CLUB CALL will feature news from BUG. As the magazine gets bigger we
are happy to set aside pages for news of other user groups but in order to
get a bigger magazine we need a bigger circulation so it is up to Club
Secretaries and members everywhere to subscribe and contribute.
BUG is the Birmingham User Group - an independent Atari Computer Club
and at present meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at the
Matador Public House in the Bull Ring, Birmingham City Centre. There are
presently around 100 members and we are still growing! Our meetings so far
have been very well attended and we will soon settle down to a regular
format allowing everybody to join in activities which suit them. Probably
various special - interest groups will be founded within the Club and it
will be up to them to write for this column.
At present it is too early in our development to bring specific news so
we would like to hear from other User Groups in the hope that our members
will be able to contact other users and bring news from afar as well as
from within.
Club member Andrew Jones has written a superb program
"advertising" the Club and its Newsletter, but the program is
unfortunately too long to print. Andrew doesn't even own an Atari - he
borrowed one and wrote his program inside two weeks! Try and get a look at
it, it's quite a superb piece of work. I have a feeling that Andrew is
going to become one of the Club's top programmers. Anyone like to buy him
a machine?
As far as the U.K. goes I have tried to contact various other User
groups but have met with an alarming lack of enthusiasm! I am sure that
there are many other Atari users around who would like to join BUG or
subscribe to PAGE 6. Our members and our magazine welcome contact with
other groups, so - get in contact!
Atari say that there are some 30 user groups in the UK! They are
supposed to be circulating a list but if it arrives with the same
regularity as the Atari Connection we will never get in touch with each
other! Start writing to PAGE 6 right away.
ACE of Oregon has already been mentioned elsewhere in this issue but
deserve another mention as their Newsletter Editor, Mike Dunn was the
first to respond to this Editor's plea for help in starting off PAGE 6.
The folks in America seem to be much more into helping each other out and
I hope that Mike's quick response will spark off the same sort of
enthusiasm in BUG & elsewhere in England.
ACE welcome overseas members and you can join by sending an
International Money Order for $20.00 to Atari Computer Enthusiasts, 3662,
Vine Maple Dr. Eugene Oregon, OR97401, USA. For your membership you will
receive by Airmail about 10 issues of ACE Newsletter per year and will
probably make many new friends in the States.