
Reviewed by Matthew Jones


Issue 21

May/Jun 86

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ATARI ST GEM Programmers Reference

ATARI ST INTERNALS (The authoritative insiders guide)
Published by Abacus Software

Distributed in U.K. by First Publishing 

ATARI ST INTERNALS and ATARI ST GEM Programmers Reference are the first two books to be published that claim to be 'technical' manuals, rather than guides to using the desktop et al. As such I bought them as soon as I saw them at the Atari User Show in London, hoping that I wasn't just buying a pair of lemons.

The introductory sections of each book, especially the GEM programmers guide tend to waffle on, and, in general, are somewhat inaccurate. Not too inaccurate, but enough to annoy. For example AES is said to stand for Application Environment System, whereas DRI, ATARI and the rest of the world understand it to mean Application Environment Services. Fortunately such trifling inaccuracies do not stop the 'meat' of the books being very good and useable. The GEM reference (414 pages) has three sections, the introduction (including a simple guide to C), the VDI calls and the AES calls. Ignore the introduction and you have a very good guide to GEM, with ST specific comments on many of the calls. For example, it says 'The Open Workstation function is not available on the ST and tends to crash' under the vopnwk() information. This sort of thing is invaluable information (and I am not being sarcastic) for ST programmers, and this is the first time it has been put in print. This book, like many other manuals, does not set out to teach you GEM from scratch, it will however teach you a lot, and is an excellent reference. If you want to use GEM in your programs, you need this book.

The ST Internals book (446 pages) covers the hardware and operating system side of the ST. The hardware side gives pin-outs of both the interface sockets and of all the major chips in the Atari. Basic technical explanations of all the various parts, including the sound chip and mouse are covered. The BIOS, XBIOS and GEMDOS calls are all covered with a fair amount of detail. Unfortunately no sample 'C' call is given with the GEMDOS information, but it can be worked out. The system variables are also listed, and these differ in some respects to the list given by Atari. It turns out that Atari are wrong, so I hope this bodes well for the accuracy of the rest of the book. I have described briefly just a few subjects covered by the book but there is also information covering just about every subject you could think of, and more.

Summing up this limited review, I would say that if you are intending to program the ST in a language other than BASIC or LOGO, you should have these books. You will find something in each which fits your requirements. These books are not lemons and will certainly bear fruit for programmers.

Copyright 1986. Matthew Jones.
