`8TLC?68p NuTHIS DISK HAS BEEN IMMUNIZED AGAINST MOST VIRUSES BY THE 'ULTIMATE VIRUS KILLER' VERSION 5.9 BY RICHARD KARSMAKERS, *THE* ATARI VIRUS KILLER!!!puke'(*** *V#/%'+3579;=?A C@E`GIKMQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!sAuawy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa #/%'+3579;=?A C@E`GIKMQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!sAuawy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa OK_CREW1993)SYNTHKIT )A_README1ST :| A_READMEDOC ~>8BBANDBOX PRG OBANDINBXRSC tBLUES SG6 t BLUESEVNSG7 t BOSSA_#1SG4 t BOSSA_#2SG4 t UBOSSA_#3SG4 t BOSSA_#4SG4 t BOSSA_#5SG4 t BOUNCY#2SGK t VBOUNCY SGK t CHACHA#1SGJ t *CHACHA#2SGJ t COUTRY_1SG3 t COUTRY_2SG3 t 9CTRY12_1SG2 t CTRY12_2SG2 t DESKTOP INF ETHNC_#2SG5 t  ETHNIC_#SG5 t FUNK SGG t HEVROCK SGD t {HEVROK#2SGD t $IRISH#1 SGL t IRISH#2 SGL t IRISH#3 SGL t JAZWAL#1SGH t JAZWAL#2SGH t XJAZWAL#3SGH t LITRK_#1SGB t LITRK_#2SGB t +LITRK_#3SGB t READ_ME TXT!MEDROK#1SGC t !MIAMI_#1SGE t "KMIAMI_#2SGE t #MIAMI_#3SGE t $0MILLY SGF t %MYSETUP DK c&OLCTRY SGN t 'POBL12#1SGM $t (POBL12#2SGM (t )XPOBL12#3SGM ,t *mPOPBL_#1SG9 0t +POPBL_#2SG9 4t ,REGGAE#1SGO 8t -gREGGAE#2SGO <t .RHUMBA#2SGI Bt /1RHUMBA SGI Ft 0+ROKSHUFFSGA Kt 1SWING_#1SG1 Ot 2SWING_#2SG1 St 3SWING_#3SG1 Xt 4SWING_#4SG1 \t 5BSWING_#5SG1 ct 6zSWING_#6SG1 gt 7SWING_#7SG1 lt 8/SWING_#8SG1 pt 9WSWING_#9SG1 ut :WALTZ_#1SG8 Xt ;HWALTZ_#2SG8 \t <. ).. 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Drum #'s for the Roland D series synthesizers/modules. 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of the D series). 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. To setup your D10/D110/D20/D5, do the following: You may now proceed to loading D10&D110.DK under the Drums pulldown menu (Load Drumkit From Disk). Select MULTI-TIMBRAL on your synth so your synth can receive all of the instruments being sent to it from Band-in-a-Box. Parts 1 through 7 will be used while Drums will be received on the RHYTHM part of your synth (MIDI channel 10). Part 8 will not be used. At times you may detect some sounds being 'choked' or notes being cut off while a style is playing.The reason for this is that the D10/D5/D20/D110 has a certain amount of notes that can be played at once and the other is in the way their sounds are made up. The sounds are made up of 'partials'.Some sounds use 1 or 2 of these partials while others can have up to 4;the latter being very complex sounds such as "Warm Bell". When too many of these complex sounds are occurring at once,it's too much for your synth to handle so it starts to get'choked'. There is also only a certain number of notes that can be played at once so either of these two things can be happening. The best solutions we can recommend are: a) Mute an instrument such as Strings(usually 4 partial sounds), b) Select alternative sounds that would be less of a problem. or c) Look in your Roland Owners Manual for Partial Reserve. Once you've loaded the DK file, you are ready to start having fun with Band-in-a-Box! Have Fun! K4_K4r.DK Loading in the file Kawai_K4.DK will set up Band-in-a-Box for the Kawai K4 synthesizer,and the K4r Synth Module. The K4/K4r sounds work well with Band- in-a-Box. It will set up : 1. Drum #'s for Kawai synths. 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of Kawai K4/K4r). 3. Startup Patches and Channels in Midi window. The first thing for you to do is to setup the Kawai K4/K4r in Multi-Timbral mode to receive multiple instruments at once. In "Single" mode, the K4 will only play 1 instrument at a time. In "Multi" mode it will play up to 8 instruments + drums at once- so you want to be in "Multi" mode and have a setup made with 7 instruments/midi channels. To ensure that the K4/K4r will receive what it is supposed to, select the SYSTEM button.Keep pressing it until you see MIDI =.With the 'yes'button go to RCV and under the options,choose SECT.This will enable Band-in-a-Box to send patch changes. To setup your K4/K4r do the following: 1. Go to "Multi" Mode by selecting the MULTI button. You will be on patch 1. 2. Now press the EDIT button,then the C-sec-Ch button to select MIDI channels for the setup. 3. You will then select the Section Select buttons and use the 'yes' and 'no' buttons to scroll through MIDI channels for each of the 8 parts.(**if not working,hit buttons 9-16 to "unmute" Parts 1-8**). Each part (1-8) represents a different instrument (except Drums). To setup instruments you will use the A-inst button. Setup your Multi patch as follows: Bass Piano Guit Horns Strings Melody Thru Drums Section Select - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MIDI channel - 2 3 7 8 6 4 5 - Instrument - D9 C2 A6 C13 A3 A6 A6 - Section 8 is left blank because the Drums are set to channel 10 and act as a seperate section. Some drum instruments may be too loud/soft. To correct this you would select the DRUM button and keep pressing it until you see a note number on the upper right portion of the diplay (eg C1).Press the drum notes on the K4 keyboard that you want to adjust and then press DRUM until Level S1 appears.Using the Value slider or the 'yes'/'no' buttons, adjust the level of S1 and S2(next page) accordingly.To save this ,select the Write button and follow the instructions from within that window. The same procedure will be done to save your MULTI patch with the only difference being that you'll have to be in MULTI mode before choosing WRITE. Have Fun! KORGM1.DK help file. Loading in the file KorgM1.DK will set up Band-in-a-Box for the KorgM1 synthesizer. It will set up : 1. Drum #'s for Korg M1 Kit 1 (Patch 9 ) 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of Korg M1) 3. Startup Patches and Channels in Midi window. If you have modified the Patches in your M1 from the factory settings you may have to modify the Patch Map in BB (from the MIDI pull down menu). The only remaining step for you is to setup the Korg M1 in Multi-Timbral mode to receive multiple instruments at once. In "Program mode" the M1 will only play 1 instrument at a time. In Combination mode it will play up to 8 at once- so you want to be in combination mode and setup a combination. To Setup the M1 , from the M1 front panel: 1. Go to Combination Mode "COMB". Select combo #0 by pressing 00 on the # pad. 2. Then press the EDIT COMBO button to EDIT The Combination 3. You will then be using the PAGE + and PAGE - keys to PAGE through the Combination setting up each of the 8 instruments each of the A-H keys represents a different instrument. Setup your Combination as follows: A B C D E F G H Bass Piano Drums Guitar Horns Strings Melody Thru Page 0 Combination type MULTI Page 1 Program # 66 42 9 4 22 27 22 4 Page 2 Channel 2 3 10 7 8 6 4 5 Page 3 Key Window Type ALL= G9 Page 4 Output 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Page 5 Transpose 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 6 Pan Pot 5:5 is in the middle - can separate as you like Page 7 Enable Prg All should be Enabled Page 8 Effect 1= "4:Room Reverb" :ON 0.7 D022 E76 HD10 L:0 H:0 80:20 Effect 2 = "12:Chorus 1 ":ON M60 S0.30 D010 TRI L:0 H:0 86:14 Then Go to PAGE 9 and SAVE the Combination by pressing the 'G' key twice. !!! IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU SET THE 'GLOBAL CHANNEL' ON THE M1 TO ANU UNUSED CHANNEL - EG. CHANNEL 1 . DO THIS FROM THE 'GLOBAL' BUTTON THEN KEY#5. OTHERWISE A PATCH CHANGE SENT ON THE GLOBAL CHANNEL WILL CHANGE THE COMBINATION FROM THE "BAND-IN-A-BOX COMBO" TO A DIFFERENT COMBO. !!! Once you have done this , Band-in-a-Box is ready to Play your M1 just by you selecting COMBO 0 from the