When you have lots of disks and work with them
quite often, the time comes when you are fed up with inserting the
DOS disk just to see what programs are on a disk, how many sectors
are left or to rename or delete a file. MENU will help you by making
a lot of the DOS based tasks easier you will find it a great help
when you are in a hurry.
Once you have typed in the program and checked it
with TYPO 3, SAVE it on a disk which has DOS.SYS on as "D:MENU",
then RUN it. Call the 7th Option which is Make Autorun.Sys and type
in the following line:
POKE 710,68: POKE 712,68: POKE
and hit RETURN.
Now just switch the computer off and on again. The
MENU program will autoboot and Run itself. If it doesn't work,
please repeat starting from the 7th option again, checking that the
statement above is correct. You can of course substitute any one
line BASIC statement of your own.
Strings and Variables
A$ -
Records file names from the disk. Maximum length 17 places.
BIG$ - Longest string that stores 26 program names, each starting
with a different letter as an entry code.(26 letters In alphabet)
T$ - Transfer string. Compares contents of strings in sorting
TR$ - Transfer string.
D$ - Program name string.
TR1$ - Program Name string
NM1$ - Old Name of Program string.
NM2$ - New name of Program string.
Complete program name string.
A1$ - Command string to be used in AUTORUN.SYS
70-100 - DIMensioning, Opening Channels, text graphic plus
screen and border color.
main MENU Page to screen.
190-240 -
Transferring all of the program titles from the disk.
250-330 - Sorting in Alphabetical order the program titles.
340-460 - Printing program titles to the main page, in alphabetical
order with necessary single letter entry codes.
470-580 - Printing -7- choices of MENU program and requesting an
590-710 - 1st choice. Load-Run section. LOADs and then RUNS the
requested program.
720-810 - 2nd choice. RENAMEing an existing program on the disk,
using XIO.
820-900 - 3rd choice. DELETing an existing program on the disk,
using XIO. Visually you can see the deletion.
910-1000 - 4th choice. LOCKing an existing program on the disk, for
over write protection, again using XIO. Visually you can see the
locking with the -*- mark.
1010-1100 - 5th choice. UNLOCKing an existing program on the disk,
using XIO. Visually you can see the unlocking. The lock sign -*-
will disappear.
1110-1280 - 6th choice. To format a disk either Double Density or
Single Density.
1290-1420 - Section that finds the place of the program title in the
main MENU page.
- Section that specifically locates the title of the program.
1560-2160 - 7th Choice. AUTORUN.SYS to autoboot the disk and RUN the
requested program, automatically. The entry command must not be more
than 106 letters and preferably no quotation marks be used.