Lots of rumours in the
press, particularly the Financial Times, about what Atari 'might' be
doing, including bringing out new 8, 16 and 32-bit machines. The 16
bit machine is said to be one which Atari had developed before the
takeover. Latest reports suggest that Atari have tripled their output
of 800XLs in Taiwan ready for the Christmas market. Several sources
over here report having seen a 1450XLD at Atari headquarters for
evaluation. Certainly Atari have something that they are keeping under
wraps and maybe by the time that you read this, we may all know what.
Atari have cancelled
all of their Service Centre contracts for In-Warranty repairs and will
in future replace any faulty unit that is under warranty. The
intention is that you return the unit to your supplier who will
replace it from stock. One problem is that exchanges will only be like
for like so if your dealer runs out of 400, 800 or 600XL machines as
is likely, you will have to return the unit directly to Atari. Service
Centres will still do out of warranty repairs and Atari will continue
to provide technical backing, training and spares.
We recently received
some information from Broadcasting Support Services concerning
BASICODE 2+ which is used by Radio 4's Chip Shop for broadcasting
software. Twelve different micros are supported but not Atari. If you
are interested in downloading broadcast software write to Broadcasting
Support Services, 252, Western Avenue, London W3 6XJ and tell them. Or
you can ring 01 992 5522.
Micro Research who have
advertised printer interfaces in previous issues have gone into
liquidation so don't bother to reply to their ads!
Several new items have been announced
by Optimized Systems Software Inc., the only American company to send
us product information. The MAC/65 ToolKit is an extensive collection
of macros designed specifically for use with either disk or cassette
versions of the MAC/65 assembler. The ACTION! ToolKit enhances ACTION!
programming capabilities with routines which allow player/missile
graphics, turtle graphics, joystick input, advanced I/O operations and
much more. THE WRITER'S TOOL is a new word processor with built-in
mail-merge, insert and typeover modes and compatibility with any DOS
in any density. Single key commands cover all enhanced printer
commands and the package supports most Atari-compatible printers.
Comes as a step by step tutorial reference manual, handy reference
card, cartridge and disk. Availability of these products in the U.K.
is not known at present but you should try the retailers in the GOTO
DIRECTORY or you can write to O.S.S. for more information at O.S.S.
Inc 1221-B Kentwood Avenue, San Jose. CA 95129, U.S.A

Pictured here are the new
cassette interface from Blackthorn which allows a normal low-cost data
recorder to be used with your Atari, and the redesigned printer
interface. The printer interface has been reduced in size to
approximately 5" x 2½" x 1¼" and has
longer cables of 22" to the computer and 35" to the printer.
It is now powered directly from the computer and works on both 400/800
and XL models. The printer interface is £69.95 and the cassette
interface £16.00 fully inclusive....