Atari 8 Bit Productivity Podcast

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S1E9 Atari Family Finances


This episode features Atari Family Finances as released by Atari in 1982.  This software was originally released in 1981 through APX as Family Cash Flow and Family Budget.  It was written by Jerry Falkenhan.

Podcast: Download

Box and Manual Scans

I provided these scans to AtariMania as well.

Box Front:

Atari Family Finances Box Front


Box Rear:


Atari Family Finances Box Rear


APX Family Budget Manual Cover, sorry I don’t have the Cash Flow one.:

APX Family Budget Manual Cover


Family Finances in Action

Booting Cash Flow:

Atari Family Finances Cash Flow Loading


Cash Flow Main Menu:

Atari Family Finances Cash Flow Main Menu


Cash Flow Main Menu as distributed under APX:

APX Family Cash Flow Main Menu


Converting from single to dual disks:

Atari Family Finances Dual DIsk


Cash Flow Income program month selection:

Atari Family Finances Cash Flow Income Month Select


Cash Flow Income program menu functions:

Atari Family Finances Income Program Menu


Cash Flow Income program Review Entries category selection:

Atari Family Finances Income Program Review Category Selection


Cash Flow Income program Review Entries category details:

Atari Family Finances Income Program Category Detail


Cash Flow Income program Enter New Data:

Atari Family Finance Income Program Enter New Data


Cash Flow Income program Change Entry.  Notice the primitive input form where you select the field you want to edit prior to editing:

Atari Family Finances Income Program Change Entry


Cash Flow Income Program Print menu:

Atari Family Finances Cash Flow Program Income Print Menu


Cash Flow Expense program month selection:

Atari Family Finances Expense Program Month Selection


Cash Flow Expense program menu functions:

Atari Family Finances Expense Program Menu


Cash Flow Expenses program Enter New Data (notice the color change back to green):

Atari Family Finances Expense Program Category Selection


Cash Flow Setup Program start for initial setup or new year:

Atari Family Finance Reset / New Year Start


Cash Flow Setup Program Income Categories:

Atari Family Finances Reset / New Year Income Categories


Cash Flow Setup Program Income Category edit.  Select category, enter new name over the dashes:

Atari Family Finance Reset / New Year Income Category Edit


Cash Flow Setup Program Expense Categories.  This works the same way the Income categories does:

Atari Family Finances Reset / New Year Expense Categories


Cash Flow Review Finances loading.  The expense and income months are filled in from top to bottom as it reads data from diskette:

Atari Family Finances Review Load


Cash Flow Review Finances Detail:

Atari Family Finances Review Finances Detail


Cash Flow Review Finances Income:

Atari Family Finances Review Income


Cash Flow Review Finances Expenses:

Atari Family Finances Review Expenses


Budget loading.  You will normally answer N to both questions:

Atari Family Finances Budget Loading

Atari Family Finances Budget Load 1

Atari Family Finances Budget Load 2


Budget loading data.  Income and expense data is loaded by month from diskette.  This fills from top to bottom and ends up with two columns each:

Atari Family Finances Budget Loading Data


Budget Main Menu:

Atari Family Finances Budget Main Menu


Budget Setup Budgets.  Similar to other input forms.  Select the item you want to edit:

Atari Family Finances Budget Setup


Budget Setup Summary:

Atari Family Finances Budget Setup Summary


Review Budgets – Yearly

Budget – Review Budgets – Budget Expense vs Actual Expense.  Select category, select month or range of months:





Budget – Review Budgets – Actual Incomes vs Budget Incomes.    Select month or range of months:




Budget – Review Budgets – Incomes Budget vs Expense Budget.   Select month or range of months:




Budget – Review Budgets – Incomes Actual vs Expense Actual:



Budget – Review Budgets – Single Category Income.    Select category:







Budget – Review Budgets – Single Category Expense.    Select category:




Review Budgets – Monthly

Budget – Review Budgets – Actual Incomes vs Budget Incomes.    Select month or range of months:




Budget – Review Budgets – Actual Expense vs Budget Expense:



Budget – Change Entries – Change Expense.  Again select the item you want to change:

Atari Family Finances Budget Change Expense


Budget – Change Entries – Change Income.  An item (C) being changed:

Atari Family Finances Budget Change Income



Output from the various functions that print.  In regard to the report titles; On the left side of the – is the program disk, on the right side is the menu option:

Cash Flow – Print Finances:

Cash Flow – Income – Print Entries – All Summaries:

Cash Flow – Income – Print Entries – All Detail Rpts:

Cash Flow – Income – Print Entries – Month Summary:

Cash Flow – Income – Print Entries – Month Detail:

Cash Flow – Expense – Print Entries – All Summaries:

Cash Flow – Expense – Print Entries – All Detail Rpts:

Cash Flow – Expense – Print Entries – Month Summary:

Cash Flow – Expense – Print Entries – Month Detail:



Budget – Print Budgets – Budget Expense vs Actual Expense:

Budget – Print Budgets – Actual Incomes vs Budget Incomes:

Budget – Print Budgets – Incomes Budget vs Expense Budget:

Budget – Print Budgets – Incomes Actual vs Expense Actual:

Budget – Print Budgets – Single Category Incomes:

Budget – Print Budgets – Single Category Expense:



Budget – Print Budgets – Actual Income Vs Budget Income:

Budget – Print Budgets – Actual Expense vs Budget Expense:


User Guide

I won’t always provide the user guide, but in absence of a cheat sheet I will.

User guide download


Show Links:



Bit Rating 6

Intro music is an excerpt from a chip tune by Wizwars named 8 Bit Raceway.  It is used under Creative Common license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States.


S1E8 VisiCalc


This episode features VisiCalc, originally released in 1980 by Personal Software and later in 1982 released by VisiCorp.  It was written by Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston under Software Arts, Inc.  This program for the Atari 8 bit line of computers was the first commercial spreadsheet for the Atari.  There is a very interesting relationship with the company names, see the show links at the bottom for full details.

Podcast: Download

Box and Manual Scans

I provided these scans to AtariMania as well to replace the scans of the tattered box that was found there.

Scan of the front and back of the box sleeve:

VisiCorp VisiCalc Box Front VisiCorp VisiCalc Box Back


Scan of the front of the box (the back is the same):

VisiCorp VisiCalc Box Inner


Scan of the Manual Cover and the License Agreement Insert:

VisiCorp VisiCalc Manual Cover VisiCorp VisiCalc License Agreement


First Advertisment

The very first ad was a teaser and placed in Byte Magazine’s May 1979 issue:


VisiCalc First Advertisement

Byte May 1979 Cover:

VisiCalc Byte Magazine May 1979 Cover


Atari Advertising

Here is a full page ad from Atari in 1980 for VisiCalc:

VisiCalc 1980 Full Page Ad


VisiCalc in Action

No splash screens, no menus, boot right into the application and start working – very productive:

VisiCalc Boot Good


Boot failure with a cartridge in:

VisiCalc Boot Failure


Press / to bring up the menu:

VisiCalc Menu


Forward Referencing example:

VisiCalc Forward Reference


Circular Reference example.  Each recalculation causes the value to be further incorrectly calculated:

VisiCalc Circular Reference


Cell replication in several steps, two displayed (range selection, and reference updates):

VisiCalc Cell Replication

VisiCalc Cell Replication

Lookup function in use.  Value in A13 is looked up in range B1 to B11, which lands at B5.  The value to be returned is immediately to the right at C5.  Had the lookup range been in a row, the value returned would need to be immediately below the matching cell:

VisiCalc Lookup Function


The column widths being demonstrated at 9 characters.  Column width effects all columns.  A1 contains .0000007, A2 contains .00000008, A3 contains 88888888, A4 contains 888888888 (one more significant digit than A3).

A6 contains ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, B6 contains JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, C6 contains STUVWXYZ.  All strings terminated at 9 characters:

VisiCalc Column Widths


Example of complete spreadsheet (from the lessons in the manual):

VisiCalc Budget Example


Using split window mode on the budget spreadsheet:

VisiCalc Split Window


Another example of split window, this time using different column widths in each window and the graphing format:

VisiCalc Split Window Graphing



Printing the budget spreadsheet entire range:


Printing the graph spreadsheet formulas:


Cheat Sheet

Pocket Reference download


Show Links:


Bit Rating 8


Intro music is an excerpt from a chip tune by Wizwars named 8 Bit Raceway.  It is used under Creative Common license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States.


S1E7 APX Weekly Planner


This episode features Weekly Planner, originally released in 1981 by APX.  It was written by Ronald & Lynn Marcuse.  This program for the Atari 8 bit line of computers was written in BASIC and released on cassette and diskette.