M1 panel ( as long as you have loaded in the KorgM1.DK file into BB and then saved it as MYSETUP.DK) YOU WILL NOW BE READY TO GO WITH Band-in-a-Box AND THE M1!. INFO BELOW IS OPTIONAL/ADDITIONAL. You may want to fine tune the Combination by adjusting Page 4 Output levels : If you find 1 instrument always too loud/soft EDIT/Save the Combination to adjust Page 6 Pan Pot : adjust for stereo placemant of instruments Page 8 Effects , adjust the Reverb/Chorus if too strong/weak OPTIONAL- Edit the Volume/Octave of an M1 sound (program) Most of the BB styles were made on a Roland Sound Canvas. The Korg M1 patches are sometimes louder or softer than the Sound Canvas. The best way to correct this is to Edit the M1 program to make the sound quieter or louder. This can be done by selecting a Program then choosing EDIT program. PAGE + once to get to the screen that says OSC1 . The D key then gets you to the setting the Level (volume) of the sound. The E key sets the Octave of the sound 4' 8' 16' (feet). Some sounds use two oscillators so Page + and repeat if present for OSC2. Have Fun! MT32.DK Help File Loading in the file MT32.DK will setup Band-in-a-Box for the Roland MT32 multi-timbral synthesizer module as well as the Roland CM64(in the LA part of it i.e. midi channels 2-10). It will setup: 1. Drum #'s for the MT32 and CM series. 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of the MT32,CM64-LA section) 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. A Few Key Points to Know About the MT32: String Patches are generally too loud so you might want to adjust the volume of the String channel to your liking and save it to a MYSETUP.DK file. That way,everytime you load Band-in-a-Box,your MT32 settings will be intact. At times you may detect some sounds being 'choked' or notes being cut off while a style is playing.The reason for this is that the MT32 has a certain amount of notes that can be played at once and the other is in the way their sounds are made up. The sounds are made up of 'partials'.Some sounds use 1 or 2 of these partials while others can have up to 4;the latter being very complex sounds such as "Warm Bell".When too many of these complex sounds are occurring at once,it's too much for the MT32 to handle so it starts to get 'choked'. There is also only a certain number of notes that can be played at once so either of these two things can be happening.The best solutions we can recommend are: a) Mute an instrument such as Strings(usually 4 partial sounds), or b) Select alternative sounds that would be less of a problem. Once you've loaded MT32.DK, you are ready to start having fun with Band- in-a-Box! Have Fun! PROTEUS1.DK Help File Loading in the file PROTEUS1.DK will setup Band-in-a-Box for the Proteus 1 and the Proteus 1/XR multi-timbral synthesizer modules. It will setup: 1. Drum #'s for the Proteus 1 and Proteus 1/XR (Patch 14 "Rock Drums 1") 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of the Proteus 1) 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. The only thing you'll need to ensure is that your Proteus is setup to receive in Multi mode. This enables the Proteus to produce 8 instruments simultaneously. To setup your Proteus, do the following: 1. Select the MASTER button. 2. Turn the DATA knob 6x clockwise. You should arrive at MIDI MODE. 3. Press the CURSOR button until you see the flashing cursor under Poly. 4. Turn the DATA knob to MULTI. The Proteus is now ready for you to use with Band-in-a-Box. All you need to do now is go under the DRUMS pulldown menu and select Load Drum Kit From Disk. Select PROTEUS1.DK and you'll be ready to start having fun with Band-in-a-Box! A few key points to know is that the guitar patches are an octave too low for the General MIDI patch map within Band-in-a-Box,so we made the octave +1 in the MIDI settings window. Another is that the Acoustic Bass patch in the Proteus1 is a split patch;the upper portion being Acoustic Piano. We chose to include this anyway since the split is high enough that you'll never hear Piano coming through when the bass plays in it's higher register. The drums are usually too quiet in relation to everything else so you might find the need to increase the drums for certain styles. Along those same lines, the String patches are generally too loud so the opposite would apply. Have Fun! QY10.DK Help File Loading in the file QY10.DK will setup Band-in-a-Box for the Yamaha QY10 Music Sequencer/multi-timbral synthesizer module. The QY10.DK file will setup: 1. Drum #'s for the Yamaha QY10 Voice 31 Drum Set. 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of the QY10). 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. The QY10, apart from being a very useful tool for sequencing, is also an 8 part multi-timbral sound module with 30 high quality 16 bit PCM sampled sounds plus 26 sampled drum sounds. The QY10's sounds work great with Band- in-a-Box's styles. All that need be done to start making music with Band-in-a-Box and the QY10 is loading the QY10.DK file under the Midi pulldown menu from the program (Load Alternate Drum/Midi Set). Ensure that MIDI OUT from your computer is connected to the MIDI IN of the QY10. Have Fun!SQ_ENSON.DK Help File Loading in the file SQ_ENSON.DK will setup Band-in-a-Box for the Ensoniq SQ1 and SQ2 multi-timbral synthesizers. It will setup: 1. Drum #'s for the Ensoniq SQ series All Purpose Kit (Patch 89). 2. Patch Map for the Ensoniq SQ series synths. 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. Your SQ has to be setup to receive in a Multi-timbral fashion,meaning the ability to play more than one sound at a time. The SQ has its own built-in sequencer which has eight tracks. In making songs on the SQ,you first put together seperate sequences that will later be compiled into a song format. This is where setting up a Multi-timbral patch comes into play. Multi- timbral setups are done in a sequence patch using the TRACK buttons (1-8) as if you were about to sequence something from within the SQ. Ensoniq SQ Setup Instructions: -Choose SELECT to find an unused sequence preset.Name it Band in a Box. -Choose TRACK PARAMETER to get to STATUS.Select MIDI. -Select the BLUE EDIT button. Press TRACK 1 button.Select TRACK PARAMETER. -Scroll through to select MIDI/SOUND/and Volume settings. -Using TRACK buttons 1 through 8 and the above command do the following: Bass Piano Drums Guitar Horns Strings Melody Thru Track- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Midi - 2 3 10 7 8 6 4 5 Volume- 75 60 99 99 99 99 75 99 Sound-Bank 6-0 1-1 8-9 3-5 4-7 1-7 3-5 3-5 All that needs to be done now is load the file SQ_ENSON.DK from the DRUMS pulldown menu(Load Drumkit From Disk) and you're ready to have fun with Band-in-a-Box! If you have a sequencer,we recommend saving these settings as a System Exclusive File which can later be transmitted back to your SQ via Band-in-a- Box should your synth settings change. Have Fun! SY55&TG.DK Help File Loading in the file SY55&TG.DK will setup Band-in-a-Box for the Yamaha SY55 multi-timbral synthesizer and the TG55 multi-timbral module. It will setup: 1. Drum #'s for the Yamaha SY55/TG55 synthesizer/module(Voice63 Drum Set 1). 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of the SY55/TG55). 