SAP AUTHOR "Gary Gilbertson" NAME "Alternate Reality: The City - Tavern Dance" DATE "1985" NTSC TYPE B FASTPLAY 262 INIT 8717 PLAYER 81C1 TIME 01:27.368 LOOP `[)[\) [[)\) \[``WXRYSZ͍[΍\we] ҍUH ҍVHUmWWXiXUmVUMVVYUUhVhU`UmVUMVVYUUmi` 8 O @}0 %}P ҍT 70  | 70   | 70 ` @}`,`0`,(ҩҩ4Ӡ < %}PT ҩ 70. < | 70_` @}`U7K?MB (# ƇLK LL sM` sM` sM`ſտֿ93:3ƿͿοݿ޿忝濝1323`#ҍL ҍL2:3;MUM]:^; s>ƿ8ο}Ϳƿſ)823}13i)ݓ ݔ }L/L7H)h:393:3տݽֿտHqH:LfI4 HH4`,*+:)% e:*;i+:;`hh:ȱ:ſȽ98iH8ƿh:ƿ,* )L,) Șe::;Aތ<"8#9)H)hq8)}ȱ8ȱ8}ƿƿȘKƿҽ)ҥ:2;3K͢LL)^Åwzf6Ʌم HB-L`UMie:];i^L 1:q:L``:L:Hȱ:;h:``:;``H: ȹh`:`H:8ȱ: Oh`ݿ(`:8ݿȩ忘e:;i`ݿ:;`:;L@ x`:Ϳȱ:տֿ`:οȱ:տֿ`:13ȱ::393`:23ȱ::393`:ȱ:`ie:;iL :;` : mȘHh`*:+;LɃ` : mȘH𑬜"# h`)`L†hV` PW QX JKPWQXҍ2 ` Ɔ ꈭ<=҅@E?> <2 ҍҍҍҩ` Ɔ<=҅@E?> <2 ;ҍҩ` Ɔ<=҅@E?> i<2 Vҍҩ`H****)h)3`@ ` HJWȱJ[Eh`$CDʩeCCDiDL^`mȱ:` 8L,``Fȱ:JjjIHHC@`HHFILɈ$7E C )?$76h`EH6h`P(P{ T'"&"$  & Skin 44Bare Hands Commoner Leisure Leisure Leisure  Cheap Gray Breechcloth Simple Gray Cloak  "7ӓI$ Walking in Sitting down Naturally you Glance around On the floor About to dance With smallish legs In smallish pants A character With features drawn From ages past And yet to dawn You down an ale A few a forth You watch the dance You watch the dwarf Band is on a break You've been in hereAn awfully long time You can't hide here Please leave I won't ask again A}      #         iiii""""""d"  Yv    Q7[[ dd   2      㓠v  yɘɘ\I } %v =Օs -} Yv q ܖܖ a}ˠ ˠ Z Z  Z Z  Z Z  Z Z   Z  Z   Z  Z   Z Z  Z Z d   d  < Q2 [ L Q  ( ( /2 L 5 /  UQU  ryr  ryr    UQU  ryr  ryr   y ryr  rr     !!%( -2-29< L 9 9 9 92 %(%(-/ 9<9<DL ` ` ` ` `2 %(%(-2 9<9<DL [ U [ U [2 -2-29< DLDLQ[ r  r  r2  ( ( /2 / - / $ %Q2/ Q ( /2 / 5 < $ %Qd Q < Q2 Q L Q D E2Q y < Q2 Q [ ` D EȦyy y@QUUU!UTUJUTUJUU(?@;?f@aLUUU!JJ(UUUU UUU!*J*J*(?UUUU;ff UUU!*J*J*(?TPUUU!*J*J*(?UUUU;faBUUU!*J*J*(?UUUU UUU!JJ(?PPf* !UTUJUTUJUU(?UUUSP!UTUJUTUJUU(?8aB (?C *&ff***P &faB ʪ&fUCʪPT@ &aATUUSQT?&EDʪPU !ATUʪQTTEQPPUEDATUTTUQTTLUEQQUEE