want to assign full blown sequences to play from function keys. SLAVE DRIVER can be invaluable just for it's ability to run without a computer monitor by printing text on a MIDI instrument's LCD display. Or because it can free up to 850k on a one meg machine for sequence and sysex data. Or because it can automatically load and erase MIDI files from memory, and have sequences erase themselves once they have played from start to finish. Or because it allows you to have up to 99 MIDI files and 99 SYSEX files in memory (soon to be expanded to 255)... WFrom the main edit page, you can also reference the MIDI file sequence and SYSEX files that will be used by the songs. The MIDI files are stored seperately in folders on your disk, and can be loaded and erased as needed through commands you build in to your rerouting maps. `This is the main edit screen, from where you can create rerouting maps for your instruments. A song may use up to 255 different maps, so that you can reconfigure your playing setup as needed by different parts of the song. Up to 255 songs can be in memory at one time. o This is the playback page. This is the screen from where your rerouting maps will be active, sequences will be played, and SYSEX files will be transmitted. Each song in memory has a 48 character title where you enter any information you need to describe the song. As more songs are added, the list grows. Once 20 songs have been exceeded, a scroll bar is added to the right of the song list, and you can scroll through the list of songs with the arrow keys on the numeric keypad. The PLAYBACK module is a program that simply allows you to load a set which you have created from the edit page, and then goes directly to this screen. The PLAYBACK module frees a lot more memory for your mapping, sequence and SYSEX data. The REMOTE DISPLAY module acts just like the PLAYBACK module, except it runs from an auto folder and sends the song titles to the LCD display of your instrument, instead of the screen. It doesn't need the computer monitor. Ĝ?KW      !#&)<>@BCDDEGHJJLa8<=@GJMOV*+I8U[*aThe bulk librarian allows you record, save and transmit SYSEX files manually. It also allows you to define, load and save sysex request messages, to allow the computer to "ask" an instrument for a sysex dump. The sysex messages recorded with the bulk librarian can then be used by the songs in the set by referencing the file in the bulk field on the edit page. !!"#$$%&''()*++,-../0112344567889:;;<=>>?@ABBCDEEFGHHIJKLLMNOOPQRRSTUVVWXYYZ[\\]^_``abccdeffghijjklmmnoppqrstuuvwxxyz{|}~-8-*3Version 2.0 of SLAVE DRIVER has more logically organized menus, and added load/save options such as Save (no fileselector), Load Set to Edit (loads set into the editor), and Load Set to Play (loads set, and goes directly to the PLAY screen for execution). New, easier to remember key commands have been added, and are indicated in the menus as a reminder. D  !""#$%%&'(()*+,,-.//01223456788::=>@\`bb8i*uɝθ Menu selections that take you to another place in the program have been grouped under the MODE menu. You can now run another program from within SLAVE DRIVER. Selecting PLAYBACK MODULE now passes the filename of the set you are working on, which the Playback Module will load automatically. t .FILNOPQSSUUVWXYYZ[\]^_aabcdeffhlqsuwxxyz{{|}~*8ٝPQQ3~sMenu options dealing with the MIDI functionality of the program and the Bulk Librarian have now been grouped under the MIDI menu.      !"##$%&&'(**+,./0014567:P*8*8ٸ!&'PMenu options devoted to setting the program's defaults and displaying or printing information are now grouped under the Setup menu. Ü DGY*8Ü >J8*Ǫ'(- ?hnoprsuvwyz{|}     +JKPbkZ:Jj     !"$$%&'(DFZ*8opp_A map is made up of up to 255 Master/Slave relationships. In the Master field, the event or range of events you wish to reroute can be specified. The event is entered as follows; `The channel of the instrument whose MIDI output you want to reroute is specified under CH as a number between 1 and 16. Under TYPE/KEY you can enter either a single event (such as a single note number), or enter a range (such as note numbers 36-96). Key on messages are entered by simply typing the MIDI note value under this field. ŜABDFGIKLMNOPRSSTUVWWXYZZ[\]]^_`aabcddefgghijkklmnnopqqrstuwxyz}~      "##$%&&'()*++,-../01258˃EHKNOPQQRSTUUVWXXYZ[[\]^__`abbcdeefghiijkllmnoopqrsstuvvwxyyz{||}~ !(+< * 8 J K K.| pqrstuuvwxyyz{||}~,PRVY\]_acddfgiijklmnoopqrrstuuvwxyyz{||}~     !"$%&'(),--./13457;<ADIc}8*͸(--_As you can see, it may be easier to simply point and drag the range you are refering to on the keyboard icon, rather than typing in the note values directly. An even easier method is to simply play the events you are refering to while holding down different combinations of the shift keys. This allows you to enter the information directly from your MIDI devices. Ĝ<.o        !!"