Podcast: Download

APX Weekly Planner

The cover of the manual:

APX Weekly Planner Manual Cover


Many Faces of APX

APX, Atari Program Exchange, was a software distribution model run by Atari between 1981 and 1984.  It was similar to shareware in that it allowed users to write and sell software as commercial titles, but it allowed for a central point of sale and distribution.  I like to think of it as a very early App store.

1981.  Similar to the Atari Connection magazine logo:



APX 1981

1982.  This one is my favorite.

APX 1982


1983.  This is the one I remember the most:

APX 1983

APX Weekly Planner in Action

When the program loads you are presented with a menu of options. They are depicted in the screen shot below.  Note the program displays the date and day name:

APX Weekly Planner Start Menu


Selecting add event.  After entering the date, it determines the day name as well.  Note in the example below that HOLIDAY is entered for the TYPE field.  None of the fields are limit restricted, however they are truncated to the internally defined size.  As such, HOLIDAY becomes H:

APX Weekly Planner Event Add


When selecting INQUIRY menu item, first select the Date, Time, and Person which can all have a wildcard.  Then select BROWSE or INQUIRY from the sub menu:

APX Weekly Planner Inquiry Filter


When selecting the INQUIRY sub menu, all matching records are displayed in full detail.  Select CONTINUE to move to next matching record:

APX Weekly Planner Inquiry


When select BROWSE from the INQUIRY sub menu, a list of matching records is presented in partial detail:

APX Weekly Planner Browse


The APPOINTMENT LIST main menu option allows you to print a daily agenda on a full sheet of paper.  It can be blank or populated with data matching filter criteria you specify similar to the INQUIRY function:

APX Weekly Planner Appointment List


The CALENDAR main menu option allows you to print a full month calendar on a full sheet of paper.  It can be blank or populated with data matching filter criteria you specify similar to the INQUIRY function:

APX Weekly Planner Calendar


Printed Output

Appointment List Output (in PDF form)

Calendar Output (in PDF form)

Weekly Planner Version Update:

As noted in the podcast I have updated the software to version 1.1.  I am hosting it for now.  Rename the file from .ZIP to .ATR.  I can’t host files named as .ATR so it had to be renamed.


Once booted to BASIC prompt, enter: RUN “D:CALY2K”

The changes I made to the day name determination routine are covered in depth on my blog Unfinished Bitness at


Change Summary

The following changes were applied to the original 1.0 code to allow Weekly Planner to work with dates from 2000 to 2099.  The 1.0 version would not work with dates beyond 1999.

  • Line 11: Added: REM UPDATED BY WADE RIPKOWSKI (2014)
  • Line 100: Changed version to 1.1, added (wr), spaced out word M E N U
  • Line 140: Set Instructions to lowercase (differentiate from Menu better), added one space before Press to properly center it
  • Line 420: Changed 19 to 20
  • Line 950: Changed 19 to 20
  • Lines 960,962,964: Removed
  • Line 966: Renumbered to 974
  • Lines 960,962,964,966,968,970,972: Added
  • Line 990: Changed to new month table values: 033614625035
  • Lines 991,992,994: Propercased Month and Day names

Changed Code

Since there is not an easy or practical way to print Inverse ATASCII characters on modern computers, captured printer output will have to do.  Here is an image of the code changes:

APX Weekly Planner 1.1 Code Changes

Update Main Menu

Screen shot of my version 1.1 update:

APX Weekly Planner 1.1 Update Main Menu


Show Links:

 Bit Rating 2


Intro music is an excerpt from a chip tune by Jordon Gladstone named The Christmas Is In Another Castle.  It is used under Creative Common license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

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S1E6 Synapse SynFile+


This episode features Synapse SynFile+, originally released in 1983.  There was a second release in 1985 which provided compatability with the XL/XE computers.  Synapse was thrown into financial crisis by Atari after Jack Tramiel took over and refused to pay for 40,000 software units that had been shipped.  Broderbund software bought Synapse in 1984.  As such the 1985 release is sometimes credited as being published by Broderbund/Synapse.

Podcast: Download


Box Art

1983 Release:

1983 Box

1985 Release:

1985 Box

Predecessor Ad

This is an ad for FileManager 800, which SynFile+ grew out of.


Synapse FileManager 800 Ad

Synapse SynFile+ in Action


Main Title:

Main Title


Boot Error when cartridge is inserted or memory requirements are not met:

Boot Error



Files Menu:

Files Menu


Records Menu:

Records Menu


Reports Menu:

Reports Menu


Create Database

Create Menu:

Create Form 1

The SynFile+ option reloads the main SynFile+ program.


