
by Ken Woodward



Issue 14

Mar/Apr 85

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Counteraction is a two player game that requires at least 32k memory. All instructions for play are included in the listing.

Although appearing quite simple, there is a great deal of strategy involved in deciding whether to move your own or your opponents counters and games can last some time. Each player continues to throw the dice until he can no longer move. The initials of each player (two letters) are entered at the commencement of play although these will not show up as they are entered. Where alternative moves are possible you will be given the choice before the computer moves the appropriate counter.

It is suggested that you play a few practice games to get the idea before taking on an opponent in earnest!

As the listing is quite long, the author is willing to provide copies on cassette. Send £2.50 to Ken Woodward, 42, Partridge Road, Llanhilleth, Abertillery, Gwent NP3 2JE Tel. 0495 215222. Please ensure that your address is included and is legible.

AtariLister - requires Java
