Line Lister

L. A. Lawson, Suffolk


Issue 5

Sep/Oct 83

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This short addition to any program will enable the user to check for typing errors and to correct any errors found.

After you have typed in your program listing, add the following lines:

32500 FOR I=0 TO 5000

32510 ? CHR$(125):LIST I

32520 IF PEEK(84)=2 THEN NEXT I

32530 POKE 764,255

32540 IF PEEK(764)=255 THEN 32540

32550 NEXT I

The 9999 in line 32500 should be replaced with the highest line number of the program you wish to be checked. Start off by typing GOTO 32500 and the first line of your program will be displayed on an otherwise clear screen. For each subsequent line, just hit the space bar.

If a typing error is found, hit the 'BREAK' key and make the correction in the usual way. To resume checking, type I=xxxx, where xxxx is the number of the line just corrected.

Remember to delete lines 32500 to 32550 before saving your program to tape or disk.