Adding Field, Selecting Type :

Create Form 2



Form completed:

Create Form 3


Altering a field type. Note placement of cursor, then press RETURN.  This screenshot is from the EDIT FORM, but it works the same during CREATE:

Create Form 4


Defining a lookup table for lookup fields:

Create Form 5


Open File

Opening a database:

Open 1


Defining the initial index after opening.  This will only happen the first time a new database is opened, after that you use the RE-INDEX option from the RECORDS menu:

Open 2 Index




Database Status showing name, index definition, number of records, and maximum number of records:

Open 3 Summary



Database Status after entering 104 records and altering the index.  This screenshot is where I realized something was wrong with the database.  It’s only reflecting 46 records.

File ReIndex



Error during input (invalid entry for lookup field):

Input Error


Error during record save.  This is where my database got corrupted and ultimately caused me to have the first 58 records zero’d out:

Error File


Setting a retrieval filter:

Retrieve Filter



Using LISTS you enter all fields on one line:

Report LISTS


Using LABELS you have more flexibility but still not enough:




The tutorial disk requires BASIC cartridge be inserted.  It walks you through the basic of databases through creating reports with a lot of explanation.

The main menu:

Tutor 1


The start of the Database Introduction section:

Tutorial 2


Report Output

Without Totals

Here is a sample report as printed to the printer, this one without column totals:

Atari 8 Software

RelYear RelMonth Publisher                Title
------- -------- ------------------------ --------------------------

                 Sierra On-Line           Homeword                   
                 Alpha Systems            MagniPrint                 
                 tmq Software, Inc        File-Fax DBMS              
                 Alpha Systems            MagniPrint II              
1980             Atari                    Graph It                   
1980             Atari                    Mailing List               
1980    03       LJK Enterprises          Letter Perfect             
1981    03       Swifty Software, Inc     File It                    
1981    03       Atari                    General Ledger             
1981    03       CE Software              Letter Writer              
1981    03       Magic Lantern            Mail List                  
1981    05       Swifty Software, Inc     File It 2                  
1981    07       Dynacomp, Inc            Mail List 2.2              
1981    08       Computer Age Software    InfoFile                   
1981    10       PMS                      General Ledger             
1981    11       Synapse Software         File Manager 800           
1982             Atari                    Home Filing Manager        
1982    01       Artworx                  Form Letter System         
1982    01       Artworx                  Mail List 3.0              
1982    03       Atari                    Home Accounting System     
1982    06       Creative Software        Home Inventory             
1982    06       Creative Software        Household Finance          
1982    06       The Computer Seen SW     Inventory Control          
1982    06       Creative Software        Loan Analyzer              
1982    09       Swifty Software, Inc     File It C                  
1982    09       Acorn Software Products  Language Teacher           
1982    11       A Bit Better Software    Magic Mail                 
1983    05       Financial Software Plus  Inventory                  
1983    09       SIM Computer Products    Home-Calc                  
1983    11       Soft Sectre              Homebase                   
1984    07       non-standard MAGIC!      Lister Plus                
1984    10       Sierra On-Line           Homeword Filer             
1984    10       Sierra On-Line           Homeword Speller           
1984    12       Batteries Included       HomeFind                   
1984    12       Batteries Included       HomePak                    
1984    12       Batteries Included       HomeTerm                   
1984    12       Batteries Included       HomeText                   
1985    06       Artworx                  Linkword Language Spanish  
1985    06       Artworx                  Linkword Language German   
1985    06       Artworx                  Linkword Language German   
1985    06       Artworx                  Linkword Language French   
1985    08       Kidstuff Software        Home Base                  
1985    11       Tri Micro                Home Office                
1986    02       Royal Software           Inventory Master           
1987    02       XLEnt Software           First XLEnt Word Processor 
1987    09       Intellicreations         Graphics Companion I       

With Totals


Type           Title                    Price
-------------- ------------------------ ------

Word Processor Atari Word Processor     149.95 
Word Processor AtariWriter Plus           0.00 
Word Processor AtariWriter 80             0.00 
Word Processor AtariWriter C              0.00 
Word Processor AtariWriter A             79.95 
       Utility Calculator                29.95 
     Education Conversational French     59.95 
      Database Data Perfect              99.95 
       Utility Decision Maker            15.95 
       Finance Family Finances           49.95 
Word Processor First XLEnt Word Proc.    29.95 
Word Processor Letter Perfect           149.00 
           PIM Mailing List              19.95 
     Education MasterType Improved       39.95 
     Education MasterType                39.95 
       Utility Print Plus                29.95 
     Education States & Capitols         14.95 
      Database SynFile+                  44.95 
           PIM Timewise                   0.00 
   Spreadsheet VisiCalc                 199.95 
-------------- ------------------------ ------


Command Cheat Sheet

Download PDF: Cheat Sheet


Show Links:


Bit Rating 5


Intro music is an excerpt from a chip tune by Wizwars named 8 Bit Raceway.  It is used under Creative Common license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States.