#$%%&'(()*++,-../0??ABCDEEFGHHIJKLLMNOPRS~ MY8*_This master event will now reroute notes between C1 and C6 played on the instrument transmitting on MIDI channel 2. The default velocity range of 0-127 under VEL/VAL means that these notes will be rerouted regardless of how hard they are played. Note that they are not yet being rerouted to anything as we have not entered any SLAVES. _So lets create a SLAVE event. The entry methods are the same as for entering a master - we could type in our event, draw our event range on the keyboard graph, or hold down shift keys and enter the event range from our MIDI controller. We could also click on or drag the bar representing the MASTER range to enter the SLAVE. x  "GT[`tAShmr*8ٝ]]]_This MASTER/SLAVE RELATIONSHIP will cause notes between C1 and C6 played on channel 2 to play notes an octave higher on channel 6. If we leave the VEL/VAL field blank, the velocity range will default to 0-127. This means that the SLAVE notes will be played exactly as hard as the notes we play on our MASTER instrument on MIDI channel 2. _Now let's add another MASTER SLAVE RELATIONSHIP to this map. Our keyboard is being mapped to channel 6 an octave higher, but suppose we also want our sustain pedal to work for channel 6. Let's also say, for an example, that we have a cruddy sustain pedal on our channel 2 controller, but our channel 1 controller has a nice, weighted sustain pedal that we would like to use instead. ^To add another RELATIONSHIP, we can either click on the UP ARROW in the MASTER box to go to the next RELATIONSHIP, or click on the ADD button. We now know how to enter notes ranges into the MASTER and SLAVE fields. But any kind of MIDI message can be rerouted, so we'll look at how to enter non-note events. g !""#$%&&'())*+,,-./0012334566789::;<==>?@@ABCDDEFGGHIJJKLMMNOPQQRSTTUVWWXYZ[[\]^^_`aabcdeefghijkllmnoopqrrstuvvwxyyz{||}~8RW*]_By pressing the HELP key or selecting OPTIONS from the MIDI menu, we can get a list of valid event types that we can enter, and a hint of how to enter the event. bNZ*8>Under EVENT TYPES, we see that the abreviation SUS is entered under TYP/KEY to indicate a sustain pedal event. h 9ѹe}˟*8Ҫ+,,1_Now to map the channel 1 sustain pedal to our channel 6 slave, we just enter a "6" under channel, "SUS" under TYPE/KEY, and press return to use the default VALue of 0-127. We now can play notes on our instrument recieving on channel 6 from our channel 2 controller, and use our channel 1 controller's sustain pedal. u Qc6Bew?K8* { 8+1{   "/8*^So now there's only one problem - we have our channel 2 controller playing our channel 6 module, but we have to manually turn channel 2's local control off so that we don't hear the channel 2 controller playing itself locally. Well, there is a solution! The SEND and RESET fields allow you to enter events that will occur when this map is selected and exited, respectively. ^If we want local control to be turned off whenever this map is active, we simply enter the local control off message into the SEND field. The help key again shows us the abbreviation for entering a local on/off message, and we enter this into the SEND field. To ensure that local control is turned back on when another map is selected or the program is exited, we enter a "local on" message into the RESET field. h uvxxyz{{|}~~     )5AOQRTUVWWXYZ[[\]^^_`aabcdeefghhijkklmnoopqrrstuvvwxyz{{|}~~?Q&.7I <&&*6.M_ CU* 8  % O O P * 8  @ E E_If you are wondering about these 0 and 127 values, note that MIDI uses the values 0-127 to represent the value of a controller, the velocity of a note, the note number of a certain key, and such. Controllers that have only two states (ie sustain pedal can either be ON or OFF) will normally use 0 to represent OFF and 127 to represent ON. Your owner's manual should specify what controller values are used. Up to 255 events can be entered under the SEND and RESET fields. You could use these fields for MIDI volume, transposing instruments with pitchbend, setting MIDI and Local modes, or anything else you need. The SEND field can also come in handy for sending program changes, to avoid having to put leaders in your sequences that wait for program changes to settle. You can also transmit SYSEX files and play sequences directly from the SEND or RESET fields - then these will happen automatically when this map is selected. Or you could place LOAD commands in the SEND field, to have the program load certain files into memory, ready to be played by events in the SLAVE field. If you like, RESET events could then erase these files if they are no longer needed once the map is exited. One more field is in need of explanation - this is the TRIGGER field. Here you can enter a MIDI event that will allow you to select this map from one of your MIDI controllers. The TRIGGER event is entered in much the same fashion as the other events we have entered. An example use of all of these fields could be as follows: Use channel 2, program 0 to select the map. The send field in turn sends all the appropriate program and mode changes to the other MIDI devices, or sends new sounds through SYSEX. Then, the MASTER/SLAVE fields have set up all of the neseccary mapping to allow you to play all of the instruments you need to access, including "stacked" MIDI sounds. A sequence entered in the SEND field could start playing automatically, or a a key or pedal could start it if the PLAY command is mapped in using a MASTER/SLAVE relationship. Finally, when the song is finished, the RESET field would restore anything set to an odd value, and possibly erase the files loaded by the SEND field, making more room for the next song. t) ;I[;s<H"lx ދPPԂ9<B"r~9ƹ90<P"L^u&  "9 . @ c o    ( 4P y & , 89 P \0  !