48k Disk £9.95
48k cassette £7.95
1 Player
A parody of the Bogart private eye movie 'The Maltese
Falcon', QUEST FOR THE MALTESE CHICKEN is a nifty little platform
game with clear, colourful graphics, a catchy title tune, and just
about the correct level of playability - at least for yours truly to
cope with!
Detective Bogey has taken on a new case - to retrieve the fabulous
'Golden Egg' of the MALTESE CHICKEN which it lays only once every
blue moon, or every time Ocean release an Atari game - whichever
comes first! Bogey has traced the chicken to it's mountain hideout
and, to reach it's nest, he must first pass through the underground
Enchanted Castle, dodging ores, fireballs, soldiers, arrows, witches
(similar to mother-in-laws but not quite as ugly), snakes, and even
killer balloons, whilst leaping across gaping chasms in his quest
for that elusive egg!
Bogey begins at the top of each screen and must make his way to the
exit at the bottom, collecting several keys along the way which
eventually give him access to the next screen. There are 5 different
screens in all before he locates the egg and thus advances to the
next level of play. just to keep things interesting, more and more
adversaries are added as the levels progress.
As good as Sidewinder is, I rate the MALTESE CHICKEN as Futureware's
best game so far. All credit to them for supporting the Atari and
let's hope they continue to do so with games of this quality. Play
it again, Sam!!