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. The SY/TG series of synths and synth modules are 8 part multi-timbral (8 instruments at once). We have included a System Exclusive file for the SY55 and TG55 to make your setup an easy one time procedure. These files can be accessed from the MIDI pulldown menu within the Band-in-a-Box program (Send Sys Ex File). To setup your SY55/TG55 do the following: Go to UTILITY mode on your synth. Find the display UT MIDI\Bulk In Protect=. Using the [+1/YES] key select ON. This will enable your SY55/TG55 to receive System Exclusive information(i.e. setup information). Next ensure that the MIDI OUT of your computer is going to the MIDI IN of your synth. Select 'Send Sys Ex ' from the MIDI pulldown menu in Band-in-a-Box.Choose the file SY55&TG.SYX and hit {enter}. Your synthesizer should now be receiving the Sys Ex data. The SY55/TG55 will now be setup with the proper MIDI channels on their respective parts in MULTI mode. You may now proceed to loading SY55&TG.DK under the MIDI pulldown menu (Load Alternate Drum/Midi Set). Select MULTI mode on your synth so it will receive all 8 of the instruments being sent to it from Band-in-a-Box. Once you've loaded the SYX and DK files, you are ready to start having fun with Band-in-a-Box! Have Fun!SY77.DK Help File Loading in the file SY77.DK will setup Band-in-a-Box for the Yamaha SY77 multi-timbral synthesizer. It will setup: 1. Drum #'s for the Yamaha SY77 synthesizer(Drum 1 Preset 2,D15). 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of the SY77's first 64 sounds). 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. The SY/TG series of synths and synth modules are 8 part multi-timbral (8 instruments at once). Note that due to the BANK layout of the SY77, we were only able to select the first 64 patchs(voices) of Bank A for implementation to the General Midi Patch Map in Band-in-a-Box. If you choose not to use this map, you'll have to disable Patch changes under the MIDI pull down menu(Midi Settings). To setup your SY77 do the following: Go to MIDI utility job directory(Jump#806). Select 02:Program Change(Jump #808). Using the (+1 YES) key select NORMAL. This will enable your SY77 to receive Program Changes from Band-in-a-Box. You may now proceed to loading SY77.DK under the Drums pulldown menu (Load Drumkit From Disk). Select MULTI mode on your synth so it will receive all 8 of the instruments being sent to it from Band-in-a-Box. Once you've loaded the DK file, you are ready to start having fun with Band-in-a-Box! Have Fun! U20&U220.DK Help File Loading in the file U20&U220.DK will setup Band-in-a-Box for the Roland U20 multi-timbral synthesizer and the U220 multi-timbral module. It will setup: 1. Drum #'s for the Roland U series synthesizers/modules. 2. Patch Map (assigned to factory settings of the U series). 3. Startup Patches and Channels in the Midi Settings Window. The U series of synths and synth modules are 6 part multi-timbral (6 instruments at once) with 30 note polyphony(30 notes at once) plus drums. The vast array of high quality sampled sounds lends itself well to the music you'll be creating with Band-in-a-Box. To setup your U20/U220, do the following: 1. Press EDIT. 2. Select SETUP {enter}. 3. Select MIDI {enter}. 4. Select SOUND {enter}. 5. Your display should now read RX TIMBRE CHANGE= select ON Proceed to loading the U20&U220.DK under the Drums pulldown menu (Load Drumkit From Disk). If you have a U220,the above would apply but in order to receive patch changes, the U220 must be in PATCH DISPLAY (will ignore patch changes if in the EDIT section). Have Fun! This is the Atari version 5.12 of Band-In-A-Box. We will briefly mention the new features/changes to version 5.12 from version 5.0: Juke Box- By pressing the F8 function key, all the songs in the current directory will be played back in random order. Alternatively, press alt-F8 to have the Juke Box feature only pick songs with melodies. At the end of the playback, the procedure will begin again (i.e. the songs will be played in a new random order). You can stop this playback at any time by pressing the escape (esc) key. Also, during the jukebox playback, you can advance to the next song by pressing the Space Bar or the right arrow key, or you can go back to the previous song by pressing the left arrow key. NOTE: The F8 key is no longer used to play a user style. Instead, select the Play Back User Style option under the User menu. Play From- The Play From dialog box now has the option to play from a certain bar number, AND chorus number. Previously, only the bar number was available. Endings On/Off- NOTE: Built-in styles now have endings. By selecting Song Endings under the Song pull down menu, you can determine whether or not you wish to hear a two bar ending at the end of a song. If you select yes (checkmarked), you will hear an ending if either i) you have selected a Built-in style, or ii) you have selected a User style which has ending patterns recorded. Song Lead-in Volume- Now, in the Set Song Lead-in dialog box, there is an option to set the level of the lead-in ticks. To have a silent lead-in, but still have the count in time, select a lead-in volume of 0. This can be useful in a case where you have recorded a melody with lead-in bars, but don't want to hear the click every time you play the song. For example, if you record a melody, and then change the number of lead in bars, your melody will be out of sync with the other tracks. Instead, just zero the volume of the lead-in. The Song Lead-in Box also defaults to the current number of lead-in bars, so you can just hit return to exit the box, and keep the same number of lead-in bars. Melody and Lyric Notification- You will now be able to tell which songs have lyrics and/or melodies without having to play the song. When you load in a song, there will be a large "M" on the righthand side of the title if there is a melody present, and a large "L" if there are lyrics present. Lyric Printout- In addition to the chords and staves printed on the lead sheet, songs with lyrics will now have the lyrics printed as well. Desk Accessory Handling- Desk Accessories are now movable around the screen with proper screen refreshing, however, some accessories still interfere with the proper operation of Band-In-A-Box. So if you're having strange problems, try eliminating accessories to see if the problem goes away. Thru Channel Bug- The thru channel now responds properly to the Use Thru Channel option in the Midi Settings dialog box. This means that thru input will be rechannelized to the thru channel in the settings. If the Use Thru Channel option is set to N, the thru will not be rechannelized. Have Fun! PG MusicATARI VERSION 5 README FILE Welcome to version 5 of Band-in-a-Box. There are many new features in version 5. Here's a quick summary of the new features and how to access them. DISK #1: Version 5 Program (and Patch/Drum kits in SynthKit folder) DISK #2: 4 or 5 instrument styles DISK #3: 3 instrument styles DISK #4: Midi-FakeBook Disk 100 songs with melodies ( you may have some or all of these disks depending on what you ordered ) *** 2 more instruments - guitar and strings *** Built in styles have been remade on disk #2 (named ZZ....STY), most with 4 or 5 instruments. *** brand new 4 or 5 instrument styles on disk #2 -Previously styles had 3 instruments maximum (Bass/drums/ piano). -Now styles can have up to 5 instruments at once. (Bass/drums/piano/guitar/strings). **** You can record melodies (press R , then play in melody in real time) **** Songs with melodies are named with .MG? extension (without melody are named with .SG? extension . Q. I'm anxious to get started right away . I'm familiar with previous versions of Band-in-a-Box. Anything I need to know before starting ? A. Yes. We have made version 5 as easy to use as previous versions. You'll need to set up new channels in the MIDI settings window for the new instruments (guitar/strings/melody/thru). You should disable patch changes from the MIDI settings window until you have loaded in a patch map (from SYNTHKIT folder on Disk #1) or made a patch map for your synthesizer (via MIDI pull down menu- Make General Patch Map), otherwise inappropriate patch changes will happen when you change styles. 