& : F% j v9 9 ֹ   "P I U 9,0Ug&z%9ڹ&PO[/&\b#5S_<ռP?Q/&9LX| Pcu9j|Ԓ.@dpP*69P\0&Ȧ%9(:9R^HHH; 5 G; k w; ;!!!Z![!\!\!]!^!_!`!`!a!b!c!c!d!e!f!g!g!h!i!j!j!k!l!m!m!n!o!p!p!q!r!s!t!t!u!v!w!w!x!y!z!z!{!|!}!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ""?"B"["^"a"e"h"i"j"l"m"n"p"q"t"w"|$P$\%d%v%%%ğ%&B&T&&&؃&'3'E<''((9(((())$)N)Z)~)))P**8*+*++>+>+?^To hear the results of the map we have created, we would press the F10 key or select PLAY SCREEN from the MODE menu to go to the PLAY screen. Later we'll discuss how to modify the VALues and ranges to achieve special mapping effects and configurations, and how to do keyboard, velocity and controller splits and conversions. _A very simple application of SLAVE DRIVER would be to have function keys setup to play sequences. As a song's SEND field is executed when a map is first selected, we simply enter all of our LOAD and PLAY commands into the send field. I'll show you some different things you can do when using SLAVE DRIVER in this manner. ^When a set is first loaded to the PLAY screen, song 1 is selected, and therefore it's SEND field is executed. So we may want to enter LOAD commands for all of the sequence files we want to play in the SEND field for song 1. This way, your SLAVE DRIVER set and all of your MIDI file sequences will load together. _If you like, you could also transmit SYSEX files here to properly initialize your instruments, send over the proper sounds, or whatever. a &@L9dv0ϰ& %*09Tfߜ 9"40&Ц%9$6dvǜ&ht90Ͱ& %'39LXz<H9`r0&%92D`r՜ ڒ 9  $0 _ k& % ˥ 9  H Z   9 4 @0 & % ե 9  ( : r  * 8 ϝ(()_Note that we are first loading the bulk files with L BLK # then we transmit them with P BLK # then we erase them with E BLK # as they are no longer needed. Also note that the SEQ and BLK files we are refering to have not yet been indexed into the BULK and SEQ fields. VClicking on the INDEX button in either of the BULK or SEQ fields will call up the fileselector, and allow you to index MIDI files until you click on cancel. Events in the SEND, RESET, and SLAVE fields then refered to these files by number. Clicking on the LOAD button will index the files, but also LOAD the data at the same time. These files will still require LOAD commands to load the data the next time this set is loaded into memory. _Anyways, SONG 1 is now initialized to load all of the files we want to use. So let's give it a title, to remind us of what it does. r} =bn6 4@L^p29BNlx9Թ 9.:66& 0BX^ 9֞&& 98J!ڗ& ,P\39ĹFRp|1 9ع ,8\b1 9ι&   : E0    ( M Y x   ğ   H* I8 I yz        !""#$%%&'(()*+,,-.//0122345667899:;<<=>?@BCDEFFHHIJKKLMNNOPQRRSTUUVWXXYZ[\\]^__`abbcdeffghiijkllmnooq|2479:;<>>?@BEI=ؽ6J20B9Zf#ʞ 9&BN9bn6& LX۔&/A9Zf6&Ħܞ20>J _ q<  ' ؙ 9  7 C [ m   P / A         ! @ C G L Q R a=`l6ȟ9 0<1_k9x6&֦/+I[<[m6::+6^9Vbjv@Ljv9ƹ*cu]adeiop=6btz#96.2Zfj|<eq".9@Rzΐ9 v !=""6"##$#)1#[#g######ӣ##$$$'9$.$F$z$$$1$ñ$"$$%m%y<& &''9'(':''''''(((4(k((())=**6*+<+E+N+q+}++9+ƹ+6+,0,<,G,\,n1,,",,-@-L<--.H.T9.f.x...Ē..//$/0///0000=1۽163I33313ϱ393364Q4v44#444֒494565)5N5`5e/555515ٱ56!6-16c6o"6677$<7Q7]8898 8,8T8f8~8888؏89-999v9:a:b:s:v:y:z=;Y;e6;.;޶;;<<  >>9>ٹ>???8?D?g?s???ۈ?@@AA=BB6B2D7DGDIDD9DDEaEs1EE EE9EɹEEF #FF(F@FL9FYFk6F0FFFGG+GxGGGH.H:<HrH~I)I/9IAIMIvIIIIɐIJJ JCJOJJK6*K68K6KKK_Now we proceed to simply put a PLAY event for each one of the sequences into the SEND fields of 16 different songs. We also want to title the songs, to remind us which song plays which sequence. ^Now our set is ready! We hit the F10 key to go to the play screen to try it out. 3File data not loaded...this is because, obviously, the MIDI files aren't even referenced let alone loaded. But if these files had actually existed, we could have referenced them into the SEQ field. Then pressing F1 right now would execute song 1's SEND field, and those files would all start loading.   Actually, this DEMO doesn't index the files because the Demonstrator software has a hard time with file operations. If it didn't find the files where it expected to find them, all heck could break loose. So we'll have to use our imaginations. The keys F2-F9 would play the sequences, highlighting the song that was selected. Fl <? =p>ѾA2J@AB^vC@0Ar *8fkk/We could also select songs by clicking on them with the mouse. nx  !!"#$$%&'(()*++,-../01:PPTVWWXYZZ[\]^^_`aabcddefghhijlors      15:CPUVWXYZ[[\]^__`abbcdeefghhijkllmnopqr #'*-.023457789:;<=>??