We will publish the update column
in future issues to advise you of any errors, amendments or enhancements
to programs or articles in previous issues. If it's not here you
can assume that it was right in the first place!
DRAUGHTS (Issue 16). We
had dozens of explanations of why this did not work on the 800 but
only two readers got it right. The problem is a bug in the 800 OS
which wipes out 64 bytes past RAMTOP when 'clear screen' is printed.
The fix is simply to change line 10000 to
10000 POKE 106,PEEK{106)-10:Q=PEEK(106)+2:
Disk subscribers will find an amended
version on this issue's disk. 
BLACK BOX (Issue 16). An
occasional error creeps in at line 8130. Change the first part of
the line to
INT(RND(0)* 100)+ 1
RENUM (Issue 17). The number
in the USR call in the text should be 32768 to match the listing.
X-Y-ZAP (Issue 17). Allan
Knopp writes to tell us that a small bug has crept in so that the
score is not shown when all the lives have been lost. Change line
700 to
700 POSITION 4,7: ? #6; "high score";HSC
Allan also advises that the player
movement routine used {also used in Kanga) is by Tom Hudson and
from The Analog Compendium.
- Issue 17). Mr R C Marsh has written to say that Maplin make
a kit for a RTTY terminal for use with the Atari {Kit no. LK53 H)
and that Maplin Magazine published a comprehensive article in their
September 1984 issue.