1. You can access styles with 4 or 5 instruments by loading in styles from disk #2 " 4 or 5 instrument styles ". To hear the 24 built in styles with extra instruments , load in the equivalent named user style on disk #2 beginning with ZZ (eg ZZMiami.STY is redone Miami Style now with 4 instruments). More on this below. 2. Patch changes will happen automatically as styles are loaded in, according to a patch map corresponding to your synthesizer. In this way when you load in "Polka" style , Band-in-a-Box will change your synth patch to Accordion/Acoustic Bass/Nylon Guitar etc., and if you change to "Jazz Fusion" you will get Rhodes Piano/FretLess Bass etc. To get a patch map working for your synth you need to load in a .DK file from disk #1 (SYNTHKIT folder) and then save it as MYSETUP.DK so that it will be loaded automatically next time you run the program. If you don't see a patch map made for your synth , you can make one (from the Drums pull down menu). UNTIL YOU HAVE A PATCH MAP CORRESPONDING TO YOUR SYNTHESIZER YOU SHOULD DISABLE PATCH CHANGES FROM THE MIDI SETTINGS WINDOW. OTHERWISE, UNEXPECTED AND INAPPROPRIATE PATCH CHANGES WILL OCCUR AS NEW STYLES ARE LOADED IN. 3.Band-in-a-Box refers to all instruments by the General Midi number assigned to that instrument. The General Midi standard is a new standard adopted by all major manufacturers which assigns specific numbers to each instrument. For example Acoustic Bass=33, Rhodes Piano=5 etc. The patch map that you make tells Band-in-a-Box what patch number to send out for each of the General Midi instruments to correspond to your existing synthesizer. WHEN MAKING ANY REFERENCES TO PATCH CHANGES IN BAND-IN-A-BOX , YOU WILL USE THE GENERAL MIDI NUMBER, NOT YOUR SYNTH PATCH NUMBER. -For example, lets say your synth's accoustic bass sound is at patch 26. If you are saving a song with Bass patch of Accoustic Bass (via Alt F2 key) you will type in 33 for Bass Patch, because 33=Accoustic Bass in General Midi standard. You don't type in Patch 26. It is in the "Make a Patch map" setup screen that you type in 26 beside Accoustic Bass ( as a one time procedure ), to tell Band-in-a-Box what patch number to send out for accoustic bass. -Another example is in the Midi Settings window, your startup patch number for Accoustic Bass would be typed in as 33 (not 26), for the same reason as discussed above. The big advantage of this is that your song's patches and style's patches will work on any synthesizer - just load in a new patch map. You can see a list of General Midi patch numbers by hitting "View GS Patch Map" button from the Midi Settings window. 4. As the song is playing , you can change patches/volumes of instruments. In addition - if you have a General Midi instrument such as the Roland Sound Canvas, you will be able to change reverb/chorus/panning and bank settings as the song is playing. To change patches DURING PLAYBACK you : 1. First select the instrument by pressing a function key F3-Bass F4-Piano F5-Drums F6-Guitar F7-Horns F8-Strings F9-Melody F10-Thru 2. Then press a key to produce the Patch change 0-9 key will select one of 10 "favorite patches" (set up via the Midi Pull down menu-Favorite Patches) '-' and '=' keys will decrease/increase patches by 1 '-' and '=' will decrease/increase patches by 8 3. Similarly 'q' 'w' to decrease/increase volume by 5 'e' 'r' to change panning Left to Right (General Midi only) 't' 'y' to change reverb down/up (General Midi only) 'u' 'i' to change chorus down /up (General Midi only) 'o' 'p' to change bank # down /up (General Mid only ) To Mute/Unmute an instrument DURING PLAYBACK 1. Hold down the Alt key and then select the instrument by function key as above. eg. F3 will mute the Bass press F3 again to unmute the Bass mute status will be displayed at the top right of the screen. Q. Where are the 4 or 5 instrument styles ? A.You will find the styles with 4 or 5 instruments on disk #2 titled- "4 or 5 instrument styles."This disk contains brand new styles such as "NewAge1.STY" (25 in all) and also contains remade versions of the 24 "built in" styles. Q. How can I hear one of the "built in" styles with 5 instruments ? A.The remade version of the built in styles are named beginning with ZZ. For example Country 12/8 is a built in style with 3 instruments. If you access this style from the pull down menu you will hear 3 instruments (bass/drums and piano). If you load in the style ZZCTRY12_8.STY from disk #2 (using F9 key) you will then hear a 5 instrument style remake of Country 12/8 with Guitar and Strings added. Q. Does every style now have 5 instruments ? A. No ,The number of instruments that a style has depends on the style itself.For example Jazz Swing still has 3 instruments ( as does ZZJazzSw.STY on Disk #2), whereas NewAge1.STY (on disk #2) has 4 instruments and ZZCTRY128.STY (Country 12/8) on disk #2 has 5 instruments. -You can see how many instruments a style has by looking at the top right hand portion of the screen as the song is playing. The line "BPDGHSMT" stands for Bass/Piano/Drums/Guitar/Horns/Strings/Melody/Thru. If the letter corresponding to the instrument is grayed out it means that this instrument is not present in the style BPDghSmT would have Bass/Piano/Drums/Strings/and Thru but no guitar/horns or melody. Q. How are "built in" styles accessed? How are "user styles" accessed? The original 24 styles of Band-in-a-Box are referred to as the "built in styles" , in contrast to the "user created styles" which are on disk as files with an extension of .STY. The built in styles are accessed from the pull down menu titled "Styles". The user styles are accessed by the key (or User pull down menu). You then load in a style from disk with an extension of .STY . It is the user created styles that can have 5 instruments at once. The 24 built in styles all have 3 instruments. Q. Which sounds better - the "built in" styles or the "user styles" on disk? A. The "user styles" on disk sound better than the built in styles in most cases. An exception to this is Jazz Swing, (the built in Jazz Swing version sounds better than ZZJazzSW.STY because piano patterns are sometimes "pushed" in the built in style but not in the User Style . Q. How do I record a melody for a song ? A. Press R to record. Then play in the melody in real time . If you want to, record just one chorus. You can then copy the melody to all choruses by choosing this option under the Melody pull down menu. If you make a mistake you can start recording from where you left off by pressing "Alt R" to record from any bar . Or you can fix a wrong note by step editing notes from the Melody pull down menu. Q. I see Guitar/Strings . How about Horns ? A. There are references to Horns on the Band-in-a-Box screen (set Horns Channel,Horns patches etc.) Horns are not implemented yet specifically. This does not matter much however as you can use the Guitar channel with a patch of "horns", so it does not prevent styles with Horns. Just ignore "Horns settings" and use the Guitar channel with a Patch of horns if you want to use Horns for a style. Q. How can I make a style change to different instruments automatically ? A. The built in styles will change patches to whatever patches are set on the Midi Settings window. If you type in Patch