@ABBCDEEFGHYfjz*8̝ v If we wanted to change the order of the songs, we could type Control O, or select Song Order from the Modes menu. This gives us a dialouge box that lets us drag the songs into the position we would like to have them reside in memory. uWe might also decide that we want to be able to select the different songs from our MIDI controller. We could enter a different program change event into each song's TRIGGER field. Then, when any of these program changes was selected on your instrument, the corresponding song would be selected, and the sequence referenced in the SEND field would start to play. fNNow, suppose we were running short on memory. Keep in mind that the PLAYBACK module and the REMOTE DISPLAY module free up tons more memory than the SLAVE DRIVER editing program that you are working in right now. But if memory usage is a concern, you could do a number of things to conserve memory. I'll show you one method right now.  =ek        !""#$%&''()*+,-.//1234CGGHIJLMMNOPQRST\_*4SX\^_abcdeghijkllmnopqrrstuuvwxxyz{||}~ &*+./1134567789:;;<=>>?@AABCDEEFGHHIJKKLMNOOPQRRSTUUVWXYYZ[\\]^__`abbcdeffghiijklmmnoppqrsstuvwxyz{||}~        !"##$%&&'())*+,--./0123455689:<=?@BDFGIJLMPRUWZ\_ckouz5_bdfghiklmnpqqrstuuvwxyz}!#&')+,-/023579:<>ABDGHJKNOQRTVWY[\]_`bcegijlorv*.013568:>?@DFIst                                            ! ! " # $ $ % & ' ( ( ) * + + , - . . / 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 : ; < = > ? A A B C E F G H I J K K M M N O P Q R R S T U V V W X Y Y Z [ \ \ ] ^ _ ` ` b c c e e f g k  8  * ; ; <} hz"բ( HN        !""#$%%&'(()*++,-.//012234567;DEFILMNOOQRSSTUVWX[\{\n"ۢ(:      345HPUYZ\҃"WcXZen,8"myބ y    @ L ~ " ˢ    +     z  "   ( _ k #"-9P\u'5E ,"y8*kThis is just one way to use SLAVE DRIVER as a sequencer. In another tutorial, we'll look at some other ways you might want to control sequences, including having sequences start up automatically based on notes you are playing, and having parts of a song loop until you do some action on your controller to cue the end of the section. 9 ;>J*8¸This tutorial will explore some techniques for scaling and inverting ranges of events, mapping events to different kinds of events, and using multiple maps within a song. _When a range has been specified for a MASTER event, any event recieved by the computer that falls into that range will generate the defined SLAVE events. When a range is also specified for a SLAVE, the actual MIDI event that is retransmitted is based on a conversion from the MIDI message that was actually recieved, to an event based on the specified SLAVE range. _This may sound confusing at first, but it is actually a very simple concept. The example previously given performs a range transpose, by specifying a higher range of notes to be played when notes within a lower range are physically played. This was the event: ^The MASTER key range is specified as MIDI note numbers 36-96, which is C1 to C6. The SLAVE range is specified as 48-108. So if C1 is physically played on channel 2, SLAVE DRIVER will convert this to a C2 on channel 6. If C3 is played on channel 2, C4 will be played on channel 6. _The MASTER velocity range is specified as 0-127, which represents the full range of velocity. In other words, no matter how hard you play these notes, they will generate the SLAVE events. The SLAVE velocity range is also specified as 0-127, which is the same as the MASTER range, so no conversion will take place. If a note is played with a velocity of 48, it will be retransmitted with a velocity of 48. _Scaling ranges can be quite a useful thing to be able to do. For example, a DX7, when played from another MIDI controller, plays it's notes much harder than if you were playing the instrument from it's own keyboard. So when we set up a map that allows another keyboard to play a DX7 through MIDI, we should scale the velocity using values of about 0-108. This will make the DX7 notes play with the proper level of velocity. ^h479:;<<=>??@ABBCDEFFGHIIJKLLMNOPPQRSSTUVVWXYZZ[\]^^_`acdefghiikklmnnopqqrstuuvwxxyz~ ADEHLMNOQRSTUVWXY[\]^_`abcefggikllmoopqrstuvwxxy{{|}$0C8*ݜ jl.@[^_abccdeffghiijkllmnoppqrsstuvvwxyz|}')`ejlmoqqrstuuvwxxyz{||}~      "$&'*,-358;<b<K] %&'()*+,--./0112344567789:;;<=>>?@AABCDDEFGHHIJKLMNOPRSTTUWXYZ[\]]^_`aabcdeefghijklmnot  &'(*-./39;=@FTWX^*8Ϫ55:q   0Cg%70P_q !""#$%%&'(()*+,,-.//012234566789;=>@@ABDEJNht0 RTVZ\]aefkpvxy|l                   ! # $ ' ( ) + , / 0 3 7 > @ C F K M P U X \ _ b g q u y ~                               ! % + - / 2 8 9 ; > B D E H J O O Q S X Y \ ^ e f i  O [8  * ɝ^Another valuable use of range scaling would be to adjust your pitchbend settings. Suppose you have a Poly-800, which responds to a full octave of MIDI pitchbend regardless of what it's pitchbend range is set to. We could scale the pitchbend being transmitted to it, so that it bends only a semi or whole tone. You may have to experiment a bit with the SLAVE range, to find a setting that will achieve the perfect amount of bend. ^wNow, if the SLAVE velocity range had been specified as 0-64, for example, the velocity that the notes on channel 2 were played with would be scaled down to fall into that range. In other words, if you played the note with a velocity of 127 (as hard as you can hit it), the resulting note would be transmitted with a velocity of 64. If you played a note with a velocity of 64, the resulting note would have a velocity of 32. This is what we refer to as SCALING a range. `Another modification that can be achieved is an INVERSION of the SLAVE data. This also has a number of uses. You could, for instance, have aftertouch decrease the MIDI volume of one or more instruments. To invert the SLAVE event, simply enter the desired range from hi to low instead of low to high. I'll demonstrate with a RELATIONSHIP that acheives the above aftertouch to volume conversion.  !"#$$%&''()**+,-../0123456789:;<==>?@@ABCCDEFGGHIJJKLMMNOPT^cfhikm!1CP9ֹ         !"#$$%&''()**+,-./01223567789:;;<=>>?@ABBCDEFGHHIJKKLMNNOPQRacdg/ ,8&P\        !"#&&)*++,-.//0123345667899:;<==>?@@ABCCDEFGGIJJKMMNOPQQRSTTUVWWXYZ[\\]^_``bcddefgghijjklmnnopqrrstuvxyzz}  !!"#$$%&'(()*++,-../0122345567889:;;<=>??@ABBCDEEFGHIIJKLLMNOOPQRSSTUVVWXYYZ[\]]^_``abccdeffghijjklmmnoppqrsttuvwwxyzz{|}~~P J \/  < N& l x                                                                                4 7 k q P G Y Ȅ / M Y & WiPAS*8  _INVERSION can also be used to achieve a velocity crossfade effect. The relationship shown will cause the channel 2 instrument to play louder the harder the channel 1 controller is played, and the channel 3 instrument to play softer, and vice versa (assuming all three instruments are velocity sensitive, and that the channel 2 and 3 instruments are set up to play quieter at lower velocities).  !"##$%&'(()*++,-../0122345667899:;<<=>?@BCEFGHIJKLMNOSlG"9wy{~     g       !""#$%&&'())*+,,-./0012334566789::;<==>?@@ABCCDEFGGHIJJKLMMNOPQQRSTTUVXXY]hijklmnopqr'(*,../0122345567899:;<<=>??@ABCCDEFFGHIIJKLMMNOPPQRSSTUVWWXYZZ[\]]^_`aabcddefgghijjklmnnopqqrsttuvwxxyz{{|}~~/36io<<       !"#$%&')*,.04                     + . 1 3 5 7 8 9 : < > @ F L N Q V _ c f g i n P . @ 3 E                                            ' J P R T W Z [ \ ] ` ` a b d e e f h i i j k l m m n o p p q r s s t u v w w x y z z { | } } ~                                                                                                                                                                    !%'*/23466889:;=>?ABEFHLS[dj         !"#$$%&''()**+,-../0112344567889:;;<=>>?@AABCDEEFGHHIJKKLMNOOPQRRSTUUVWXYYZ[\\]^__`abccdeffghiijkllmnopqqrsuvvwxz{|~ JRfstiu*8˝%%%^So to create a note-off relationship for our crossfade, we would either use this if our channel 1 controller transmitted note off messages... m^...or this if it transmitted note on, velocity 0 when the notes are released. Note that we can't get by with just the note on relationship even if our channel 1 controller does transmit note-on, velocity 0 because the SLAVE event for channel 3 has a low velocity of 127.  !"##$%&&'())*+,--//0235BDEFGhx}$Y_*8lqqkDCAnother useful feature of SLAVE DRIVER is it's ability to discreetly change maps without shutting off all of the notes you are currently playing, or getting them "stuck". By using a few maps in a song, and TRIGGER events, we can change our rerouting maps quite easily with a footpedal or other controller. Our controller could, for example, be playing piano on channel 6 and strings on channel 7. We step on our portamento pedal, and we are playing sax on channel 3. We release the pedal, and we're back to our piano/strings stack. We would set up the song something like this... _Now, when we hit program 15 on our channel 2 controller, this song is selected, and our instruments are mapped so that channel 2 plays piano and strings on channels 6 and 7. o      #&')*,025578Uc*8ޝ !&[lNow when we step on our portamento pedal (MIDI controller #65, entered as C 65), this map is selected, which maps our channel 2 controller to our sax sound on channel 3. We could even be holding down a piano/strings chord when we change to this map - the sound will sustain until we release the chord, but any new notes played will be sent to channel 3. If we release the piano/strings chord while this map is selected, the piano/ strings chord will still release properly. _When we release the portamento pedal (continuous controller number 65), this map will be selected, and we will be back to playing piano and strings again. Note that we used the COPY button in the TRIGGER box to copy the first map, which saved us from entering all of the relationships over again for this map. XSNow when aftertouch is not applied at all on channel 2, the instruments on channels 1,2 and 3 will be at full volume. As aftertouch is applied, the instruments will get quieter and quieter. Note that the inverted SLAVE is represented by a pattern-filled bar on the upper graph icon. If we didn't want the aftertouch to turn the volume off completely when fully depressed, we could have used a combination of SCALING and INVERSION, and entered the volume ranges as 127-40, or something. MZlM9ŹM M8JMbnMMMMM.