Crossword Creator

by Les Howarth



Issue 14

Mar/Apr 85

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Crossword Creator is written specifically for the 1020 Printer/Plotter and enables the user to create any number of 9 x 9 square crosswords, complete with clues. You may enter words wherever you wish.

The size of the grid is fixed by the DIMensioned arrays. WD array contains the finished crossword and BD array contains only the positions of the black squares. BD array is also used to draw the square and number it automatically. It is possible to alter the size of the grid but it would need a lot of work to do so.


All input is via the keyboard. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor about, there is no need to use the CTRL key. Characters are entered at the position of the cursor and can be changed by placing the cursor over an existing letter or may be erased with the DELETE/BACK SPACE key. If you are typing a word ACROSS, then the delete will work back across the screen and if you are typing a word DOWN, the delete will erase up the screen. The SELECT key will change the direction of typing and the current direction will be displayed on screen. Blank squares are created with the SPACE BAR.


Once you are satisfied with your crossword, you have two choices.

START will print out two copies of the crossword. The first copy will be a completed crossword and the program will stop to allow you to tear off this copy to assist you with the clues. The second copy is a blank grid with the black squares and numbering included.

OPTION will give just one printout of a blank grid with black squares.


When the grids have been printed, you may type in the clues against each number as it appears. Type the clue and press RETURN. The clue will immediately be printed out If you make a hash of it press START to re-do them. The printout will start afresh with either the across or down clues depending where you are up to.

The author would appreciate a copy of any improvements to the program or crosswords created with it. Send them to LES HOWARTH c/o PAGE 6 and we will pass them on.

AtariLister - requires Java