numbers of 0 , then no patch changes will occur. The User styles can change to any patch number , so styles can change instruments to the proper kind of bass/piano etc. -Let's change patches on one of the user styles- New age -Load in a USER style NewAge1.STY (Disk #2). If you don't have this style, substitute a different style -Then Choose User-Edit Existing Style. You will then be in the StyleMaker area with a screen full of numbers on a grid - press F10 to Save/Exit - Answer YES to Save a style - you will then see a window of patch #'s . The current settings are the instruments that are currently used for New Age i.e. Change to : Bass 36 Fretless 33 Accoustic Bass Piano 1 Accoustic 5 Rhodes Guitar 25 Nylon 26 Accoustic Strings 54 Vocal Oohs 49 Strings Change the #'s as above . Remember that you must use General Midi numbers here - press "View GS Patches Button" for a list of them. Don't use your synths patch numbers - the Patch map (DK file) will take care of that. Then save the style using a different name - maybe NewAge_P . Next time you load in NewAge_P.STY your patches will automatically change to Accoustic Bass/Rhodes/Accoustic Guitar/Strings ! ATARI Description of the 100 User Styles in Band-in-a-Box version 5 The 100 styles in Band-in-a-Box are on Disk #2 and Disk #3. You may not have all of the styles if you didn't order the complete package. Each style comes with a demo song in the SONGDEMO folder on disk.The easiest way to explore the styles is to play the demo for each style. *** Disk #2 - 4 or 5 instrument styles # instr. CountRok.Sty 5 COUNTRY ROCK Caribean.Sty 4 CARIBEAN CounRok2.Sty 4 COUNTRY ROCK DancPop2.Sty 4 DANCE/POP Eurobeat3.Sty 5 DANCE/POP FunkShf2.Sty 3 JAZZ/FUNK LevlFunk.Sty 5 FUNK HipHop2.Sty 4 RAP Hip Hop style House_1.Sty 4 RAP House beat Joplin.Sty 1 RAGTIME Left hand of a Rag pianist LatnRok2.Sty 2 LATIN ROCK LiteRok2.Sty 5 POP/ROCK B.Hornsby piano voicings MedRok2.Sty 4 POP/ROCK Medium Rock Mexican2.Sty 4 POP/ROCK Lite Rock feel FunkSev2.Sty 5 FUNK J.Brown seventies funk feel NewAge_1.Sty 5 NEW AGE Pop Ballad feel NewAge_2.Sty 5 NEW AGE Pop Ballad feel OldMotwn.Sty 4 MOTOWN MOTOWN style OldMotw&.Sty 5 MOTOWN MOTOWN same as above/added strings CounSwg2.Sty 4 COUNTRY Reggae_3.Sty 4 REGGAE Reggae even 8ths RokBald2.Sty 5 ROCK Rock Ballad (slow) ShufRok2.Sty 4 ROCK Shuffle Rock variation Soul2.Sty 5 SOUL SOUL style SwingBal.Sty 4 SOUL SOUL ballad style **The ZZ Styles - these are re-done "user style" versions of built in ZZJazzSW.STY 3 JAZZ Swing ZZCoun12.STY 5 COUNTRY 12/8 Rhodes/bass/m.guit/strings/drums Z3Coun12.STY 3 COUNTRY simpler 3 instr. version Z4Coun12.STY 4 COUNTRY as above but no strings ZZContry.STY 4 COUNTRY Piano/Bass/Guit/Drums Z3Bossa.STY 3 LATIN 3 instrument bossa style Z4Bossa.STY 4 LATIN 4 instrument bossa style (+Guitar) ZZEthnic.STY 4 ETHNIC Polka Ac.Bass/Accordian/Guit/Drums Z5Ethnic.STY 5 ETHNIC Polka + Fiddle ZZBluShf.sty 4 BLUES Bass/Organ/Guitar/Drums Z3BluShf.STY 3 BLUES 3 instrument (simpler) ZZBluStr.STY 4 BLUES Bass/Organ/Guitar/Drums Z3BluStr.STY 3 BLUES Bass/Piano/Drums Z4PopBal.STY 4 POP Bass/Piano/Strings/Drums PopBalad.STY 3 POP Bass/Piano/Drums ZZShfRok.STY 4 ROCK Bass/Piano/Guit/Drums ZZLitRok.STY 3 ROCK Bass/Piano/Drums ZZMedRock.STY 3 ROCK Bass/Piano/Drums ZZHevRock.STY 4 ROCK Bass/Organ/Guitar/Drums Z3HevRok.STY 3 ROCK Bass/Piano/Drums (simpler) ZZMiami.STY 4 LATIN Bass/Guitar/Strings/Drums ZZMilly.STY 4 POP Bass/Rhodes/Strings/Drums ZZFunk.STY 3 FUNK Bass/Piano/Drums ZZBouncy.STY 3 POP Bass/Piano/Drums ZZIrish.STY 3 ETHNIC Bass/Piano/Drums ZZRhumba.STY 3 LATIN Bass/Piano/Drums ZZChaCha.STY 3 LATIN Bass/Piano/Drums ZZOldCtry.STY 4 COUNTRY Bass/Piano/Strings/Drums ZZPopBal12.STY 4 POP Bass/Piano/Strings/Drums ZZReggae.STY 4 REGGAE Bass/Organ/Guitar/Drums ( end of disk 2 ) DISK #3 3 instrument styles This contains the 25 user styles found previously on our styles disk #1 . As well there are 25 new styles - 3 instruments. JazzSlow.STY 3 JAZZ Trio,Slow Jazz -eg Unforgettable JazSwg2.STY 3 JAZZ Medium tempo swing Jaco_Jaz.STY 3 JAZZ Jaco style modern jazz Lee_Rit.STY 3 JAZZ Syncopated feel ModJazz1.STY 3 JAZZ Modern Jazz 1 ModJazz2.STY 3 JAZZ Modern Jazz 2 LtnBrazl.STY 3 LATIN Brazil/Samba style Stride.STY 1 JAZZ Piano only (Left hand of stride) ChaCha_G.STY 3 LATIN Cha Cha variation - more jazzy Rhumba_G.STY 3 LATIN Rhumba variation LA_PBal.STY 3 JAZZ L.A. Pop Balad Chuk_B_1.STY 3 OLD ROCK Piano oriented Chuk B. Style Fats_Dom.STY 3 OLD ROCK Piano oriented Fats D. Style J_Cash.STY 3 COUNTRY "prison" songs Nashvl_G.STY 3 COUNTRY triplet feel BluGras1.STY 5 COUNTRY BlueGrass in 'b' substyle LitRok_G.STY 3 POP/ROCK LA_Pop_G.STY 3 POP POP L.A. style PopRiff1.STY 5 POP Pop riff turned into a style PopWalz1.STY 3 POP Pop Waltz must set time sig. BoBallad.STY 5 POP Pop Ballad variation HipHop_1.STY 5 RAP Hip Hop Style SwBallad.STY 4 SOUL Soul Ballad style *************** these 25 styles were on our "styles disk #1" previously released African.STY 3 JAZZ African feel Arpeggio.STY 3 POP Arpeggiated Piano Style BluHill.STY 3 POP Simple style made in StyleMaker tutorial BluShf_2.Sty 3 BLUES Shuffle feel blues Dance_1.STY 3 DANCE Modern Pop Dance_2.STY 3 DANCE Modern Pop Disco_1.STY 3 DANCE Disco Funk_1.STY 3 FUNK Funk_Sev.STY 3 FUNK Funk seventies style Guit/Bass/Drums Fusn_Shu.STY 3 JAZZ Fusion Shuffle Garner.STY 3 JAZZ Accoustic Piano Comp/Garner Style HeavyMet.STY 3 ROCK Heavy Metal Rock JazFours.STY 3 JAZZ Jazz Fours Style - in 'a' substyle plays swing, in 'b' substyle plays 4 bars swing then 4 bars drum solos. Mambo.STY 3 LATIN Mambo style Merengue.STY 3 LATIN Merengue style Motown_1.STY 3 MOTOWN OldPop.STY 3 OLD ROCK OldTyme1.STY 3 ETHNIC Old Tyme - fidddle tunes etc. PopBalad.STY 3 POP straight 8th feel PopBal_2.STY 3 POP 16th note feel Rap_1.Sty 3 RAP Rap_1.Sty 3 RAP Reggae_2.STY 3 REGGAE triplet feel reggae RhyBlue1.STY 3 R&B Rhythm and Blues style #1 RockaBil.Sty 3 OLD ROCK Old Rock style Salsa_2.STY 3 LATIN Piano oriented salsa style Twist.STY 3 OLD ROCK Typical Twist Style end of disk 3 `T``}Z >>> TURBO-C <<<< for ATARI-ST Version 2.0 (C)88-90 Borland International &H f&op`B@#}L3}P k #}V Ј<.@#}RJy}Pg<"@(I$k,"Jf"JfB// ?<?<JNAO A6<HCBB`6 !jBJ)gHiRC` "fSI "WJAkHiRCBSQJ)gHiRCHy`$ON60 J"LNU:? 9g @N 9g @NN.?<LNAUOCA~NB V3 TA Tp,N"J@m(C UA Tp,NC TA Tp,NA Tp/N"J@mNC V-A Tp/N9 V-HN V- 93 V.f# V.C TA Tp/NA Up/N"J@mNC V0A Up/N9 V0HN V0 93 V1f# V1C UA Up/NA TN3 1\N(3 F``h3 Fb`Np F`y FbA LB0p F`y FbC GB1p F`y FbA-vB0Ry Fb y FbmRy F` y F`m Q443 F``09 F`A QB0Ry F` y F`mCA*N F FB@9 FC4zA FN F3x+ CA 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|return to the desktop?][NO|YES] [1][Sorry, the save functions are|disabled. To re-enable,| reboot with key disk][ok]%-3d%-3d%-3d%-3d%-3d MLUntitled (%d-%d)*%d Tempo %d%s Key %s%s %s%saMLML[1][Sorry, the save functions are|disabled. To re-enable,| reboot with key disk][ok]%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%-2d%sY%sN[2][This function will blank |the ENTIRE current song.