@Md|M99/9GY9q+7*8R&A previous tutorial discussed methods for sequence playback, which placed the PLAY events in the SEND field and caused sequences to play immediatly when songs were selected. This is certainly one of the simplest methods for playing sequences with SLAVE DRIVER. This tutorial will demonstrate some more advanced and flexible methods for controlling your sequences, as well as techniques you can use to allow your sequence arrangements to follow what you are playing on your MIDI instruments. _One of the advantages to using SLAVE DRIVER for playing sequences is that you can assign MIDI events to control start, stop and looping controls. Several options are available in regard to sequence playback. The simplest is the PLAY command, which causes a sequence to begin playing immediatly. As SLAVE DRIVER can only play one sequence at a time, any sequence that was already playing will immediatly stop before the new sequence begins. _I usually assigned PLAY commands to the same controller, for all the sequences that I wanted to start before anyone started playing. With the drummer starting songs, I gave him one of the pedal switches from my keyboards, and that pedal was always used for starting sequences. For the songs where it was more logical for me to start the sequence, I assigned my DX7's DATA DECREMENT button to start the sequence. ^Actually, a lot of the time it made sense to enter both types of PLAY commands - if the drummer wasn't present at a rehearsal I could start the sequence from my DX7 without having to walk over to the drum set to step on the pedal. _Now, in some songs, there was a keyboard intro before the sequence came in. In this case, I would find some unique note or controller event that I would only play at the end of my intro. I would assign this event to start the sequence using a MASTER/SLAVE relationship. Sometimes I would have to tailor the intro of the sequence in the MIDI file so that the sequence waited a proper number of beats before the music actually started, as the cue might not come right on a one beat. I also might have wanted the sequence to play a few "clicks" to make sure we were at the right tempo, and would therefore find a cue that occured a couple or four beats before the sequenced music started. _Anyways, the moral of this whole story is that I could just begin playing my instrument, noodle away for as long as I liked, and then finish my intro. The sequence would automatically start playing at the right time, and I didn't have to consiously think about starting the sequencer. _Now, suppose we wanted to set up a section of a song that would allow us to jam out a solo for as long as we wanted. We would accomplish this by saving the different sections of the song in seperate MIDI files from our sequencer. We could have one MIDI file for the beginning of the song up until the solo, one MIDI file for the solo progression, and one MIDI file for the rest of the song. ^We would want to make sure that the MIDI files were the right lenght - the solo file would have to be an even number of beats, and the beginning section would probably have to end on an even measure. If your sequencer doesn't allow you to set the lenght of the sequence exactly, you may have to put a dummy event (like controller 0, value 0) at the end of your sequence on an even beat or measure. VNow this is where the WL and WP ("Wait Loop" and "Wait Play") events come in. Our sequence start relationship could define a pedal as a MASTER. The first SLAVE event would be "P SEQ 1" (or whatever index number the first part of the song was). The second SLAVE in this relationship would be "WL SEQ 2". So now sequence 1 would play from beginning to end, and sequence 2 would be waiting for it to finish before it began playing (and looping). _bYou would then define another RELATIONSHIP that would cause the sequence to exit the looping solo progression, and go into the ending of the song. You could use a special note, a pitchbend, or another pedal for the MASTER. The SLAVE would be "WP SEQ 3". Now when the MASTER event is recieved, the sequence will finish it's current loop, and then go on to play sequence 3, the ending of the song. This suggests that you will have to cue the end of the solo just before the beat where you want the sequence to finish looping. _If you are not actually playing your MIDI instruments, it is also possible to achieve this same sort of effect by triggering the various sequence events from the Atari keyboard. To do this, you could enter the events into the SEND fields of several maps in the song. Maybe have the song's first MAP simply send program changes. Have MAP 2's SEND field PLAY sequence 1 and WL the sequence with the solo progression, and have MAP 3's SEND field do the WP event for the end of the song. Then, you could select the maps from the numeric keypad - hit 2 to start the song, then hit 3 to exit the solo loop and finish the song. ߜ012344567889:;;<=>>?@ABBCDEEFGHHIJKKLMNOOPQRRSTUUVWXYYZ[\\]^__`abccdeffghiijklmmnopqqrstuvwxxz|} ՟ :Lk}<#/@L#)S_Q]KP 5 G !* !8 ! ?21>NՃ%0"HT opqrsstuvwwxyzz{|}}~  ;X<ȼHZӒ2DK&8P& ( :  Ւ    4 F q H ( 4  8 9 J K<  M Y  ˟  $0T`՜=*=8=ޜG[jv0BfrP9$FRp|֏o{8*˝ޜ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0112456789<>BEIKMOQRVX[^`bv9Q9w. Ҋ '9Wiߙ9'9my  3 J  K* K8 L  ""#$%%&'(()+-/2689:<=>ABDDFOX[_`ceg        !!