Micro Live Series 3: 17/10/1986 The home computer industry has recently seen important changes of fortune for some of its major players, including Sir Clive Sinclair, Alan Sugar of Amstrad, and Bryan Long of Acorn. Their views, plus a look at the latest hardware and software, make up an assessment of changes since the last episode of Micro Live. Also a review of do-it-yourself computer animation software and then, hotfooting it from this year's Computer Animation Film Festival ceremony, Lesley Judd reviews the best of this year's mainframe masterpieces. (1986) Credits Role Contributor Presenter Lesley Judd Presenter Ian McNaught-Davis Presenter Fred Harris Participant Sir Clive Sinclair Participant Alan Sugar Participant Bryan Long Director Terry Marsh Producer Peter Bratt Series Editor David Allen Broadcast Fri 17 Oct 1986 19:30 BBC Two