FIRST STEPS takes a different format this month in that it
features an article and program submitted by JOHN DIMMER as a
Beginners Page. I am sure that John will be the first to admit that
there are many improvements that could be made to the program and that
is where you come in. See what you can learn from the program. I will
pass on all your suggestions.
The only alteration which has been made to the original is to
replace the original lines 10-50 with an amended line 1 and the
subroutine at line 500. As originally written, the program would only
run with 48K memory.
I purchased an Atari 800 at Xmas and I soon discovered that I
needed to know a vast amount of information and Atari are not very
helpful. I took Mike Reynolds-Jones' advice and bought 'Your Atari
400/800 Computer'. I found it to be excellent for the beginner. I also
subscribed to 'The UK Atari Owners Club' run by Maplin, and between
PAGE 6 and others I am slowly beginning to unravel the mysteries of
computing and the Atari - well they are mysteries to me! I also
bought the Master Memory Map which is invaluable in trying to
understand magazine listings.
I humbly offer my first 'long' program which is designed to work
out my bank balance and also act as a monthly reminder. It includes a
character set redefinition routine which I have pinched from 'The UK
Atari' - issue 1 (due acknowledgments). The program will have to be
adapted to your own personal requirements. Please send any suggestions
for improvements to the Editor.
Line 1 |
clears screen and lowers Memtop for
new character set |
Lines 3-9 |
sets up initial display |
Line 10 |
goes to subroutine at 500 to move
character set and redefine ! as £ |
Line 55 |
removes cursor |
Lines 61-75 |
sets the variables and monthly
variations |
Line 66 |
leave P=0:W(0)=0 |
Line 75 |
opens the channel for the Yes/No
interlude |
Lines 81-93 |
sets up the second display - adjust
for your own use |
Lines 95-110 |
the GET Yes/No routine |
Lines 125-170 |
does the calculations and sets up
the cheque display |
Lines 180-280 |
using string variables, the monthly
reminders are displayed. I used this area to remind me of
birthdays, anniversaries, bills etc. |
Lines 300-330 |
optional information to suit your
requirements |
Lines 345-347 |
allows you to repeat |