##%&')**+,-./0012334566789::=>?@BEFGINU[\gprtwyy{<1=$˒0<s*8sssM #$&'()*,--./0123557:=@BDFGIJNPr~       !""#$%%&'())*+,,-.//0122345667899:;<<=>?@@ABCCDEFFGHIJJKLMMNOPPQRSTUVVW[\_abbcdeefghhijkllmno~u/A|Zl]i- & 2  ˜ P  &   l x  ̐   8 DP k w* 8  Ҹ ! & 'K ,013567:<=?@BEFGIKLPSVY]_bs,0125567889:;<<=>??@ABBCDEEFGHIIJKLLMNOOPQRSSTUVVWXYYZ[\]]^_``abccdefgghijjklmmnoppqrstuvwxyyz{|}}~ MQRTVWXYZZ[\]]^_`abc       !""#$%&'(GJOOTV<(7:͙-I[yߏPBN*8   ]aA more flexible way to start your sequences is to enter the PLAY command as a SLAVE. This way you can select the song, have the SEND field transmit program changes, mode messages, and SYSEX, and then you can start the song whenever the rest of the players are ready. In one band I even had it set up so that I would select the song, and then the drummer would step on a pedal to start the sequence when he was ready. This way, he always knew where the one count was, even if his click monitor wasn't turned up quite loud enough. WThis is where another type of PLAY command comes in, the "PX" command. The sequence would start the first time I played C5, for example, but I didn't want the sequence to restart every time I played C5 after that. The PX event causes the sequence to begin playing only the first time the MASTER is recieved. So once I started the sequence by playing the C5 note, I could jam away and not have to worry about hitting that note again. _With experimentation, you should be able to set up any improvisational sequence setup that you can imagine. You could easily slice the song up into more pieces, and control verses and choruses with MASTER/SLAVE relationships as well. Sequence playback events are covered in greater detail in the SLAVE DRIVER owner's manual. "S  !"#$$%&'()*+,-./0234679:<>>?BEJMPQVhXd"Ţ HT;%;UaFLcjkllmnoopqrsstuvvwxyyz{||}~(>Y^_abdefghijkklmnnopqrrstuuvwxxyz{{|}~  <3E                         L M O ^P P O a I U n  : @ C E F G H J J K L M M N O P Q Q R S T T U V W W X Y Z [ [ \ ] ^ ^ _ ` a a b c d d e f g h h i j k k l m n n o p q r r s t u u v w x x z z        @ R0BTVWY[[\]^_`aabcddefghhijkklmnnopqrrstuuvwxxyz{||}~  !"#$'-SX }`l.8DȆ(6H;;*B RdD<\h+:LW"'as3ETWY\^^_`abbcdeefghhijkklmnoopqrsttuvwxyyz{|}}~ !!"#$$%&''()159;AR^    >T89:<>>?@ACDDEFGGHIJJKLMNNOPSklmory .!\!n!ۇ!""""""#2#> ##$$%W%Z%i%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&& & & & & & &&&&&&)&*&-&0&2&2&3&4&5&6&6&7&8&9&9&:&;&<&<&=&>&?&?&@&A&B&C&C&D&E&F&F&G&H&I&I&J&K&L&M&M&N&O&P&P&Q&R&S&T&U&V&W&X&Y&Y&Z&[&\&]&_&a&b&d&g&i&k&l&m&n&o&p&q&q&r&s&t&u&u&v&w&x&x&y&z&{&|&}&~&&&&&&&&&&&&'''*'8''((V/ BT*8Ɲ&''_...So we type the MIDI channel "1" under CH, and type SUS under TYPE/KEY. Again, it would probably be easier to simply hold down a Control or Shift key, and then step on the sustain pedal in question. But for our example, we just type Return to use the default VEL/VAL (which, in this case, refers to the VALue of the sustain pedal, 0 for off and 127 for on).  version The ultimate live performance station or for those who like to jam copyright (c) 1988/89/90/91 MIND over MIDI Productions 302 9131 Capella Drive Burnaby, B.C. Canada V3J 7K4 tel (604) 444-4424 fax (604) 420-6266 GEnie address: MINDoverMIDI Hit Return when you are finished reading anytime a text field like this is displayed... CQ8*Ν445T 9Lfijjklmnnopqqrsttuvwxxyz{{|}~~&JV9hz&>Pw&90<Xd|ʏ !-&9ȹ&>PhtŜ&fr9~В *<lx&:F9R^zΐ  F X r ~&  9 , > ` l   ؏  9 E ^ j& 9   @ R j v    2 >&  2Β :L ˉ8*#`wI should mention one thing regarding keyboard mapping that will effect some instruments being used as MASTER's. The relationships shown are rerouting the note on events only. If your instrument transmits actual note-off messages (as opposed to note-on, velocity 0 messages), you will have to enter seperate note-off relationships. Otherwise, the notes you play will all get "stuck" on. This is simplified by clicking twice on the COPY F button in the MASTER box. If your instrument does transmit note-on, velocity 0 messages to represent note off events, the note off events will be included in your note-on relationship IF the low velocity range (left of the hyphen) is zero for both the MASTER and SLAVE events. The easiest way to tell which type of events your master instruments use is to move the cursor to a blank line, and release a note while holding down the ALTERNATE key. An event will be entered - it will either show a note number and a velocity of 0, or it will show a note number with an "F" in front of it, with some value representing the release velocity. b+jThis is a demo of SLAVE DRIVER version 2.0. If you have not done so already, please cold boot your computer with nothing installed (put a blank disk in drive a, turn off computer for 15 seconds, then turn it on). If you have already done this, the program will now load, and after about 15 seconds from now, the demo will commence. If you experience any difficulties in getting this demo to run on your machine, please contact MIND over MIDI at voice phone number (604) 444-4424, fax (604) 420-6266, or leave Email for MINDoverMIDI on GEnie, and we will do our best to correct the problem for you. Hit [Return] for demo or cold boot now. `*o - ЭЭмO/HUBg?