How many times have you checked and rechecked that magazine listing you
have just typed in only to find that you go cross-eyed looking at a whole
screen of data or wear your fingers out typing ..LIST 10..LIST 20..etc!
Well here's a handy little Utility which won't find your bug but will make
it a lot easier to read the screen.
Type it in, save it by using LIST "C:" and then merge it with
your newly typed program by using ENTER "C:". Type (in direct
mode) GOTO 32500 and then keep hitting any key and watch the lines scroll
up the screen. If your program starts at a high line number or jumps to a
much higher line number press ESC and type in the first, or next line
If you want to change a line in the program, press BREAK and use the
editing facility to amend the line. Type CONT to continue.