You might be forgiven for feeling that we have
some connection with Ariolasoft for every issue seems to mention
them. The fact is that they are one of the few companies to have a
regular schedule of releases for Atari and to let people know what
they are doing. Good for them, they will continue to get our support
and deserve yours.
This issue brings news of a cassette version of
Archon II priced at £9.95. Archon has already been reviewed by PAGE
6 and Archon II is reported to be better although we have not yet
seen it.
On disk priced at £14.95 is Racing Destruction
Set, a computerised 1 or 2 player slot-car racing game. The game
features a split screen with 50 of the world's top racing circuits
and a choice of ten different vehicles, 14 gravity settings(?) and
four backgrounds. Circuits and vehicles can be customised and you
can drive Grand Prix, motocross, roadrace, dirt track and more. Lots
more options, sounds like great fun!
Continuing with their excellent `Home
Productivity' range May saw the release of B/Graph on two disks at
£29.95. Aside from being the only serious graphing package
available for the Atari, B/Graph received rave reviews when it was
first released by Batteries Included a couple of years ago. Anyone
interested in putting their Atari to serious use should look out for
this. Pie graphs, bar charts, line and area graphs each with up to
three factors and 100 data points and a lot more besides.

For all those hooked on Mercenary, Novagen are
offering a unique enhancement to the game in the form of the Targ
Survival Kit, a unique package of a poster, fact sheets, a booklet
and Mercenary badge. Very nicely produced and costing just £3.95
mail order direct from Novagen.
Due for imminent release is a second data set for
Mercenary entitled THE SECOND CITY. Using the load game feature of
the original game a whole new scenario is presented which the
authors claim will provide a really tough challenge for all those
who have escaped from Targ. THE SECOND CITY is available on cassette
at £5.95 or disk at £9.95.
Mercenary II is scheduled for the end of the year
if you are still hooked!
'You find yourself in a smoke filled shop. Your
task is to rescue as much software as possible and start trading
again in the shortest time possible!'. That was the real life
situation confronting John Spring of The Atari Center in Broad
Street, Birmingham just as we delivered the last issue of PAGE 6!
The people next door were not doing too well so decided to let the
insurance company provide the profits! They were carted off by the
police but not before a huge pall of smoke and soot descended on a
lot of Atari software. Undaunted, John Spring and his staff set
about stripping out the shop, re-decorating and restocking. Just
three days later they were back in business.
The enforced lay-off gave them a chance to
re-evaluate and John Spring now claims that The Atari Center is
'stronger than ever' and even more firmly committed to provide on
going support for the 8-bit and VCS Ataris.
The highly praised ST Adventure, The Pawn will
reportedly be available on the 400/800/130XE later this year with
'no compromises on quality'. Hard to believe after seeing the ST
version but if Magnetic Scrolls pull out all the stops for the 8-bit
machines you could be playing the new definitive Adventure by
Fancy a synthesiser? We recently received from
DigiComm comprehensive details of their MIDI music system for the
400/800/XL or XE computers. Featuring a MIDI interface and 16 track
Recorder software it enables you to hook up a synthesiser to your
Atari and do whatever it is that computers and synthesisers do
together! It is hard to comment on the system as four pages of
printed information don't sound the same as Rick Wakeman(!) but if
you want more details drop a line to DigiComm, 170, Bradwell Common
Boulevard, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK13 8BG.