User Groups/Contact


Issue 5

Sep/Oct 83

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There is a new Atari User Group in Nottingham, or rather an Atari sub-group of the Nottingham Micro-Computer Club. Meetings are held fortnightly on Mondays at 7.30 p.m. at THE OLD CHURCH, CASTLEGATE, NOTTINGHAM. If you would like more details contact Dane Carty on 021-378 2235.

Merseyside Atari Computer Club now meet at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool still on every other Tuesday. Phone Roy Gibson on 051-606 9553 for further details.

ALEXANDER KELLS of 50 MONTGOMERY HOUSE, CLAREMONT ROAD, SEAFORTH, LIVERPOOL L21 1AU, would like to correspond with anyone interested in Adventures and would like some advice on how to program one. Write to him if you can help or want to share ideas.

Someone phoned a while back to ask how to get out of the Black Room or Stone Cell in Escape from Traam, but I have mislaid his name and phone number. If you are still in there please phone again and if any readers know the answer, please write in.


Why not write an account of what goes on in your group so that others will have an idea of what they can do in setting up a group of their own? It does not matter how large or small you are, other users will be interested in what you do.
