
by Allan Knopp



Issue 13

Jan/Feb 85

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Go forth, brave knight, to rescue yonder damsel held captive high in the towers of a mighty castle. The way is not easy but persevere and battle through and the maiden's favours shall be yours.

Camelot is a five screen game requiring 32k in which you control the knight as he runs around the castle attempting to reach the maiden. He can climb up and down ladders and jump from walls but needs to be precise in his movement. On each level he must find and collect a key in order to open the door at the bottom right and so progress to the next screen. Obstacles include falling firebombs, eerie and barely visible bats, water and huge yellow spider monsters. Contact with any of these will prove fatal.

Each screen is straightforward though progressively more difficult but on the final screen you must first collect the sword in order to cross the water. There is a time limit for each screen and the score is based on the amount of time left at the end of each completed screen.

The way is difficult but it can be done. Go forth, brave knight


AtariLister - requires Java