|Do you want to do this?][CANCEL|OK]%sUntitled Song Press Space To Play %-3d%-3d%-3d%-3d%-3d%-2d%-1d%sY%sN%sY%sN%sY%sN%3dEndType in the GS Instrument number for use with 0-9 hot keys during playback NOTE: THESE NUMBERS ARE GENERAL MIDI NUMBERS NOT SPECIFIC KEYBOARD NUMBERS |-------Favorite Instruments-----------||------ F2 Combos ------------| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0F3 Bass F4 Piano F5 Drums F6 Guitar F7 Horns F8 String F9 Melody F10 Thru -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Favorite instruments are accessed during playback by using the 0 - 9 keys after selecting the current instrument with keys F3-F10, or combos with the F2 key eg. pressing then 3 during playback will result in the Piano favorite patch number 3 being transmitted-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to exit to view GS Patches[1][ Sorry, melody is blank! ][OK]< No Patch Change >Acoustic PianoBright PianoElectric Grand PianoHonky Tonk PianoRhodes Electric Piano Electric Piano 2 Harpsichord ClavinetCelesteGlockenspielMusic BoxVibesMarimbaXylophoneTubular Bells SanturDraw Bar Organ Jazz Organ Rock OrganChurch Organ Reed OrganAccordian HarmonicaTango AccordianNylon String Guitar Acoustic Guitar Jazz Electric Guitar Clean Electric Guitar Muted Electric Guitar Overdrive GuitarDistorted Rock Guitar Guitar Harmonics Rock Acoustic String BassFender Electric BassPicked Electric BassFretless Electric BassSlap Bass 1Slap Bass 2Moog Bass Syn Bass 2 ViolinViolaCelloContra BassTremolo StringsPizzicato StringsOrchestral StringsTimpaniStrings Slow StringsSynth Strings 1 Synth Strings 2Choir AahsVoice OohsSynth VoiceOrchestra HitTrumpetTromboneTubaMuted TrumpetFrench HornBrass Section Syn Brass 1 Syn Brass 2 Soprano SaxAlto SaxTenor SaxBaritone SaxOboeEnglish HornBassoonClarinetPiccoloFluteRecorderPan FluteBlow BottleShakuhachiWhistleOcarinaSquare Wave LeadSaw Wave LeadCalliope LeadChiff LeadCharang LeadVoice LeadFifth LeadBass & LeadPad-BellPad-Warm (Slow)Pad-Poly SynthPad-VoicePad-BowedPad-MetalPad-HaloPad-SweepIce RainSound TrackCrystalAtmosphereBrightnessGoblinsEcho SweepSci-FiSitarBanjoShamisenKoto KalimbaBagpipeFiddleShanaiTinkle BellAgogoSteel DrumsWoodblock Taiko Drums Melodic Tom Synth Drum Reverse CymbalGuitar Fret NoiseBreath NoiseSeashoreBird TweetTelephone RingHelicopterApplauseGun ShotStandard Drum KitRoom Drum KitPower DrumsElectronic DrumsJazz DrumsBrushes KitRap TR808 Drums Patch Settings For Current Song Bass Patch 0-128Piano Patch 0-128Drum Patch 0-128Guitar Patch 0-128Horns Patch 0-128String Patch 0-128Melody Patch 0-128Thru Patch 0-128 View Gs Patch Map Save Song Cancel Changes Exit and keep changes Settings For Current Style Volume Changes With Style ? Patch VolumeDrum 0-128Bass 0-128Piano 0-128Strings 0-128Guitar 0-128Horns 0-128Melody 0-128Thru 0-128 View GS Patch Map Exit Cancel Changes @A Part Settings for Roland GS Synthesizers Part # 1-16Channel # 1-16Patch # 1-128Bank # 1-128Volume 0-127Key Shift -24 to 24Allow Patch ChangesAllow Volume ChangesNormally the part # = channel. An ex. of when to changethis is to use an unused part (eg. part 11) to double an existing channel with a different patch. Disablingpatch changes on the doubling part is recommended.The patch/volume change gets through, even if disabled. to view patches to exitAdjust Melody Volume by -99 to +99New Reverb Type ? 0 - 7New Chorus Type ? 0 - 7New Master Volume ? 0 - 127Transpose melody semitones (-24 +24) UNFOLD[0][OK to copy 1st chorus of melody| over entire song ? ][YES|NO][1][ Only 1 chorus in song| form -can't unfold ][OK][1][ Melody Track full , | only partly unfolded melody][OK]Insert Insert at Bar number How many BEATS to insert ?How many BARS to insert Delete Delete at Bar number How many BEATS to delete How many BARS to delete [1][Sorry, the melody is empty.|Must be recorded before this|function can be used. ][OK]^  [1][Use This Option ONLY if your|module locks up or gives you |a midi buffer full error after|playing back a song!][OK][1][Melody can be set to Quantize|when style changes from swing|to straight or vice-versa. |Do This ..][NEVER|ASK|ALWAYS][1][ No User Style in Memory ][Ok|Make One][2][Quit Band-In-A-Box and |return to the desktop?][NO|YES][1][Ok to Change Melody to |straight feel ?][NO|YES][1][Ok to Change Melody to |swing feel ?][NO|YES][1][ No User Style in Memory ][Ok|Make One]%sROL_MT32.dk%sYAMAHA .dk%sKORG .dk[0][Incorrect MIDI Channel Number!| Please select from (0-16) ][Try Again]bandinbx.rsc[0][Cannot find bandinbx.rsc file|Or not enough memoryTerminating ...][OK]%-2d%-2d%-2d%-1d%-3d%-3d%-3d%-3d%-3d %-3d%-3d%2d%3d%2d%3d%3d%sY%sN%sY%sN[1][Quantize resolution must be |divisible by four and not = 0][OK]%3d%-3d%-3dHIT RETURN TO EXIT!%2d%+2d%3d%3d%3d%3d%+3dYNYN%3d%3d%3d%3d%5ld%3d%1d%3d%3d%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %sRecord Melody From%sPlay Song From%-3d%1dEBTXB]C]xs $4<DLT\dt|$,4<DT\dlt $4<DLTdlt|??????????????????????????? BPDGHSMT@@@3@: JUKEBOX Playing 'Esc' to Quit, 'SPACE' Next Song, '<-' Previous %s%sNo Patch Changes%d %s%d %c %c FAST FWD PAUSE PAUSE F2 Combo : F3 Bass : F4 Piano : F5 Drums : F6 Guitar : F7 Horns : F8 Strings : F9 Melody : F10 Thru : %d %s%d Tempo %3d Volume %d Volume %d Pan %c%d Pan %c%d Reverb %d Reverb %d Chorus %d Chorus %d Bank %d %d %s%d  1 7 ROL_MT32.dk  &U$%&')*,-.01368<=>?@ABCDEFGIKCurrent kit is Roland MT 32 (MT32 is the default kit) &#$%&')*,-.01368<=>?@ABCDEFGK#&#$%&')*,-.01368<=>?@ABCDEFGK#-$$0-G255364<LHE@@@>>CAQQ$4,,3460992;5<?:7CDDEEHIJK88N, noname Jazz Swing 4/4Country 12/8Country 4/4Bossa 4/4Ethnic 4/4Blues Shuffle Blues Even 4/4Waltz (Old) 3/4Pop Ballad 4/4Shuffle Rock4/4Light Rock 4/4Medium Rock 4/4Heavy Rock 4/4Miami Sound 4/4 ROL_MT32.ddhh2/43/44/45/46/47/48/4 !$  ROLtr505 CDbDEbEFGbGAbABbBC#D#F#G#A#                                                                 C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B C# D# F# G# A# Cm DbmDm EbmEm Fm GbmGm AbmAm BbmBm C#mD#mF#mG#mA#m       !  " MAJb5aug6MAJ7MAJ9MAJ9#11MAJ13#11MAJ13MAJ9(no 3)+MAJ7#5692mmaugmMAJ7m7m9m11m13m6m#5m7#5m7b5dim57+9+13+7137b137#1113#117#11b1399b139#1113#119#11b137b913b97b9137b9#1113b9#117b9#11b137#913#97#9b139#1113#9#117#9#11b137b513b57b5b139b59b5b137b5b913b5b97b5b9b137b5#913b5#97b5#9b137#513#57#5#1113#5#119#59#5#117#5b913#5b97#5b9#1113#5b9#117#5#913#5#9#117#5#9#1113#5#9#117alt7sus13sus7susb137sus#1113sus#117sus#11b139sus9susb139sus#1113sus#119sus#11b137susb913susb97susb9137susb9#1113susb9#117susb9#11b137sus#913sus#97sus#9b139sus#1113sus#9#117sus#9#11b137susb513susb57susb5b139susb59susb5b137susb5b913susb5b97susb5b9b137susb5#913susb5#97susb5#9b137sus#513sus#57sus#5#1113sus#5#119sus#59sus#5#117sus#5b913sus#5b97sus#5b9#1113sus#5b9#117sus#5#913sus#5#9#117sus#5#9#1113sus#5#9#114susM@D<B@  dd  2ZZZZZZ((((((((@@ 6< !"#$%&'(;D!!""$!&'(( = j9:;<=>?@AB??????????12345678Yo11111111161? Z X C V B N M , . /Type velocities or use arrow keys to move (F5)Alt-notes (F4)Play (F10)ExitAlternate Play Percent: Note Num: Velocity:[1][ Scrap is empty ,| must first copy with ][Ok]PianoBassDrum[1][Multi bar Drum pattern copied to |the scrap as 1 bar only][Ok][1][Can't copy an empty pattern to |the scrap!][Ok][1][Sorry, out of pattern memory][OK]%sPIANOTitle: Jazz?(R)ecord (P)lay pattern (F8)Chord (E)dit (Q)uantize (C)opy (V)Paste (F10)Exit[0][ OK to delete pattern ? ][Yes|No][1][Cannot assign a weight to an|unrecorded (empty) pattern][Ok][1][Can't Quantize empty pattern][Ok][1][Can't quantize drums -|They are already quantized][Ok]Quantize to how many div/meas. ?[1][Must be multiple of 4][Ok][0][Would you like 3rd triplet|to be played late ?][Yes|No]How late? 0 to 10, typical=4[1][Can't play empty pattern][Ok][1][Can't edit an empty pattern|You must record first][Ok][1][Sorry, out of pattern memory][OK][0][ Save the user style ? ][Yes|No][0][ Exit the style maker ? ][Yes|No].STYrb[1][ File already exists | Overwrite it ? ][Yes|No]wb.STY [3][Sorry, style is too big][OK]UntitledBassDrumPianoGuitarPadDrumBassPiano* UNTITLED.STY[1][Unable to read this file!