Atari Tools =========== Current Version: V0.30-140227 This package contains some of the tools from my AtariSIO package, compiled as a Win32 console application: dir2atr: Create an (optionally bootable) DOS 2.x/MyDOS ATR image from a directory on your PC. Includes MyPicoDos and support for creating MyPicoDos long filenames (PICONAME.TXT). adir: Print the DOS 2.x/MyDOS directory of an image. ataricom: "swiss army knife" for working with Atari executables (COM/EXE/XEX). List the blocks in a file, convert a COM file into raw data (and vice versa), merge/split blocks etc. current version: V0.30-140227 2014-02-27 Fixed allowed characters in MyDos mode. Added support for MyPicoDos autorun mode. Support user defined boot sectors, for example to create ATRs with xBIOS boot sectors. old versions: V0.30-101002 2010-10-02 Initial release.