S1E5 APX Decision Maker


This episode features Decision Maker, originally released in 1981 by Color Computer Concepts through APX.  It was written by James L Bruun.  This program for the Atari 8 bit line of computers was written in BASIC and released on cassette and diskette.  Absolute initial pricing was hard to discern as different sources listed different amounts at the time of release.

Podcast: Download

Many Faces of APX

APX, Atari Program Exchange, was a software distribution model run by Atari between 1981 and 1984.  It was similar to shareware in that it allowed users to write and sell software as commercial titles, but it allowed for a central point of sale and distribution.  I like to think of it as a very early App store.

1981.  Similar to the Atari Connection magazine logo:



APX 1981

1982.  This one is my favorite.

APX 1982


1983.  This is the one I remember the most:

APX 1983

APX Decision Maker in Action

There is no menu.  Starting the programs does just that, starts the program.  This is start screen:

Decision Maker Main Screen


Entering the choices you want to decide on:

Decision Maker Choices


Entering the common attributes for the choices:

Decision Maker Attributes


Instructions for, and entering, the relative weights for each each attribute:

Decision Maker Relative Instructions


Entering the weights for each attribute and choice combination:

Decision Maker Weights


The results display complete with weighting graph and recommended choice:

Decision Maker Results


Breakdown of Use Case Weighting

Relative Attribute Weights:

  • VARIETY = 75 (most important)
  • QTY P/YEAR = 0 (least important)
  • QTY P/TYPE = 0 (least important)


Individual Attribute and Choice Weights:

  • VARIETY – BY EP CNT = 99  (most important)
  • VARIETY – BY YEAR = 25
  • VARIETY – BY TYPE = 25
  • QTY P/YEAR – BY EP CNT = 00
  • QTY P/YEAR – BY YEAR = 99
  • QTY P/YEAR – BY TYPE = 00
  • QTY P/TYPE – BY EP CNT = 00
  • QTY P/TYPE – BY YEAR = 00
  • QTY P/TYPE – BY TYPE = 99

Show Links:


Bit Rating 4


Intro music is an excerpt from a chip tune by Wizwars named 8 Bit Raceway.  It is used under Creative Common license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States.

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S1E4 Atari Mailing List


This episode features Atari Mailing List, originally released in 1981.  This program for the Atari 8 bit line of computers was written in BASIC and released on cassette.

Podcast: Download

Manual Cover Art

Atari Mailing List

Atari Mailing List in Action

Loading the program using CLOAD and examination of the secondary load.  The first load prepares the loading screen.  The second, forced, load loads the actual program:



Loading screen, complete with broken art:

Loading screen


Momentary title screen:

Title Screen


Main Menu:

Main Menu


Resume from BREAK.  Line 100 is the menu input routine:



Modifying code for disk use:

DIsk mod 1

Disk mod 2


Adding a record:

Add record


Filtering data set via Delete function:

Filter via Delete



Atari Mailing List Customizer in Action

Title Screen:

List Customizer Title


Step 1: Defining name, number of fields, and number of output lines:

Customize Step 1


Step 2: Defining field labels and field sizes:

Customize Step 2


Step 3: Defining each output line format:

Customize step 3


Step 4: Saving the customized code:

Customize step 4


Output and Data File

Data File

Data files are stored in a combination binary and ATASCII format, mainly ATASCII.  Looks like it could easily be completely deciphered.  You can also see in this screenshot the Atari Mailing List program on disk (AMAILLST.BAS), the Atari General List program on disk (AGENLIST.BAS), along with the list modification code created by the customizer (AEMMOD.BAS), a completely merged customized program (AEMAIL.BAS), and last the data file for the customized list (EMAIL).

Data Files


Printer Output

This is output for ALL records sent to the printer:


Command Cheat Sheet

Download PDF: Cheat Sheet


Show Links:


Bit Rating 2


Intro music is an excerpt from a chip tune by Wizwars named 8 Bit Raceway.  It is used under Creative Common license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States.

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