| |Styles have a .STY extension.][OK] %s%s.STY.sed.STY.STY.STY%-2d%s%-3d[1][A pattern has been|corrupted. The song can't be|played in this style!][Ok]%d%3dYN%c %d %d %-1d%2d%2d%-1d%-1d%2d%-1d%c%c%-1d%2d%2d%-1d%-1d%2d%-1d%c%c%d%2d%-1d%c%-1d%2d%-1d%c%2d%2d%2d%3d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%dYN YN%d%d%sPIANO%sGUITAR%sSTRINGS[1][Unsuccessful operation .. |pattern must be deleted..][OK]H0 (PPx@@h<Zx,JhG#'+048<AEIM(2"((  (                        2  :  & :682*$ $  .            *                   8                                             "   &     "                                       6     " $          ,  $  ,         .&               $"" $     ."(   "         &          (    &             *                       ,&"|  $ .  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File Edit Styles Midi/GS Drums Song User Styles Melody About Band-in-a-Box ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY Load F3 Load By Style F7 Save F2 Save With Patches F2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLAY X GO Load/Play G CUE Load/Cue/Play Q PLAY Jukebox F8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save Std MIDI File F6 Delete File Print/Preview Lead Sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIT F10 PLAY Melody Jukebox F8 Insert I Delete D Copy C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shrink S Expand E ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blank B Blank Lyrics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Screen Rfrsh del Jazz Swing Country 12/8 Country 4/4 Bossa Nova Ethnic Blues Shuffle Blues (even) Waltz 3/4 (OLD) Pop Ballad Shuffle Rock Light Rock Medium Rock Heavy Rock Miami Sound Milly Pop Funk Jazz Waltz Rhumba Cha Cha Bouncy 12/8 Irish Pop Ballad 12/8 Country 12/8 Reggae Output MIDI Sync MIDI Thru Midi Settings Display Settings Assign Part/Bank/etc. Make General Patch Map Favorite Patches/Combos Sound Canvas Settings Reset Sound Canvas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reset And Send BB Master Volume Change Set Reverb Type Set Chorus Type Send Slow Notes Off Roland (MT-32,R5/R8,505) Yamaha (RX Series) Korg (M1 Kit1 Pat 09) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DEFINE Drum Setup SAVE Drum/Midi Setup to disk LOAD Drum/Midi Setup from disk Song Parameters (TAB) Key K Set Time Signature T Set Song Lead-In N Song Endings Choose A User Style F9 Play Back User Style Play User From Bar # Make New Style Edit The User Style No User Style Chosen Record Melody R Record From Bar R Quantize Set Quantize Type Change To Swing Change To Straight Edit Melody Transpose Melody Adjust Volume Insert Bars Insert Beats Delete Bars Delete Beats Copy Choruses Kill Entire Melody000Delete Bar #:___999CANCELDelete Cm Dbm Dm Ebm Em Fm Gbm Gm Abm Am Bbm A#m G#m F#m D#m C#m Minor ScalesOkYES C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B C# D# F# G# A# Major ScalesSelect Key for SongTranspose Bm CancelOK______XXXStart at which bar?________________________________________CancelOk00__99000Insert Bar #:___999CANCELInsertTHREETWOFOUR No Of Lead-In Bars NONEONE000Lead-in Volume (0-127):___999 Alternate Drum Note Options 00Alternate Play % : __XX00Alternate Note # : __XX000Alternate Velocity : ___XXXThese options allow an alternative note to the currentduring playback,drum note to be randomly selectedproviding greater variation to thepattern.Play % is the percentage of the time that the alternateyed otherwise.is played. The original note is plaAlternate note number is a number from 0 to 18 withf the screen.numbers listed at the left column o, etc.e.g. 0= no note, 1= Bass drumAlternate velocity is velocity of the alternate note.Velocity ranges from 0 to 127.CancelOk000______From Bar #:___999Cancel000Destination Bar #:___999000How Many #:___999Do Copy!5Playback Weight (0 - 9): _900Playback Bar Mask (0 - 11): __990Playback Beat Mask (0 - 4): _90Roman Numeral Mask (0 - 7): _900Chord Type (0 - 11): __9900Interval to Next Chord (-7 - 8): __x90Tempo Mask (0 - 2): _9YAllow Other Patterns ? _XYOk to use Macro Notes ? _X0OK to Embellish Pattern ? _9Max # semitones to transpose 6 Pattern down: __XX0Type Of Voice Leading: _XYTranspose Root Pattern ? _XOkCancelPIANO/GUITAR/STRINGS Pattern RecordedOk________________________________________Cancel________________XXXXXXXXA 1 beatB 8 beatB 4 beatB 2 beatB 1 beatA 2 beatA 4 beatA 8 beatEnd bassB 1 beatB 2 beatB 4 beatB 8 beatA 1 beatA 2 beatA 4 beatA 8 beatEnd DrumsFillsB patternA patternEnding DRUM BASSPIANO Current Bar Options 1 JAZZ SWING13 HEAVY ROCK2 COUNTRY 12/814 MIAMI SOUND00Style (Number): __993 COUNTRY 4/415 MILLY POP4 BOSSA NOVA16 FUNK0# Beats In Bar: _95 ETHNIC17 JAZZ WALTZ000Tempo : ___9996 BLUES SHUFFLE18 RHUMBA7 BLUES EVEN19 CHA CHA000Bass Patch : ___9998 WALTZ 3/420 BOUNCY 12/89 POP BALLAD21 IRISH000Piano Patch : ___99910 SHUFFLE ROCK22 POP BALLAD 12/811 LIGHT ROCK23 OLD COUNTRY 12/8Enter 0 For No Change 12 MEDIUM ROCK24 REGGAECANCELOKGenerating Drum PartsPlease Wait.....11 / 410 / 49 / 47 / 46 / 45 / 4 4 / 4 3 / 4 2 / 4 1 / 4 Song Time Signature 000End:___999000Start:___999CANCEL( 2 )( 3 )( 4 )( 3 - 2 )( 4-4-3 )( 4-4-2 )( 4-4-1 )( 4 - 3 )( 4 - 2 )( 1 ) Beat #->18 open shakr17 clsd shakr16 claps15 tambourine14 timbale13 high conga12 low conga11 high tom10 mid tom 9 low tom 8 crash 7 ride 6 cow bell 5 rim shot 4 open hh 3 closed hh 2 snare 1 kick35Bass Drum(Pop) __9935Bass Drum(Jazz) __9938Snare Drum(Pop) __9938Snare Drum(Jazz) __9941Low Tom __9945Mid Tom __9948Hi Tom __9942Closed High Hat __9944Partial cl H.Hat __9946Open High Hat __99Save drum settings?Drum Machine Definition Screen37Rim Shot/Stick __9951Ride Cymbal __9949Crash Cymbal __9956Cow Bell __9954Tambourine __9939Clap __9969Shaker __9970Closed Shaker __9971Whistle __9975Claves __99YES62High Conga __9963Low Conga __9964Lowest Conga __9960High Bongo __9961Low Bongo __9965Timbale __9966Low Timbale __9967High Agogo __9968Low Agogo __99DONENExtra Sustain _XEdit Song Parameters120Tempo :___999_TITLEUntitled________________________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1Begin Chorus at : ___999 32End Chorus After: ___9991Total Number of Choruses : _9NVary the Middle Style? (Y/N) : _XYOverall Loop Song? (Y/N) : _XYTag Exists? (Y/N) : _X 32Tag Jump After Bar : ___999 12Tag Begin At : ___999 36Tag End After : ___999DONE! Drum Pattern is Finished 5Relative Weight (0 - 9): _900Playback Bar Mask (0 - 11): __990Tempo Mask (0 - 2): _9YAllow Other Patterns ? _X00Late Triplets (0 - 11): __99Late triplets are used in jazzstyles to improve the feel of rigid triplets on 3rd tripletsetting =0 -> rigid triplet10 -> late on 16th note11 -> random latenessTo erase a pattern set weight =0Higher weight = played more oftenCancelOkPlease Wait............Generating Bass & Piano BAND-IN-A-BOX ST PROGRAMMING BYDave Roach and Andrew Summerfielddrums and piano chording in 24 stylesAutomatic accompaniment for bass,Band-In-A-Box is a program which is constantly expanding in scope. Thereare always exciting new features under development. We have kept the cost under $100 to encourage musicians to purchase the program with documentation rather than obtaining an illegal copy.PG MUSIC Inc. 111-266 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo NY 14222 ph 1-416-528-2368(VISA/MC)HAVE FUN! PG MUSICThanks!By Peter Gannon PG MUSICBy Andrew SummerfieldSTYLES with up to 6 instrumentsof popular music Plus USER DEFINEDand now with a NEW Melody recording track.Drum Patterns By Chris O'BrienFax (416) 628-2541Version 5.13Atari Bass Pattern Is Recorded 5Relative Weight (0 - 9): _900Playback Bar Mask (0 - 11): __990Playback Beat Mask (0 - 4): _90Roman Numeral Mask (0 - 7): _900Chord Type (0 - 11): __9900Interval to Next Chord (-7 - 8): __x90Tempo Mask (0 - 2): _9YAllow Other Patterns ? _XYOk to use Macro Notes ? _XPlayback bar mask determines WHEN pattern is played. 