<JNA &OO2HzPHzLHzHHzDHzHz/|aPJg6<Ng<nf&aaAF Pg PApPa``I<Mf0:T|lR@ASPa`x<Kf0:4|gS@ARPa`X<Pf*A":Ҽ oaARPa`(<Hf A":lahASPaXNuHB4:CpE`2:fI1 gA`BAI pB*Ba P*4:JBDvfJDg`8<<n<mBDvfJDg`8<<mA z>PaLNua zGJ6+6666GT6666G@I&":0<NB0:.|f.aA~2<4aaAl0<2<4<a`|faAJ2<4aA D`| fVA*2<4aC & QlQ`BQa.<LQHpaLfaz0< 2<4<a``| fXA2<4ajC QoQ`2a,.<LQHpaLfa0< 2<4<a"`NqaXNuHG66666G666":0<NBG0Iv(82J@fa0LNuH@Ch BQ0:ba H@2LNuHx"z$:L:D4:NAXLNu|fnG 646666G 6GI &": 0<NB0:ΰ|g(A 0<aP>kA 0<aV|faB@NuazG t646666G ~6GvI :&": 0<NB0:b|g`|f|G ,646666G 66G.I &": 0<NB0:|g6A `0<a>ka0<aA P0<a|faB@NuaG 646666G 6GIx&": T0<NB0: |g`NuA PC EvHG \6,6666G f6G`I&": 0<NB0: N2: L4: JLJ@faPB"QNuHC4G SB0a>B@EdJ6<2 X cf2 `<!aQLNua"aDT?<HP?aZajNuHI?<NNT)@A)H$?<NNT gp)|` p)|$q)J)| )jL )jL(9jP0*RS@9@ LNuHA&L?:/4M6JDgNJo:f$ IR:PQ(JQLNu IR:FPQ(JQ`Jo:f0, gTR I"F:TQ(JQ`, gTR I"F:FDQ(JQ`lHAPL?&o46/8:JDgj IR: o>g o>g0PQ(JQ`4FPQ(JQ`<UPQ(JQLNu, gTR I"F:Jo>fTQ(JQ`FTQ(JQ`H`@C4<g1`0Bgg>HPBgHQa RQLNuH``CbE4   BgHP?<Hia TLNu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542550123456789abcdef [1][An AES error has occurred.][Cancel][1][Resource file not found.][Cancel][3][File error. ][Cancel|Reload][1][Panic file not found.][Cancel|Retry][3][Channel Info only works|in high rez.][Sorry]CH_INFO.RSCPANIC.DEF<$Type "N" over Channel bits...Status:11110000 240 f0Manufacturer:ExitSave BinaryDecHex& $"B J\ j o t         "<``y"O o#x (Ш#|.| "Ҽ b.A$(e.Be@"¼.A//Bg?<JNA yxEH?/ N|J?<LNA.IHy8?< NA\?Np^BWNIR=@>Np^JngBW/9&NrX.Nul.N&Jng2N.Bg?<NlXN!.?<NsT>/9&NrXN>>/9&NrX`L>/<?<=Nl\=@oF>?<>NlT>Np^>NgL>Np^.NulN^`>/<?<=Nl\=@o./<NlX>Np^BWNIR=@>Np^JngBW/9&NrX.Nul.N&Jng2N.Bg?<NlXN!.?<NsT>/9&NrXN>>/9&NrX`J9"jf*BW?</9&Nrv\BW?</9&Nrv\`,>?</9&Nrv\>?</9&Nrv\.Q///]/Y/UBgBg/<BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<?<?<?<Nt8<gaN>g >a>JGg"Jyg.?<NsT|fBGJGgN JLN^NuNVjHBE<9| f09 `.?<BgNqXBW/.NdX`Jyg.?<NsT|g>Np^BWNgL>Np^`j>Np^Nh>Np^`Lz`FN[\`?</9&Nr\`p3:>?</9&Nr\`>Np^>NIR8>Np^JDg.Nul.j/<aXBW/9&NrX.UN&Jng2N./Bg?<NlXN!.1?<NsT.ja>/9&NrXN>>/9&NrX`"N^``| |b@0@B PN>?9/9&NrL\`N|f09y`fN`2|f,09y`fBWBgBgBg?< ?9`Npx 0JLN^NuNVvBn0.`Z=|`fJyg.?<NsT|gD>Np^BWNgL>Np^`$J9"jg>Np^Nh>Np^`N[\`>Np^>NIR=@>Np^Jng.z/<aXBW/9&NrX.YN&Jng2N.LBg?<NlXN!.N?<NsT.za>/9&NrXN>>/9&NrX`(J9"jg N^``H |rW hN0.N^NuNVz/. ?<NlTH|A _ n |:BW/. 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Check to see if |the disk is write protected.][ OK ][3][There is not enough room on |this disk to save your file. |Try deleting some other files |first.][ OK ][3][The requested file cannot be |created. Check to see if |the disk is write protected.][ OK ][3][The requested file was not |found on this disk and |can't be loaded.][ OK ][2][Are you sure you want to |delete this file?][ OK | CANCEL ][3][File format is incorrect. |Cannot continue with load.][ OK ]Vtz & BL[3][Fatal Error #2.][ OK ]AUTODEMO.DMLAUTODEMO.DMOAUTODEMO.DMO[3][Fatal Error #2.][ OK ][3][Fatal Error #2.][ OK ][3][Fatal Error #2.][ OK ]\\DEMOPLAY.RSC\UNTITLED.DMO.PRG.APP.TOSe.TTPefEMPTY Out of BLIT Memory: You will have to close some tutorials first. Press RETURN to continue... >>> End of Demo <<< >>> Demo Paused <<< Ctrl Q resumes. >>> Demo Resumed <<< Tutorial will not fit on this screen. It will be resized.  DMO\*..\*.[3][This demo requires a machine|with a blitter.][ OK ][3][This demo will not run|in this resolution.][ OK ][3][This demo will not run if|GDOS is installed.][ OK ][3][This demo requires GDOS|to be installed.][ OK ][3][There is not enough memory|to run this demo.][ OK ][3][This demo must be run|from a floppy disk.][ OK ][3][This demo must be run|from a hard disk.][ OK ][3][This demo must be run|from drive .][ OK ][3][The following files are|missing and should be|in this directory...][ Continue ]Y`YdYhYlYpYYYYY\[3][This demo must be run from|the following folder:| |][ OK ][1][ |][ OK ] DMO[3][Fatal Error #2.][ OK ] The Demonstrator Demo Play List Quit DMLAUTODEMO.DMLDML!!!!"xxxx>x^xxxx ,,   : unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $N: b               ,*,             2          (( h" 4      &     *     .                                 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(katowice) 87-94-32 * *************************************** *************************************** * ATARI ST/STE/MEGA STE/TT/FALCON * * * * - MIDI * * - MUZYCZNE * * - UZYTKI, DTP * * - GRAPHISC * * - GRY * * - DEMOSY, KODY ZRODLOWE * * i co ci na mysl przyjdzie * * prosto z Holandii * * * * KRATA & PASKUD * * Katowice sobota: Dom zwiazkow L1,L2 * * niedziela: Baildon 70,71 * * tel. (katowice) 87-94-32 * *************************************** HI! Sorry , but you will have to put a disk in the drive to execute slv_drvr.prg..... or it will stop.... it was possible to do do a better crack than this one ... but it OLD GFA CODE.... so sheat!!!!!! have a nice day ..... CRACKED BY BLACK ANGEL ~REPLICANTS~