

Issue 5

Sep/Oct 83

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What do Atari users do in the summer? No, it isn't a conundrum, merely a comment, that judging by the almost empty postbag, the one thing you do not do is compute. Still we have had some fine days and maybe when the summer is over - all too soon - you will start writing in again. PAGE 6 goes on come rain or shine and this issue brings you some more good programs and articles. A couple of items deserve special mention and the first is Mark Hutchinson's article on your chance of fame, if not fortune. Do read it, it sums up nicely what PAGE 6 is trying to achieve. Look out for a couple of articles from Mark in coming issues. Next take a look at the second part of Phil Griffin's article on Memory Mapped Screens and in particular the demo program. It is a bit long for a demo but if you type it in, you will find the basis for what could be a very fine game. How about one of you adding some Players and Missiles and letting us have a new game for a future issue.

What gets you excited about Atari computing? As far as I am concerned, getting new programs in the Public Domain from America and elsewhere is one of the most enjoyable things which has come from starting PAGE 6. They may not be as good as commercial programs, but they bring new programming ideas and what's more they are free (well almost). Evidently you, the readers, do not share the same enthusiasm for not one person has, as yet, responded to the plea in the last issue for some programs to exchange. So what does get you excited Atari-wise?

Last issue I mentioned that we would be publishing a definitive list of Atari related books but you will not find it here. I did not realise just how many books there are - the list is now over 50. That would take up too much valuable space in the magazine but if any reader would like a copy of the list, please send 50p to cover the photocopying costs and a large stamped addressed envelope. A list of over 50 Atari books will then be yours.