0=anytime, 1=odd2=even, 4=every 4th pat. etc.OkCancel TEST CHORD PLAYBACK Key of F FFmaj7Gm7Am7B6C7susC13Em7b5EdimDmC7BbAmGmBm7b5Am7G7b9b13F6Em7Dm7 DmEmFGAmBdim Key of C Cmaj7CACOUSTIC PIANOBRIGHT PIANOELECTRIC GRANDHONKY TONK RHODES ELCTRICELECTRIC 2HARPSICHORDCLAVINETCELESTEGLOCKENSPIELMUSICAL BOXVIBRAPHONEMARIMBAXYLOPHONETUBULAR BELLSSANTURDRAW BAR ORGANPERCUSS ORGANROCK ORGANCHURCH ORGANREED ORGANACCORDIANHARMONICABANDNEON000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999NYLON GUITARACOUS GUITARJAZZ GUITARELEC GUIT CLNEL GUIT MUTEDOVERDRV GUITDISTORT GUITHARMONICSACOUSTIC BASSFINGERED BASSPICKED BASSFRETLESS BASSSLAP BASS 1SLAP BASS 2SYNTH BASS 1SYNTH BASS 2VIOLINVIOLACELLOCONTRA BASSTREMOLOPIZZICATOHARPTIMPANI000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999STRINGSSLOW STRINGSSYNTH STRING1SYNTH STRING2CHOIR AAHSVOICE OOHSSYNTH VOICEORCHESTRA HITTRUMPETTROMBONETUBAMUTED TRUMPETFRENCH HORNBRASS SECTIONSYNTH BRASS 1SYNTH BRASS 2SOPRANO SAXALTO SAXTENOR SAXBARITONE SAXOBOEENGLISH HORNBASSOONCLARINET000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999PICCOLOFLUTERECORDERPAN FLUTEBLOW BOTTLESHAKUHACHIWHISTLEOCARINASQUARE WAVESAW WAVECALLIOPECHIFF LEADCHARANGVOICE LEADFIFTH LEADBASS & LEADPAD NEW AGEPAD - WARMPAD POLY SYNPAD - VOICEPAD - BOWEDPAD - METALPAD - HALOPAD - SWEEP000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999ICE RAINSOUNDTRACKCRYSTALATMOSPHEREBRIGHTNESSGOBLINECHOESSCI-FISITARBANJOSHAMISENKOTOKALIMBABAGPIPESFIDDLESHANAITINKLEAGOGOSTEEL DRUMWOOD BLOCKTAIKO DRUMMELODIC TOMSYN DRUMREV. CYMBAL000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999FX-FRETSFX BREATHSEA SHORETWEETTELEPHONEHELICOPTERAPPLAUSEGUN SHOTOKCANCEL000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999< Press Space Bar to begin Play >Quantize Melody00Resolution per Bar __99000Starting at Bar # ___99900Chorus # __99000# of Bars to Quantize ___999000% Strength ___999YQuantize Start Times ? _aYQuantize Durations ? _a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CancelOKResolutions ( range 4-48 )16 = 16th note, 12 = 8th note tripletsQuantizing Durations prevents " note overlap " 003rd Triplet late By : ___X99OKJazz styles have the 3rd triplet lying somewherebetween the half note and the 4th sixteenth note.Range of lateness = -20 to +100 late will quantize to the triplet+10 will quantize to the 4th sixteenth-20 will quantize back to the half noteTypical settings : +4 for slower tempi, -5 for fast.CancelRecord Melody000Starting at Bar # ___99900Chorus # __99000Max # Bars to Record ? ___999YUnderlying Melody to be erased ? _aOKCancel00Bass __9900Piano __9900Drums __9900Guitar __9900Horns __9900Strings __9900Melody __9900Thru Chan. __99ChannelOctave00__X900__X900__X900__X900__X900__X900__X900__X9000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999PatchMidi Settings000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999VolumeOKReverb000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999Chorus000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999000___999Pan000___X99000___X99000___X99000___X99000___X99000___X99000___X99000___X99YAllow any Patch Changes _aY Style GS Patch Changes _aY Song GS Patch Changes _aYAllow Volume Changes _aY Style Volume Changes _aYMIDI Thru _aY Use Thru Channel _aY Controllers Thru _aYOutput Sync/Start Info _a(0-16)(-2,2)(0-128)(0-127)(0-127)(0-127)(-63,+63)------------------------------------------------------------------ Patch changes are 0-128 using Roland numbering. 0 = No change- (optional) Reverb, Chorus and Pan settings only have effect on a GS Standard Synthesizer ( e.g. Roland Sound Canvas )-------------CancelView GS PatchesYLocal On _a 00Concert Pitch Adjust ___X9912712712345255448030000127___999127___99930000_____99999255___9994_9480___99930000_____9999912712712345255448030000Note #VelocityTimeBarBeatTickDurationPrevious EventDoneNext Event Play Note In (Via MIDI)Edit Melody Notes________________________________________CancelOk 00___X99Record Melody From000From Which Bar ___9990Which Chorus _9CancelOKPlay from any Bar000Starting at Bar # ___99900Chorus # __99YInclude Melody ? _a000Melody Patch Change ___999000Piano Patch Change ___999000Bass Patch Change ___999000Drum Patch Change ___999Patches 1-127, 0 = no patch changeCANCELOKPianoBassStringsGuitar/HornsMelodyOKSelect those instruments whose notes you wish tosee displayed during the song playback.Instrument Displayxߏvxm7}8<>p7緀xߟvπx>pfgvl2dp8@38@?8@>8@>38@38@>p8@08@8@>8@8@x`?? <0aǀff~ pfa ff` pffa fl` pc fx| p f|` pa fff` paǀ< &?&F&G&H&N&O&P&V&W&X&d&e &f&n&o&p&z&{ &|&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''' ' '''''!'%')'-'1'5'9'='A'E'I'M'Q'U'Y']'a'e'i'm'q'u'y'}''''''''''''''''' ''''''''' ''' (( (  (((((&('(((1(2 (3(8(9(:(H(I(J(V(W (X(f(g(h(v(w(x((((( ((( ((( ((( (((((( (((((( ((((((())) ))))))#)')+)/)3)7);)?)C)G)K)O)S)W)[)_)c)g)k)o)s)w){)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*********"*# *$*.*/ *0*<*= *>*I*J *K*S*T*U*]*^*_*k*l *m*v*w *x** *** ****** *** *** *** *** *** *** *++ + ++ ++"+# +$+0+1 +2+6+:+>+B+F+J+N+R+V+Z+^+b+f+j+n+r+v+z+~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,,, ,,,,,,",&,*,.,2,6,:,>,B,F,J,N,R,[,\ ,],h,i ,j,r,s,t,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,----- --- --(-) -*-6-7 -8-A-B -C-O-P -Q-U-Y-]-a-e-i-m-q-u-y-}--------------------------------... . .....!.%.).-.1.5.9.=.A.E.I.M.Q.U.Y.].a.e.i.m.q.z.{ .|.. ... ...... ... ... ... .........../// / /////!/%/)/-/1/5/W/X"/Y/i/j/k/n////////////0000002040P1;1?1Z222222!222223!333<%3H3K3Z3]3`3o3r3u333333333333333334444 4444444 4#4&4)4,4/4245484;4>4A4D4G4K4O4S4W4[4_4c4g4k4o4s4w4{444444444444444444444444444444555 5 5555.52565:5>5B5F5J5N5R5V5Z5^5b5f5j5n5r5v5z5~55555555555555555555555555555666 6 66666!6%6)6-6165696=6A6E6I6M6Q6U6Y6[6v6x6z6666666666667777072747O7Q7S7n888889 9 99999999 9!9%9&9'9)9*9+9/90919798999=9A9E9I9M9Q9W9]9c9g9k9o9q9s9u9y9}999999999999999999999999999 :<:e:f):q:u:y:}:::::::::::::;;;;;;;8;:;>;X;\;`;z;~;;;;; "? 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(katowice) 87-94-32 * *************************************** latest SUPR NINTNDO games, or a * * Copier for the SS then just do the following thing... * * * * Send a 3" disk to the following address, and write * * down your name and address, you will get the latest * * lists and i*************************************** * ATARI ST/STE/MEGA STE/TT/FALCON * * * * - MIDI * * - MUZYCZNE * * - UZYTKI, DTP * * - GRAPHISC * * - GRY * * - DEMOSY, KODY ZRODLOWE * * i co ci na mysl przyjdzie * * prosto z Holandii * * * * KRATA & PASKUD * * Katowice sobota: Dom zwiazkow L1,L2 * * niedziela: Baildon 70,71 * * tel. (katowice) 87-94-32 * *************************************** C2Medium Rock Demo #1   @@@@@@@@@@@P                            P, !$ )B ZZMEDROK.STYrKC2Miami Rock Demo #1  @ @@@@ @         %( )B ZZMIAMIP.STYrGC2Miami Rock Demo #2 } @@@@R       R  %, )B ZZMIAMIP.STYrC2Miami Rock Demo #3 }@@@VV, )B ZZMIAMIP.STYr,C2Milly Pop Demo #1 _@@@@~bb  bb  ~  %( )B ZZMILLYP.STYr~C?Current kit is Roland MT 32 (program defaults to MT32 settings)WCOL(& 2SSSPATTERNAVAILABLEb& &l&RTC&#$%&')*,-.01368<=>?@ABCDEFGK#  !1?ZZZZZZZZ((((((((dddddddddd  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !)!"#$%&'(;D!!""$!&'(( = !) !!!!!) j>?@ABC9:<=??????????12345678Yo11111111119:C2Swing Demo #5  @FFF!F@F @F@FFF!FFFF            %( )BvC2Swing Demo #6 Bb Blues   F@F@F@@F@@@       %( )BC2Swing Demo #7 FFFFF@FF!@FF      %( )BM+C2Swing Demo #8   @@@@ @@ @ L8@ L L @              %( )BMSC2Swing Demo #9 5/4 Time Sig. 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