1. Media Player 6.4 (or better) must be installed on your system. If you don't know what version you have, open Media Player and click Help menu and then About item. If necessary, download Media Player from www.microsoft.com 2. Extract mpeg4fix.inf and mpg4c32.dll to a temp directory (f.ex. C:\temp). 3. In the temp directory, right-mouse-button click on mpeg4fix.inf and choose install from the popup menu. You have now installed MPG4, MP42, and MP43. If you still can't view the clip, reboot your system. Original text supplied with package.... MPEG-4 Video codec fix for Windows 9x and NT 4 Sep 12, 1999. By Somebody http://codeczone.da.ru/codec.htm Please note that I take NO RESPONSIBILITY for any problems this fix might cause on your system. I have verified it on a local system and on a number of other users computers, but there is no way for me to be able to guarantee that it will work on each and every system configuration out there. FIX: Install the latest (ver 6.4) Microsoft Mediaplayer if you have not already done so. Note that this package have an older driver file than what is included in the released version of the player/Windows Media Tools. The reason for this is that the released driver can have problems with playing .avi files encoded with MPEG4. I have not found any problems playing newer .asf files with the old driver, but keep in mind that you run on beta software if problems should arise. The released version of the MPG4C32.DLL file is also available on my webpage. This installer will replace any existing version of the MPG4C32.DLL file in your system directory (system32 on WinNT, Windows 2000). The old file (if existing) will be renamed to MPG4C32.BKP by the inf installer. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: To install the package, copy all the files to a temp dir (ie c:\temp) and rightclick on the file MPG4INST.INF and select INSTALL from the context menu. This will copy the needed file(s) to your system (system32 in WinNT) directory and update your system.ini (the registry on WinNT) with the codec/driver definitions. You may have to reboot to make the codec work in your mediaplayer, but it _should_ work without a reboot. You should now be able to play files in mpeg4 v1,2 and 3 format.