Disk £9.95
48k Cassette £7.95
1 joystick/keyboard
This game from Red
Rat combines skilful strategy with arcade action to form an
intriguing new war game.
You are under attack from a neighbouring country and,
as a result of a previous confrontation, your defences are now very
weak. Your enemy sends powerful warships to attack your main base
and your only hope lies with the heavily armed and deadly Lynx
helicopter which is at your disposal. You must deploy it against the
attacking surface ships and missiles.
The game features four-way scrolling as you guide the
Lynx into battle, making counter-strikes against the enemy warships
and salvaging the raw materials which your armaments factory needs
to produce more weapons and ammunition.
Your secondary aim is to protect your own base, but your primary
objective is to attack and destroy the enemy's underground harbour
and achieve final victory.
Apart from the usual joystick commands, various
keyboard inputs are required to operate all the strategic functions,
making WAR-COPTER quite a tricky game to handle at first. A good
effort from Red Rat though - and top marks to them for an original
idea. There's precious few of those about these days!