An inexpensive aid to designing
Back in issue 2 we reviewed
the Victagraph Plot Window, a design aid for creating graphics on your
Atari computer. The Victagraph has now been revised to include a
comprehensive manual with a large section devoted to the 1020
printer/plotter and in view of the popularity of this printer I thought
it was about time we had another look at the Victagraph.
The Plot Window itself
remains unchanged. To re-cap, it consists of four sheets of plastic
measuring 17" x 12". One is a white base sheet, two are
see-through sheets with scales of 320 horizontally by 200 vertically and
the final sheet is a clear mask with sights at each corner which enable
you to plot and read off points. Quite complex designs can be copied as
the accompanying illustration shows. The scales are ideally suited to
Graphics 8 although other modes can be used with either a smaller
drawing or by scaling down. Good quality materials are used throughout
and the Victagraph remains an inexpensive way to put quality graphics on
the screen.
The new addition is a 46
page A4 size manual which will appeal especially to owners of the 1020
printer/ plotter. Although concerned with the use of the Victagraph, the
manual is an excellent introduction to graphics in general using many
illustrative programs and most of the latter half relates directly to
the 1020. Most of the design of the manual, including the cover,
illustrations, headings and listings have been done with the 1020,
showing just how versatile the machine is. The main text is typed with a
good quality typewriter but this does not detract from the content of
the manual.
All different sorts of
graphics design are covered including comprehensive detail on the use of
the little documented XIO FILL. Graphics modes 0 to 11 are fully
explained with the colours available, resolutions etc. and demo programs
are included for each. Other chapters cover the drawing of circles,
grids and different kinds of fill. The section dealing specifically with
the 1020 covers text and graphics modes and explains cartesian and
relative co-ordinate systems to enable full use to be made of the
printer. There follows a set of programs to enable easy placing of text,
enhanced text, circle text (very impressive!) and rotated text in the
graphics mode of the printer. It also includes three design aid programs
making it possible to mix text and graphics as desired.
If you are at all interested
in graphics design on your computer, the Victagraph will provide an
inexpensive aid to creating complex designs. If you have a 1020 printer/
plotter, it may be worth the price just for the manual for there is
precious little in Atari's own manual to enable you to use the printer
to the full.
The Victagraph Plot Window
retails at £11.75 and can be obtained by your local dealer from Hi-Tech
Distribution Ltd. Further enquiries may be made directly to the
manufacturers, Victagraphics, 7, Speechley Drive, Rugeley, Staffs. Tel.
08894 78230.

Skeksis by David Eaton
using the Victagraph Plot Window.